
Sunday 20 January 2019

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Michele set us a lovely Challenge to 'Sparkle' up our dull, cold January, you have all loved this 'Sparkle Challenge' and your cards are amazing...……


Brenda's challenge card is absolutely stunning.  It is made with a white card base and has Coastal Cabana as the accent colour, I think that colour is one of my most favourite SU colours.  Now onto that stunning top image..Brenda got a Foiling Machine for Christmas, all I can say is 'WoW', I want one! 
I did see Julia Watts demo'ing the new Spellbinders Foiling Machine at Ally Pally but to be honest I wasn't really inspired at all, had the samples all been like this I may have thought differently. 
I absolutely love your card Brena, thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge.  XXX 

Janet's Challenge card is just so rich and oppulent, it matches the lovely gift box that I featured on yesterday's blog.  Janet used one of the Crafters Companion Edgable dies to create that beautifully intricate top  section, a card as intricate as this needs only simple embellishments, which is exactly what Janet has used, a simple Bow topped with a Butterfly. 
Thank you so much Janet xxx


Lilian has created an incredibly pretty card for this week's 'Sparkle' Challenge, it features a beautifully embossed background, (details of folder please ). To add 'sparkle' Lilian has placed tiny crystal gemstones on each of the embossed flowers.
The focal point of the card is Lilian's beautiful arrangement of gorgeous little die cut flowers and foliage, so simple yet so beautiful. 
Thank you so much Lilian for another beautiful challenge card.  XXX 


 Lynda has created such a beautiful Background for her 'Sparkle' Challenge card, I will add Lynda's description below...

" My Cc I put some sticky sheet on the paper I Blended with oxide & glitterd it put die cut over it ( from wish) then matted gold frame blue card gold card"

Amazing Challenge card Lynda, thank you so very much for taking part. XXX 


Margaret has used an absolutely stunning die to cut that beautifully intricate design. That little Bird is so sweet too.
I love everything about your card Margaret, including that gorgeous colour.
Thank you so much for taking part. XXX 


Maria, despite being busy packing and preparing to leave for her lovely holiday in the snow, managed to make two cards for this weeks 'Sparkle' Challenge. 
The first card is so pretty with a delicately patterned background paper that looks almost like those flowers are 3D, Maria has created a pretty foiled die cut topper that has delicately detailed foiled corners too. The foiling is sparkly in itself but Maria has enhanced that by adding some pretty coloured gemstones. 
Maria's second card is for a relative that has lost a parent, always such hard cards to make but I think your card is perfect Maria, with pink suede card and then the delicately glittered top layer that compliments the pink beautifully.  The little bits of foliage works so well with your design. 
Thank you so much for taking part Maria.  I hope you have an absolutely amazing holiday in the snow,  I hope you remembered your  thermal undies!! Looking forward to your photos too. xxx


Two fantastic cards from Michele for her 'Sparkle ' Challenge.  The amazing Alien card we saw on Monday as we used it to launch this weeks challenge. 
Michele has also made another Christmas card (I am so impressed), here is Michele's description.....

"I used the Christmas shadow box Dies plus scraps of card. Pearlised/Mirri Card  & gemstones are the “sparkle “ for my challenge card."
Thank you so much for setting the challenge and making two amazing cards XXX 


Sue has made TWO gorgeous cards fotlr this weeks challenge,  both using a stunning Tree die, I want to say that it was a magazine freebie but I'm not 100% sure.
The first card has a pretty background paper that features leaves, what a fantastic idea!! A really pretty paper two and you have picked a perfectly matching coloured card too. 
Sue's second card features the same die cut, this time in shades of pink.
The 'sparkle' elements are the Birds, Heart and sentiment, which have all been cut with in Super fine glitter card.

Thank you so much Sue, you know how much I love seeing your cards on the challenge board XXX 


Last but by no means least is Our Lovely Val, who has been busy making Valentine's cards for the shop, this gorgeous Valentine card has a pretty Heart embossed background (i love that Folder Val). Then Val has the added the die cut word 'Love' that has a Heart die cut out of the centre of the 'o'.  That die cut heart has the been used as a perfectly  placed embellishment.  Both the 'o' and heart are cut out of red glitter card.  
Thank you so much Val for taling part in this weeks Challenge, your card is amazing, I might borrow your idea. XXX 

Well Ladies, what can I say, yoh have made some absolutely amazing cards for this week's challenge.

