
Monday 28 January 2019

Monday TicTacToe Challenge

 Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well after a very blustery weekend, my goodness that wind had a bite to it, it was definitely a 'stay at home' kind of weekend.  We have a lot a standing water around here as well after a considerable amount of rain over past few days, all we need now is a frost and the roads will be treacherous!

I thought I would choose a TicTacToe challenge for this week, it seems a popular choice with all of you and you can make virtually any card for any occasion using it. This one has something for everyone, birds for Lilian 😉, we all use die cuts, its always great to have a 'Masculine' choice, particularly for Karen this week, maybe an eclipse card???😜
In all seriousness its a great grid for spring cards, which is something we all look forward to making after all of those Christmas cards.  Although I bet that Michele could make a Christmas card out of this grid, maybe that should be an EXTRA challenge!!

I am excited to see what you all make, I just love those messages!!

I am getting the Soap Box out, can someone give me a hand climbing up??……
I ordered the Freddie Mercury Biography from The Works on Friday and a couple of other things that I needed, paid for fast delivery as a couple of things were needed for girls for Sunday.  Anyway, we were going to be out for a few hours so I did what we always do and left a note for the parcel to be left either in Greenhouse or the little potting shed, both were left unlocked and are clearly visible.
We got back at about 4.45 after visiting Pat, popping to garden centre and then popping into town to a little tea room for a cup of tea and a piece of cake, just to kill time until we needed to collect girls from work.  As we pulled up onto the drive I could see the box by the back door, where it had been since 11am in the pouring rain, I took it inside didn't need to use scissors to open as the box all but collapsed, lucking 3 of the things were in cellophane but my book wasn't and the water has soaked the top corner, causing the cover to tear.  Hermes were the courier used, you would think that they had enough experience to not leave a card board box in the bloomin rain!!
I have photographed everything and emailed The Works to complain, so watch this space!!

But thats not all, I have bought some Travellers Note Book printable images/kits and have been desperate to have a go but I am having serious printer issues, now it may well be our own fault as we have used 'Compatible' inks, for our printer, the colours are printing out totally wrong and the images aren't 'sharp' enough!  So I got Paul to get our older printer out of the loft, I ordered a new cable for it as we had misplaced it in the move, we got it all set up but it needed Light Cyan ink, so on Friday I rang a local company, thinking we could go and collect but that wasn't an option, he did however promise me faithfully that if I ordered by 4pm he would guarantee that it would be here Saturday Morning...….well I guess he wasn't quite as genuine as I thought, his invoice arrived ok, but no ink, so I called and asked where it might be, I also said that as he was less than 5 miles away maybe he could keep his promise and deliver it.  His response was '' I can't do anything about Royal Mail Delivery times', 'your issue is with them, not me''!   I think he knew full well that they wouldn't arrive on time.  But the result of his bad business attitude is that I will tell everyone not to use his Ink supply company.... so ladies do not use ''Ink Save''

That is my rant over, so if someone could help me down, we can stow the Soap Box back under the stairs for next time!   Thanks for's good to talk!! lol, hahahha

I hope that you all have a lovely week,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-this us a great challenge, lots of choice and yes, I’m sure it’s possible to make a Christmas card from this. Maybe this challenge could run for 2 weeks so everyone can make a festive card or a second card too??

    I think everything survived the fakes we had yesterday-it was truly hideous out.

    Soapbox required.......I had a card featured in Diecutting Essentials a while ago & it said I’d won a £50 voucher not that they contacted me, I messaged them and got a reply saying it would be emailed out to me in the New Year, I’ve messaged twice since & note! I emailed yesterday quoting dates & sent the photo of my card in their magazine...let’s see if I get a response . Rant over!

    I’m hoping I don’t have too many problems to deal with at work today-fingers crossed.


  2. Morning Everyone
    I think we all had an horrendous day yesterday re the weather I wanted to go to the Range as my black ink pads had failed me on Thursday so we ventured out. Good job I had Jim to hold me up and my trusty wheelie to also steady me. Anyway mission accomplished so I'm back in business with ink pads at the ready and in time for this week's Challenge.

    I good Challenge SANDRA. I'm looking forward to see what my little grey cell comes up

    It's Mr Tesco this morning and then I'm hoping to get to my craft table and play.

