
Friday 18 January 2019

Throwback Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

I was feeling a little Nostalgic yesterday as I was looking back at old block posts, my blog started in 2012, but I only ever posted a couple of times. It was in June 2014 that I started blogging more often.

Todays cards are the first and second Blog Challenge cards that I made back in January 2016.
The first ever Blog Challenge was on 4th January 2016 to be exact, I used a Lilli of The Valley topper mixed with some pretty background paper and some of Sue Wilson's flowers, remember these were the days that I only used to make cards with Dies.
When you thing back thats an awful lot of Challenges we have done together, there would have been lets say 50 In 2016, the same in 2017 and 2018, so we are well on our way to 200 challenges, can you believe that, it honestly seems like only yesterday!

The second card today was my second Challenge card used Spellbinders Floral Oval dies, I was blending ink at that point but not too successfully ! I stamped the sentiment too!!  The papers are Anne Marie Designs, a Spellbinders Flower, Sue Wilson Leaves and some pretty stickpins.  A pretty card but very simple, I wonder who received it?!

It's amazing to think that some of us have been chatting on this blog from later 2015 to today,  although it honestly feels like I have known some of you a lifetime, I am so very blessed that starting this Blog has bought so many amazing friends into my life. For that I am thankful every day, I think about it every time I write a post. I hope that you have all gained something positive from it too, sometimes it just helps to write a frustration down, having people support you is a huge bonus on top of that.

What have you all got planned for this weekend??  We aren't sure yet, its a year ago tomorrow that we picked up the keys to this house, where has that year gone!!

What ever you have planned I hope that you all have a lovely weekend

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two lovely cards, it’s interesting to know the facts & figures about your blog. I wonder how I found your blog & when I started to comment??

    Thank goodness it’s Friday as it seems to have been a long week . I don’t have any plans for the weekend-I’m hoping to spend some time in my craft room., tidying & crafting.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Oh SANDRA two lovely cards. Time really does fly doesn't it. It really only seems two minutes since I found your Blog and plucked up courage to contact you and then send in a photo of one of my cards. It's just like being at home now.

    Well it's that 'swear' word day for me and I still have to photograph my CC and get it sent off so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFEis OPEN as usual for you all. All hot drinks and warming breakfast is waiting at the moment.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all dressed in their winter woollies this
    Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Wow Sandra, I don't believe it is only 6 years ago that we all started to become blog friends which then progressed to a Retreat in 2015. As you say it seems like we are Forever Friends for a longer time than that. I first came across most of you on Sue Wilson's blog to which I starting leaving comments and support when it was needed to other friends and got to know you all. Then after Pete left to dance with the angels in March 2013 Saba suggested I came into the café where I met everyone else. What a lovely craft journey I have made and I am so blessed to have met quite a few of you.

    I've enjoyed watching the Harry Potter films over the last two weeks on ITV2 during which I have taken to die cutting flowers for the various groups that I donate to. Last night as it was a bit chillier I wrapped my fleecy throw around myself as yo would a towel, then sat down to begin. After a while I noticed some of the dies seemed to disappear and it was only when I stood up to get a cuppa that they fell out of the folds in the blanket lol.

    I'm now onto leaves which are even smaller dies but I am sure in the older SB dies I have there must be larger leaf dies which I will use instead as many of the leaves I have cut out are so small I don't think they will be compatible with little fingers.

    My swear word happened yesterday Janet so I have all day to craft....lovely me time.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I cannot believe I have only known you since Sept. 2014 when you first took us to Ally Pally, it feels as if I have known you & Paul for ever, I think I started commenting early 2015 & then meet you all. Both cards today are lovely in their own right. Thank you for introducing me to some super
    Brenda hope the news of your sister is good, take
    Pat sending hugs to you &
    Lynda hope you had a better
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    I can't believe it's been that long since I started commenting on your blog. I first stated doing a comment on Sue Wilsons blog which lead to me doing commments on your blog i clicked on your name & the rest is history. I've loved every minute of it & getting to know you Sandra your my dearest friend now & all you lovely ladies too some I have met & love you all. Thank each of you for your kindness & surport.
    SANDRA can't believe it's a year gone since moving into your lovely home. I love both your cards.
    Not sure what we are doing today but must send my CC into Sandra & take a few pictures of my little journal for Sandra to share tomorrow on mixed craft. I haven't copied any on Pinterest I've just done my own thing. 🤔Xx
    Housework done so I'm off for a shower then hopefully get into craft room.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete & Lillian Val & all that are suffering today
    Love Lynda xxx

  6. Hi everyone.
    wow is it really that long since you started and we joined you fabulous cafe' hihihi well it has been the best I ever done to meet you ladies, now see as very good friends. I have also learned so much by being on your blog Sandra and can't wait what you have in store for us this year. I still wish that we can all meet up one day and also more ladies who are looking in like to become our friends.
    Lovely to see the two cards again and I like the lay out and the dies used. Getting around to stamping but like to use both in my cards if I can, need to practise my colouring in.
    Very feed up with this virus that don't let my body do what I want to do, cc is one this week that I have thought about a lot but can't to seem to put together which is so annoying but have just found some card I forgotten about so even if it might not be right for this week I hope to send you something.
    The washing machine is going for full and also some 'swear words will be heard later hihi. Tomorrow we are packing for a week away in the snow and if the records are right we will have plenty of it and cold enough for the long johns to come with us.
    I hope aches and pains are easing and other problems too. Warm hugs for you all, love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your virus clears up soon. I sent the picture you sent of Zell am Zee over to Pete’s brothers in Australia and Bournemouth. Gill in Australia said ohhh yes please as it was 43 degrees over there and she hates the heat.
      Enjoy your holiday and enjoy the Apple Strudel your having for me. I’m once again having to prove I’m not a robot. If I was perhaps I could clone another one of me.

