
Tuesday 8 January 2019

My Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and getting over your coughs, colds and bugs etc.  I am so looking forward to having all the windows open and fresh air blowing through the house, we do have our bedroom windows open for a while in the morning to air the room out but the house looses heat super fast and takes ages to warm back up.  
Just as soon as the weather warms up a little all windows will be open, get that stale air and germs blown away.  I do think thats the reason that our winter bugs last longer.

Today's card is my Sketch Challenge card, I used the beautiful 'Needlepoint Nook' Dsp and Matching  'Needle & Thread' stamp set. 
I cut a Night of Navy Card Base to 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inch, the cut a Whisper White layer 1/4 inch smaller, I stamped a couple if the stitched flourish stamps from the stamp set, I next cut a piece of Night of Navy Card  and added a pieceof the Dsp to that then adhered that to the card base. I then created a border with a piece of the same paper but using its reverse side, I layered that over a piece of the New White Flax Ribbon and frayed the ends. To make the topper I stamped a sentiment from the set and added some tiny butterflies (also a stamp in the set). I mounted this onto a Night of Navy matt and added foam pads to raise it off of the card.
To finish the card I die cut three tiny butterflies in Night Of Navy with a White detailed top layer, I added these along the bottom of my DSP layer, I then die cut a 'Thanks' from the new 'Well Written' sentiment dies.  I added a few sparkle gems to the butterflies.
I hope it gives you a little inspiration. 

Thats all from me for today, apart from sending special hugs to Pat and Pete xxx
Val I also send gentle hugs your way and hope you are on the mend. xxx

Love and hugs to you all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, it’s beautiful. I love the colours & the patterns on the paper.

    I plan to spend some time in my craft room tonight as I didn’t feel up to it last night. Work was problematic yesterday & all I wanted to do was sit and read when I got home.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a pretty card and beautiful colours. Blue is definitely my favourite colour.

    I want to start on my CC today but at the moment no ideas are

    The CAFE is OPEN and it's nice and warm inside just waiting for you all to pop in for a sit and a chat. I've changed the the table linen and put small vases of greenery on the tables.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with extra specials for PAT and PETE today. VAL yours will arrive shortly and I'm with you about staying away from-9 temps.
    Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. That’s a very pretty card Using the navy is so effective Much softer than black
    OH is home this week and so it feels more awkward to disappear to craft room but he’s off to the Spurs/Chelsea game later It must be over 30 years ago since he’s been to a top game of football
    I agree VAL I couldn’t do -9 either although I would love to see the Northern Lights
    Take care all xxx

    1. Yay! Don’t know how it’s happened but it’s let me comment

    2. Hello hello Karen, I think we have the same gremlins! Ha ha. I’ve just noticed I can comment as myself. We’ll see how long it lasts this time XX

  4. Hi everyone,
    Oh Sandra what a pretty card. Just love the navy blue, a colour I wouldn't normally think of using.

    Janet and Karen, glad you agree with me about -9. They have booked some tours including Auschwitz which I really feel I should see but maybe in the summer.

    I'm having a few hours in my craft room today. Lynn Paul and I were going for a lunchtime meal but poor Lynn has this horrible cold bug which is doing the rounds over here. It's more flu like actually and it's now for on her chest. She's taking anti biotics but I think she'll feel rough flying tomorrow bless her.

    Well I can here the washing machine dinghy, letting me know its finished so see you tomorrow everyone.
    Have a good day. Hugs to all as usual with special ones for Pat and Pete and anyway not feeling 100%.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Don't you just love predictive text. My washing machine is dinging not dinghy.x

    2. Hi Val
      I also agree with you that -9 is muchto cold. I’d also like to visit Auschwitz and the Northern Lights. Although that’s not possible now. Thanks for the hugs as well.

    3. Brrrrr -9 way too cold for me I would love to see the Northern lights but will just have to look at my Northern lights paper pad 😂😂😂😂
      Take care Hug's xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card today Sandra. Love the Navy and White card and stamp set you’ve used.
    Thanks for the hugs Sandra.
    I somehow pulled one of the hinges out on one of my cupboards. The bit inside the cupboard is still there as is the bit on the door but they’ve become unconnected somehow. I haven’t got a clue how it goes back together. So Keith was supposed to come down this morning to fix it. As per usual for Keith, at 11.40 there is no sign of him. So I’ll wait until Craig comes in from Faringdon and get him to fix it. I’ll have to watch how it’s done so I can do it myself in future.

