
Wednesday 9 January 2019

Michele's Lovely Girly Card

Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all today, what are you all up to today??

Today's gorgeous card is one that Michele has made for her Niece in America who is turning 17, so how perfect is this card?? How many 17 year olds love make-up, shoes and shopping?? Pretty much most of them, well except for my Lucy and Sophie, they wear make up, but hate going shopping although they don't mind Internet shopping, our DPD man 'Barry' is almost like a family member! 🤣🤣
Anyway back to Michele's card, Michele used one of Sue Wilson's Shadow Box 'Retail Therapy'  Die set to create her card, that frame is quite versatile, I imagine it looks quite different rotated different ways, there are also so many different themed sets to fit into the frames, you can certainly make something for every occasion.
Michele embellished the frame of the card with tiny flower gems, so pretty Michele, I know your Niece will love it, particularly as they don't have anything like it over there.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us xxxx

I don't know where yesterday disappeared to, I spent a couple of hours updating my Pinterest boards, adding new cards that I have made etc, I am trying to grow my Pinterest in hope that it will increase blog traffic etc. But we all know that even though you go into Pinterest to do one thing, something will catch your eye and before you know it you are 47 pages away from where you started with no hope of going back, oh yeah and in that 47 clicks you loose 2 and a half hours!!
I have been looking on Pinterest at the different types of Journals, I came to the decision that for my first one I am going to download a Kit, which has all the papers, pockets and ephemera, you just print off and assemble the elements.  There are some absolutely stunning vintage style kits, so pretty.  I can't wait to share it all with you!!!

Val, I totally agree with you regarding a holiday that has weather of -9, I do not like being cold at the best of times, so being cold when you are supposed to be enjoying yourself would not be fun. Although Poland is a beautiful country to visit.   I too would like experience Auschwitz, my sister went a few years ago and said that there is nothing like it, it gave you a better understanding of how much cruelty and suffering went on there.
I do hope you are feeling the benefit of your last injection my lovely, back pain is so miserable, the pain killers can make you feel rough as well, fingers crossed you won't need them for the full 10 days.
I know a few people that have experienced the Northern Lights, mainly on a Cruise, I think if you pick your time the weather is a little more bearable,  My problem would be the ice, I would be like Bambi, I have enough trouble standing up on a normal flat surface!

Well I am off to see if I can set up the printer, I can feel the frustration already, it never goes smoothly when you need it, i'm not sure if it's because it has to connect to your laptop through the Wifi? Watch this space!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for sharing my card. I like that particular shadow box frame the best as it fits nicely on a 6x6 card which is quite big enough to post to USA. Anything larger gets very expensive.
    I made this using the Retail Therapy dies as I’m trying to use all my Dies in turn-well that’s the plan..!!
    Yesterday was an extremely challenging day at work, we have a severe bed crisis and we got a message to say there’s been a “critical incident “ on a nearby motorway-the patients connected to the incident were being helicoptered to Aintree Hospital (it’s a big, teaching hospital with a Trauma Unit) and all other routine emergency cases were being diverted to our hospital!
    Sometimes I feel like I’m on an episode of Reality Television.


    1. Lovely card Michele. Your niece will love it.
      I hope today is a better day today at work and your bed situation improves.

  2. So pretty MICHELE Thanks for the top that it fits on a 6x6 card too The one I have - the baby one is OK but (boy I haven’t used it in a while) I think I have to make a card blank and “doctor” an envelope to make it work
    I made a card for a friend but couldn’t get it to work as a cc which means I owe myself 6 Christmas cards! How long did that resolution last? Not even a few days Ho hum!
    I hope you’re feeling better VAL and hope LYNN is able to enjoy her trip These winter bugs are not nice
    I am going to work soon So had better get a wriggle on HUGS to PAT and PETE
    Take care all xxxx

    1. Thanks or the hugs Karen. Sending hugs back to youl

  3. Hi Sandr and all in the Cafe today.
    MICHELE, what a great card for your teenage niece. I hope you have a better day at work today x
    SANDRA, I hope your printer worked for you and you now have all of the bits for your first journal ready and waiting to be made up. I can’t wait to see the finished journal. I know just what you mean about Pinterest. The time does fly by once you start looking but it is full of inspiration on just about anything isn’t it 😀 Have a good day my lovely xx
    MUM, I’m so glad the hip xrays came back clear. Love you xx
    I did get several odd jobs done and had a lovely catch up with a friend yesterday and I want to get a challenge card done today. Still haven’t decided what papers etc. to use though. That is the bit that takes me ages to decide on.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat, Pate, Val and all in need. Take care xx

  4. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE- a truly lovely card and definitely one suited to a 17yr old/young lady.

    We had a letter from France yesterday letting us know that the house next door has finally been put on the market for sale!!! Heaven knows how long it's going to be before it's sold but at least the first step has been taken.

