
Thursday 10 January 2019

Another Challenge Card Bloom By Bloom

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is another version of this weeks  Sketch Challenge, I quite like this lay out and have found it quite easy to work with, I hope that your are all enjoying it too.

Janet I am so glad the card helped a little, I say it and thought of you.  I also wanted to thank you for sharing your story yesterday, I loved reading all about Oradour-Sur-Glane, It sounds like one of those places that gives you chills, especially seeing it just as it was on that day, I think it is important that these places are preserved for future generations to fully understand the atrocity that took place.  I would love to hear more about your times in france. xxx

I used the Stampin'Up! Bloom by Bloom Stamp set this time with Calypso Coral and 'Call me Clover' card and ink.
I stamped the image of the flower on the topper, then added the sentiment and punched out some tiny flowers from matching punch set, adding tiny pearls to the centres, the punch set has those tiny leaves too, which finish of the flowers nicely. I used two different pieces of the matching DSP, edged them with ink and mounted them onto Call me Clover Card, as I thought that made them 'pop' more than the 'Calypso Coral' card.  I put all the layers together and added a border of ribbon in colours that match the colours in the floral paper but the orange looks much brighter on camera.
I popped the topper onto foam pads and mounted it on top of the ribbon border.
I finished the card by die cutting a 'friend' sentiment and added some matching sequin flowers that also don't look like they match in the photo!

I had a lovely visitor yesterday....Sue came, really brightened my week as I have been feeling a little low, as my heart has really been playing up, we are waiting for appointment with new doctors surgery so have to start all over again with information etc.
Anyway back to yesterday it was so lovely to see Sue, it seemed like forever since we last met up, in reality I think it was 3 weeks!  We had lunch and then sat in lounge with a cup of tea, which was a bit of a mistake as we have a jigsaw puzzle out on the coffee table, it is one of these 'Impossible Puzzles' it only has 500 pieces but they are tiny and the picture is just 'Sprinkles'  you know like you put on cakes!  We have been doing it for about 10 days, never has a puzzle taken us so long, it is infuriating but addictive, I could almost see Sue's fingers itching to get involved, but it is something fun to do while you chat.  We lost an hour or so but did find a few pieces that we had been looking for for ages!  We did eventually make it into the craft room, where we both got busy, I managed to start and finish the above card, that is the beauty of a sketch though, planning your lay out is the hard part and thats all done for you.
As usual Paul was home before we knew it, time just flew, thank you so much for coming over Sue, you really made my day.  The cakes were yummy too..... Harley says thanks too 😉😜😜xxx

Margaret, I was pleased to hear that your Xray was clear, that puts your mind a rest a little, I hope the hot water bottle helps with your bruising too my lovely xxx

Pat is was nice to read that you got out even if it was only for an hour or so, its nice just to have a change of scenery. xxx

Val, I want to send you big hugs for yesterday, I imagine that the number of years makes no difference to the hurt you feel when you think about anniversaries like yesterday.  I was pleased to read your pain was easing a little though, just remember we are always here for you xxxxx

Lilian, I always start off with a decent space but end up with a postage stamp, its usually a postage stamp area on top of papers, guillotine and ink pads though, Paul always shakes his head in disbelief, he says I end up crafting on the tip of a pyramid!!
I hope you enjoyed your Fish and Chips, I bet they are the 'best' fish and chips with the fish being so fresh, you had my mouth watering, now here's a question for everyone......Do you have Mushy Peas with your Fish and chips???  xxx

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, nice + bright. Your day yesterday sounded like fun & what a nice surprise to have Sue come over to craft.

    I can’t stand Mushy Peas but Phil loves them!

    Yesterday was a much better day but still busy so I watched 3 episodes of Law & Order SVU, they’re very old ones as it’s Series 4 and I think the latest ones are Series 19! Anyway it was nice to relax & switch off.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SANDRA and so Spring like it makes you smile.

    I have managed to make a CC and want to try for another today well that's the

    In our house it has to be 'mushy peas' with fish and chips or it's not a complete

    Fingers not working too good this morning so it's a short post. The CAFE is OPEN and nice and warm inside just waiting for you all to pop in. Breakfast porridge etc is also ready.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends in need of them. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Janet it was very interesting to read about the village now kept as a memorial. Like you I think we should always remember the evil that man can do to man.
      Hope your fingers has started working. Sending hugs.x

    2. Thanks for telling us about the village yesterday. Will try to remember if going over to France one day.
      hugs x

    3. Hi Janet
      Loved reading about the village in France yesterday. Would be nice to visit but a bit harrowing I would think.
      Sorry to hear your fingers aren’t working to well today.

