
Sunday 27 January 2019

Your First Blog Challenge Cards, New & Old.....

My New Card

My Original card

Good Morning Ladies,

I have absolutely loved this weeks Old and New challenge, what has surprised me most is the fact that in three years nothing much has changed in how we make our cards.  I was kind of expecting things to look a little dated etc but they really don't, your original cards would be just as well received today as they were back then, which given how fast craft styles change is surprising.
Although if you think about it everything seems to come back round, I know that SU have just launched a 'Cogs' die, which surprised me as I have the first, original Spellbinders Cogs die, that Steampunk style has never really gone away either, it just fades in and out of popularity.
Animals, Birds and Butterflies are timeless too as are cute animal images. 
The upside of this is that we are all, always 'Bang on Trend' 😉😜

Here are all of your cards, I have included everyone that is on the Blog today that made cards back then......

2016 Original

Cheryl made this card for our original Challenge in 2016, I loved it then and I still love it now, such a fantastic image and Cheryl has made a fabulous card with it.
Remember this one Cheryl??  
Thanks my  lovely xxx


 Janet's new card

The 2016 Original

We have both past and present Challenge cards from Janet, the original card was made with Janet's Dolly Dimples images (I think), set on a really pretty background and embellished with some pretty daisies.
Janet's new challenge card is a real WOW, using some gorgeous background papers, in rich golds and brown, that die cut heart flourish is just stunning Janet, the finishing touches really make the card they include little pearl corners and flowers and a Beautiful bow, trimmed with a pretty pearl flower.
Two delightful cards Janet, thank you so much for taking part. xxx

Karen's 1st NEW card

Karen's 2nd NEW card

Karen's 1st Original 2016 card

Karen's 2nd 2016 Card

Karen made 2 cards for each of the Old and New challenges, 

The first card was made with what we refer to as 'Lynda's die from wish, which Karen has placed over a chalked background. I love this card Karen 

Karen's second NEW card is simply stunning,  I love the white on white, such an amazing card Karen, No Serif necessary!! ;)
Here is Karen's description......

Another cc I left the embellishments off because in my opinion even though it is white on white it was beginning to look a bit “busy” to me
So it’s JL Poinsettia dies and stamps
JL Swirling ivy
CE contemporary Poinsettia EF
SW Pierced tag
Mrs Duck’s Snow
Again no Serif!

Karen's two Original cards are both amazing, I didn't ask for descriptions back then so I am not sure of all the products used.  I am pretty sure that the second card features the Chemical Composition of Beer!
Your cards certainly haven't dated Karen, that are as fab today as they were 3 years ago!

Thank you so much for all of your cards xxx


Lilian has made two cards for the same challenge 3 years apart and used Birds on both cards, what were the chances of that????!
Your original card is so lovely, featuring a gorgeous bird topper, placed upon a perfectly coordinating background, a lovely border strip and what looks like a peel off sentiment to finish. 

Your New card Lilian is absolutely stunning, Lilac and Green are a match made in heaven as far as I am concerned, the bird image you have used is beautiful and your stamped background is just so perfect.  

Lilian thank you for taking part this week, your card is just stunning as is your original. xxx

Lynda's New Card

Lynda's Original 2016 card

Lynda has both New and Original card featured today, both are absolutely amazing!
I love the work you have put into building up the overall image of your new card, the background is amazing and the Dragonflies are gorgeous.
Here is Lynda's description...…

My challenge card
I used distress oxide Blended with Fired brick & Fossilised Amber then embossed with tattered lace folder foliage & butterflies
John lockwood dragonflies
Sue Wilsons flowers

Lynda's Original card features an absolutely gorgeous topper that Lynda has mounted onto a red mat and a lovely embossed backgroung, embellished with some stunning roses.

Two stunning cards Lynda, thank you so very much for taking part xxx


Margaret wasn't making cards when we launched our challenges, but boy has she made up for it since, this card is gorgeous.

Margaret has used the Needlepoint Nook Designer Series Papers to create her card, that beautiful card needs nothing more than a few punched butterflies and a sentiment!

Thank you so much Margaret for another amazing card, just think you will have two cards when we revisit this challenge in a couple of years! xxx


Maria is on holiday so can't take part in this weeks Challenge, she did take part in the original challenge back in 2016 though. 

Such a fantastic card Maria, using a Sue Wilson Striplet die as the background, Maria has very cleverly used the flower pot and added an actual rose as the flower, absolutely Brilliant Maria, I love that sentiment too.
I hope you are having fun in the snow and love seeing your original card. xxx


Michele missed our Original challenge by a couple of weeks but she has more than made up for it since.  
This card is so very cute Michele, that puppy just melts my heart! I love those pansies on the background too.  
Thank you so much Michele for taking part in this weeks challenge. xxx


Sue has been poorly this week so didn't take part, she did take part in the Original challenge though.

I love the super cute image you have used Sue, again I think that this card hasn't dated at all, that flower border is lovely, I love how you have cut it down to make a flower for the cats hair and used the same flowers for the little floral spray.

I hope you are feeling better my lovely, I hope you love seeing your original blog challenge card. xxx


Val has made another adorable Valentine card, sadly Val wasn't around for the first challenge but like the others has more than made up for it since becoming part of our lovely blog family..

An adorable Unicorn matted onto a die cut circle, a lovely vintage tag upon an amazing vintage background paper create the backdrop to this lovely card.  It wouldn't be Valentines day without a few hearts to finish the card.

