
Sunday 9 December 2018

Your 'Project Half Done' Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Well you have done it again, you have all got slightly smaller 'PHD' boxes now and I have an amazing display of cards to share with all of you ……….


Brenda has gone for a classic Black and Silver colour theme for her Challenge card this week, I will add Brenda's description below:

", I was  going through my third box of bits - the previous two hadn’t had a great deal In them anyway, the bits for this card were almost sitting looking at me, well they were all close together And straightaway I could see the silver, black and Santa sleigh all going together, Dived a bit deeper in the same box and the snowflakes were there already cut out waiting to be used,  I must have them some a couple of years I think. I actually think I have never had such and easy quick challenge card.

Thank you so much Brenda, your card was clearly just meant to be, you can't beat a Monochrome card. 


Janet has finished these two gorgeous fabric boards for her Challenge Projects this week, I will add her description below:

" I started these two fabric boards months ago and never got around to doing anything with them so when you decided on this week's CC you  nudged me into finishing them.

The boards I bought from The Works in a pack of 6.
The paste is Tonic Nuvo Embellishment Mousse and the and othe stencils are also Tonic.
The finishing touches eg the die cuts are also Tonic."

I love both of your boards Janet, you have added the Mousse perfectly, you must be thrilled with the results. 
Thank you so much for taking part ,my lovely.


Karen was inspired to finish a Memory/Scrap Book for her Challenge Project this week as well as finishing the Head Piece for a Flappers & Frolics party.

"We are going to “Flappers and Frolics” party - about 20 of us including Charlotte and fiancé So we have to wear 20’s style clothes and this is my headdress The elastic feathery ones flattened my hair completely So it’s a child’s headband/Alice band and I’ve just decorated it with Pink Frog JL Poinsettia and ribbon to match my dress"

"Here’s another PHD finished! I have literally just finished printing all of the album
The project has been sitting in a folder on Serif since 2013! I gave up because my old printer stopped printing photos and the way I’d laid it out on Serif was not behaving but 5 years later (and a bit of practice with Serif) plus a new printer I’ve done it! There are 23 pages in total"

Thank you so much Karen for making the time to finish some projects for this weeks challenge, I am so pleased that the challenge pushed to finish it. 


Lilian used this weeks 'PHD's Challenge to use of some of the Toppers that she had left over from the Album that we she made into small cards.  
Such a great idea Lilian and they have made such lovely cards.  I am so pleased that you felt well enough to take part, Sunday's aren't the same without you!


Lynda has made 2 fantastic cards from her 'PHD' box for this weeks Challenge, the cards couldn't be more different, both fabulous too of course!

"First card: I had four stamped & never got round to using then. Put circle mask over him & did my blending around.  On his had I put fluffy stuff heat setting but not showing up xx"

"My Cc second one I had the poinsettia on the edge in my bit box so this is what I came up with"

Thank you so much my lovely for two fantastic projects.


Three fantastic cards from Margaret, two stunning embossed card, I love the clean and simple look of both of those cards.  
The Cross Stitched card of Thomas the Tank Engine was one that Margaret made while recouperating from her operation earlier this year, its amazing and it will make some little boy very happy.

Thank you so much Margaret for taking part in this weeks challenge.


Two stunning Christmas cards from Maria for this weeks Challenge.
Maria had a lot or Die cuts cut our from last year so she used them to make these two fantastic Christmas cards, those deer are so pretty Maria and the Candle on the second card is just so lovely.

Thank you so much for making time to make your challenge cards before your busy weekend. 



This is a pile of 24 Cards that Michele managed to finish on Friday ready to take with her to her table sale yesterday.  Michele I think that Val could employ you to fill her shop shelves, you would do it in no time! Your cards are all do cute, are they from that pack that you won as a prize? 

Thank you so much for sharing some cards with us, I know you had a super busy week preparing for your sale. 


Val managed to get a lot of tags made up for her Challenge project this week, I am so pleased that it has encouraged you all to get a project finished....

"This is my challenge project for this week. I cut the tag shapes out ages ago and they just sat on a shelf waiting for me to do something. Anyway I finally got round to making Christmas tags out of them. I bit of a change for me from making cards."
Thank you so much for taking part Val, your tags are gorgeous.

What an impressive line up Ladies, you are all amazing, thank you so much .

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs




  1. Hi everyone,
    Fantastic projects and cards today with. Lots of space made in our craft areas so we can fill them up with more goodies.

    Yesterday's ATC's were lovely, sorry I didn't get in to comment.

    Barrie arrived safely yesterday morning and as hed been on the road since 4.30am, we just had a quiet day. He was quite happy just sitting outside in the the sunshine, reading a
    book. Today we're off to the market this morning then off out for lunch as Lynn and Paul have taken the day off. Then if we're not too full were going for a walk round a nearby lake. It has so many birds and ducks geese and other fowl. It's a very pretty place.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Hugs to all with extras for poorly or unhappy friends today.
    Love Valx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge projects-it feels great to finally finish something, doesn’t it?!

