
Sunday 23 December 2018

Your TicTacToe Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Lovely Friends,

How are you all feeling today? Are you all prepared and able to relax, or have you still got last minute bits to shop for?? I think that we are pretty much done, maybe a couple of puddings to pick up, oh and some of Aldi Red Onion Chutney, which i can tell you is one of the nicest Chutneys I have ecer tasted and i have tried a lot over the tears, from all price ranges too, I guess thats why it has been out of stock for a while, their ploughmans chutney is good too, I wonder if people have made Hampers with it in.  Chutney is something that most of us will eat, we used to get Picalilli but it got wasted as it was only me and Sophie that eats it. 
Boxing day is an all day Buffet in our house, could meats, cheese board, pork pie, salads etc, it makes for a more relaxed day for every one. My mum always does another roast dinner on Boxing day,  we did a few times but its just too much after the big roast on Christmas day.  My one guilty pleasure is using leftover sprouts and mash adding some sauteed red onions and making Bubble & Squeak and having it with a fried egg and a big slice of the Roast Ham, ooh my mouth is watering just thinking about it!! 
What do you all lpok forward to eating most?? 

Now lets look at this weeks cards, not so many but thats undetstandable......


Maria has used a beautiful Decorative Paper for the background of this amazing Birthday card,  the pretty frame that surrounds the sentiment was made using Sue Wilson Delicate Garden Frame die (I think), it's a beautifully intricate floral design frame die set, that works perfectly with Maria's design.
Maria used Categories: shades of Pink/patterned paper/Happy birthday 

An absolutely amazing card Maria, thank you so much for taking part on such a busy week.   XXX 


Lynda has created her own beautiful pink background for her Challenge card this week, using a Crafters Companion 3D Embossing folder, it has such deep emboss that the flowers look like they have been decoupaged onto the card. Lynda has added a wash of Pink ink and some pretty pearls to finish this lovely card.
Lynda using categories:  Shades of Pink/Pearls/Embossing 

Thank you so much for taking part my lovely. XXX 


Janet has made three beautiful Birthday cards for this weeks challenge.  All completely different styles, Janet i think you are so gifted in so many different techniques and methods, your cards are always beautifully designed and rarely repeated.  Take these three cards for ecample, you would think that they were made by different people.  

Your first card features such a cute little girl with eyes that make your heart melt, you have framed the image beautifully with a Sue Wilson die and added some pretty flowers, a gorgeous card ! 

Janet's second card is a more sophisticated look, using Sue Wilson's Eternal Rings Background, which we all adored!  A gorgeous shade of green too,  Janet has embellished this card with some delicate little blossoms.

Janet's third card is Alice in Wonderland themed, do you have a CD rom Janet or a papercraft kit, as you have made some stunning Alice in Wonderland projects this year. This card is as stunning, there is so much detail from the Cheshire Cat to Alice herself. One little girl is going to be so excited to open this card.

The categories Janet has used are..

My first card uses Pink/Ebos/Birthday
My second card uses Green/Pearls/Birthday
My last card uses Green/Patterned paper/birthday

Thank you so much Janet for taking part in this weeks challenge, especially with it being such a hectic week. XXX 

Well we are hoping for a relaxed day today after yesterday's  very long, very tiring journey , I think we will get our wrapping done today and I will dounle check we have everything for our baking tomorrow.

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, safe travels for any of you going to be with family, some motorways were chaos yesterday! 

Sending lots of love and hugs to you all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-both your cards are beautiful.

    Maria, Janet & Cheryl-gorgeous challenge cards from you.

    I completely ran out of time this week, I ended up tidying up yesterday afternoon & helping Phil get the dinner ready.

    We had a lovely evening, my brother & Sister in Law didn’t stay too late although I’ve got a mountain of dishes left to do today plus a huge pile of ironing (they didn’t create the ironing pile)! We’re off to Tesco first thing this morning for the vegetables and a couple of fresh things then it will time to tackle the housework then hopefully relax. It’s been a crazy busy week & next week at work will be very busy too.


  2. Morning All, wet again, the long sunny summer seems a very distant memory.

    Sandra loved your cards, sorry I forgot all about it this week, no excuse really.

    Love all the other cards all so different, am hoping for my lost love of card making comes back from its holiday in the new year.

    We are not travelling until tomorrow, hoping most will have gone over the weekend.

    Seems as though I’ve sorted my iPad problem, I just go into history and clear the last hour, and bingo up comes Google with my name, I have no idea why this works.
    Have a lovely Sunday, hope it’s not too manic, Lilian

  3. Lovely cards ladies My brain really didn’t want to visit card making this week It has been crazy busy too with visiting MIL She is doing very well in that all lines are out including catheter The confusion/dementia is a huge problem We just need to get her a little more mobile now
    Today I hope to finish the food shopping
    I’ll be back Just seen something on Hochanda and need to take a look

    1. Hi Karen
      Dementia is an awful disease isn’t it. Bet who we used to visited and did until had his seizures has it.
      Mind you I think Pete’s confusion is getting a bit worse.