    The CAFE is Open for the day so pop in and have a chat.
    HUGS winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. I certainly didn’t venture out yesterday I was feeling really lazy too! So after the ironing and cooking I relaxed by making a card for a colleague at work after spelling his name wrong on the one I made Saturday! It does fit the challenge if ScanNCut fits as die cut....which is a great one My problem is I swap and change my mind I also finished an amigurami animal I love watching Call the Midwife So al in all a very pleasant Sunday

    Some companies really take the “mick” don’t they? I think I’m going to have to have an argument later about some missing diabetes consumables

    The weather seems a lot calmer and the sun is out But it’s sooo cold

    Take care all Thinking of you all xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Lovely cards yesterday ladies, both old and new. Great ccthis week Sandra, something for everyone.

    Sandra it sounds as though you had a frustrating weekend, parcel wise. Mind you I'm still waiting for Barrie's Christmas card ha ha

    Having to take Harvey back to the vets later so fingers toes and everything else crossed.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs to all with special one for Pat Pete and anyone not feeling good.
    Love Valx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Yes we also have some sun but it's freezing. I let 8 paws out earlier but they soon rushed back in the look on their faces said it all 😱
    Can I use the soap box please I have to go to the doctors this morning to try & sort my tablets out as I picked up prisciption from the chemist Friday they gave me Clopidogrel which have been stopped since November 1917 after my stent. also methotrexate & folic aced which the hospital stopped over a year ago.Then two items I did order weren't in my bag. Soap box back in the corner.
    SANDRA good Challenge for this week thank you.
    Well I better get shower ready to go out.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat & Pete love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra great challenge this week, hope to have a go later.
    Hope you have a better day today, I can understand how frustrated you were on
    Val I have everything crossed for you, hope Harvey is ok,
    hugs on
    It is a bright & sunny morning but cold, looks lovely but will not be going far, I have snowdrops out in garden so spring is on its way I hope.
    Sending hugs to Pat & Pete & anybody else who needs them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well imunable to comment via Sues method. So I’m having to prove I’m not a robot. Although I could do with one here at the moment. I could go to Farnborough and leave my other self with Pete.
    Great to see you Sandra and Paul on Sat. Thanks for the rainbow drops and flowers.
    I understand your frustration with the post Sandra. I had a parcel come while we were out. They left a note saying they’d left it in our recycling bin. As it had just been emptied I had to turn the bin upside down. They could have left in the recycling box which was next to it,

    Lovely to see you and Paul

  8. Hello All, lovely sunny day, but freezing, two loads of washing on the line.

    I’ll join on the soap box , ordered patchwork dies when they were on offer from Hochanda, five sets with six fat quarters, one day special,£105, also a bottle of fabric stabiliser liquid, when they arrived the whole 500ml had leaked over every thing including the delivery drivers vehicle, it had into to all the packets of dies. All they have refunded my card is £10 , although as they were for a gift there was no way you could give them full of the horrible liquid. So no more orders from me.
    Sorry I’m not good at fighting my corner.

    Sandra good challenge this week, not sure what I’ll do yet, perhaps something with primroses if I can find my stamps.
    Hope you are all having a good day, hugs Lilian.

    1. That's not so good Lilian, I'd give them a ring and ask for the manager or CEO just to show you mean business. Then I would take pictures and post them on every social media you belong to warning people of their 'no show' customers services. Hope you get more back than the £10
      xxx xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lots of lovely choices for this weeks challenge card, I will try my best to join in this week.
    Oh Sandra I can feel your frustration over your parcel on Saturday and also the inks for the printer. Why is it the service we used to get seems to have gone downhill? But I do have to say there are some people who still give a fantastic service - over and above! It’s such a good feeling when you get that quality of service.
    VAL Hope Harvey got on fine at the vets. xx
    LYNDA Hope you got your prescription sorted out. xx
    PAT and PETE thinking of you xx
    Ladies try and keep warm, the sun maybe out but it’s still very cold outside.
    Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    The challenge looks good this week. I want to make at least one Christmas card so will have to have a think.
    I’m not surprised you needed the soap box out, do people taking on delivery jobs for certain companies have to prove that they have NO common sense at all???? If they had the cost of the parcel taken directly from their wages I bet they would suddenly get some!!!! And being lied to, basically just to get the business, makes my blood boil too. I know that you, like me and Mum and others try to shop locally if possible even when ordering online. Ink save certainly won’t be getting my custom. I must try and find the Freddie Mercury book written by his partner after Freddie died so you can read it. I’ll try and bring it over on Wednesday xx
    Lilian, I will happily fight your corner with Hochanda of you want me to. I hate being fobbed off and to only offer you £10 is an absolute insult. Please let me know if you want me to help. I hope it’s not as cold down by you as it is here xx
    Michele, good luck. I hope you get your voucher very soon. You should also add in that you have missed lots of after Christmas sales that you would have bought from using the voucher! X
    I’m on swimming duty and Paige is just about to get out so I have to go now.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
