
Sunday 6 January 2019

Your Challenge cards

Good Sunday Morning,

Welcome back ladies, to what you do best....this is 'Hands down'  the best display of cards in Blogland and I think the longest running Monday Challenge!! 

So without further delay, Janet, get the boards ready! ………………


Just look at Lilian's stunning Challenge card, that paper is so beautiful Lilian, I don't how you managed to use it!  It's a keep in the cupboard and stroke paper!
Lilian has teamed the paper with some lovely Marianne Dies to create a beautiful shaped card.

The categories Lilian used are:  Flowers/Shaped Cards/Sequins

Thank you Lilian for sharing such a stunning card, what a way to start the year! xxxx


Maria used a gorgeous embossing folder to create her card, my favourite colour too! 
Such a stunning card Maria, I love the simplicity of your design.

Maria used Categories:  Green/Spring/Sequins

Thank you so much My lovely friend for such a pretty card. xxxx


Lynda has made three fantastic challenge cards for this TicTacToe, each of them totally different but equally amazing.
Lynda has used categories:  Butterflies/Sequins/CAS
                                               Butterflies/ Sequins/Sequins
Three amazing cards Lynda thank you so very much my lovely for taking part. xxxx


Karen has made two absolutely amazing cards for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge.
 The first card features two beautiful corner die cuts, on a pretty pink spotty background, embellished with sequins.
Karen's second card features a beautiful background that looks like the Shaving Foam Technique, Karen has embellished the card with pretty butterflies adorned with pearls.

Karen used categories:  Spring/Flowers/Sequins
                                        CAS/Butterflies/ Green

Thank you so much Karen for 2 amazing cards xxxx


Margaret has used some of the stunning Free Sale-A-Bration paper collection for this card, the Butterflies are featured on a other sheet of this stunning paper collection, there is a matching punch to save you wasting time and paper (if your fussy cutting is like mine).

Margaret used categories:  Butterflies/Label/Green

Such a pretty card Margaret, thank you so much for taking part xxxx


Three amazing cards from Janet for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, all completely different and completely stunning.

Janet's first card is a beautiful Circular card with a gorgeous flower die cut, finished with pretty gem stones.
This card used categories:  Shaped Card/Spring/Flowers

The second card features a gorgeous little girl on a Stepper card, adorned with butterflies.

This card used categories:  Shaped Card/Butterflies/Green

Janet's final card features a stunning Butterfly Edger Die, a real wow, I love it Janet, is it Crafters Companion or Tonic die Janet?

This card features categories:  Green/Butterflies/ Flowers.

Thank you Janet for three stunning challenge cards xxxx


Michele managed three cards for this weeks challenge thats amazing considering you have had a busy week.
Michele's first card was made using those amazing Embossing Folders by Apple Blossom, embellished with beautiful butterflies.
This card features Categories:  CAS/Butterfly/Gems(sequins)

Michele's second card features that lovely die cut from China on a pretty floral embossed background.
Features categories:  Green/Spring/Flowers.

Michele's final card has a stunning floral embossed background, with a gorgeous die cut, edged with some pretty seam binding ribbon.
 This Card features categories:  CAS/Spring/Flowers.

Thank you so much Michele for 3 stunning challenge cards. xxxx


Brenda's has made an absolutely stunning Challenge card, using a stunning butterfly die cut, cut from Green foil card, mounted upon a blended Distress Oxide Background, Brenda has embellished her card with little Foamiran Flowers that she has made herself and gorgeous little Sequins.

Brenda used categories:  Butterflies/Green/ Sequins
Thank you so much Brenda for taking part in this weeks challenge. xxxx

Ladies what can I say, you have absolutely smashed our first Challenge of 2019, I am so very grateful to all of you for making time in your busy lives to support my blog posts.

Have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to each and everyone of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What an abundance of creation this wee.
    I'm sorry Paul that I had to get you to put extra boards up for the display.

    I think we have really made a wonderful start to the new year so I'm looking forward to this week's Challenge.