  3. Pretty card I like the change of colour you have used How lovely to get a visit from SUE I’m hopeless at puzzles So one of these would really stump me Mushy peas? No not for me
    Big hugs VAL - the pain never disappears does it I hope you were able to smile a little at happy memories together
    Our craft club is meeting tonight but we’re going out for dinner- our Christmas do
    I hope to craft this afternoon especially as I haven’t got to cook
    Take care all xxxx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Karen It wasn't a great day and I was glad when it was over.
      Enjoy your Christmas night out.x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi everyone.
    Very bright pretty card Sandra. Glad you had a good day with Sue.
    I must admit I did feel down yesterday. January isn't a good month as my dad died on 1st and my mum on 23rd.
    Anyway todays another day and were resuming our crib day today so looking forward to a laugh.
    Lynn's just sent me a photo of the view out of the hotel window. It's so picturesque. Very thick snow and
    still snowing.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs to all with special daily ones to Pat and Pete.x

    1. Hi Cal
      I’m glad to hear that yesterday wasn’t to bad for you.

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    First Michele your card yesterday was lovely very girly.
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous love the colour's so pretty.
    Mushy peas Terry loves them I hate them.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday not sure where the day went just disappeared.
    JANET loved hearing your story of the village now kept as a memorial gave me a chill thinking of what all those people went through & really sad to visit.
    VAL sending you some happy memory Hug's for yesterday doesn't get any easier
    Dose it. Enjoy your day today. Glad Lynn & Paul arrived safe Brrrr so cold not for me I don't like the white stuff & -9 no way.
    Must try & get in craft room today & do my CC. Not sure what today brings. Must finish off the ironing & tidying Terry is putting decorations back in loft doesn't seem 5 minutes since we were putting them up.
    SANDRA nice for you having Sue come over yesterday & crafting.
    Have a lovely day everyone sending you all Hug's extra for Pat & Pete. Glad you managed to get out for a few hours yesterday Pat.
    Love Lynda xx
    Ps Sue hope you got your letter I sent you. Xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another lovely card, I must admit I haven't felt like doing one this week yet. Thank you for the best wishes, the heat is definitely helping. How lovely for you that Sue was able to visit yesterday. Hope you get help from your new
    Val sending you hugs I am sure you have some lovely
    Thank you all for your best
    Janet sorry your fingers don't want to work, I know the feeling
    Cheryl hope all is well with
    Sending hugs to Pat & Pete & anybody else that needs them love

  8. Hi Sandraand ladies
    Nice spring colours Sandra you’ve used for this card.
    I hope you don’t have to wait long for an appointment. I suppose you have to be accepted first. As usually you can ring for an appointment. You usually have to wait but at least you know when it will be.
    I wonder if they’ll want to give you medication again for your AF. If I remember rightly your not taking any at the moment as you didn’t like the symptoms it could cause. Mind you all the medication Pete had to take could have killed him. But you can never not take medication because of the effects it might have.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely cheery card today Sandra the colours are quite uplifting, again thank you for the inspiration.
    What a lovely surprise that Sue managed to pop over yesterday - And bring cakes .... she is one very thoughtful friend, so pleased that Harley also enjoyed them!
    VAL Pleased you got through yesterday and It was lovely to hear that Lynn managed to send you a picture of the beautiful scenery. I’d love to see the scenery, but I would want to stay in the warm, I’m sorry I do not do -9. Mind you some years ago I booked for the whole family to go to Disneyland Paris during the February half term thinking that it would not be so crowded, what I haven’t thought about was the temperatures, it was so so cold all of the fountains were frozen solid, fortunately the hotel was lovely and warm and it was great to return there every evening. But in spite of the cold we really have some lovely memories of that very very cold February holiday.
    Dentist was fine this morning just a check up, quick clean and a prescription for fluoride toothpaste, so nothing painful. I was there in good time only to be told my dentist had an emergency at another practice but if I didn’t mind waiting she would see me as soon as she could. She arrived 45 mins later. So I had sat for over an hour by the time I was seen. she is really lovely dentist and was so apologetic, you just never know do you? - You could be that emergency !! ',
    After that we went to Asda shopping, then back home lunch
    then put shopping away ..... Another day flies past.
    Whatever you have been doing I hope it has been enjoyable. I
    Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Yes, where did this day go Brenda ? Was in town 9am, got home around 1pm. Finished the cc so will send that in a minute, I might get another one done on Saturday, like this sketch.
    Did some cleaning as SIL is coming tomorrow, we are going to Bon Marche for some look at the sales. Need something new for the holiday, nothing fits buhu back to healthy eating afterwards once again.
    Sending hugs to you all, Maria xxx
