
Thursday 20 December 2018

Cheryl's Christmas Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's fantastic Christmas card is the one I received from Our Lovely Cheryl, I have to say Cheryl I was utterly thrilled to see a totally stamped card, I am touched that you went to so much effort.  Cheryl has used all Stampin Up Products for her card, the background is made up of the 'Lovely As A Tree' stamp set, Cheryl has then created a blended ink background, I love how the trees go off into the distance, with the larger ones at the front of the card.  Cheryl has then used the 'Star of Light' Dies to create that beautiful glittery Star.  I absolutely love your card Cheryl thank you so much xxxx

Sue came over yesterday and we decided we would go out for lunch for a change, neither of us could decide where so we headed to the Range to start with, as we had a nice lunch in their last time, we were very disappointed with what they had on offer this time though so just spent a couple of hours wandering around the shop, I got a couple more decorations and a couple of Christmas presents, but no craft goodies.  We then headed off to Dunelm for lunch and we were intending to go into Hobbycraft too but in true Sue/Sandra style we ran out of time.  We both had a toasted sandwhich (as there wasn't much choice) then I had a piece of Coconut/Jam slice and Sue had Chocolate Mint Shard cake, both of which were delicious.  
After a long sit down we had a good browse around Dunelm, around their Christmas bits, not that there was much left to browse, we then moved to curtains and well just about everything, we found some lovely bargain curtains that were an unbelievable price, that we where both tempted by.
As we were walking towards the exit a Teenager can racing out of a side aisle causing us to stop abruptly, she was followed by a rather dubious looking family that were clearly Travellers/Gypsies, whatever the correct term is these days, we were a little taken a back but we carried on towards the checkout and stopped briefly to look at some more decorations, we then noticed the other young girl just brazenly walk out of the exit with Pillows, quilt and mattress topper, the older girl was then beside Sue and I trying to haul a huge box containing a Gas effect electric fire, that must have been 4 foot long by 3 foot wide over a security barrier, she was trying to ram it through and manipulate it over but couldn't quite manage it, she wasn't the least bit phased or embarrassed that we were stood, jaws dropped watching her, I did a one time think she was going to ask Sue to help!!  She then left the store along with the mother, the father was still somewhere inside though.  We went to the tills and explained what we had seen and that the girl had left the fire just where someone could reach over and take it.  The girl on the till wasn't the least bit surprised, she said, they were 10 times worse yesterday, there were groups of them that entered the store, caused a drama to create a distraction and which occupied security while the rest of them ran out with arms full !!  Sue and I just couldn't believe it, particularly how brazen they were, they had no shame!! 
Rather a dramatic end to a lovely day out, thank you so much Sue for taking me out, I had a really lovely time, I don't think we stopped talking for the better part of 6 hours! xxxxx

Waiting for a few more parcels to arrive today, maybe start some wrapping up too!
Have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card from Cheryl is beautiful, really lovely.
    Your trip out yesterday sounds eventful-was everywhere very busy?

    Another busy day ahead then I’m off to se my crazy friend (with the very cluttered house) this evening to exchange Christmas presents. We arranged this about 10 days ago to give her sufficient time to clear enough space for me to sit down & I’m not joking.


    1. Hi Michele
      That sounds just like our next door neighbour but one. Everywhere is simply full up of rubbish. She had a massive extension done but can hardly move in that either. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card CHERYL and very eye catching.

    I have to say that nothing surprises me these days re shopping/behaviour. Which is an awful admission.

    A Very busy day ahead for me. Mr Tesco this morning delivering my Christmas order and then my hairdresser at 12.30. After that I'll be off my feet for the afternoon recovering.

    The CAFE is OPEN. Usual hours so pop in when you can.
    HUGE GENTLE HUGs are winging their way to you all.
    Oh I forgot I must get my CC off to SANDRA today too.
    Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. A lovely card CHERYL
    How brazen of that family It reminded me of my mum being mugged straight after she’d collected her pension back in the day. She was browsing in a shop Some kids deliberately bumped into her to distract her and one of the parents lifted her purse

    I am on annual leave and feel like I am running around like a headless chicken Last few bits of tidying up done (except the bomb site of a craft room) So I’ll be deep cleaning the rooms today

    Out for a meal with work this evening where we’ll be doing our Secret Santa

    Take care all I may not always mention you by name but I always send hugs and best wishes xx

    1. PS My version of deep clean means giving the furniture a dust and polish AND hoovering including the sofa and cushions

  4. Morning everyone
    Beautiful card from our Cheryl, love that star. Yesterday's card from our Val was also lovely that you received.
    Glad you had a nice time with Sue. Some people ?! How brazen was that and you can't blame it on the kids when the parents are with them out stealing too. No wonder they got a bad reputation. OH had a lot of dealings with them and police was brought in but not much they could do then tell them to move on.
    Have a nice day all and if you going out for a meal I hope you have a good one. Extra warm hugs for our poorly friends.hugs Maria xxx

  5. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies
    CHERYL a gorgeous card you sent to Sandra lovely Stamping & colouring.
    We are off to Tesco soon then I must put my craft room in order & pack up all Christmas items & put away for a while.& try & try & find some missing items I've mislaid. Next month I want to try & start some project that are in my head.
    We have arranged a couple of days for Bailey & Rea over Christmas for a little holiday with lady over the Road ( who we got them from ) as Rea still has mishaps with weeing indoors so I didn't want to take them with us too Lisa's as she has just got new cream carpets & cream leather furniture I wouldn't rest. They still love going to see them so I know they will be fine with her four dogs & four children.
    Hope you all have a good day Hug's to everyone Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello All, a bit drier here today still heavy showers but at least the torrential down pours have erased.

    Cheryl, a fabulous card for Sandra, the perspective is very clever.

    Just back from dentist, £71 for a clean, gets more painful each time, now she wants to see me every 3 months..

    Making fish cakes for the freezer for when we come back from London, after two days eating loads of lovely food, it’s nice to have something plain.

    Have a good rest of the day, hope all your prep is going well, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely card thank you for sharing. I am pleased you & Sue managed to get out to lunch yesterday, what an experience you witnessed, it beggars belief what some people are capable
    Cheryl your card is lovely, I love the Lovely As A Tree stamp, it is so versatile. Thank you for your
    Lilian thank you for your card, hope you have a lovely time with
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Pat & Pete, love

  8. Great card Cheryl, and thank you for mine.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Cheryl What a lovely card you made for Sandra, I love the star you have used. I have the same set(s) of stamps they are all beautiful.
    What a shocking scene you witnessed yesterday, it’s hard to believe how brazen people can be. I don’t know how they can live with incidents like this on their conscience, then possible they haven’t got a conscience.
    Sorry ladies time for bed, it’s been a long day.
    Sweet dreams, Love Brenda xxx
