
Saturday 2 February 2019

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Hello from a chilly Wiltshire, oh boy did we get some snow yesterday, I didn't actually stop snowing until about 4pm.  So we had a lovely snow day, the girls have today off too as the Wildlife Park doesn't open when there is snow on the ground, I think its because of Health & Safety issues.  The good thing is that we can all stay home in the warm.

Now we had a fair amount of snow, well over 8inches but it was nothing compared to the stunning scenery that Maria was lucky enough to experience.
These are some of Maria's holiday photos, the scenery is breath taking Maria, I can see why you want to go back. 
I will add a brief description that Maria sent to me with these photos...….

Pictures from the top of the world......
Well not completely but 2000 meter up anyway hihihi
Plenty of snow and -11, it was fab and we spent many happy hours one day
at the restaurant up there sitting outside drinking Gluhwien/ Beer for some
and having Tyrolergrosel and Kasermarren for lunch , nothing could be better !


Similar to the English version of a breakfast hash, or bubble and squeak, the Tiroler Gröstl is made with onions, bacon and sliced pieces of meat, all sautéed in a pan.


Kaiserschmarrn or Kaiserschmarren is a shredded pancake that takes its name from the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph I, who was very fond of this kind of fluffy shredded pancake.

Thank you so much Maria for sharing your amazing holiday photos with us, the food sounds yummy, I actually have the urge to go!!   
I took the liberty of downloading some photos of the two dishes that you mentioned and my goodness they both look so yummy and just what you need to fuel you for a day in the snow.

Thanks again Maria xxx


Lynda made this stunning book/journal out of a Weetabix Box and some envelopes, which absolutely blows my mind, you would never know that is what you have used, have you been watching Blue Peter??? 
I love the papers you have used to cover your book and the colours on the inside, it looks very rich and opulent.  I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of the papers Lynda.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us. xxx


Danielle has had a busy week, making Bag Toppers with a tutorial for a our FB Group Swap.  On Thursday a lady called Lesley featured a little box with a draw for sewing things, sadly the lady doesn't do Tutorials and somebody asked for one, so I challenged Danielle and within 20 mins she had made this box, it has a reinforced draw for stability and is plenty big enough for a basic sewing kit, as you can see.  Now if any of you want to have a go at making one of these or even a stack of them I will leave a link to the YouTube tutorial that Danielle made for it...…

Draw Style Gift Box        ← just click this link and it will take you straight there! 

Thank you so much Danielle for accepting my challenge and allowing me to share your Tutorial. xxx


Karen had a bit of a 'moment' last Saturday and made a card for a Colleague but wrote his name as 'James'  instead of 'Jamie'.
As you can see Karen soon recreated the card with the correct name, yet again Karen you have created an amazing personalised card for someone that will feel extra special when they open it and see how much trouble you have gone to make their card special.
Thank you so much for allowing to share it with everyone. xxx


 Margaret made this absolutely stunning Butterfly card for a friend that has broken her Ankle, Margaret knew she would like the butterflies as she loves her garden, so that makes this card absolutely perfect.  Such beautiful papers Margaret, of course it helps that you have matted it onto my favourite colour too.
I am sure this card will brighten your friends day when she sees it and her bedside locker at the hospital, as you can't tale actual flowers into a lot of hospitals these days
Thank you for sharing my lovely xxx


Last but not least is Michele's shopping for this week,  a couple of beautiful dies form 'The Works', you just can't go wrong with those prices for such great dies can you. I love both of these designs Michele.
Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Well we have had another amazing line up of crafts and activities, thank you all so very much for taking part xxx

Val, sending you healing hugs, we lost our dog after 14 years and it took us months to get past the initial loss, it does get easier in time my lovely.  Fingers crossed that this new Doctor will get you some advice that might help you my lovely. xxxx

Brenda, such comforting news so far from Anne's hospital, I know you won't stop worrying until she is back on her feet though.  sending love and hugs. xxxx

Love and hugs for everyone else too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a great selection of crafty projects & photos.
    Maria-your holiday photos look amazing, glad you had. Nice time.

    Karen Awhere did you find the camera image ? It would be perfect for my brother as he’s a Professional photographer.