Thank you so much Val for taking part in this weeks challenge xxx

Ladies, what can I say....Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart, for over 3 years of Challenge cards, you are all amazing! 

I am now off  to think about next weeks challenge.....what would you like to see??

Enjoy your Sunday my lovelies,

Love and Hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a fantastic selection of challenge cards. Great to see the originals & the new ones. I really struggled with this sketch or maybe it’s because it’s been a busy week.

    We have gale force winds here 55 MPH. Definitely not leaving the house-once the housework is fine I’ll be heading to my craft room.


  2. It that it matters in the slightest but one of my NEW cards is listed under LYNDA I think the name of the die has confused things!
    I totally agree with you SANDRA Our styles are still “on trend” today In fact ai think I prefer my original ones I am trying not to rely on my pc but .....
    You all have produced some amazing work
    I think what has changed is that we’re all getting a little more experimental in the techniques we use eg LYNDA with her inky backgrounds JANET and LILIAN with their painting and ME - no Serif
    After the ironing I must make a card for work I made an Eclipse card for James and his name is Jamie - how silly is that!
    Enjoy your Sunday (my favourite day) and take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very windy and cold morning here in Sheffield.

    It was very interesting to see old against new even if I did struggle a little this week.
    Really looking forward to this week's Challenge.

    We have so many beautiful pieces of art that I've had to ask Paul for the extra boards for the Cafe which by the way is OPEN so pop in when you can. It's Roast Pork for lunch today so place your orders please.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day, stay safe and take care xxxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    What a lovely trip down memory lane with this week's new and old challenge. Yes, I do remember my card Sandra, I chose the pink from the topper as the base colour then turned my craft room upside down trying to find a pink paper and ribbon bright enough to make the card 'pop', which I finally found. I was very pleased with the result.

    Well done ladies on your challenges, they are fantastic.

    Quiet day today decluttering the first of my bedroom large chest of drawers, the other will be done tomorrow morning. I am getting quite emotional finding 'things' that belonged to Pete during the declutter which stops me from doing anything substantial so this morning I decided to do one chest a day instead of trying to do it all at once and getting nowhere. Then I can escape to my craft room to find solace because Pete supported my crafting endeavours and bought quite a lot of the bigger items and SB dies and EF's which I still use even when the next generation model comes out.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra how lovely to see all the original cards, & I agree they are all still relative today, well done everyone your cards are brilliant. What will we have this week I
    Janet can I please have a roast pork dinner with all the
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Pat & Pete love

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Thank you for this weeks challenge, I love seeing our old cards beside today’s and like you I was surprised that the original ones don’t look dated. I can honestly say that I love each and every one except mine as I am still not too happy with it, maybe because I am not keen on the colour orange.
    I had a giggle at your comment about Mum not making cards 3 years ago as we all remember her insisting “I won’t be making cards, I’m happy doing my needlework” !!!! Love you Mum xx
    I didn’t get my challenge card finished. I was happily working on it yesterday afternoon when we both suddenly remembered we had arranged to visit friends for the evening! After putting some washing on I will be finishing it. I am determined to use up some of the many toppers and printed papers that I have this year but I actually find it harder to do that than I do using plain papers etc. for some reason.
    Janet, the Cafe looks lovely with the extra boards up. The roasting pork smells delicious, please add my name to the lunch list X
    Lynda, did you get my email? X
    Michele, I’m sorry that I forgot to say thank you for this months helpful magazine review. I often wonder how many sales, especially impulse buys, the magazine companies loose by people not being able to see what is inside as the front cover is often covered by the free gift? Enjoy crafting later x
    Karen, I have made the same mistake myself. It is so annoying isn’t it! Enjoy your crafting later on x
    Cheryl, I hope you manage to get your chest sorted without too many tears. Sending you hugs x
    Lilian, where did you get the gorgeous topper on this weeks card? I love it. I hope you have a good day x
    Maria, I bet you are having a lovely time x
    Pat, I hope you and Sandra had a chance to have a good catch up x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wow what a lovely challenge this was great looking back three years at our old cards & new ones all amazing
    Having a lazy morning so far. It's absurlutly chucking it down with rain & strong winds. Must get cracking soon & get housework done then playtime in craftrom
    I did tidy my craft table yesterday so have plenty or room now ( how long will it last)
    Lol. I have to go Tesco chemist & collect my tablets they owe me. Not Sure what happened to my Repeat that I picked up Friday they had given me three lot of tablets I never ordered one of which was stopped November 1917 I had them after my stent & two repeats put in I never got.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat & Pete
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a treat to see the cards you made three years ago against the beautiful creations you have made this week, I agree with Sandra they have not dated, both old and new are gorgeous.
    We started our day with lovely sunshine, what a tonic! unfortunately it didn’t last and the day has gone rapidly downhill since mid morning. I was pleased I didn’t need to go out, it’s cold, wet and windy. I just want to hibernate when it’s like this.
    I hope everyone has had a good day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, very windy here, so noisy last night.

    Michele thanks for the great mag review, very helpful to see the projects also.

    Loved the other things on show yesterday.

    I loved seeing all the cards today, real fluke that I did two bird cards, must admit I had forgotten all about those stamps, the sentiment is an spellbinder die, not sure I could find it now. This weeks cards is made from my lovely Stamperia papers, determined to use my lovely papers this year.

    R away for a couple of days with no 1 daughter.
    Looking forward to seeing what Sandra has for us tomorrow.

    Did anyone watch the tennis this morning, bit of a let down match for the final, yesterday’s ladies final was very good,. Will see you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian
