
Tuesday 29 January 2019

A Stunning Card by Janet

Good Morning Ladies,

I couldn't wait to share with you all this stunning card that Janet has created, using Tonic Oceana Layering Die Set.

Such a lovely die set, I was wondering why it was called 'Oceana' but seeing the mermaid in the centre kind of gives it away.  I guess the outer edge looks like shells too.
Janet you have given this card your 'Special Touch', your ribbon weaving is just stunning and I love how you have topped the centre off with a lovely wreath of roses.  I think that beautiful shade of blue foiled card is what really makes the card pop.
Where do you find these lovely colours Janet, are they the Crafters companion foiled card range?
The beautiful corners make the circular design work perfectly on a square card base.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card with everyone today Janet.

Janet's card also works for this weeks challenge, using Categories: Circle/Ribbon/Flowers

I will add the grid again today as it was obstructed by the notifications on the side of the Blog yesterday.

Now I was so pleased to see that it wasn't just me that needed the Soap Box yesterday, if got a right good breaking in for the New Year, I think we may need two!

Lilian I think you have been treating appallingly, if you don't want to fight your corner then please Email me your order number and details and I will 100% try and resolve the issue, take lots of photos too, thats what I did on Saturday, to show the damage.  Let me know if I can help you though my lovely, £10 no way covers the damage caused, it never ceases to amaze me how poorly they think that they can get away with treating their

I had an issue with them last Sept, I had ordered some stamps earlier in the year that happened to be on Easy Pay, in fact it must have been soon after we moved in, as after we had changed the addresses on our Bank cards etc (which I I had notified them of).  Anyway the last transaction didn't go through, so I called and paid over the phone, they chap had said everything was fine and resolved.  So I thought no more of it, until September time I had a letter threatening to involve a collections agency, well, you know how badly my anxiety affects me!! I got straight on the phone and asked them to explain, I told them that I had called and paid the £7.25 over the phone and was assured by the agent that all was fine.  She could look on screen and see that I had called  but explained that that payment had been declined too, so by this time I was getting a little bit 'pissed off' (sorry no polite way of getting my frustration across).  
I asked her to read me back the details that they had for me on file, bearing in mind that they had sent the stamps to this address!!  They were using our old address and get this, when that didn't work the only other address on the account was Pat's (as I ordered some pencils for her years ago), this was the reason that the payments were not going through, they were using the wrong address as verification.
She then started to apologise and she had never known this happen before etc etc, she then offered me a 'Special Code' for the next time I ordered etc.  I categorically refused then and there to ever shop with them again.  If I see anything on there that I like I go and order from the company direct, I think the company benefits more from that anyway as they aren't having to give a percentage to Hochanda.
Take my Derwent Coloursoft pencils as an example, Hochanda had them on a 'Super , amazing' offer price, I automatically check online to compare and on Amazon they were £40 cheaper with free next day delivery!!

Update on my Soap Box moment.....Still no Ink Cartridges, they chap is now blaming Royal Mail,  although I explained to him that Royal Mail had been and delivered both our Mail and parcels today, just not anything from them.  I am awaiting his response! 

The Works emailed today and have asked for Photos of damage, which I luckily took at the time!

Michele, thats terrible, if you win a prize you don't expect to have to keep chasing it up, I know you won't stop until you get it though!! xxx

Pat, I did giggle at your Soap Box moment, as I had visions of your tiny little legs poking out of the top of the wheelie bin!  In all seriousness though, I wouldn't want my parcels in there, I know its not 'dirty waste' as such but still not ideal, glad you got it out in the end. xxx

Lynda, I think it's quite concerning that they gave you drugs that you are no longer prescribed, if you didn't have a clear mind it could cause a lot of problems.  Hope you got it sorted my lovely xxx

Val, I had everything crossed for poor Harvey today, I hope that the Vet could help this time, sending you and Harvey huge hugs, we worry about our pets as much as we do our children I think, I didn't realise how much I talked to Milo, Bella and Harley until one of the girls pointed it out!  Crazy Cat Lady in the making I think!! sending hugs xxx 🐾

Right Ladies I think that we should balance out these Negative Company comments, so lets hear a company name from each of you that has given Outstanding Service...….

My first one would be Ben at In2Craft (was SET Craft) for super fast delivery and all round Great service.
I look forward to reading who yours are…..

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone,
    Very pretty card Janet.
    I'm crying as I'm typing this but yesterday we had to make the awful decision about Harvey. There was just nothing the vet could do for him anymore. It's a very sad house at the moment, even the other animals seem to sense something is wrong.

    Take care everyone.
    Daily hugs to all not feeling good.
    Love Valx

    1. Oh sweetheart How sad Take care

    2. Oh Val, Such sad news, you are all going to miss Harvey, he was part of the family. Just remember all the joy he bought into your lives.
      Sending very caring hugs. xxx

    3. Val my heart goes out to you I know how your feeling my friend. After loosing my two babies not so long ago. As Brenda said remember all the joy he bought into your lives.
      Lots of love & Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what an absolutely stunning card.

