
Monday 7 January 2019

Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Welcome to the start of a new week and the launch of our 2nd Challenge of 2019.  I thought I would go for a nice simple sketch as they work for any occasion that you have to make a card for.

As long as the basic layout is similar I don't mind what you change, the square that says 'image' for instance can be any size or shape you choose.  The three little hearts could be flowers, pearls, brads, sequins, or anything else that you can think of.
The most important rule is for you to get crafting and have FUN!!

I am actually looking forward to changing things up a bit this week, Paul and I sorted the dining room last night so that I can get my craft desk fully open and ready to go.
I have made a list of the things that I want to make as well as the cards I need to make so that I can keep my mind focused, otherwise I tend to forget about Birthdays and things and end up panicking and rushing.  I have ordered myself a Planner to go on my desk to help me prepare.  New Year new me!! (well probably for the first few weeks)!

What did you all get up to this weekend?  We got the Christmas tree down and all decorations packed back in their boxes and stowed in the loft, although we have to keep a close eye on everything as Paul has now caught three mice in the loft, Sophie and Lewis kept saying that it sounded as though someone was in there loft (that part of the house is slightly newer and is an extension) therefore it has its own loft space.  Of course will only use a humane trap, which he sticks in the back of the car and takes the mouse for a ride down the lane a short drive from our house, its all country fields, he goes a good couple of miles so that the mouse can't find its way back! Lol !!
We just have to be careful that we don't get them in the main loft as that is full of our things, there were two dead, decomposed mice skeletons in traps in the loft when we moved in, Paul has left the skeletons there, he says its a warning to any mice that might fancy moving in 🤣🤣🤣!
Watch this space!

It was so nice getting the house back to normal, as usual the house looks quite bare, but I quite like it!
We hoovered and dusted everywhere after we had packed everything away, it all looks clean and fresh.

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for the week ahead.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-an interesting sketch got us this week, I think you could make a card for any occasion using this sketch.
    It sounds like you were busy over the weekend. We too put the decorations away & everywhere looked great once we’d hoovered & dusted.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very dark, cold and windy Sheffield.

    A very interesting Challenge this week. Thinking Cap will have to go on for this one.

    We popped to the Range yesterday morning and of course as always came out with a few things including a beautiful 12x12 card pack in the most beautiful lilac/lavender colours for only £3.45. There's 30 double sided sheets 15designs and 2 of each. I call that a bargain! I cannot wait to use some of it.

    Mr Tesco this morning and perhaps a little crafting after. Christmas has now gone from the house and put away.

    The CAFE is OPEN though at the moment looking slightly bare as all the decs have been put away there too. I'll have a look tomorrow about putting something on the tables.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. It’s always good to get a bargain isn’t it. I need to get some double sided papers as I only have a few so will have to have a look in our Range. Take care x

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. No doubt there will be lots of great cards to see on Sunday using this sketch.
    Like you I have written on the calendar when I need to make a card, giving myself an extra week in case of delays, and also when they need to be posted so hopefully I won’t be rushing at the last minute. Let’s see if our plans work this year! Our decorations are all down but not packed away yet so that’s a job for today. I hate taking them down as it makes these dark days seem worse.
    Maria, sorry but I forgot to take any pics of the tree etc this time. I will try and remember to take some in December!!! The ironing mountain took a long time yesterday so don’t get to craft at all in the end so I must get a birthday card finished and on the post this afternoon.
    It is a bit grey here today and really cold so will be wrapping up warm when I take the girls swimming later. I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely sketch challenge today.
    Well I came on again as I once again had comment as google. So I clicked on Sandra’s view my complete profile and comment as Pat S Witney came back.
    I took the few decorations and our tree down a few days ago.
    It looks quite bright here today.

  5. Hi everyone,
    Great sketch Sandra. Really will enter challenge this week as I just have to get in my craft room again.

    All our decorations came down this weekend and put in shed. Sadly houses over here don't have attics. So handy for storing all sorts. House dusted and hoovered and looks clean but bare.

    My back is improving every day and it's my last injection today but another 6 days of pain killers. GP told me to only take them for 10 days. Maybe there addictive?

    Anyway just waiting for Lynn to pick me up fofood shopping. Her and Paul are off to Poland on Wednesday for 5 days then the rest of their 2 weeks will be spent in UK. I could have gone with them but a) they should have time on their own and b) it's minus 9 degrees and snowing in Krakow.just not for me!!!

    Hugs to everyone with extra special ones for Pat and Lynda and everyone who needs one.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Thanks for the hugs,
      I’m glad to hear your back is improving. However, please don’t try to do to much to soon. I don’t blame you going to Poliand. -9 is much to cold 🥶 for me as well. Although I’d like to go back to Zell am Zee but unlike Maria I’d go in the summer.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone in the cafe' today.
    Good sketch for this weeks CC Sandra, thank you. Will have a proper think when back from our walk. Going over to Dobbies
    for a look around, only hope it's not too mucky under the bridge to get there.
    We didn't do much at all during the weekend really,rested the old bones and drank a lot of tea with honey.
    Tree and dec. still up until next weekend so the lounge look cosy until then.
    It's +7 outside but feels much colder so will get the thermal vest on.
    many hugs to you all and extra once to our poorly friends, wish you better. Love Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased you have got your craft room back, you do sound as if you are going to be super organised. Good challenge for this week. Have a good
    We have decorations down but not put away yet, a job for today, then hoover & dust.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, pleased to hear your back is feeling easier Val, love Margaret. xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Good sketch Sandra, as Michele said it could be used for ant occasion, thinking cap on!!
    Pleased you have your workspace back, brilliant idea to have a planner on your desk, certainly an idea I might just borrow, then hopefully I will not be rushing around at the last minute organising birthday cards. I’m sure there are planners you can download on the Internet.
    Val, pleased to hear your back is a little easier, now just don’t go pushing yourself too much. XX
    We took our decorations down on Friday, I packed them all away and they have returned to the loft until next time.
    Janet the card you got from the Range sounds really good value, Might just have to head down to our local Range, it opened in November so it’s still a great novelty to shop there.
    I’ve tried clicking on Sandra’s complete profile to get on to google as myself, it didn’t work, so for now I will have to be Mrs Anonymous.
    Sending gentle caring hugs to anyone who needs them, take care, love Brenda xxx

  9. I’m struggling to comment “properly” too!
    Our decorations came down on Friday and stowed away Saturday
    Had a surprise visit from Oscar yesterday which was lovely He is such a bundle of fun and his chicken pox has nearly cleared
    After his whirlwind visit we just sat and watched television
    Lovely sketch SANDRA I will look forward to having a go maybe tomorrow or Wednesday when I’m home alone
    Big hugs to PAT and PETE
    Pleased to hear the back is improving VAL
    Thank you ladies for your lovely comments on OH’s cardi Took a delivery of a couple of crafty bits today I hope to send a photo Karenlotty

  10. Hi All, chilly and grey here today.

    Lovely cards yesterday, I wrote a long post but did not realise it did not publish, tried all ways to no avail.

    Good sketch for today, will give it a go, I’ve cleared my last hour history so I’m hoping that this will work.

    We have been putting two ikea units together,went well but took a lot of time.

    Have a good evening, hugs to all Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra great sketch for this week.
    Sorry late we went to see one our friends who live in Sidcup a 2 3/4 hour drive so haven't been in long. I don't like driving in the dark so glad to be home
    See you tomorrow Hug's LoveLynda xx