    Quick trip into the village then I’m meeting my friend at Dobbies for coffee & a chat at 10am. Think we’re going to see my Father in Law this afternoon so fingers crossed the weather improves.


  2. Hi everyone,

    Wow Maria your photos are lovely and thank you Sandra for adding pictures of that delicious looking food. I just love pancakes. X

    Lynda can't believe you made that beautiful book out of a Weetabix box and envelopes. It's stunning, you're very clever.x

    Danni what a lovely, handy box. I'll be nipping over to the link to see how it's made.x

    Karen love the camera image and the personalized touch. Bet he was delighted.x

    Margaret what a pretty card. I bet it really cheered up your friend. X

    Michele do love those dies from the Works. They seem to be adding quite a few centimetres things. Hope you find FIL well this afternoon. Be careful driving on the awful roads.x

    Brenda, so pleased your sister has had her op and things look positive for her. Sending hugs.

    Off to meet two friends for coffee shortly. I haven't been in my craft room all week and I really must this afternoon.

    Lilian hope you're not snowed in. On the Tele your area looks pretty bad.x

    Sending hugs to all with special ones for Pat Pete and anyone feeling sad or under the weather


  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Looking back I see I didn’t get in yesterday but what a gorgeous butterfly card. I love the way you stamped the pretty flourish first then added the die cut. I would have done it the other way round and really struggled so thank you for showing the obviously easier way of doing it. I hope you are able to stay indoors today. The snow has been frozen so it’s super slippery out there today so please take extra care when going out ladies.
    Dannielle, what a lovely little box. And to make a tutorial so quicklyI wish I could make something half as fast. Thank you x
    Maria, wow what fabulous views, and I have never seen such long icicles! Little Chris asked if they reached all the way to the ground? He was fascinated by them. The breakfasts look wonderful, especially the pancake and fruits dish. I hope you are not in as much pain today x
    Brenda, I hope your sister is continuing to improve each day. It certainly sounds like you were/are doing the worrying for both of you. Hopefully you will be able to relax a little now x
    Lynda, your journal is great, I love the papers you have used x
    Michele, I love both of your new dies. I think I need to take a trip to Didcot as the Works there has a decent sized Papercraft section. Enjoy your coffee with your friend x
    Mum, I love the butterfly paper and as Sandra said it will brighten your friends hospital stay. Love you xx
    Karen, I love the card but I must admit that I couldn’t see the name at first. Your friend will be delighted with it. I really like this style of card and would like to try and make one so that will go on the “Wish list” of things to try with Sandra. Do you have any hints or tips? X
    Val, gentle hugs are on their way to you. I’m so sorry you have had yet more sad news x
    We have Chris jnr here already and Phoebe, Paige and Penny here for the weekend so must go and get ready to pick them up.
    Stay safe if you have to venture out. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. I’m back to being anonymous!
      I used ScanNCut to cut letters spacing them 3mm apart and changing height
      I tend to cut the letters again a couple of times in the background colour and stack them so that they can be glued into place rather than try fiddly bits of foam tape or glue gel No saggy bottoms then I hope that helps I know SANDRA has those beautiful dies to do letters

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the photos Maria. I wonder if that’s the mountain in Zell am Zee. If so the views are fantastic. Nicer with all the snow on show. As you know we went at the end of May. When we were up there they had umpah band up there playing in the glassed conservatory bit that’s attached to the restaurant building..
    Love the cards and the journal/card you’ve made Lynda.
    I’m back to having to prove I’m a robot. Not to sure why it keeps switching between comment as Pat S Witney and google account.

