
Thursday 17 January 2019

Michele's Boozy Cards

❤💛💜 PAT ❤💜💛

Good Morning Ladies,

Please join me Ladies in sending Our lovely Pat lots and lots of love and hugs on her Birthday, I do hope that you get to eat at least one slice of cake today!! Love & Hugs on their way to you xxx❤xxx

If the weather forecast on Social Media is correct we will all be needing a 'tot' or two of the above!
I read that we are in for some snow and really cold temperatures!  Not that I have ever had a 'hot toddy' in my life.

Michele's cards are just brilliant, perfect for so many occasions, mostly cards for men, although some ladies like a bit of booze too!
Michele made the cards with papers from the Making Cards April 2018 magazine, I love your layouts Michele, that backing paper is very retro and works perfectly with the different bottles of Spirits.
I have to say the 'old' 'Making Cards' magazine had amazing quality papers featured each month, they were always very 'stroke worthy', unlike a lot of the shiny magazine papers.
If anyone is going to get the best out of a magazines papers Michele is the one!
Thank you so much Michele, these will be great for both your stash and for your Sale Table, with these and the Space men you will have a lot of the 'Male' occasions covered. xxx

Talking of magazine papers etc, my latest copy of 'Card Making and Papercraft' dropped through the door on Monday morning, now I will confess that  this is one of the magazines that I would happily pass by, I find that it tends to repeat year on year and this year is no exception!  This month's edition does have some lovely Oval frame dies, with Cameo style heads, there are some lovely inspiration cards inside too.  The reason that it is still dropping through my door is beyond me, it has even survived the change of address.  I subscribed to the magazine on a 'special deal'  you got 3 Issues for £5 at the time there were some lovely Christmas stamps that we were all after and they were featured on this magazine as a freebie in around Oct 2017, so I looked into the offer, you just paid your £5 up front and that was it, no Direct Debit details or anything like that, sure enough a few weeks later the first magazine turned up and it carried on and on and on, way past 3 issues, on to 6 then 12, I am now at about 15 issues for £5 !! I can promise you that I have called them, emailed them, mostly because I was afraid of getting a huge bill.  They have taken down my details and 'looked into it' and it's still arriving.  Not that I am ungrateful for a freebie but I kind of wish it was one of the other mags!
So I would totally recommend these little offers, well mine certainly was a great deal.
I do know that Sue stopped her Subscription to the same magazine and it continued to arrive for some months afterwards.

I had a bit of a frustrating afternoon yesterday, sadly Sue couldn't make it so I decided to open up the Downloaded images I had purchased for my journal and have a go at printing them out, it turned out that I needed to make some minor adjustments to the way they were laid out so I had to open the downloaded file in Word, this is the first time I have used Word on my Laptop, well 'Of Course'  I needed the 1 years subscription Key code, that arrived at the same time as my Laptop, I could see myself 'putting it somewhere safe' in my head, in reality I turned out every draw, 'special' cupboard and nook and cranny that I could reach, nothing, I did get excited when I found a 'Microsoft Office' cd download thing, only to turn it over and see that it had been used already and was the one we bought to put on the girls laptops to get them through their exams. By four o'clock I was pretty miffed!
So I decided to have a go at 'Coffee dying' some paper ready for my Vintage journal, I watched a few tutorials (that all said something different) so I made up my own rules, I found some old decaffeinated coffee that nobody uses and made up a large jug, I didn't have heat the oven like the people in the tutorial because the AGA is on constantly, so I got myself a little production line, the bottom oven of the AGA is definitely better, the ones I put in the top went a little too brown, I discovered however that I didn't need to put them all in the oven as the ones I had waiting to go in were sat on baking sheets on top of the closed plates on top of the AGA, by the time the oven ones were finished the ones on top were dried out too as those domes covering the plates get super hot too. So in no time I had a lovely stack.  I just need to be able to print the other bits to start assembling the journal !!
So when Paul comes in and I was telling him about my afternoon, he said ''oh you should have just checked the emails as they sent a 'download'...…!!!!  I will leave my reaction to your imagination!
They did send a hard copy too, where it is remains a mystery!

Well I have waffled on for far too long today, I do apologise!

Pat extra LARGE hugs on their way to you today xxxx

Sue I do hope that your head is feeling a little easier today, I missed you yesterday xxxx

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-sending you you wonderful Birthday wishes, hope you have a lovely day & manage to eat cake!

    Sandra-Thank you for your kind words about my cards. The papers that come with Making Cards Magazine are still excellent quality-not the nasty shiny stuff in allthe other magazines. I saved the papers after I’d sorted out all of last years craft magazines & took them to the charity shop a few weeks ago. I’m determined to start using up some of my stash !