    My Sale Table yesterday wasn’t very busy & I only took £27:40, by 3pm they were drawing the raffle then a few others started to pack up so I joined them! Helped Phil put up the Christmas decorations etc then had a play in my craft room. I’m taking my box of Christmas cards in to work on Monday so fingers crossed I’ll sell a few more.


    1. Hi Michele
      So sorry to hear that the craft sale wasn’t to good yesterday. I assume the weather kept everyone away. Hope you manage to sell a few at work tomorrow.

  3. Sandra-yes the cards I made were using the pack of toppers I won.


  4. Morning Everyone
    Oh I love sunday morning and seeing the display boards with lots of craftiness on them.
    It's a lovely way to start the week and today is no exception. Loads of finished projects and room to start more lol.

    Yesterday was absolutely awful weather wise, It was a battle to stay upright outside and torrential rain all day and well into the evening. This morning it has stopped raining; still a little windy but at the moment we have sunshine.

    My aim today is to carry on wrapping presents and putting them into their Santa bags ready to be delivered.

    The CAFE is OPEN for business and just waiting for you all to pop in. Roast Pork is on the menu today so place your orders please.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day; take care and stay safe. xxxx

    1. I'd love some roast pork As it's Christmas is there some cranberry sauce instead of apple please

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    An impressive line uptoday ladies. Like the white reindeer Maria on your cards.
    Spent the late afternoon and evening over at Craig’s. I must say Pete ate quite a bit which is very unusual for him. He’s really off his food again.
    My challenge today ladies is to blow up my tyres. Pete’s coming out to supervise. I’ve just creamed his feet and put his socks on so he just needs to get his puff back first.

  6. Just like JANET I love seeing the display boards on. Sunday When I’m feeling a bit low I know I have Sunday morning to look forward to
    Sorry ladies but I should have said how much I liked your work yesterday Those quilled robins are absolutely adorable I know how much patience you need to do this having had a go and ended up with a very misshapen tree! Do you have the templates etc to ensure each circle is the right size?
    Those little trolleys you bought CHERYL will Be perfect to display your sister’s little animals My ones for Harefield Hospital are stuffed in a plastic box at the moment - not very pretty
    It’s ashame your sale didn’t go well Michele I hate to say it and I think it’s always been the case that because it’s handmade (not homemade) that people expect something for nothing if you see what I mean why does vocabulary and language escape me all of the time
    Nothing much happening here In fact I don’t feel like doing anything at the moment My List is so long I don’t know where to start
    Have a good day all Hugs are on their way

  7. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Wow love all the challenge card on display today. Just shows what can be made from unfinished or left over bits.
    Just wanted to pop in for little I'm still suffering with my cough & coming over hot then cold. Never got much sleep again last night I had to sit up again. I have a bad head ache too.will see how I am tomorrow if no better will make appointment for doctor.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. You crept in above me, sorry you feel so ill Dr's tomorrow I think. Hugs on

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your idea for the challenge this week was brilliant, judging by the number of cards it made us all stop & think. They are all lovely, thank you. Looking forward to this
    Lynda hope you had a better night hugs on
    Pat thinking of you & Pete hugs on
    Lilian hope you are feeling
    Michele sorry the Fair didn't go very well I am sure they will be grabbed up at work.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. You have found another great challenge again. And even though I haven’t joined in much this year I still really love Sundays line up, but then I love seeing your cards every day. I hope you have had a good weekend and managed to get your tree and other decorations up.
    Here are a fantastic range of cards and crafts for us to enjoy. You have all done yourselves proud and also managed to free up some space in your PHD boxes 😊
    Lynda, sending gentle hugs dear friend. Please see your doc. tomorrow if you are still feeling so bad. I love both of your cards, love that cute penguin and the elegant poinsettia card is gorgeous. Gentle hugs to you and one for CU too of course x
    Lorraine, I’m sorry that I forgot to tell you how cute your quilled robins card is. Sending gentle hugs x
    Lilian, hopefully you are on the mend now. It’s not the same on Sundays if you have not been able to join in. Hugs are on their way x
    Michele, sorry you didn’t sell too much yesterday but sure your box will empty quickly at work tomorrow x
    Maria, your and your grandmother were lucky at Bingo weren’t you. Last night went well and although I’m busy during the bingo games I always buy some raffle tickets and I won two raffle prizes, both of which I had only bought on Thursday as I am the one that organises the food, drink, raffle prizes etc. for the group so a nice end to the evening for me 😊
    I have had a quiet lazy day but now feel a bit fresher so off to craft now whilst half watching Holidy Inn and enjoying hearing Chris sing along to White Christmas 😊 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need xx

  10. Hello All, hoping I will be able to publish today, yesterday was hopeless, it’s only this blog.
    Love all today’s offerings, you are all so good.

    Lynda I think you have the same virus as I have , can’t stop coughing, hope you feel better soon.

    Hugs to all Lilian

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a super Sunday, lady’s your PHd cards are amazing, I must say I found this challenge a lot easier than I thought it would be. I keep my ‘bits’ in A4 plastic boxes and try to to keep the seasonal bits together, this time it proved to be a good plan. I’m looking forward to seeing what you have lined up for us tomorrow Sandra. xx
    Hope everyone has had a good weekend and your batteries are recharged ready to face another week. Take care, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
