
Tuesday 22 January 2019

My Sketch Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I decided to got for a lacy, die cut look for my Sketch Challenge card this time, I used Petal Pink ink and card, (which actually looks more peach than pink to me).
I stamped my sentiment from Stitched All Around stamp set and die cut it with a die from the matching Stitched Labels die set.  I then die cut another mat of Petal Pink card to layer it onto.
I added foam pads to raise it off of the background that I made by cutting a panel from the Beautifully Detailed Laser cut Panels in half and placing them in opposite corners of my card base, I added three little pearls in matching tone to continue the pattern to the border.
I then finished my card by adding a few of the same pearls to the stamped sentiment tag.
I hope you like my card.  xx

It is quite different from the original card that I made for this Sketch, I like them both equally though.

Nothing very exciting to tell you about my day yesterday, I did start my first Traveller's Notebook/Journal, I am not sure what to call it to be honest with you,  I picked out some stamps that I hadn't used for a long time and some old dies too, I stamped the first few pages, I just need to decide on what other things I am going to add in between the pages, you have to leave room to write, whether thats on the actual journal pages or onto journaling tags.  
I have ordered some dies from Craft Stash to make the assemble of a New Album easier, I am looking forward to them arriving as I think that getting new bits and pieces to craft with actually boosts you creativity too, so watch this space!  

What did you all get up to?

Karen, have you managed to rediscover your Craft Desk??

Maria, have you made your first Snow Angel yet?? 

Val, did you find any inspiration on Pinterest, how many hours did you lose? hahaha

I hope that you are all starting to rediscover your crafty inspiration, with so many of us struggling I am guessing it has to be the time of year, having made so many Christmas cards just exhausts you I think.  Maybe we should all take a leaf out of Michele's book, she has made two Christmas cards already!!

Have a lovely day however you spend it,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, so pretty. I looks your original card too.
    I haven’t found my crafting mojo-think it got packed away with the Christmas decorations!

    I had the day from hell yesterday-work was busy & full of problems including a patient who has a severe reaction to his chemotherapy. Just driving home when hubby phoned to say there were no local trains running. I immediately offered to drive into Liverpool to collect him (appropriately 30-40 minutes) so off I set. Didn’t realise how busy it would be but on I travel. Approaching Liverpool there were roadworks, lanes closed then a diversion...only problem was I completely missed the diversion sign and got horribly lost! Phil ended up talking me back to where I should have turned (by this time I’m in a complete panic) so we eventually got home at 8pm!! Not a pleasant experience.

    Let’s hope today is better!


    1. I hope so MICHELE It feels 10x worse in the dark too doesn’t it

    2. Good job hubby was at hand to guide you Michele, I dislike driving in the dark as I find the bright white headlights of the newer cars so distracting, why some have to drive with their fog lights on too is beyond me. x

  2. A very pretty card SANDRA and very different from your first one
    I have found my craft desk (Yay!) and as I have today off work I hope to achieve at least one card! I miss my ink eraser I hope it arrives tomorrow I use it a lot to remove sticky marks from having taped down a die to cut
    Porch floor being screed today So has better go get dressed and then CRAFT!
    I’ve fallen in love with a company I have not seen before GUMMIAPAN They’re on HOCHANDA at the mo I love their stuff and styles
    Might craft in a bit and watch the end of the show
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Somerset today is living up to it's reputation. Beautiful bright sunshine is streaming through the windows brightening up dull corners and bringing a warmth and brightness to everything. Yesterday was so cold and alternated between a weak sun and grey clouds, however the highlight of my day was to see a female partridge landing on my patio table and looking at me through the patio doors. She had a good meander around the decking and just as I got up slowly to fetch my camera, she hopped up the stone steps and took a stroll around the garden. As Lady luck is wont to do, she flew into next door's garden so my photo opportunity was missed, I have never seen one so close up before.
    Such a beautiful card Sandra, at first I thought it was peach until I read your description.
    My craft mojo has definitely disappeared at the moment so I am taking the chance to start my decluttering of chests of drawers and cupboards all over the house. Only drawback is I find something that Pete and I had purchased on a holiday or day out or a photo and then the memories flood back to those halcyon days when we thought we would live and grow old together, never knowing that when he asked me to marry him he had chosen to spend the rest of his life with me. So blessed am I.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Big hugs CHERYL We’ve just done a big clear of photos Throwing away random scenes that we can’t remember where or when and non descript animals But then you come across one of the kids and the memories it evokes reduces you to tears and wonder what they are like now and what they’ll be doing Take care hun xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pretty card, I must admit it does look peach to me.
    Hope you parcel comes quickly so you have something new to play
    I have been to exercise class again this morning, I missed the last 2 weeks because of my back, now I just want to go to sleep!!!
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Pat & Pete love

  5. Pretty card Sandra, so much difference than the first one.

    Been in my craft room again today. I've made 16 cards for Valentine's Day so I'm calling it a day. Just got to put the inserts in tomorrow and pop them in their cello bags. It's been a real chore to make them this time.

    Lynn says it's snowing in North Wales where they're staying and very cold. They still see to be getting out and about mind you.

    Hope everybody is having a good day and hugs to all not feeling so good.
    Love Valx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I agree with Margaret it looks peach, its funny how the light plays tricks when we take photographs indoors. It’s still a very pretty card - whatever the colour. xx
    Just been talking to my sister, she is still in hospital in Leicester. She had an angiogram last Friday and has been waiting since to see what the doctors decided to do next and apart from blood being taken today nothing has happened, she said it’s a very busy ward. I shared Sophie and Lucy’s Saturday excitement with her. She is a real royalist, so this little story made her day.
    Hope your day has been good, mine was housework, then I did some baking, I made a tuna quiche and some small cheese ones. When I bake these day usually at least half goes in the freezer, it’s to much for just the two of us. When the girls were at home I was lucky if we had enough for the next day!
    Have a lovely evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies. Forgot that I can’t press publish as I’m back to comment as google account.
    Lovely card today Sandra and it looks peach to me as well.
    Have been clearing out the back bedroom as we’re having a hospital bed delivered either Thurs or Friday. I think I need to get rid of a lot of card, stamps and dies that I haven’t used in a good while as well. I meant to pop a few stamps into s letter I sent to Cheryl but forgot. In too much of a rush to get it posted.

  8. Hello All, lots of rain and very cold, turned the heating up again.

    Lovely card Sandra very pretty, lovely soft colours. Haven’t started mine yet am determined to get it done before Saturday.

    Had another session of acupuncture again today, not sure how much it helps, feels good when finished but doesn’t last, still going to give it a bit longer.

    I seem to achieve nothing these dull dark days, I’m sure I do better when the days are lighter, I have day light bulbs, but don’t seem to help much these days.

    I’ll say goodnight, and send hugs to Pat and Pete, and all that need or want them.Lilian
