
Friday 21 December 2018

Something Festive....Guess what it is??? Yes Another Christmas card !

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I know I say this every week but Oh My where has this week gone!!  We have managed to get most of Christmas 'delivered' this week, a bit like Margot and Jerry on the 'Good Life' except ours isn't coming from Fortnum & Mason!! More like Amazon and just about everywhere else, I think that every one in the street things that I have 'a thing' with the delivery man as we are on first name terms now, although there are in fact 6 people ordering as Becca is having all of her gifts delivered here too.
The boxes are piling up in the corner of our room, we have a few more arriving today and then thats it I think, apart from food shopping.  But to be honest we don't need to get too  much in, we have all the nibbles, choccies etc.  Christmas lunch is basically Sunday Dinner, I have no idea what these folk that have 2/3 trolleys piled high with food do with it all!  Plus the shops are back open the day after Boxing day, in fact some open Boxing day too (which I think is ridiculous)\!

Today's card is from Our Pat, I think that these 'Groovi' Christmas cards are little works of art, I know how much time and effort has gone into making that card, first of all the Frame, which is stunning, I don't even want to think about how long the Sleigh or the text took you Pat, let alone the colouring inside those tiny lines.  It all works so beautifully together though and I love it and will treasure it always.  xxx

Paul has half day today so we will finish off anything that needs finishing off today, Matt still hasn't decided on what he wants, so he will probably just get some money and can shop in the sales.
We are going over to Colchester tomorrow to visit my Mum, I am hoping that my Sister will call in and maybe my brother, but that rarely happens as we always clash with something he has organised.
I feel a little bad that we won't be there to take Mum to her annual 'Carols On the Quay' event, as past years we have all managed to be there together and you can see that she loves it.  But Paul put his foot down and said that Sunday is too close to Christmas and didn't want me to be in agony when we have a busy couple of days in the kitchen and Christmas day of course.  The journey is quite a bit longer now and seems to take me longer to recover.  My youngest sister Emily has just bought her first home with her fiancée and wanted us to go visit them but its another 40 minutes in the opposite direction to coming home wo would add another 80min to our journey home.  We have said that we will do it next time we visit and will stay over somewhere close by.

Lilian you sound very organised preparing meals for when you return from visiting family, you are so right about wanting plain/simple food after all the rich and indulgent food that we consume over Christmas.  Do you buy local fish, it must be lovely having such lovely fresh fish so close to home.
Thank you so much for my card, I love it xx Have a very safe journey my lovely xxxx

Pat I hope Pete's medication is easing the pain from his shingles and not causing any other side effects.  sending love to you both. xxxx

Right I must be off and get organised, Have a lovely day my lovely friends,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a stunning card from Pat, it’s really beautiful.

    I’ve had most of the Christmas presents delivered, now you can choose where/when it’s delivered or use the Amazon lockers it’s so much easier for me. I’m still waiting for 2 items & doubt they’ll make it before Christmas but other than that all we need to do is buy fresh food which we’re doing on Sunday morning as soon as Tesco opens. I don’t like doing anything on Sundays but needs must.

    I’m hoping today isn’t too busy at work as it’s been a tiring week.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from avery very wet Sheffield.

    PAT- a stunning piece of art is shared with us today.You are definitely the Queen of Groovi. Every piece is a work of art in itself.

    Well it's that 'swear' word today and already the washer is churning away in the kitchen. I'm determined that I'm not going to be running around with an hoover after today.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so if you have the time pop in for a cuppa and a mince pie or two.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I’m hoping that this comment will appear and stay put as all others this week haven’t bar one!!! I think it is ridiculous in this day and age of technology that not being able to comment no matter what you try can’t be sorted out. It’s sad for you too Sandra as there may be others that are unable to comment even though it’s not in any way your fault. Rant over and soap box back under the counter...... but you may not see it!
    Everyone’s cards that you have shown are beautiful as are all that I have received, thank you ladies.
    I hope you are all nearing the end of the repetitions. Mum and I are going into town this morning to get some last bits and pieces. The weather is wet and very windy here again so hopefully we will manage to park very near to the shops.
    Pat, both you and Pete are in my thoughts and I hope he is not in too much extra pain from the shingles. Hugs to you both xx
    Lynda, I’m glad your cough is not s bad now. I had a giggle at your comment about your hair cuts but Terry not having high lights. Tell him I think they would have suited him �� xx
    Lilian, it’s good to hear your cough is starting to ease up thank goodness x
    I’m going to try and get this to publish now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Yay it worked ��

  5. Hello All, very dark and windy again but at least the rain has stopped.

    Pat what a beautiful card you sent to Sandra, it must have taken you ages. I bought the starter set, but from trying it once have not used it, maybe a good New Years resolution.

    Busy day again today, R has dentist and then I am at the Drs for my ECG. After that I think I can relax, still a few presents to wrap and a present to still to arrive from France.

    Have a good day all,hugs Lilian.

    PS think I’ve sorted this trouble with trying to publish my comment, I have to clear the last hour history on iPad, then it allows me to publish, hope this maybe helps others.

  6. Hi everyone,
    Beautiful card Pat as is one. So hope Pete is responding to his medication and the shingles are getting easier.x
    Thank you so much everyone for the beautiful cards. It's such a thrill opening post and finding it's a hand made card. Every card I get is lovely but when its hand made it always seems a
    bit special.

    We're off out with our Craft group for Christmas lunch today. We're doing a couple of hours crafting first and as we craft in the room above the restaurant its easy just to walk down the stairs to eat.
    Hope everyone's prep for Christmas is going well.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your Christmas lunch today.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wasn’t expecting to see my card I sent to you this morning. But at least it arrived. I think a couple have gone astray again. So frustrating. I’m not to sure what the post gremlin does with some of my cards. If I post in town I don’t seem to have any problems. But I can’t always get to into town now.
    I’m assuming anonymous is Brenda as I know she has problems as well. Lilian looks like hers has been sorted and wish mine was as well. A pain having to prove I’m not a robot.
    I hope your journey tomorrow isn’t to busy traffic wise Sandra.

  8. A beautiful card Pat I am so so tempted to have a go at Groovi but just know I would fall in love with it and spend another fortune!
    Your card arrived today SANDRA It’s gorgeous
    I still feel so disorganised this year Presents still to get and the dreaded food shop I hadn’t realised that OH has today and tomorrow off which is a huge help but of course most of our time is spent visiting his mum which we need to do whilst he has the time off to be able to do it Bless her, she is doing OK but the confusion is evidently a lot lot worse She was on a cruise yesterday and we were in her cabin
    I hope things improve PAT and everyone is on the mend
    Take care all xx

  9. Hi Karen
    I hope you manage to get everything done. I love my Groovi work but what do I do with all my stamps, Dies and card. Hope you MIL is a bit better today. Very nice to be on a cruise though.
    I also wish things would improve Karen at this end. Although the nurse decided she needn’t come again. She did give us needles for Pete’s just in case package though.

  10. Hi all,
    our queen of Groovi have done an amazing card once again. They are absolutely wonderful and as Karen I would like to try it one day but another cost and like you what would you do with all the stamps and dies if not using again or for a while anyway ? I guess if you 100% sure you won't use them again, try to sell them somewhere. Know Cheryl using a site that seem quite good, I think it is craft declutter uk. Take care Pat and wish you a nice weekend.
    Sending hugs to you all and hope you nearly done and ready for the big day. We spent the morning in different supermarkets just to try to get the date good on some mince and ham for Christmas eve. People everywhere but what enjoyed us most was the home shopping trolleys which was parked everywhere and in our way. I hope you have better luck then us if doing the food shop in the next few days.
    Have a good night xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Another busy day, I’m almost beginning to see the light!! Hooray. We have been looking after the grandchildren today, Ciara finished school at lunch time and we have been at daughters house since early afternoon, SIL was first home he arrived home just after 10pm, we left soon after and popped into Tesco on the way home it will save a trip there tomorrow.
    PAT your card to Sandra is beautiful, you really have mastered the art of Groovi. I wish I had your patience xx
    I’m sure most of you are tucked up in bed by now, Sweet dreams.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