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Still no snow yet but sun is out but bitter cold wind. Sorry all you ladies who have lots of snow showers please take care if going out.
    WOW MARIA lovely pictures of your holiday & the gorgeous breakfast & pancakes look delicious.
    KAREN brilliant card love your design
    MICHILE great bargain from the works I like both of them.
    Thank you all for your nice comments on my weetabix & envelope book I haven't really decorated it yet. When I have finished doing the pages I will send it again too Sandra.
    We are out for a walk soon with 8🐾Brrrrr. Not sure if I should go though as last night my gland on the left really herts & all up the side of my face & inside my cheek. If it not any better by Monday I will ring the doctor probably have to wait till April lol.& get a phone consultation.😱& I'm still coughing not as bad though.
    Enough of me moaning anyway Terry said I should stay in the warm. So craft room I think 🤓
    BRENDA. Hope your sister is doing ok & feeling brighter. Sending Hug's.
    HUG'S for Val Lilian Pat & Pete & everyone
    Love Lyndaxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Sounds like you need to see the dr sooner rather than later. Love your weekabix box and card. Carole who I go to for my parchment used an Amazon box for the backing of a parchment card. It looks just like craft card. Glad to hear you haven’t had snow yet, perhaps it’s missing you altogether. Wish it had missed us.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely start today seeing Maria’s holiday photos, that food looks tempting especially the pancakes. Your photos are really beautiful Maria thank you so much for sharing them with us. xx
    Lynda, What a brilliant idea to use a Weetabix box for your journal, no one would ever know. It’s gorgeous. xx
    Karen, Great Card, just perfect for someone whos interested in photography. xx
    Margaret What a lovely card. The paper is lovely. xx
    Michele, lovely dies and great value xx
    Danielle What a clever girl you are. The little box is lovely. xx

    I rang the hospital this morning, Anne’s nurse said she is doing well, she had even managed to eat a yoghurt. They are keeping her in ITC just for observation, and everything progressing as it should. So that positive. The Priest she used to work with In Holborn rang me a while ago wanting an update, he made me laugh, saying already he had had the cleaners asking about her and after the evening service knew he would be inundated with questions from parishioners, I suggested he put a billboard outside the church on Kingsway! I have to say It’s lovely knowing that so many people care so much.
    I hope you are all keeping safe and warm but not snowed in, here the snow has almost gone, it looked really bad in South Wales and through to Devon and Cornwall. CHERYL and LILLIAN Hope you are both safe and warm.
    Hope everyone is having a good day, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hullo Brenda
      Good news re your sister. Obviously the priest had been talking to the big man about your sister. Sounds like he has a sense of humour as well.
      Sending best wishes to you both.

  7. Still anonymous
    Thank you for your lovely comments on my card ladies
    I love your photos MARIA I’d love to visit but OH is too much of a sun worshipper
    Your journal is amazing LYNDA and to know it was a Weetabix Box - Wow!
    I will take a look at your video DANNI It’s a very pretty Box
    I love your dies MICHELE I must go to The Works
    Your card is so pretty too MARGARET
    I hope ai haven’t missed anyone out
    Nice to see good news from BRENDA I hope your sister continues to get better
    Take care VAL xx
    And everyone else xxx

    1. Hi Val
      Well I wasn’t anonymous but I was just blogger. Take care my friend. Hopefully next week will be better for you.

  8. Hi everyone.
    Lynda- love your journal, love to know how you made it. well done also to Danielle, love the little box and will have a look how you made it later.
    Gorgeous card Margaret and a great card by our Karen. Nice dies from the works Michele, always good to have a snoop in that shop when you can.
    Yes,now you know what I am doing on my holiday in Austria. Not always as nice but we were very lucky that week and the boys got many hours of skiing done. Pat- it is a hotel also built now next to the restaurant up on Schmittenhoe Thank you Sandra for showing them, my favourite meal and spelling them correctly too Lol
    Well wishes to your sister Brenda, hope she will be back on her feet and home again soon.
    Val- take care,big hugs.
    Pat and Pete- take care and hugs for you both.
    I hope you all have had a nice day. Many warm hugs to you all, Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Wow fancy them building a hotel up on the mountain. I’d love to see that but in the summer not the winter. Who knows I might get back some time in the future. Thanks for the hugs. And fickle blogger has me back as myself. How weird is that.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card & your lovely comments. Lovely lot of things to look at today. Hope you are managing to keep
    Lynda nobody would guess what you have used, very clever. xxx
    Danni what a lovely box, will have a look
    Karen you are so good at making cards to suit, well
    Maria lovely photos,I am with the others love the
    Michele lovely dies look forward to seeing what you
    Thank you all for your comments on my
    Brenda pleased to hear your sister is doing ok, please take
    Val sorry to hear about your friend, you will be glad to see the end of this
    Pat hope Pete suffered no after effects, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Margaret sorry I missed saying how gorgeous your card is today it's really beautiful.. I love the papers you have used.
      Hug's Lynda xx