    A few years ago now while we were in France during the Summer we visited Limoges for a few days and saw some literature about one of the 'Martyr' villages in the area.
    ORADOUR-sur-glane Was one of these villages. We thought very hard about going as it is a village which in June 1944 the Germans massacred the entire village one Saturday afternoon. The village has been left exactly as it was after the Germans left and is now a 'preserved' village. It is a very sobering and distressing feeling to walk round and see such things as the Doctors car still in the middle of the street burned out. The ruined houses with everything left just as it was when the villages were taken to the Church and barns to be executed en mass.
    Having said all this we do feel that everyone should see what evil man can do to fellow man.

    SANDRA- thank you for the inspirational card you mailed me yesterday. It set me going so thank you again.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all topop in for a cup of tea/coffee and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies from a sunny MK, yes we are having a nice day here after the pretty grey and blistering cold winds yesterday.
    Think I will have to buy that frame. Thank you Michele for showing us this great card for your Niece, she will love it.
    Lovely card yesterday Sandra, I will try to make the CC today as I'm out tomorrow and SIL coming up on Friday so not many hours for crafting.
    Margaret- good your x-ray was clear. Hope your bruises are not too painful. Hugs for you and Pop.
    Val- hope your injections have given you some rest. Hope Lynn felt better and will enjoy her holiday. Like to go to Poland and to see the Northern lights one day.
    Sorry Ladies but I seem to be the only one who love the cold. Now I'm talking about the dry one and not the raw,wet one we got here. We were some years ago in Austria and we had a mostly a sunny week with blue sky and the temp. in the day time was -14 ! yes it was cold but if you are dressed right then it's normally no problem.
    Lilian- hope you feeling better ? hugs and take care.
    Pat- my daily hugs are on their way for you and Pete.
    I best get a move on or I will be sitting here all day and that's no good. Thankfully the throat feels a bit better but did sleep funny so neck and shoulder is stiff this morning. Always have to be something doesn't it.
    Have a good day ladies. Love and warm hugs, Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies. Lovely card Michele. I’m sure your niece will love it. I think I have the birthday frame. I’ve adapted it a few times though.
    Well today I’m back to comment as Pat S Witney. I wonder how long it will last this time.
    We also have a sunny day here. I popped into Witney this morning as I had to put a prescription in for Pete and pop into a few shops. To far for Pete to walk and I can get home quicker on my own. Pete’s friend John was there when I arrived home. The one who had the engine driven microlight aircraft, and had taken Pete up a few times. He’s building a massive house in his back garden. Hasn’t made up his mind whether he’ll sell it or move into it. He’s insulated it to within an inch of its life according to what he was telling up. Oh well time for lunch I think. Keith came and fixed my hinge and put a new light bulb. Just need a bracket put on the wall for the cordless vacuum cleaner I’ve bought. Keith took my Dyson home with him for Karen to use.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for sharing Michele's lovely card today, hope you manage to your
    Michele your card is perfect for 17 year old, hope today is quieter at
    Having a quiet day my back is playing me up, the physio said that it is bruising coming out to put hot water bottle on it, I must admit it does help. Sorry for moaning I certainly don't like this getting old!! Soapbox put away.
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Pat & Pete, & Val & anybody else that needs them love

    1. Thanks for the hugs Margaret. Hope the hot water bottle helps with the bruising. Glad the hip is ok.

  8. Hi everyone,
    Michele, love your card. You've reminded me that I have this die set, not use very often. The card is perfect for you niece and I'm sure she'll love it.

    Lynn and Paul left for Poland at lunch time with a case full of thermal underclothes, scarves, hats and gloves. Hope Lynn is ok as shes still feeling rough.

    Sad day today and I've had a few teary moments as it's 14 years since the love of my life Allan passed on. It does get easier but I miss him every day.

    Just about to take Gracie out. My back is a lot better and I'm sure it's thanks to your good wishes and hugs so thanks to you all for your good

    Love Valx

    1. Gentle hugs coming your way today Val. I’m glad to hear your back is getting better. Hope Lynn and Paul enjoy their holiday. Much to cold for me.

    2. Sending you extra hugs on this day and hope you be ok
      hugs xx

    3. Big gentle hugs VAL A sad day and it doesn’t matter how many years have passed the pain never lightens xxx

    4. Thank you friends. Your hugs are very much appreciated.x

    5. Val, Sending gentle hugs, I’m sure you have some wonderful memories I just hope today hasn’t been to painful xx

  9. Hello , it’s been a sunny day here but very cold.

    Sorry to be late, but I’ve tried all day to publish but was having none of it. Hope it’s ok now, seems to last a few days then it’s back to not working.

    Michele loved your card, lovely for a female of any age, my granddaughter is only Five( going on thirty) , she would love it.

    Am still sorting my room trying to move things off my table to give me more room , seem to end up working in a space of postage stamp.

    Fish and chips for dinner, so no work for me, hugs to all, Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Michele, perfect card for a teenager, I’m sure your niece will love it.

    Had a busy day went to Croydon this morning with OH we had lunch out which was lovely. Returned home had a cup of tea and fell asleep before I had finished it!! Before I knew it it was time to start dinner - where has my day gone? Tomorrow I have an early appointment with my dentist ..... what an exciting life I lead.

    Hope everyone has had a good day, Sweet Dreams, Love Brenda xxx
