
Saturday 19 January 2019

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Hello from a very cold Wiltshire, Oh it's so so cold today, I think that the car will still need ice scraped off at 10:20am when we have to take the girls to work, I doubt there will be many at the Wildlife Park today either, although the past few weekends have been very busy.  I think we will be staying in the warm. it's definitely a 'Light the Coal Fire day' , we have a jigsaw puzzle to finish and I think that today is the perfect day.
If in think back to this exact time last year we were loading the van to bring the first lot of furniture over to this house. The weeks that followed were the hardest weeks of our lives, trying to move, clean the bungalow and unpack here, I have never felt so ill in years, Paul was too.  We did consider moving somewhere less expensive after this first year, but we love it here and for the little bit we would save it isn't worth putting ourselves through that again before we are ready to move into our own home.

I thought that I would share the little matching envelopes and Gift box that I made to go with my little Note Cards, I really enjoyed making them into a little gift.  The paper is a free gift if you spend over £45 with Stampin' Up! I think Margaret has it too, its so handy having a punch the right size to punch the butterflies out with, save time 'fussy cutting'.  I think that his would make a lovely gift for someone thats maybe stuck at home or laid up poorly. 
I hope you like them xxx

Now onto your crafts...….


Janet has made a beautiful Gift Box that matches this weeks Challenge card, it looks so nice having a matching set.  The box was made using a Tonic Square Insert die 'Square Kaleidoscope' ,
I love this box Janet, it looks so sophisticated, especially with that lovely tassel. 
Thank you so much for sharing it with is today xxx


Lynda has made her very first Journal, which started out as a notebook, it looks so much more than that now though as Lynda has embellished every page, going into so much detail, every page has something different to look at, whether its a pretty tag or a piece of lace, a carefully placed resin frame that is highlighting a pretty part of the background paper. I can see that Lynda has added personal pieces too, like a piece of a colouring book that has been coloured beautifully, there are so many different laces and appliques to look at and feel, thats another great element to Lynda's journal it's very tactile, so many different textures. All finished with a beautiful 'Wrap' cover that has a lovely detailed closure too.
Lynda what an incredible job you have made of your first journal, you have finished yours and I am still procrastinating!  You have inspired me to get on with it!
Thank you so much for sharing your journal with us today my lovely xxxx


Val shared her shopping with us last week but I missed the email, so I am adding it in today, I am so sorry Val.  xx
The two dies are from Joanna Sheen's Website, she has a lovely range of stamps and dies on there.
The two stamps are actually from Wish, you will have to tell us what they are like Val, they look fantastic, I love both sets, the fish one is funny too.  You can afford to take a gamble a a couple of pounds each!! 
Thanks so much for sharing with us Val XXXX


Last but not least we have Michele's shopping for this week, just as you would expect from our Bargain Hunter, both dies were £1.99 from Ebay (china).
You just can't go wrong for that price!!
Thanks so much Michele for sharing your bargains, I might go and order that tree myself! XXXx

Thats all for this week Ladies, stay warm and cosy in those craft rooms, don't forget to photograph what you make!!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What lovely makes & crafty shopping on display today.

    I have a few bits of shopping to do in the village including posting the birthday card to USA then I’m popping round to a friends for a quick coffee & catch up. This is the friend who has donated a lot of her stash to me -fingers crossed she might have gathered her Die collection together as she wants to sell most of them.
    After that I’m heading for my craft room.


  2. Some great makes and some lovely shopping
    The dies I have bought from Wish have very good So I hope their stamps are too VAL
    How’s your sister getting along BRENDA I hope the angiogram proved it’s nothing too serious and that JOHN’s hearing is improving
    Enjoy the holiday MARIA far far too cold for me I’m afraid But As Paul O’Grady’s mum used to say “there’s so such thing as bad weather just bad clothing”
    My craft room is almost back to normal but I have lost a vital piece of equipment - a glue eraser Iuse the CE one So a quick shop yesterday It needed replacing anyway and at £2.49 it’s not expensive but vital in my world
    Hope to see daughter later Other than that I am going to try and craft I feel a bit lost at not doing something in my craft room over the past fe days
    Take care all in this bitterly cold weather xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I love your pretty notelets and box. What a lovely gift this would be for just about anyone. I love the extra little details you have added, especially those cute little punched butterflies on the box top.
    I remember just how hard the move was for you both and I’m not surprised that you are staying put for another couple of years. I hope you have a lovely day with Paul relaxing by the fire, and good luck with the puzzle! xx
    Janet, what a lovely gift box and the tassel is a luxurious finishing touch x
    Lynda, wow what a wonderful journal. I can’t believe it is your first attempt. There are so many different colours and textures.I haven’t thought of embossing felt so I am interested if you have done it for the cover x
    Val, you have some lovely dies and stamps. I’m looking forward to seeing what you make with them. I imagine you will sell a lot of the cards made with the cocktails being in a holiday area. I hope it’s a bit warmer for you than it has been lately x
    Michele, great does, especially the second one. Please could you let me know how big it is as I think I will be very tempted to buy it myself. I hope you’re feeling better now x
    I’m at Mums now ready for a lovely day together. I hope you all have a good weekend and stay warm and dry. It is raining and grey here at the moment but not as cold as it has been lately. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hi everyone,

