
Saturday 8 December 2018

Mixed Up Saturday: ATC's & More

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

We have had a chilly, miserable start to the weekend so what could be better than grabbing a cup of something warm and sitting with friends browsing through some lovely craftiness??

I thought that I would share all of the photo's of the ATC's that were made for the little Challenge that Cheryl set a few weeks ago. 

Mine are pictured above, the idea behind my designs was my crafting/card making style back in the beginning of this blog and the other one shows my crafting now, the difference being that I now stamp more than I do anything else, mostly down to (A) The faux misti tool (remember those)?  then stamping tools in general, followed by me purchasing my first Stampin'Up Stamp set, which are the best quality stamps, after having a couple of goes and amazing myself with the results, I was hooked.









I honestly think, looking at that display of ATC's that nobody would ever think that most of you had never made one before, every one of those little works of art represent you and your style, I love them all.  I would like to do another one in the new year sometime, collect enough to fill one of those atc display folders, because to me they are all a little bit of all of you. 

I know that you don't all enjoy 'ALL' of the challenges, mostly because we all like different things but I have to say that you always have a go, more importantly you all succeed.  
It gives me the greatest pleasure to put these blog posts together each week, especially ones like this where I know I have pushed some of you completely out of your comfort zone and you have rewarded me with the most amazing project.  That is the ONLY reason I would like to continue challenging you in the new year.

Now onto some other projects...... 

This is the other card that Karen made for the lady who's friends is a huge Marmite fan, Karen's other card was the Marmite Baubles in last weeks challenge. I know I say it almost every week Karen but you are so amazingly gifted when it comes to imagination and picking designs that suit peoples hobbies, personalities etc. Thank you for inspiring us my lovely xxx


Lorraine has been poorly so has missed a few challenges but she felt well enough to make this fabulous '3 of a kind' card for last weeks challenge.  Just look at the expressions on those Robin's faces, you can't help but smile!  Lorraine has 'Quilled' the birds, which looks so effective.  You must have amazing patience Lorraine.  Thank you so much for taking part in our challenge.  I do hope that the blood transfusion gives you a little bit of a lift to get you feeling better. Sending you gentle hugs xxx


Michele popped to the Works before she settled down to make some cards for her Sale table today, look at the lovely things she managed to find.  Those dies are stunning, particularly those intricate pattern dies that cut patterns into your backgrounds.  We all need glitter and Mirror card so Michele added that to her basket too along with some glittery washi tape and a lovely sentiment die.  Thank you so much for sharing Michele, I really hope that you have a Sell Out today, you have made some fantastic projects so you should do great, I have everything crossed for you my lovely xxx


OMG!  Have bloomin' cute are these adorable little carts??  Cheryl bagged an absolute Bargain on a Facebook selling page, within 17 minutes of the lady putting them up for sale they were Cheryl's !
I can really image Milly-May pushing one of these around with all of her cuddlies in.  They look really sturdy and robust as well as being so adorable.  They will look amazing on your sale table, overflowing with your sisters crocheted animals.  Thank you so much for sharing them with all of us xxx

That's it for another Saturday, I think that we might get our Christmas Tree down this weekend, the girls are really excited to start decorating, Paul is too, which is a stark contrast to this time last year.

Lilian, thank you so much for popping in yesterday, it was so lovely to here from you, I hope that you are soon on the mend and back at your craft desk, it is after all 'THE BEST' form of therapy.  sending gentle hugs my lovely xxx

Pat I hope that you are coping ok, you are always in my thoughts my lovely, sending hugs to you both xxxx

Love and best wishes to all of you.



  1. Morning Ladies

    Love all the ATC’s you have made, so much detail on them.

    Lorraine-I LOVE your card, it’s gorgeous.

    Cheryl-what a great purchase.

    Been up ages as the weather is horrendous here-60mph winds st the moment! Just hope enough people brave it outside today to the Christmas Fair.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Wow aren't those ATCs beautiful and yes we did it again not one resembling another. I'm up for another one in the new year SANDRA.

    Well it's certainly 'batten down the hatches' this morning and I've got to go out shopping. I think it's a morning for 'deep sea weighted boots'lol.

    The CAFE is of course open and ready for you all to pop in. HUGS will be with you all shortly. Take care everyone.

    1. Hope you had a good day shopping and you still on your feet after all we don't want to see anything happening to anyone before Christmas now. Take care xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Well you have all done it again, especially those of you that have never made an ATC before. Every card is different and shows just how varied our crafting styles are. I will be up for another challenge in the new year my lovely.
    CHERYL, I need to say just how sorry I am that you haven’t received your ATCs yet. I promise they are going into the post box later on today. I love your gorgeous ATCs, they are on display on a shelf anove my craft desk. The papers and embellishments that you used are all beautiful. Thank you again. I love the cute little carts that will be used on your sale table and agree with Sandra about seeing Milly-May toddling round with them full of her cuddliest 😊
    Michele, good luck with the sale. I hope the weather doesn’t put people off going out. You got some beautiful dies from The Works and some lovely glittery papers and tapes in some lovely colours x
    Karen, I love the Marmite card and the great sentiment. You are our personalised card Queen for sure x
    Brenda, I’m so glad that you managed to get some “me” time to sit back and relax yesterday. You certainly deserve to after being so busy x
    Lilian, it was lovely to see you in the Cafe yesterday. Sorry that you have been laid low again. Once your defences are low it is so hard to avoid getting every big around isn’t it. Sending gentle hugs x
    Pat, thinking of you and Pete and sending hugs x
    Mum and I had a lovely day together yesterday, as usual. Love you Mum xx
    Have a good day. Crafting then our Scout group Bingo tonight are the plan for today for me. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. My 'grandmother' used to let me go with her to Bingo and I came away with a chicken and she got a little siver box. She gave me the box and we had the chicken for dinner. Have fun tonight xx