    2. Hi Maria
      Sorry I ment to say have a lovely holiday although I don't do the white stuff 🌨⛈🌬💨I hope you enjoy it. Put plenty of long fleecy passion killer knickers in your case.🤣🤣. Dose the cold not effect your arthritis ?
      Safe journey my friend Hug's xx

    3. Pat- you not a robot ,yay I would hate to have it that hot.+25 is a nice temp I think.
      Lynda- yes it is playing up a bit but not so badly as when it is raw,wet and cold. The cold there is so much drier and if I was wearing the fleecy ones I would need double of the tenas hahaha
      I'll be in some time tomorrow, not going until Sunday morning but then I will be out for a week. I can read your posts but can never send. Make sure you ladies looking after each other. hugs xx

  7. Well I never It’s been going as long as that! I can’t remember when I joined or how I found you I know I felt a “newbie” at first but was very soon made to feel at home
    I love your cards SANDRA Boy How our crafting has progressed My first cards were just CD-ROM images and then onto die cutting with tinted images Now I even attempt stamping after first having a faux Misti Did you know the Tim Holtz one has been banned in the USA for breach of Misti’s patent
    I have learned lots and truly value the friendships I still use CHERYL’s wheatie bags and use lots of equipment you all have recommended Tips have been invaluable I thoroughly enjoy the challenges, doing them and seeing other people’s take on them
    Long may it continue
    The windows are in and so is the porch but the surveyor cocked up the measurements So they need to come back and deal with the fascia etc
    The weekend will be sorting out my desk and bits Hopefully see Oscar and maybe go dancing on Sunday afternoon
    Take care all xx

    1. Fingers not in line with the brain! I should have mentioned how much I value your support when I’m feeling low

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Two lovely cards get to be showcased again today and both very worthy of a second viewing, they are really lovely Sandra.xx
    Where has the time gone since I joined your blog? I remember you would leave a discreet comment on SW blog to saw you had posted a card, that’s when I started to peep in the door, it took a while for me to pick up courage to actually leave my own comment. The first time I met you was at Ally Pally. You were with Paul, Sue and Pat and looking to meet up with someone who also posted on Sues blog. I felt like a stalker! eventually I plucked up courage to say hello and the rest is history. It seems like I have known you forever and are part of our family, Thank you for being YOU. xxx
    We are going to the Doctors in a short while, John is deaf in his right ear. His left ear I have been putting drops in since before Christmas to try and clear the wax. Nothing seems to move it. They don’t like to syringe eats these days, it’s so frustrating for both of us, sometimes he is totally deaf, he can’t hear me when I talk to him or even hear the TV unless it is booming out. Other times I can tell by his expressions he can hear, hope the doctor will this time do something for him or refer him to the hospital.
    My sister is having her angiogram this afternoon, after that the doctors will have a team meeting to see what is the next step. I can’t see that happening today though. I will talk to her when we get back maybe she will have some more information.

    PAT how are you? Sending love and hugs.xx
    VAL Hope you are alright, when is Lynn due back?

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. I hope they could help John out today, bless him. My SIL husband having the same problem and he is real frustrated with the doctors. Hope your sister is getting better too. Many hugs xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Both of the cards are well worth another view and it is great to see how our crafting styles have changed, and improved a bit in my case hopefully. So many great tips and tricks have also been learned along the way.
    I will forever be grateful for plucking up the courage to leave a comment to you on Sues blog when I thought I recognised you from a shop in Witney and then realising that Pat lived locally too which led onto the three of us meeting up “in the flesh” and our numb bums from sitting on the hard wooden chairs for nearly 5 hours in your local shops cafe as we all had so much to talk about!!! I don’t even want to imagine my life without you now my lovely. Your wonderful blog then led to me gaining even more fabulous ladies who I count as very dear friends. Thank you again my lovely xx
    I’m really not sure where the last 10 days have gone with one thing after another but as always it is so good to come into the blog Cafe and catch up with everyone.
    Brenda, I hope your sister gets good results and is able to leave hospital soon. No doubt you feel better after being able to talk to her. Sending hugs dear friend x
    Pat, I hope you managed to get some birthday cake. Prey to hear Pete has been in hospital again x
    Mum and I are spending the whole day together tomorrow while Chris and Pop go off to a model aeroplane show at Ally Pally. It means an early start for me but I will snuggle up on the sofa and go back to sleep until you gets up Mum. It will be so good to have the whole day to ourselves. No doubt there will be some crafting done too 😀 See you in the morning Mum. Love to you and Pop xx
    I hope you all have a good weekend in the warm. I wonder if we will get any of the snow that is forecast around here?
    Maria, enjoy your holiday. Usually I would ask to be squeezed into your suitcase but I really don’t like the cold so will be happy to hear about it from you x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Brenda. I forgot to say that I hope John got on well Re his ears. X
