
Wednesday 19 December 2018

Another lovely Christmas card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well what horrendous weather! Paul's parents arrived after a horrendous journey up the M5 the police were talking of closing it at one point as visibility was so poor, I think that they were glad of the break, they stayed for a cuppa a slice of cake before continuing their journey to Birmingham to Paul's sisters for Christmas.  They both looked tired, they said that the wind has so strong and was washing all the water over to their side of the carriageway, combined with the backwash you get everytime a lorry whizzes past you made for an awful journey.  It's a shame they couldn't stay over here over night and do the rest of the journey tomorrow.
So Janet I pity poor Jim out driving to and fro if the weather was as bad at your end, it makes it so much more tiring because you end up concentrating so much harder to see, I have visions of Jim nodding in the chair last night.

Today's amazing Christmas card was made by Our Val, it features one of the 'Apple Blossom' Embossing Folders that has Christmas wording at the bottom and a lovely swirly pattern at the top that has little holly leaves featured among the swirls.  Val has then created a beautiful Decoupaged arrangement of Christmas Roses and foliage with fruit added in too, it all looks like it has been expertly fussy cut too. Such a beautiful design Val, thank you so much for a lovely Christmas card, yours in on its way, I do hope it arrives in time. It went Monday as my Son forgot to post it while we were away on Friday.
I hope you have had a lovely time spoiling Barrie and that he has enjoyed the break. xxxx

Pat I was sorry to hear that Pete may have shingles, thats the last thing he needs to deal with at the moment, I believe it's quite painful.  I guess he is going to be prone to picking up bugs etc as his immunity is weak because of the lack of White Blood cells.  I hope you get some medication soon to make him as comfortable as he can be.  Sending you both love and hugs. xxxx

Lilian and Lynda I was happy to read that both of you are getting a little better, coughing is such a frustrating symptom, as it keeps you awake at night too making you feel even worse.  I hope that you both continue to improve ready for spending Christmas with your families. xxxx

Michele, How was your meal out last night, I hope you weren't hampered by the gales my lovely xxxx

Karen I hope your Mum in Law is comfortable bless her, you always feel so helpless when they are in pain.  Sending love and hugs xxxx

I hope that you all have a great day, try and stay warm and dry,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card from Val, really lovely.

    The weather was just horrendous yesterday-Paul’s parents were brave staying on the motorway.

    The winds had gone when I got out of work only to be replaced by torrential rain! Luckily by the time I was picked up, it wasn’t too bad.
    I had a fantastic evening & all too soon we had to leave. My friend is wanting to start crafting so I’ve said I’ll go through a few techniques with her in the New Year so she can decide what she likes.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful card VAL. I really love the focus piece.

    It was a lovely lunch but the weather was horrible. It was the sort of rain that you only had to be out for a minute and you are wet through. We too had the high winds. I cannot see what it's like at the moment as it's still quite dark. I for one will be so pleased to see the shortest day so that our days get longer.

    PAT- I'm so sorry PETE has shingles. It is one virus that is extremely painful and takes more than a while to clear up and definitely one he could do without. HUGE GENTLE HUGS are on their way to you both. You're always in my thoughts and prayers.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in however short a stay. HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card Val as was mine.
    Well Pete definitely has shingles as the Dr came out to see him.
    Thanks for the hugs Janet
    I think he’s caught Lilian and Lynda’s cough as well as he’s coughing for England. I’ve just given him warm water with honey to drink. He has such a cocktail of drugs that cough medicine would reduce the effect of them.
    Pete is definately forgetting how to do things that he’s done all the time.

    1. So sorry to hear Pete has shingles Pat. It's such a painful condition and horrible that he has to cope with that as well as his other health problems.
      Sending a basketful of hugs to you

  4. Good morning all
    Your in law’s journey sounded horrendous This is something I hate about Christmas is the traveling we want to do in awful weather
    I hate to say it but we have beautiful sunshine and it looks relatively calm ( at the moment!) I must deliver cards later and really must tidy the house ready for the big day
    MIL appears to be doing very well They hope to get her walking today
    Take care all Big hugs PAT xxx

  5. Hello All, for the millionth time of trying, no luck at all yesterday.

    We have the most horrendous gales here, but seems to be calmer now.

    Love both yesterday and today’s cards Sandra. Glad your in-laws made it to you OK.

    Finished all cards just started wrapping, not a lot to do as we only give to close family, the rest of the money we would have spent we give to charity, we have been doing this for many years.

    Pat so sorry to hear Pete has shingles, can he have any antivirus tablets, which helped when my daughter had them.

    Well here goes, hugs to all Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a horrible journey Paul's Mum & Dad, hope the journey to Birmingham was better. What a lovely card from Val thank you for
    Karen sorry to hear about MIL, will she be home for Christmas? Hope they get her walking
    Sending hugs to all especially Pat & Pete, Lynda & Lilian love

  7. Val I meant to say hope you are OK not seen you for a for a while. Your card is

  8. Hi ladies,
    Sorry Is been absent for a while, just so much to do at the moment.
    Thank you so much for showing my card Sandra and thank you all for liking it.
    Still limping round with this awful sciatica which seems to be on both sides now. Still it's a small problem compared to others.
    Take care everyone and special hugs to all not feeling 100%.
    Love Valx

  9. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Sorry late I did comment before my hairdresser came this morning but it's nowhere
    To be found I think the naughty Elf 's been at it. 🤣🤣
    Anyway will see if he pinches this one.
    Had my hair at 9.30 am With highlights so all glamed up for Christmas lol.
    CU had his hair cut as well but not H/L 😂😂
    VAL sorry your still suffering with sciatica it horrible I know I've suffered a few times in the past myself.
    PAT so sorry Pete is suffering with Shingles on top of everything else he's going through. How's your hand Pat. sending extra big Hug's for you both. Xx
    Sill coughing but I've been informed ( by Margaret ) it can last about 5 or 6 weeks .
    Not something I wanted to hear.😩
    Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Lovely to be glammed up for Christmas Lynda. I hope your cough doesn’t last 6 weeks. Pete has a cough as well and I wouldn’t want that to last for 6 weeks.

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a dreadful journey Paul’s parents had yesterday, I hope they arrived safely in Birmingham and enjoy there time with Paul’s sister.
    Val, Love the Christmas card you sent to Sandra. you are such a talented lady. xx
    PAT Sorry to hear Pete has shingles, He has so much going on just now, this is the last thing he needs. How is your hand? Hope you are having it checked regularly xx
    I’ll say good night , we have a full day tomorrow, haircuts (and colour for me) first thing then vist the cemetery, a small shopping trip to Asda, back home about 2.30ish then Johns friend is visiting us, a lovely old gentleman who always likes to drop in especially at Christmas time.
    Good night everyone, sweet dreams, Love Brenda xxx
