
Saturday 22 December 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and have done with your shopping, the shops have started to get really busy, we popped to get our food shopping last night....Big Mistake!  There were not even any parking spaces, we ended up waiting for a space, don't even get me started on the lazy swines that park in Disabled spaces that have no Blue Badge and No Disability!! They just wanted a space close the entrance because if was chilly and drizzling!! 
We did battle through the crowds, we ended up having to go to two Aldi's and Tesco's as Aldi's were sold out of half the things we needed.  We did manage to get 80% of what we needed, just a couple of little bits to finish on Sunday.

Today's crafts are mostly from Danielle who has had a crafty couple of days, getting ready for Christmas.  

The photos above are of a Gift Wallet that Danielle has made, she made about 6 of them, they are so lovely and so much better than any of the ones you can buy.  I am sure Danii will give you all the dimensions if you would like to make one.


This stunning Gift back is a great size made from two sheets of 12x12 paper, I love the paper that Danielle has used with those cute robins on.  Danielle explains what paper she used in the video tutorial she made for this bag.  I have left the link to the BAG TUTORIAL below...…...

Thank you so much for sharing your amazing projects with us Dannii xxxx

My Gift Boxes

My lovely Gist Boxes, Janet sent me the die cut parts to make these boxes, I sat and put them together last week and forgot to photograph them.  
I love them and I know that Paul is going to be hugely baffled on Christmas morning, although I have been thinking that he may be disappointed if he is expecting Chocolate and gets pants!! I may have to think of something more interesting!
Thank you so much Janet for sending me the die cuts xxx

We have a big journey ahead of us today, a good 320 miles to  cover, I am dreading the journey part of it, I imagine that the roads will be absolutely packed as its the weekend before the holidays.
Wish us luck!!

Have a lovely, relaxed weekend My Lovelies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Two great projects today & perfect for Christmas gifts.
    Sandra-I hope your journey is trouble free & you have a nice time with your Mum & family today.

    Today I need to call in at the butchers to collect the order for tonight’s meal-my Brother & wife are visiting plus my Dad. I have an appointment at the hairdressers at 9:30 then nothing planned for this afternoon so it might be tidying up as my craft room looks like a disaster area!


  2. Lovely projects from both Dannii and you
    I hope your journey is not too troublesome SANDRA
    We actually put our Christmas decorations up last night! Most of the present buying is done Now they just need wrapping Hopefully we can finish the food shopping tomorrow
    I just need to finish a little bit of the swear word and some ironing
    I need to finish making a couple of bits and then my craft room will be out of bounds until Boxing Day when I’m home alone and tidy it
    Are any of you hoping to get craft goodies from Santa....
    Take care all xxx

  3. Hi, dull but dry.
    Great crafts from you and Dannii.

    Just want to say thank you All for the lovely cards you have all sent us, all so different, Sandra yours arrived today, it’s lovely so glad smaller cards are coming back.

    Sandra hope your journey is as good as it can be.

    R went to Asda yesterday to fill up with fuel for our journey on Monday, he said it was chaos, couldn’t get in or out, glad I don’t have to do that any more, cheers for home delivery.

    Have relatives coming to visit today so I’d better go and tidy up.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Some lovely projects from Danni. Love the boxes that you assembled from Janet’s die cuts.
    I do hope that your journey isn’t to problematic today. Although I expect the M25 will be mega busy. I did a little bit of shopping yesterday evening in Sainsbury’s at about 7.00 ish. It was lovely shopping. When Lynn the nurse came yesterday she said Witney was gridlocked so didn’t venture down during the day.
    I sometimes wonder how many armies folk are feeding over Christmas as they seem to pile more than one trolley to the top.

  5. Hello Sandra & everyone
    SANDRA love your gift boxes
    DANNII your gift bag & gift wallets are gorgeous love them your so clever.
    SANDRA I hope your journey hasn't been to much of a nightmare for you. Have you arrived at your mums yet. Thinking of you big Hug'sxx
    Just waiting for CU to get ready as got to go Tesco again as we forgot a few thing.
    We have also got to fill the car up for our journey to Lisa's on Tuesday as don't want to leave it till on the day.
    Well he has just come down so better get shoes on.
    Hug's all round Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Nice crafting Danielle and Sandra.
    Hope the journey to Colchester was alright and you have some nice time with your mum and sister.
    I hope you all have had a good day and getting a few hours in the day to enjoy some me time.
    Many warm hugs to you all, love Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you have a good journey & time with Mum. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday the day disappeared then our son arrived to spend Christmas with us. Sorry I have not managed a CC this week, the time has disappeared. I love your boxes, hope Paul appreciates his
    Pat your groovi card was beautiful, I do admire your
    Danni lovely crafting, thank you for allowing Sandra to
    Hope you are all getting there time is running out. Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I hope you had a good journey to Colchester and found Mum in good form. I have finished the Christmas shopping. The most difficult item to find was a plain Black V neck jumper (male - Med size) I had checked a few stores but a young assistant in House of Frasier went that extra mile. She said would you like me to check the stockroom? I felt very guilty because they were so busy, but said yes please. She came back with a v-neck black jumper, I felt like giving her a big hug. She went that extra mile. I paid more than I had in mind, but felt I was walking on air. A very satisfied customer.
    I’m sorry I haven’t managed to make a CC - I even had an idea, but my life seems to be getting in the way. I hope normal service will be resumed ASAP !!!!
    Sweet dreams everyone, Love Brenda xxx
