
Monday 21 January 2019

Back to the Start Monday Sketch Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I decided that it would be fun for us all have another go at this Sketch as it was the first ever sketch that we used back in January 2016.
It will be good to see how much our card making has changed over the past 3 years +!

The sketch itself is fantastic sketch, so very versatile, you could use this sketch for just about any style of card or occasion.  You can as always change the flowers to whatever you like, so stars, snowflakes, butterflies, footballs, or leave them as flowers, the choice is yours.  I am really looking forward to having another go at this one!!

What I have decided to do is share the cards that we all made for this sketch last time, I will probably do it on Saturday, although I am not 100% sure yet, I may stick to featuring them alongside the latest version on the Sunday.

I am so excited for this challenge, it's nice to have something to compare our cards to, thank you all in advance.

We had a lovely relaxed weekend, I hope that you all had one too.

I have to push myself this week, since deciding to stop being a SU Demo, I have lost my 'mojo', I go and sit and my nice tidy desk and nothing inspires me, I haven't felt like this for a long time.  I mean I really enjoyed making those little note cards and matching envelopes last week and the making the box was fun too.  I feel like I have no 'direction', I am now free to use absolutely anything but I don't know what to choose.  I still want to use my SU products because I love them but I want to add in other things.  I need to get everything out of the cupboards and boxes and just play I think.

Having this sketch will be a great help though, I can't wait to play.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-this will be fun repeating this sketch 3 years on. Hopefully when you start to get some of your stash out, you’ll find some inspiration to craft.

    I haven’t made anything in days as I don't have any inspiration so maybe playing with this sketch will help.

    Had a lovely lazy weekend and I’m only in work for 4 days this week as I’ve booked Friday off!


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA what an interesting Challenge you have given us this week. I cannot wait to see the 2016 cards.

    Well it's Mr Tesco this morning and then I have to wait for the hoover to be collecterd and returned. I then have to make a start on clearing the piano and around my craft table as the piano tuner is coming tomorrow afternoon. After all that I shall be

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. The cake and biscuit tins have been replenished so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extra warm ones for Dear Friends in need. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Great idea SANDRA to re-visit an old challenge It will be very interesting to see the differences
    I too am in the doldrums a bit re card making Do you think it’s a bit of the January blues too? I know this dull weather certainly doesn’t help I did manage a Leaving to have a baby card yesterday but daughter send me an idea to “copy”
    I hope you’re enjoying your hols MARIA
    I’d love to know which foiling machine you bought BRENDA because the card you showcased yesterday was stunning
    I too loved your card VAL Is The EF a Leonie Pugal one?
    I hope your week is quieter JANET
    Have you listed your items on eBay MICHELE Ifnot I might be interested AND thank you for last week’s challenge I’m just sorry I didn’t take part
    Aah LYNDA - how exciting to hear HARRY saying he can write his name
    At hospital this afternoon for diabetic clinic and then out dancing
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen, the ef hasn't got a name on it and I think it was free with a magazine in the dim and distant past.
      Good luck at the clinic and then enjoy the dancing.x

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for a good challenge this week, hope to join in. I know what you mean by losing your mo jo. I have not done much since I fell before Christmas. Hopefully will get it back now my back is
    Maria hope you are enjoying your holiday in the
    Karen hope diabetic clinic went
    Janet hope your hoover has arrived & you have a better
    Pat sending hugs to you
    Hugs on way to all who need them love

  5. Hi everyone,
    Great challenge Sandra. I just miss out on entering in the original as my first comment was in February 2016.

    Like others ive lost my mojo at the moment. Been in my craft room for hours today and have made precisely 2 cards. I just can't think of ideas for Valentine's cards. I'm going to look on Pinterest for inspiration.

    Hope everyone's keeping warm.
    Daily hugs for Pat and Pete.x
    Love to all

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your challenge this week. It will be really interesting to compare styles etc. I’m sorry you have lost your mojo. I’m sure it’s just knowing that you can use anything you like that has thrown you a bit my lovely xx
    I didn’t get any crafting done in the end yesterday apart from a while playing with my foamarin bits and bobs after watching a show on Hochanda featuring it that I had recorded a while ago. I got a couple of hints, one being that it’s easier to use an iron to warm the foam. I tried it but it didn’t seem any better, if anything I just worried too much about leaving it on the iron for too long and also that I would burn myself so back to using my heat gun I think. It has got rather chilly here today with a forecast of worse to come! Stay warm everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat and Pete and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    This looks a really nice challenge, like most of you my mojo has left me, BUT mine is probably hiding under ‘stuff ‘ I have left on my work area in the craft room! I walk in and am not inspired to craft, I started with good intentions to have a sort out then got distracted and haven’t returned to finish the job off. Hopefully my commenting on it will shame me to get going ...... or just focus on job in hand!!!
    MARIA Hope you have a great holiday. xx
    PAT Thinking of you and Pete. xx
    LILLIAN I hope you are feeling better xx
    LYNDA Hope you are also feeling better xx

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Evening everyone, dry but very cold.

    Love the idea of revising the original sketch, must admit I do like using a sketch.

    Been to hospital today, saw a lovely sympathetic lady, she checked out my knee, and I have a new walking stick and I am going to have a very special brace that has tension dial to pull my bones apart, which should help with walking, should be available in about 6 weeks, have to go for a special fitting when it arrives, so progress at last.
    Like you all not in the mood for crafting but at least the weekly challenge ensures I make one card a week, have cleared my desk so no excuse there.

    I’ll say goodnight, and send hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Haven't done a lot today. Went in craft room & sorted out some emails which are still coming through from 1915-17-18 I don't understand why as I just deleted all emails in December 25000.00 of them & today I had over 1000.00 of them.again.Grrrr which did my head in.HAHA.
    I thought I did a comment this morning but Can't find it.
    Had a lovely day yesterday with Lisa & Ian Joseph didn't come he had a sleep over his friends house Saturday night.shame but he's getting to that age now.
    Maria hope your enjoying your holiday in the snow.
    Well sending Hug's for everyone extra for Pat & Pete.
    Love Lynda xx