    1. Hope you get your cupboard fixed soon
      Hug's for you & Pete. Hope he's a bit better today
      Take care.xx

    2. Let's hope you can get your cupboard Fixe soon Pat.x

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA I love your card the colour's are beautiful my favourite combo.
    We have a very cold but sunny day so my hat will be on this morning when we take 8 paws walkies. Terry has just come down so he's ready to go out. See you later.
    Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card. Navy and white are a lovely combo, the stamps and papers are so pretty and really do look so like “proper” stitches and that sentiment is beautiful. I can’t wait until it warms up a little to be able blow the bugs away as I agree that our warm homes these days don’t help. I certainly wouldn’t choose to go anywhere that has - temps. Bring on the lovely heat from the sun. Like lots of you I would dearly love to see the Northern lights though! It is lovely and sunny but very chilly here today. I am just about to go and have a “cuppa and catch u” with a dear friend so will be wrapping up warm to go out - then stripping off again as a hot flush takes hold no doubt. Oh the joys of being a woman!!!! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies, hi I can comment me again - how exciting. I can’t explain how its happened, but It will be great not having to prove I’m not a robot.

    What a lovely card Sandra I love the combination of navy and white it really is beautiful and very inspiring, thank you for sharing.

    Not a lot has happened today managed to do to machine loads of washing and have spent the rest of the day sitting at the computer organising accounts. I’m on the year-end now, I think when I have completed this that will be my work done . I love the exercise of using my brain so in some ways I will miss it, but maybe it’s time my brain had a rest, I’m sure I can find other uses for it!! Ha ha
    I hope everyone has had a good day, special hugs for Pat and Pete, Val, Lillian, Margaret and any one else who needs them. ((((Hugs)))) there’s plenty to go around. Will go and think about dinner, But think I will have a cup of tea first.
    Love Brenda XXX

    1. Yes predictive text - two loads of washing!

    2. Hi Brenda good to see you as yourself, good luck with the accounts. Thank you for hugs I have heard this afternoon that xrays were normal, so at least no harm done with my

    3. Hello Margaret, I’m so pleased your X-rays were normal 😃 xx

    4. So so strange that we’ve been able to comment as ourselves Fingers crossed it lasts

  9. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely card, you have given me some ideas, thank
    I am pleased to report that my xrays were normal, whatever normal is, so great relief. Thank you all for hugs. I still have some bruises which are coming
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Pat & Pete & Val & anybody else who needs them love

    1. So pleased your x-rays were normal Margaret.x

    2. Hi Margaret glad your X-rays were all good I'm really pleased for you.
      Take care hope the bruises disappear soon
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. So pleased the X-ray came back normal xxx

  10. Evening All, been a bit better weather here today.

    Thank goodness my cleaners were back today after three weeks Christmas break.

    Sandra love your card, night of navy is one of my favourite colours, not used it in a while so may have to dig it out.

    Been sorting my craft room out today, to use my new ikea six draw unit, not quite finished so that will be my job first thing.

    Hugs for all, especially extra for Pat and Pete, and all with aches and pains. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your feeling better than you were before Christmas. Thank you so much for the hugs. Sending gentle hugs back to you.

  11. Hi Everyone again
    Enjoyed our walk boy it was very cold though. Think I need some boots for Rea her little paws must have been cold Bailey's paws are quite a lot bigger & he just runs off ware Rea just stays mostly by Terry's feet bless her.
    I've been in craft room for a couple of hours I'm doing a project not going to bad will send Sandra pictures when I have done some more.
    Just watching Manhunt on ITV so I will see you all tomorrow but going round Margaret's tomorrow as well.
    Love Lynda xx 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  12. Hullo everyone. Well blogger is so weird. After posting this morning I was back to comment as google. So I had to go onto Sandra’s view my blog. And press Cotswold crafter from there.