    What lovely makes and goodies on show today.

    Janet such a pretty box. That's such a nice die. Love the way you've decorated it.x

    Lynda your journal is beautiful. So many different textures. I bet you're delighted with it especially as this is your first attempt.x

    Michele, love your dies and what a bargain. Hope you got something from your GP to help with your back pain.x

    My stamps from Wish, stamp really well. I'm really pleased with them. Theres another couple on the way.

    Maria, have a lovely holiday.x

    Brenda, I hope your sister s doing ok.x

    Sue have a lovely day with your mum.x

    Pat sending you and Pete lots of hugs.x

    I'm off to meet my friend Pippa for a coffee shortly. Another lady joins us now. Her husband who was an invalid, died a couple of months ago.She doesn't have any family and had a busy life doing everything for her husband and really doesn't know what to do with herself now. So sad.

    Enjoy your day ladies whatever you're up to.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA I love your box & cards what a lovely gift.
    SUE did you get the butterfly's I sent you ? .have a nice day with mum
    Love your box JANET it's beautiful.
    MICHELE Lovely Dies you bought I have the tree one & cuts really well.
    VAL lovely Die & stamps you have bought.
    I have bought some stamps from Wish & they stamp really well.
    Lisa will be here soon she is popping down with Joseph for couple hours .
    Darren phoned earlier & I spoke to a very excited Harry he told me he can write his name i said I'm expecting a letter from you now.🤣🤣xxhe done a big belly laugh.bless him. Well better get on.
    MARIA Have a lovely holiday safe journey
    Hug's for you all extra for Pat Pete.
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Another Suprise Saturday on the blog, what a great treat it is to.
    SANDRA I love the box you have made, it really compliments the beautiful cards, this would make a lovely gift. XX
    JANET I love your box it just looks so elegant. XX
    LYNDA you have put so much work into making your journal, it’s hard to believe this is your first attempt. XX
    VAL Love your dies and stamps, I’m sure they will be popular choices for your never ending production line. Keep up the good work. XX
    MICHELE What bargains these dies were, I especially like the second one. XX

    John saw the doctor yesterday, he has an infection in his ear so has more ear drops, he has to go back again for it to be checked in two weeks.
    My sister had her angiogram yesterday afternoon and is waiting to hear what the doctors say will happen next. She is still in hospital but probably will not know anything until Monday at the earliest, it’s a waiting game! But on the positive side she is cheerful, comfortable and has some very nice ladies on the ward and one of the nurses is an ex pupil of hers.....small world.
    OOPS I hadn’t realised the time, it’s time I made some lunch.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  7. Hi everyone.
    Oh wow Lynda, your journal is fantastic. So many wonderful pages to look at. You are our mixed media queen ,that's for sure. Hope you and CU are having a good day.
    Sandra, love your box and sweet envelopes you made for your pretty cards, very nice.
    Janet, love the box and the tassel makes it special.
    Val and Michele- some fab stamps and dies. Looking forward to see some lovely cards made with them.
    Sue- have a nice time with mamma and Pop. Hope you are feeling better.
    Brenda- wishing John better, hopefully the drops will loosen up the problem. Hope your sister gets good results back and until then is all right being at the hospital.
    Cheryl- hope you ok. Are you busy with making craft for the next fete'?
    Val- have a nice catch up with your friend.
    Michele- where is your friend going to sell her dies ? one might be interested Lol
    We are packed and ready for our holiday, having a kines take out tonight and after everything this week I 'm starting to feel more relaxed and happy, even managed to make some cards in the end. Thank you all for being here and thank you Sandra for your blog. Love Maria xxx