I would also like to thank Michele for choosing this weeks challenge topic.

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, 

Oh, a little bit of exciting news...Sophie & Lucy were buzzing with excitement when we picked them up yesterday, as they had served Prince George and Princess Charlotte who were visiting the Wildlife park yesterday with Kate's parents.  The girls said that they seemed to enjoy their Sausage & Chips!!! 

Sending lots of love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh what a wonderful Challenge this week and so many different themes on 'Sparkle'. So many that they all just fitted onto the board. The CAFE really has a Sparkle today which really cheers in these dark winter days.

    Not sure if anything is happening today. After a very busy and challenging week I'm hoping for a quieter one.

    Last week started for me with having to apply for a new driving licence. I did this on line and sent it off with my payment only to receive an email saying that I hadn't filled something in and my licence couldn't be renewed until this was sorted.

    Then last Saturday evening I had a call from my bank asking about some transactions which had been made on my account. Yes my card had been used and not by me. So had all the trouble of cancelled card and sorting that out.

    Monday morning started with Tesco ringing and saying that I hadn't paid for my grocery shopping. Yes the bank had cancelled my card because of the fraud. Sorted that out and groceries arrived.

    Wednesday I took delivery of a new vacuum cleaner only to find when I opened the box it wasn't the one I had ordered. So I'm waiting for this to be collected and hopefully my new hoover will arrive this week.

    Friday to finish my 'wonderful'week my Ereader refused to charge.

    After this sort of week I'm expecting the little men to arrive and take me away if they do I want a padded cell and a lovely purple straightjacket please.............

    Have you ever thought 'what have I done to cause all this?

    Now today the CAFE is OPEN and Roast Chicken is on the menu. please place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Bet you're glad to see the the end of that week Janet. Hope you have a non eventful day.x

  2. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing selection of challenge cards today-thank you all so much for joining in.

    My crafty friend gave me 2 crates of goodies including lots of Dies & some stamps. Before I list them on eBay (money is for Motor Neurone society) would anyone like to see them???

    Once I’ve done the housework I’m hoping to go into my craft room.


    1. Great challenge this week Michele. Hope your raise lots of money for your very worthwhile charity.
      Enjoy crafting.x

  3. Ooh Gorgeous! I love coming in on Sundays and seeing everyone’s hard work I did attempt to do one yesterday after watching a ScanNCut video but it didn’t work I’m not going to let it defeat me though I will try again
    How exciting for Sophie and Lucy to meet royalty
    I saw daughter and Oscar yesterday and we visited MIL and her sister Oscar had us in fits of laughter (I so needed that)
    Today we may go dancing and I get to see him again Yay!
    Take care all - pleased to see (in a way) that your OH is getting sorted BRENDA
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone,
    Gorgeous cards today. So love bling. Lots of lovely ideas thank you.
    How exciting Sandra for Sophie and Lucy to meet royalty. Bet the little girls were well guarded.

    My friends Gill and Tony have invited me to their house for Sunday lunch which is lovely.
    We haven't had rain dance I can't remember when but it's light drizzle at the moment much to the horror of poor Gracie.I hope itdries up later so she can have a walk.

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely cards on show this morning. The goodies on show yesterday were all great, loved your box. How exciting for the girls, something to tell their grand
    Michele thank you for the challenge this week & your dies yesterday were
    Lynda lovely journal, you must feel
    Janet great box, I really hope this week is kinder to
    Val lovely dies & stamps, enjoy your
    Sue & I had a great day yesterday, she did a lot of jobs that I cannot manage at the moment, & Alan does not see, & then had a little crafting, thank you Sue love
    Maria enjoy your holiday in the
    Sending hugs to Pat & Pete & any body else that needs them love