    I’m off to seemy GP this morning (08:35) as I was feeling dreadful yesterday -don’t feel as bad this morning but still in pain.


  2. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT. Hoping you have a lovely day whatever is planned.HUGE HUGS are on their way to you. Wrap them around you when they arrive.

    MICHELE- really good all round cards. Suitable for both gender.

    Off out this morning to sort out one or two things. I then need to sort out my CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Oh PAT I feel terrible that I totally forgot about your birthday I had it in my head that it was 24th....!?!?!
    So sorry So a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me
    Upstairs windows are done Two windows downstairs to do (we’re keeping the downstairs loo and french windows) and start on the porch
    Big hugs to everyone I’m off to find my diary!
    Clever cards MICHELE I love the layouts They’re perfect for all occasions


    Michele, lovely cards. I have a subscription to Making Cards and I think the papers and gifts every month are really good quality. Not like the thin shiny stuff you get in some mags which you can't use.

    I know I've been saying it all week but I really must get in my craft room. I've just got no motivation at all at the moment.
    Have a good day ladies whatever you're up to.
    Love Valx

  5. Morning everyone,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT, many birthday wishes are being sent your way.

    Striking cards Michele the background paper matches the bottles of alcohol.
    Like you, I have sorted and cleared out all my old magazines but I took mine to my doctor's surgery and left them in the waiting room. The boring old mags in their are certainly passed their sell by date.

    It was rather a subdued U3A meeting yesterday as one busload was attending a trip to Hinkley Point C so we had finished by 11.15 so Rosie and I went for an early lunch then a trip to the Range which was quite unusual as neither of us bought anything. I could not find one diary or long calendar only filo faxes, which would not fit in my small handbag, and huge A4 calendars.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl I don't know if they will have any left but I got a really nice slim diary from the British Heart Foundation

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Pat sending you lots of love & hugs on your
    Sandra it sounds as if your day yesterday went from bad to worse, I hope today is
    Michele great cards especially for men, hope you feel better today & Dr. can
    Sue hope you are feeling better, love
    Brenda hope you have good news on your sister, so worrying being so far away, take
    Cheryl hope your appointment goes
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Morning everyone.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT, enjoy your day !

    Great cards Michele, it's a good magazine.
    Like you Sandra I have had Cardmaking & Papercraft for years but cancelled it some time ago so will see how long I get it through the letter box.
    Must do the CC today and write the card for my BIL to send. Have a good day everyone, many gentle hugs to all with aches and pains.
    Hugs Maria Xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Just popping in quickly to wish PAT a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Hope you enjoy your day.
    We are off shopping, will I will look in later and see what everybody’s been up to.
    Have a good day everyone love Brenda XXX

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    PAT wishing you a happy birthday hope you got to enjoy your day.
    SANDRA hope your coffee papers came out well & you get to start your journal
    I've neally finished my journal but I just did my own thing didn't follow any on Pinterest. So probably won't be as good as yours Sandra.
    We had some lovely sunshine this morning. The only thing when it shines through the windows it shows up the dust although I doi it all a couple times a week
    So spent all morning doing the swear word again. Then Margaret came round about 1.30pm for lunch & a chat she has just gone home so I will pop in craft room for an hour before I do dinner.& before I nod off feeling a bit tired as didn't get off to sleep till after 2oclock with feet & leg pain. I hate this getting old lark just creeps up on you when your not looking.
    I did make some progress in craft room yesterday with the tidying up. I bought a three tire trolley before Christmas so I sorted my card out in colour order & got most of my go to card on it & the trolley fits nicely under my table. So I can just pull it out when I want some card instead of getting up & hunting for the colour I want .Now I still have to sort my other draws out I have lots I don't use any more so that's got to be done.
    PAT Big Hug's coming your way🤗🤗
    Hug's for all & enyone who needs more help yourself
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello again Sandra and ladies,
    This is the first time I have sat down since lunch time. We went shopping this morning after Asda we went to cash and carry daughter wanted some non perishable items and we need Chicken breasts, we ended up buying double the quantity we would normally get. We got home had lunch and then I started sorting out the chicken, Some just get frozen as plain chicken breasts, some I wrap up in streaky bacon before freezing and I always have some chopped ready for chicken stir fry or a pie so when defrosted I can just get on and cook them. So that has been my afternoon. Dinner to cook next then that’s me done for the day. I will be glad to sit down.
    LYNDA hope you have a better nights sleep tonight, you should do after the busy day you have had.xx
    SUE hope you are feeling better today, sorry you missed your day with Sandra yesterday. xx
    MICHELE Love your cards, I can think of quite a few men who would really love them. xx
    Oops dinner ready, have a lovely evening everyone, hugs Brenda xxx