    The CAFE is OPEN and it's Roast Pork on the menu today so place your orders please.
    HUGSs should be arriving with you all very soon. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. All of your challenge cards are lovely. The circular die cut is beautiful, where did you get it from? Please add my name to the lunch list. I love pork with apple sauce and some delicious crackling. Have a good day x

    2. Wonderful cards Janet. Yes, please roast pork for me as well. Save me cooking and I’ll just pinch some for Pete. He doesn’t eat much so hopefully no one will notice. I also love the purple die you’ve ised on the circle card.

    3. Lovely cards Janet. If any pork left I like to have some too Mmmmm and it save me cooking today, wishful thinking hihi hugs x

  2. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what a fantastic selection of challenge cards today. Sandra-you chose a brilliant Tic Tac Toe for us.

    Yesterday morning was spent walking into the village, taking 3 bags to the charity shop (by car) then taking all the decorations down & putting them in the loft. Went to se Father in Law after lunch-he was quite bright & alert. We “chatted “ for a while-his speech is still quite slurred and gets worse when he’ tired. We watched some TV with him then left for home-finally getting back about 6:30pm.
    Today is housework this morning then maybe I’ll manage to get into my craft room-well that’s the plan.


    1. Hi Michele. Your challenge cards are lovely. I hope you manage to get into your craft room later x

    2. Hope you can have a nice day after HW . Wonderful cards Michele. Good FIL were more alert when you visited. We probably visiting OH step mum next week. She has now been in Peterborough in a nursing home since before Christmas, don't think she will be able to come back home to Stamford again. It's gone downhill so quickly. hugs x

  3. Ooh Gorgeous display It was a great challenge which because I knew I had to make two specific cards helped me choose what would go on my cards
    I also made a New Home card, a Sympathy card and a male birthday card, all of which I couldn’t use as a challenge It has meant that one of my resolutions has gone out of the window ie “make a card make a Christmas card too” So I’m 5 Christmas cards short!
    As you can see I’m anonymous (again) even though I have tried your trick SUE
    Have a great day
    Karen xx

    1. Love your cards Karen. I'll be happy if I can join in and do 1 x-mas card a week Lol You take care, hugs xx

  4. Hi everyone,
    Lovely selection of cards ladies. You're all stars.
    I'm just not in the mood for card making at the moment. My enthusiasm has disappeared. Hopefully it will return soon. I've a long list to make for the shop and I've only dabbled with Valentine cards.

    Nothing much on today but Janet I'd just love a Roast Pork lunch. See you around one.

    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you're up too.
    Special hugs to all not feeling so good especially Pat.x

    Margaret hope the news was good x

    1. Hope your sciatica getting better Val and the injection did some good. Are you pets all right ? hugs x

  5. Hi Karen. Two lovely challenge cards. I love the shaving foam (a great technique) background of the second one. Alan’s cardi that you shared yesterday looks so warm and a lovely pattern. I bet he loves it. I hope you have a good day and enjoy dancing later on if that is planned x

    1. I’m sorry you are still anonymous. How frustrating for you x

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday but it is lovely to see the mixed up goodies.
    Maria, your tree and decorations are lovely. And what a wonderful collection of snowmen. What a shame you can’t get any more. I love them too. Chris jr said “ You have lots and lots of snowmen don’t you Granny” when he was looking at our decorations 😊 I am hoping to make a Christmas card a week too but say that every year and haven’t managed it yet but maybe this year will be different!
    Lynda, all of your challenge cards are beautiful. The butterflies on your first card are unusual. Where did you get the stamp from? I hope you and CU are ok xx

