
Monday 10 December 2018

Your Monday Challenge

Good Monday Ladies,

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, cold, wet and miserable outside where we are, I hope that some of you had some brighter weather.  On a positive note there was a huge, really bright Rainbow in the sky as we drove the girls to work, it piddled it down with rain on the way back though.😏

One thing I did conquer this weekend is baking in the AGA, it gives so much better results than the Oven that we have, I made the most amazing Almond topped mince pies, the pastry was crisp and the almond sponge was moist and delicious too.  It has encouraged me to get back into baking. 

Now onto this weeks Challenge..….
I would like you to make a project (card or anything you like) that is 'Anything BUT Christmas', I think that we have had a good two months of Christmas cards now and we have seen all we need to, I doubt that any of you need any more inspiration for them either, so it will be nice to have a Sunday full of Butterflies, Flowers, hearts, Birds, bees or anything you please!!!
I hope you enjoy the challenge and I can't wait to see your projects.

How many of you have put your Tree and Decorations up this weekend?? 
We got ours down but didn't manage to get it put up, we will do it when tonight probably, Lucy didn't want to do it without Sophie so we will do it all together tonight. 

Now I have noticed that some of you have been having logging in to the Blog, I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I changed the Email address a few weeks ago.  I will have a look into it, it may help if you try hitting the follow or subscribe button again.  I will let you know if I find out anything.  I really appreciate the trouble you all go to to get logged in and comment.

Have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card & a great challenge for this week. I have 3 Christmas cards to finish making (tonight’s job) then I need to write all my cards. I’ll be looking forward to making something that’s not festive!

    Yesterday we had glorious sunshine in the morning then it turned dull then we had torrential rain in the evening. I popped out in the morning to co-op and had a lovely walk-glad I went out when I did. I hate getting wet.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty card SANDRA and I love this week's Challenge. I for one have now had enough of Christmas crafting and want to start on something else. I looked at the crafting mags in the shops at the week-end and all were Christmas of course but I wanted to see anything but so I shall enjoy this week's Challenge.

    It's Mr Tesco this morning and Jim starts his chauffeur duties today so it's cooking at lunchtime instead of tea making it a busy week. At least I 'broke the back of the wrapping presents yesterday' and just have a few left to do.

    The CAFE is OPEN and looking very festive with the tree in the corner and holly decorations on the red and white table cloths. Mince pies are on offer too.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Argh! But I still need to make Christmas cards! No seriously I have a couple of birthday cards I must do So it will help to break the monotony
    Had a lovely weekend Was asked to look after Oscar on Saturday which involved giving him a bath and help putting him to bed
    Yesterday we went to a local Christmas Fair where an artist friend had a stall and another had a wonderful soup stall Lots of very nice items but some of the prices were extortionate I admit I did come away thinking I could make that
    Shopping this afternoon- I need some very very firm elastic knickers for the 1920’s dress I am wearing on Saturday - any suggestions? M&S? JL?
    Have a good day and those of you needing an extra hug, they’re on their way xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased you are getting to grips with your Aga, I have never used one but I know people who do & they love them.
    The challenge this week is brilliant as I have a card to do for
    Lynda hope you have seen Dr. or at least spoken to him, gentle hugs on the
    Lilian the same with you have you been to Dr's, hugs on
    Pat hope you can relax a little this week, hugs to you
    Brenda good to see you have managed to get in your craft room, it is about time you had some 'me'
    Val hope your sciatica doesn't spoil Barrie's visit, just
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Lovely card Sandra very pretty love the colour. Thank you for a non Christmas challenge as I was loosing the will to live with Christmas cards maybe as not feeling very good,I still have four to finish.Sandra I will do my best Sandra to make a challenge card hopefully I will feel bit better in a couple of days.
    I phoned the doctors this morning for an appointment they said the earliest was after Christmas.( I could be dead by then the way I feel ) so she said my doctor can do a phone appointment which she did & she is leaving a prescription at reception. Terry has just gone to pick it up for me. I had another really bad night with coughing ( thank god for Tena ladies ) 😩😩. I think I've strained my stomach & lower back with all the coughing & have a bad headache. Enough of my moaning.🤓
    I hope everyone is keeping well.
    MARGARET thank you for your Hug's most appreciated.
    Hug's for Pat Pete Lilian & anyone who needs one.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Lynda. Sounds like you need some hugs yourself. I hope the prescription helps. There’s a lot of coughs going about.

  6. patswitney@gmail.com10 December 2018 at 17:38

    Hi Sandra and ladies. Well I pressed publish in error and my comment disappeared into cyber space.
    A lovely card today Sandra, in my favourite colour as well.
    We also had bad weather over the weekend as well. It’s supposed to get colder throughout the week as well.
    I’m off to prove I’m not a robot now. I did re follow Sandra but it’s not changed anything.

  7. Hello All, a bit chilly here, but at least the wind has eased.

    Still have terrible cough, no sleep by night, although have three pillows. Lynda do hope your meds help.

    Lovely card and good project this week Sandra, although I still have loads of Christmas cards to do.

    Hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sorry I didn't managed to post yesterday but we had a new router put in and it didn't work as it should so it is first tonight I have a chance to say how much I loved all the cc's.
    Lilian your cards are fabulous, so nice to see them. Well wishes and hugs for you.
    Lynda- hope your meds will help, so sorry this bug going around for some of you, wish you better.
    Tree has been up since last week and the garland for the fireplace getting there. Can't find any cones tho so might have to leave them out for this Christmas.
    Michele- hope you managed to sell some of your cards at work. Not so easy to sell at fairs .
    Karen- did you find any pantaloons ? hihi Love to see a photo of you dressed for 1920 era.
    Pat- take care and hugs are coming for you and Pete x
    Good Challenge for this week even if I have a few more christmas cards to make it will be nice to make something different and I have my SIL for the 1st of Jan. so will see what I can do, perhaps use the dies I got from you to make some weaving hmmmm
    Have a good/ better night everyone. Love Maria xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies
    I have already lost two comments when I trying to publish so will keep this short.
    What’s the pretty card love the colour. Another interesting challenge this week.
    LILLIAN lovely to see you on the blog. Hope you feel better soon.
    LYNDA take care, hope your prescription helps.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