  4. Wow The ATC’s are gorgeous and seeing them all together is wonderful Mine (from you) are stunningThe photos do not do them justice
    I hope the sale goes well MICHELE
    I have to report that our weather is as calm as you like and sunny I am just about to go to post office I bet it’s a lot colder than it looks
    Take care all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.lost a comment into cyber space again.
    Wow. Such fantastic ATC’s on show today. I must say you ladies have a fantastic talent. All of them are completely different as usual.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What beautiful ACT cards you have made they really are fantastic, Looking at them I would say it almost harder than doing your regular size gift card. Thank you everyone for sharing.
    MICHELE wishing you all the best for your sale at the Christmas fair, I hope people are brave enough to face the elements and come out and support everyone who has made such an effort on their behalf. Love your shopping from the Works I bought the same rectangular die plus three others as part of my sisters Christmas present. She is only just getting into card making so I just chose basic dies I think the rectangular one is probably the most detailed one. xx
    LORRAINE, Love your card, Those quilled Robbins are so cute. Hope you are feeling a little stronger after the blood transfusion. xx
    CHERYL I love those little carts, great idea for putting small presence in. xx
    KAREN wow another fantastic marmite card, I have a couple of marmite fans in the family and might just borrow your idea for birthday cards. That’s if you don’t mind. xx
    SUE enjoy the scout bingo and thank you for your lovely message, I certainly do feel a lotcalmer and even ventured into the craft room earlier and rummaged through a few p HD boxes…... I’m still thinking about it! xx
    PAT Thinking about you and sending caring hugs. Stay strong xx

    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend, Sending Love and big warming hugs to you all. Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I didn't get in yesterday, I had a lovely day with Sue & by the time she went it was late. Your card yesterday is lovely, I have this paper but have not used it yet, I really have enough paper to last me a couple of years, but no doubt will still be tempted to buy more next year. The ATC's are all lovely, thank you Cheryl for the suggestion, they are not as easy as you think, but willing to have another go
    Karen love your card you are so
    Lorraine your card is lovely, your quilling is so good. Hope you are feeling
    Cheryl your little carts are lovely, I know somebody who love
    Michele your buys yesterday were great, hope the sale goes
    Lilian good to see you in yesterday, hope you pick up
    Lynda hope your cough let you sleep last night, that's the last thing you need. Hugs on
    Sue hope you manage to get your cards done, I enjoyed yesterday as well. Hope the bingo goes well. Love
    Pat hope you are coping, hugs to you &
    Must get on & finish my PHD & get it sent to Sandra, sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today
    How many lovely ATC's around today, well done ladies. They were a bit tricky because of the small size but I'm happy to try again next year.
    Karen- fun card (even if I cant stand the stuff myself hihi)
    Lorraine- hugs being sent your way and wish you feel a lot better soon. Great card made the quilling way. Bought some strips years ago but never made anything with it, so typical me Lol
    Cheryl- love your little carts. What the site called you shopping from sometimes ?, you seem to get some good things.
    Michele- Like your shopping, nice dies. Do like the Works
    Pat- daily hugs winging it's way to you.
    Brenda- glad you have a nice weekend. Take care
    Lynda- feet up and take it easy. Hope CU is alright.
    Have a nice evening all xxx

    1. Thank you Maria & thank you for your lovely card. I hear CU messaged you on messenger he missed your Hug at AP. HaHa.
      I haven't got any energy so that's what I'm doing sitting in my recliner chair with feet up & nodding off every now & then.
      Hug's for you from us both.xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Wow I love all the ATC's such lovely works of art all differant but all beautiful.
    SANDRA I would love to do some more ATC's in the new year.
    My cough has drained me another bad night & all day I had a bad stomach ache earlier think I strained it coughing so much. I haven't got any energy & keep nodding off.
    MICHELE lovely lot of shopping from the works will. I hope you had a good day at your Christmas fair went well.
    LORRAINE love your card the little quilling birds are so sweet. Glad your feeling better sending you Hug's.
    CHERYL love those cute carts what a good find I can just see a little girl who will love putting her teddies & dolls in them.
    LILIAN glad you felt better to pop in. Hope your on the mend Hug's on the way.
    KAREN I love your card such a lovely personalised card yours very clever.
    PAT always thinking of you. You must feel drained stay strong my friend. Sending extra Hug's for you & Pete xx
    BRENDA thank you for your Hug's. I am glad your having some me time. Sending you some Hug's.
    Well I'm coughing again now so I'm going to get a drink.
    Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda.
      Sending you healing hugs. As you say you’ve probably strained your stomach coughing. Thanks for our hugs.