    1. Oops, published too early!
      Lilian, wow what a gorgeous card. I love it. Please share how you get on with your wax crayons. I haven’t heard of them before. Good luck with the acupuncture. Many people get really good results. The doctors have kept waiting for far too long haven’t they! Take care x
      Mum, a lovely card, what pretty butterflies. It’s great that Stampin’Up have lots more punches and dies to save all of that fussy cutting. Love you xxxx
      Brenda, such a beautiful card. I love the butterfly die cut and the colours you have used. Hope you’re not too busy. Take care x
      I started a card yesterday that should have been for the challenge but couldn’t get it right so I scrapped it twice but will be having another go later on once the ironing is done , and I’ve had one of Janet’s lovely roast dinners. Hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Val, Pat, Pete and all in need. Take care xx

    2. Thank you Sue, yes I do love snowman's. Can we get to see yours ?, I know you usually have a lot of decorations up around the house :>) lets put a foot down to make the x-mas cards earlier this year hihihi Have a nice day ,hugs x

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow what a fabulous collection of cards today. I’m not into card making at the moment. However, I am doing a couple of things for Cheryl. Just takes awhile to do some white work.

    1. Just nice to see you in the cafe' Pat. Sending many hugs for you and Pete and wish the week will be fine for you both. Son's friend still waiting to hear to go to JR. He have had 2 more seizures and been to hospital here. He staying a few hours and then they sending him home again. Frustrating time indeed. x

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I didn't comment yesterday, the goodies on show were all lovely, well done to Danni, Karen, Maria & Lilian thank you for sharing. The CC today are all great lovely to be using spring colours, thank you for your choice. Look forward to tomorrows
    Thank you all for best wishes I should get results by Wednesday.
    Sending hugs to Val, Pat & Pete & anybody else who needs them love

    1. Beautiful card Margaret. You take it easy, no cart wheels or headstands yet hihi. Hugs for you and Pop x

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely selection of challenge cards on display today. Every card is so inspiring. This was a great challenge Sandra. Thank you.
    Janet your roast pork sounds lovely, can I have mine without crackling. Yes please to everything else.
    Not a lot happening here today, I have started trying to sort out my craft room AGAIN, but I no sooner get it sorted out and looking in some sort of order then start another project and Its back to square one. I think I will make a late New Years resolution to keep it tidy - well try anyway !!!
    Hope everyone is enjoying there Sunday whatever you are doing. xx

    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Fantastic big butterflies on your card today. Be careful if Lynda is about Lol. With or without a craft room it always seem to get into a frenzy whoever careful we are hihi. Promise to myself is to sort out the stamps and dies once again. Never been happy how I store them and will try to get rid of the once I'm not using anymore. Well that's the idea anyway. hugs x

  10. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Wow wow gorgeous Challenge cards this morning & lots of butterflies lol
    Sandra a lovely challenge looking forward to this week's challenge.
    Just had a lazy couple of hours first thing after breakfast then just tidied up excetra
    Going for a walk soon with 8 paws. I hate hats but I bought one in Primark Friday but thought better keep my head warm with me still coughing I was glad of it yesterday as it was bitter cold. Now having bl---dy coldsaw on my lip.GRRR😩
    Not doing to bad on my healthy eating this week 😇will see if it's made any differant Tomorrow when I get on the scales.😱
    Well better get ready for our walk.
    Hug's all round extra for Pat Pete Val Maria Lilian take care.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lovely cards Lynda, yes a lot of butterflies around hihi. Where did you get the Thanks with the rose from ? Hope you had a nice walk with 8 paws but if it's like here it feels very raw. We had a quick walk to this morning, cut it a bit short and had breakfast in Waitrose, nice porridge with blueberries for me. Hope you got the cream for the cold-sore. Wish you better my friend .hugs for you and CU xx

  11. Hi my friends.
    Wow I love all the cards on show today and a good start for 2019.
    Such a pretty paper on your card Lilian. Hope you getting there and you wrap up warm if going out, that goes for all of you. The virus that is around seem to take weeks to go away, just feeling pretty drained.
    I have a sad card to make. My brother in laws mother passed away. Find these cards hard to make and what to write in them too.
    Wishing you all a nice day as poss. and looking forward to the new CC tomorrow. Take care everyone. Love Maria xxx