    Val-I’m so sorry for your loss, I’m sure it’s going to feel very odd without Harvey for quite some time.

    Sandra-I got a reply from the publishers yesterday to say my voucher will be emailed to me mid-February!
    I’d like to nominate 2 companies.... in2craft fir such good service, great prices & quick delivery. Also Craftstash because I contacted them as I found an additional item in my last order and they said if I would use it then I could keep it. It wasn’t an expensive item but they were very generous saying I could keep it.


  3. Morning Everyone
    Oh what a surprise it was to see my card when I opened up this morning.
    I just could not resist buying this die set when I saw it as it's so delicate and of course the mermaid theme is just right for little girl cards.

    The mirror card is Tonic SANDRA.I bought some last Autumn for Seasonal card making. All the colours are just gorgeous and lovely to use.

    VAL- I'm so sorry to hear about Harvey. Animals are such generous beings giving us unconditional love and support at all times. You are going to be lost for quite some time but remember all the happy times. HUGS are on their way to you Dear Friend.

    Off to K&N this afternoon. Looking forward to catching up on all things I've missed since the last one.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in throughout the day. HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for PAT and PETE. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  4. Good morning to you all.
    We are back after a fun and relaxing holiday. Had plenty of snow and it was cold but nothing like it is here. I'm absolutely chilled to the bones and wearing layer on top of layer to try to stay warm.
    Have not read all the comments yet but just seen your sad news Val.So sorry it was nothing else that could be done. Sending you hugs.
    Beautiful card Janet. Such a lovely die and gorgeous mirror card used. Have fun this afternoon at K&N.
    Craftstash and Amazon have been very good companies to buy from and if there was any problems they looked into that right away. Never bought from Hochanda and have found items they are selling much cheaper elsewhere and don't like the idea you have to pay monthly to be a member.
    Yesterday was spent doing the washing and face timing my new sister and my parents. Mum had fallen over on ice but luckily not broken anything but pretty bruised.
    Going to do some food shopping now and it will be a fruit and veg one with some chicken and fish mostly for after all the eating while being on holiday has been lovely it's now time to tackle the weight issue once again :( Hoping being busy making cards will help.
    Big warm hugs to you all. Maria xxx

  5. Hello All, wet again, snow forecast for later.

    Janet what a beautiful card, love the flowers.

    Val sending BIG hugs to you, sorry you lost your little friend.

    Update on my rant yesterday:
    I sent the photo to crafters companion as I thought they should see what had happened. Although it’s for Hochanda to sort, they have sent me a new pack of dies, so I have all my goods now, but still feel it was shabby treatment by Hochanda, especially as they said the dies were no longer available. Lesson learnt, will look elsewhere in future.
    Many thanks to you for offering to help, you a great bunch of friends.

    Off to have my echo cardio gram done again today, feeling nervous of what they will find. Still maybe they will find different medication.

    I find Country view crafts a good company to deal with, they are the only ones that carry the Stamperia papers that I love, also free p&p.

    Have a good day all, Sandra hope you get ink and your book sorted. Lilian

  6. A beautiful card JANET Another timeless one
    So sorry VAL Our pets are part of the family So it will take time Take care hun
    As well as the other companies mentioned I would like to give a shout-out to iconuk and Joanna Sheen Always a great service
    Hugs to VAL PAT and PETE xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for showing us the beautiful card of Janet's, no wonder you didn't want to wait, well done
    Hope your ink arrives soon, you could have walked it
    Val so sorry to hear your news, lots of hugs on way to
    Lilian hope echo cardio gram goes ok, hugs on
    Maria pleased you had a relaxing holiday in the cold, good luck with diet again
    I had exercise class again this morning, got 1 more, feel like I need some more but they test me before the end of next week & compare with what I could do when I started. I have found Craft Stash very prompt & price wise they are good.
    Sending hugs to Val, Pat & Pete love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you for sharing JANETS beautiful card with us, it deserves its own day. Janet you have certainly created a truly lovely card. xx
    Had a busy day, went into Croydon this morning, to pick some things up for my sister, bumped into two cousins in different locations, so my quick trip took a lot longer than planned. Back home caught up with a few jobs.
    Tomorrow I have an early start, I’m going to Leicester to visit my sister, she will be having open heart surgery on Thursday, so will do my best to distract her.
    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Good evening Sandra & Ladies
    Sorry late no excuse really I had a PJ day. It's been very dark raining & freezing all day. I did some ironing then crafting such a chore.
    JANET what a gorgeous card from you today it's lovely.
    MARIA lovely to have you back safe & sound. Glad you enjoyed your holiday.
    Sorry to here your mum had a nice you face timed your new sister.
    Big Hugs my friend.
    MICHELE glad your getting you prize money soon
    LILIAN glad you got a new set of Dies from crafters companion.hope
    I can recommend A crafty place I first came across them at Ally Pally their prices are really good.& good service.& lots that have already mentioned.
    Hug's for Val Pat & Pete & everyone.
    Love Lynda xx
