
Wednesday 16 January 2019

Something to Brighten Your Day ......

Good Morning Ladies,

A little something to brighten your day today from me!! I have had this 'Butterfly Gala' stamp set since before Christmas and the Gingham Gala Papers too but I haven't got round to playing with them, so while Paul was busy doing his accounts on the Lap Top last night and sat and played.

The background stamp I used is from a stamp set called 'Tempting Textures', I popped into my Stamperatus and stamped all of my backgrounds, just wiping the stamp over between colours. I then stamped and punched out all of the butterflies in matching colour card and ink. I placed my stamped background back in the Stamperatus and placed the butterfly where I wanted it to be, while holding it in place I positioned the little 'antenna' stamp and the sentiment, then removed the butterfly, inked up the stamps and stamped those onto each colour background.  I added a little glue to the back of the Butterfly and placed him onto the card so that the 'antenna' where positioned correctly.
I took four little Rhinestones and stuck them down the length of the butterfly's abdomen.
To finish the card I inked the edges with matching ink and popped the toppers onto a piece of matching Gingham paper and then on to a little notecard.
The colours I used for these cards are:
Daffodil Delight
Balmy Blue
Lemon Lime Twist
Grapefruit Grove
Highland Heather
I hope this card brings a little sunshine into your day. xxx

Like Lilian our house was quite cold yesterday, everyone seems to migrate to the kitchen because the Aga stays on and really warms the room, it is the warmest room in the house by far, I quite like it because the kitchen becomes the social hub of the house rather than the girls being up in their bedrooms doing their own thing. The only down side is, when they are in the kitchen they eat!  Sophie has taken a real interest in cooking lately too, which I love, there is no better way to bond and have fun with your children than when teaching them 'life skills'.  They have no idea see as they didn't have compulsory 'Home Economics' like we had, we were taught everything from making a bed to ironing a shirt and then all of the basic cooking skills.

I am hoping to see Sue today, which will be so lovely, these weeks soon roll around don't they.!

I hope you have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies
    Just managed to log back into google mail-what a faff!!

    Sandra-your Cards are gorgeous, such a lovely shot of colour . Perfect to brighten up this miserable Wednesday.


  2. Morning everyone,

    Lovely flutterbies Sandra, they make me feel as though spring is on it's way. I am looking forward to plenty of flowers on Pete's Magnolia Stellata this year as there are so many buds hidden inside fluffy white cocoons just waiting to burst open.

    Made a start yesterday on clearing out my bedside chest of drawers. Oh my, I must hoards receipts from everything I buy! At one time when we had statements sent to us by the banks we kept them so we could check them off as they had been paid out but since the advent of online banking and instant card payments that method has gone out of the window, yet I insist on having a receipt as my proof of purchase in the advent of anything going wrong with the larger purchases. But ladies...did you know you do not need a receipt to prove you bought anything from a shop should that happen. It all comes under the 2014 Customer Protection Act. If you have mislaid your receipt and the store insists you have one all you need do is check your statements for that purchase then ring your bank and ask for the transaction code can go back to the shop and insist that the shop tracks down that code on their computer system to prove your point.

    Rosie Steel and I are going to our first U3A meeting of the year today. Looking forward to it as with that bacterial infection I had been a tad nervous of passing it on to anyone so I stay in until I recovered.

    Gentle hugs to all

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Very pretty cards, love the colours. Make you feel happier to see.
    Brenda- sorry to see you sister is ill, hope it all goes well and sh'e soon home again.
    I hope anyone with sciatica and pains will have a better day.
    We are going to see OH step-mum today, she is now in a home in Peterborough. Doubt she ever be back home to Stamford. Meeting with a Niece for lunch to talk about what to do next.
    Many hugs to all and extras for Pat, Lilian and to anyone who need some today.
    Love Maria Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely bright colours today Sandra on your cards.
    Thanks for the hugs ladies very much appreciated. Thank you ladies for messaging me.
    At the school I was at Sandra everyone does some cooking. Cakes etc mostly. But the parents say that the children help at home. So that’s giving them practise. Which I must say will help them later in life. I know my grandchildren always did help with the cooking. The older ones even prepare and cook meals now. Mind you the girls don’t like washing up afterwards. But if the grown ups cook, they do the clearing of plates and washing up.
    Pete’s been in hospital again.

    1. Hi Pat sorry to hear Pete's been in hospital again is he home now
      Extra BIG HUG'S for you both xxxx

    2. Hi Pat, so very sorry to read Pete's in hospital again.
      Sending love and hugs to you both.xx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA I love your cards gorgeous butterflies & lovely colour's
    I made a challenge card yesterday quite pleased with it. So maybe I will do another one today hopefully but also try to finish a project for showing on mixed craft Saturday. Oh yes I still haven't tidied my craft room 😖
    Got to go Tesco to post some birthday cards. Will take 8🐾With us for a walk.
    So going to shout at CU to hurry up lol.will pop back later.
    Hug's all round extra for Pat Pete Val & enyone not 100%
    Love Lynda xx

  6. I love these CAS, beautiful colours cards They're right up my street.
    Sorry to read that Pete has been back in hospital. I hope he's home soon
    I am working from home today and it is freezing! Is there room in your kitchen SANDRA for me. They're doing the upstairs windows at the moment. Even if they're finished today I am home alone and won't be able to shift my desk back - so still no crafting apart from being able to knit or crochet
    Big hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what lovely cards, so simple but beautiful. Hope Sue gets to you today. I think all girls should have to do Home
    Economics to prepare them for later
    Pat sorry to hear Pete has been in again, hugs to you
    Karen hope the window fitters finish today, not the weather to be without windows, hope you can keep
    Cheryl hope appointment goes well
    Lilian hope you find benefit from acupuncture, not something I like the sound of!!! xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello All, from a very grey and drizzly Cornwall.

    Sandra loved your cards, so lovely and bright for dark grey days. Roll on spring.

    Been carpet cleaning the bedroom as someone who shall be nameless upset a whole cup of drinking chocolate last night. Had to get out my very heavy Basell cleaner it got it all out but so heavy to use, tempted to get one of the new light weight ones, but the old one does a good job so I’ll save my money for craft.

    Pat so sorry to hear Pete has been in hospital again, not much help, but thinking of you both and sending hugs.

    Well time for lunch salad I think, don’t really care for it in the winter but we have been eating too well.

    I will see you later, hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I love your butterfly cards they are so beautifully fresh and bright, really uplifting. xx
    Had an unexpected visitor today, our granddaughter who returns to university this weekend just popped in, strange as I had just taken a quiche out of the oven (her favourite) when she arrived - think she must have a spy camera on us! It was after 6pm when she left, and just enough quiche left for us to have a slim slither each tomorrow. It was a lovely surprise.
    PAT Sorry to hear Pete is back in hospital. Sending gentle caring hugs to you both.xx
    My sister is still in hospital, I rang today and spoke to one of the doctors, she told me they are going to do an angiogram after which they will then decide what to do next. I also spoke to my sister as the Nuns who visited today took her mobile phone in for her. It was great being able to talk to her and she comfortable and sounded in good form.
    Karen hope your window fitters have finished upstairs and you can get your craft table back in place.
    Cheryl Hope your appointment actually happens tomorrow - fingers crossed xx

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
