
Monday 24 December 2018

Happy Christmas Eve

 Good Morning Ladies,

It sounds as though you have all been very busy with shopping and wrapping, it's funny to think that we spend so many hours preparing for one day.
Brenda I am like you, I like my parcels to look pretty, the ribbon and bows make such a difference, although I will say that only the 'special' gifts get the 'fancy' treatment, I wouldn't have the time of the ribbon to wrap every gift so beautifully (shhhhh….I actually would have enough ribbon to do every gift for the next ten years, but we don't need to share that fact)!!
I agree with John in that it does only get ripped off in seconds, as the children have gotten older they do appreciate the wrapping a little more and I certainly like a beautifully wrapped gift.  We also have fun and write cryptic clues on some of the labels, just o keep them guessing and we like to wrap things in odd shape boxes to confuse them even more.   One thing that I think is sad is that they don't want to be video'd opening their presents anymore, as they are too concerned about their hair and make-up! I have shed many a tear looking back at the Christmas video's of years gone by, such precious memories, I will encourage them to do the same with their children too.

Yesterday just flew by, we had a very slow start as I could barely move after so many hours in the car on Saturday, the engine sound of the car really affects my tinnitus, the ringing was almost unbearable, I ended up watching youTube until I fell asleep as the background noise helps, I think I may start listening to Audio Books, it's just having something to drown out the high pitch noise.

Today's lovely Christmas cards are from Michele and Lilian, Michele's card is a stepper card, so clever as when its stood up that lettering goes up the 'steps', Michele has made it in a lovely green too, I love all the different snowflakes, they really stand out against the dark green too.
Thank you so much Michele, I love my card xxxx

Lilian made today's second card, it features a super cute Snowman that has the biggest sparkly pom pom on his hat and a lovely, fluffy scarf too. I'm not sure who's stamp the Snowman is, but I love it.
The topper with the snowman on has also been stitched, which must have taken you ages Lilian, investing so much time in a card makes it such a special gift.  That background paper is so pretty too, Lilian I absolutely love my card, thank you so much xxxx

Well I pray that you all have very safe and straightforward journeys to your family and friends today, just keep thinking that as soon as you get there you can put your feet up and relax and hopefully do nothing for a few days.  Make the most of it my lovelies.

Well there is nothing else except for me to wish each and every one of you Very Special Ladies an amazingly Happy Christmas, I hope you all enjoy every moment.  Take lots of photos to share with us after the holidays.  Go Eat Drink and Be Merry.

I love you all dearly,

Extra special Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Christmas card from Lilian is beautiful, such a cute Santa.

    I’m hoping today isn’t too busy at work-most of my workload is planned but the main Pharmacy has to react to the amount of patients being admitted/staying in/being discharged.

    Just to say Thank You for all you lovely Christmas cards & I hope everyone has a very Happy Christmas.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very dark and wet Sheffield.
    Two beautiful cards this moring start Christmas.

    It was a very busy Sunday here with visits from Children etc and I now have to start tidying up again today.

    Thank you all for your Christmas cards. They have pride of place.


  3. Happy Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas day to you all with love & hugs,
    Cheryl xxx

  4. A other two wonderful cards for Christmas
    I forgot to buy one important item yesterday- milk So that’s where I’lol be heading in a mo OH usually shops for that so didn’t think to add it to the list
    Presents wrapped so I just need to tidy the small bombshell OH created! Then I’ll start cooking
    It was lovely to see LORRAINE pop in yesterday
    A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE Let’s hope it’s a safe and peaceful one xxxx

  5. Merry Christmas everyone. Have a safe journey all of you that are traveling. Xxx

  6. Morning ladies.
    Two more Beautiful cards. I love Snowy, he is such a cute snowman.
    Thank you all for your lovely cards!
    Drive safe if going away today, it say it will be very busy on the roads.
    Have a nice day everyone and it was lovely to see you in Lorraine, you take care and hopefully you be able to enjoy some of tomorrow, hugs x
    OH and son have gone to pick up Bread, Salmon and fish balls for later lunch. I just need to cook the eggs and defrost the prawns, this evening I make the roasties and meatballs so not mush to do today then to eat and be Merry Lol
    Love and warm hugs , Maria xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    I would like to wish everyone of you a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS
    Well not upto much had a lazy day so far. I will be tidying up later so not have much to do before we leave early in the morning. I have got to pack Bailey's & Rea's bags for their little holiday with ex mum over the road.😢Tonight.
    It will take about 2-2 1/2 hours drive too Lisa's depending on hopefully leave at 8am or earlier so in time for breakfast.
    Love both cards today from Michele & Lilian.
    Well wish you all a happy Christmas eav. Safe journey's today & tomorrow.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely challenge cards yesterday from Janet, Lynda & Maria. Your cards from Michele & Lilian today are great today love the snowman. Thank you for all your hard work on the blog, no matter how you are it is there every day, you are a star. Hope you have a lovely Christmas in your lovely home, special hugs to
    I notice Sue has not been in so will wish you all Happy Christmas from both of us, stay safe & hope you have trouble free journeys love

  9. Hi to all.
    Safely here only about 5 hours with a couple of stops, so good journey .

    Many thanks for all your lovely cards they take pride of place.

    Just left to hope you have a lovely Christmas, and special THANKS to Sandra for running the blog and keeping it so interesting and friendly. Hugs to all, Lilian