  4. Morning Everyone
    Well it's still pouring down here and dark too.So miserable so it's lovely to see such different cards.

    to answer your question Sandra I have a CD for Alice in Wonderland from Dolly Dimples and two CDs for the Little Girls call 'Besties'. Both are lovely to use and fit many occasions. I do try to make individual styles for the people the cards are going to taking the reciprients age,style and colours they like.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I know how busy everyone is but do pop in for a cup of something along with gingerbread and warm mince pies. HUGS should be arriving very quickly for you all. Take care and stay safe. xxxx

  5. I’m back! I have just treated myself to s sewing machine bag from Hochanda It took forever for the transaction to go through I’ve been after a bag for my machine for ages This one is reduced from £29.99 to £14.99 But what sold it to me was that it has a wooden bottom So it should be nice and sturdy for carrying We’ll See
    After food shopping we will probably go and visit MIL and relax this evening
    Tomorrow I will be cooking the meat Start preparing the veg eg cauliflower cheese, red cabbage. Start the sherry trifle etc
    Take care all xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies Dull & raining today.
    Went to Tesco yesterday the mounds of veg they had it was piled so high wish I had my phone to take a picture. One lady started to put some sprouts in a bag as she took her first lot they all started to fall down onto the floor the more she tried to stop them the quicker they fell. Her face was a picture.
    Not up to much just house work & some ironing. Margaret is popping round later to pick her parcels up. Terry took 5 parcels round to her on Tuesday & said yesterday he wasn't driving over again. It's about 35 _40 minute drive.
    She did say she would pick them up yesterday after we got back from Tesco I rang her when we got back 4,30 she said oh it's to late now didn't think you would be this late.
    Well better start & get motivated.
    All the cards on display are all Beautiful. Sandra hope you have recovered from the long journey yesterday
    Lovev& Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi everyone, lovely cards ladies. Sorry Sandra that I didn't get round to making one this week.
    Well all extra cards finally made. Why do men leave it until the last few days to buy wife and partner cards?
    Well house cleaned, ironing done including the Christmas table cloth, sherry trifle in fridge balancing carefully on the cheese and pate, parcels wrapped and delivered and that is it. If it's not done or bought now, tough.
    Hope you're not too achy and tired today Sandra.

    Karen, hope mil is comfortable when you see her.x
    Pat, hope the medication has worked and Pete's shingles are clearing up.x

    Hope everyone's almost organised.
    Love Valx

  8. Hi ladies
    Have been a busy morning with house cleaning and an hour long phone call with my parents. They are celebrating with my sister on Christmas eve who are coming back from visiting my niece in Australia first tomorrow pm. so I can see them having a quiet one. I will make the Jansson's this afternoon but it won't be the same because once again couldn't get hold of the right sprat/herring.
    I can see you all being busy with shopping and cooking so only one board needed up today . Lovely cards Janet and Lynda. Mine is made with Sue's 'the Ivy Garden' and some papers I found in the bit box. Hope to make some more of that in the new year to make the stash a lot smaller.
    Karen- hope your MIL doing alright. You take care.
    Lilian- safe journey tomorrow. Have a nice time away.
    Pat- daily hugs for you and Pete. Hope you ok.
    Many warm hugs to you all xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Ladies I have a big apology to make, I have really struggled with my Christmas cards, some did complete and they got posted but some are incomplete in my craft room, I’m so sorry I have no excuses, I need more hours in my day.

    Well all the gifts are wrapped and ready to be loaded in the car tomorrow Turkey, gammon are in the fridge waiting to be transferred to a cool bag.
    I’m going to get the SOAP BOX out now - Am I the only person who writes all of the Christmas cards, buys and wraps the presents (except mine) Then OH moans as I’m wrapping gifts, I don’t know why you bother putting ribbon on and making them look fancy - they will only rip it off and throw it away! GRRR Bar humbug............... Bless Him, I love him really.

    Lovely cards today Sandra, Janet, Lynda and Maria.
    PAT hope Petes shingles are less painful and he is as comfortable as can be expected. xx
    KAREN hope MIL is comfortable. xx
    LILLIAN and anyone else travelling tomorrow have a safe and uneventful journey xx
    Have a relaxing evening, Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely selection of cards on show today ladies.
    I hope your journey wasn’t to horrendous yesterday Sandra.
    Well Amy ( eldest granddaughter) messaged me today asking did we want to go and look at their new house. It’s in a mess as theyre changing things about, decorating etc while it’s empty. So they won’t be in until after Christmas. Didn’t help that Mattys Grammy sawed through a water pipe.
    They only had a couple of folding up chairs so I took a cushion for it for Pete to sit on. Pete wasn’t really up to going but wanted to go anyway. So we took Livvy and Amber as well, after Amber saw to the goats.

  11. Sorry Sandra and ladies for not having joined in with the card challenges over the past few weeks. I have not been at my best, I started a new chemotherapy but have only managed to have two doses because it keeps sending my white blood cells through the floor. If these are low and they give me more chemo I could quite easily catch a very nasty viral infection or even worse something like pneumonia. I have been feeling very, very tired. Even just brushing my teeth has been such a trauma. It has seemed to have taken away my crafting mojo and what with the Christmas preparations I haven't been the best company. I have to go back to the oncology ward tomorrow to try again for my chemo which is not the best because that will mean that on Christmas day I am not at my best. At least my grandson is coming in the morning for an hour or so, so that I will not miss him. I will be able to eat Christmas dinner with hubby and my daughter and then probably need to go back to bed. Hopefully, I am going to do my best to catch up with all the challenges Sandra has set that I have missed this year so that I can start afresh for 2019. Merry Christmas my Cotswold Crafter pals and all the best for the New Year. xx