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Wow some gorgeous challeng cards this morning. Well done ladoed
    After a lazy morning just got to finish housework. We have a bright day with some some sunshine so taking 8🐾out.
    Had a lovely day yesterday with Lisa Ian & Joseph. We went to Ramsgate for a love lunch. The old casino has been changed into a Wetherspoon pub. It was really lovely the meals were excellent & didn't have to wait long before our order arrived. To top it off Ian paid the bill. So really spoilt
    Bet Sophie & Lucy were excited meeting the royal children.
    Well better get a move on as need to pop Tesco pharmacy.
    Have a lovely day
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat & Pete.
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a lovely collection of challenge cards. The sparkle is definitely needed on these dull winter days so thank you Michele for this weeks challenge idea. As always there is lots of inspiration.
    It’s not every day that you serve royalty so not surprised Sophie and Lucy loved it. And it’s nice to know that the prince and princess are able to enjoy a simple day out that we all take for granted with our families, and that like most children they enjoy good old sausage and chips ��
    VAL, what a great card. It would be perfect for the men in our lives. You always have a lovely ef. Please share where you got this lovely one. I hope you enjoyed your time with your friends. I’m sure the lady that has recently lost her husband is grateful for your friendship especially at the moment x
    LILIAN, your card is simply gorgeous. Where did you get that beautiful ef? I love it. I hope you are feeling a bit better each day x
    LYNDA, I love your card with one of your beautiful backgrounds. I have a letter to collect from the post office and I’m guessing it is yours so guess where I will be sending Chris first thing tomorrow �� I can’t wait to open it. Thank you dear friend xx
    BRENDA, I hope Johns meds’ are starting to work and that your sister continues to improve. I hope you are ok and get some time to craft too x
    JANET, your card is lovely. Black and gold are always a stylish combo aren’t they. Please save me a roast dinner x
    MARIA, two lovely cards and I especially love the gorgeous die cut on the first one. Wishing you a safe and trouble free journey and enjoy your holiday x
    MICHELE, both of your cards are great. I originally thought the shadow box frames might be too limiting. How wrong was I each time I see what you do with them. I would like to see the dies you are selling please x
    KAREN, It’s strange to not see your challenge card in the line up but hopefully you are able to get to your craft desk by now to make up for lost time �� x
    CHERYL, I hope you had a lovely time with your friend Rosie x
    PAT, thinking of you and Pete x
    MUM, thank you for a wonderful day yesterday. We may not have got much crafting done but it was lovely just spending time together without having to watch the clock. Love to you and Pop xx
    My challenge cards were quick to make. The die is one of Mums she bought a while ago. I have forgotten who makes it so will pop back in a minute when I have found the name.
    I have a couple of cards needed in the next week so hope to get them done today.
    Have a good day whatever you do. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    How lovely for Sophie and Lucy to have the royal children and grandparents in the restaurant, I also think it’s lovely that these two little children can go out and have ‘a normal life‘ I’m sure your girls will treasure this memory. xx

    What a great display of beautiful challenge cards, all so different.
    LILLIAN I love your EF. xx
    VAL Another lovely EF xx
    MARIA Where did you find the time this week to make two lovely cards? xx
    SUE I’m impressed two lovely cards. Love the die you have used xx
    MARGARET This die is gorgeous,you have created a beautiful card.
    JANET What a gorgeous card, I have this die the detail is so fine and intricate. xx
    LYNDA I love the background you have made to display this beautiful die. xx
    MICHELE - THANK YOU for suggesting this weeks challenge, You can see from the response it has been popular. I love your shadow box cards both great and yet very different. Thank you again. xx
    We are going to see our daughter and family, they just live on the other side of Croydon. The car boot has all the things she wanted from cash and carry, unfortunately she hasn’t been able to come and pick them up, she has been unwell with a chest infection. Mind you she is always charging around being the family chauffeur etc. As well as holding down a very responsible full time job.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Oh and JANET have you got any Roast Chicken dinners left?

    Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  9. My iPad is going to “play ball” today, lovely day here if a little cold.

    Lovey lot of cards today, love them all.
    Sandra sorry my embossing folder doesn’t have any name on it, I’m trying to use my older stuff, think I bought it at a craft show.

    Not much else going on here, hope you all have a good Sunday, Lilian

  10. Hi ladies. The die I used today is from Pretty Quick. Mum bought it from Craftstash but they are out of stock at the moment. It says it costs £14.99 but I know Mum didn’t pay anywhere as much as that. I have had a quick look online but can’t find it for sale anywhere else at the moment.
    If anyone would like it I know Mum will be more than happy for me to cut some for you, just let me know xx
