
Friday 16 November 2018

Another 'Bit Box' card and some Exciting news

My Winning #GDP card!!!

 The 'Herringbone' Technique

Good Morning Ladies,

First of all today I want to 'Blow My Own Trumpet' !!  I have shared the card I made a few weeks ago using the First Frost Dsp for the Global Design Project Challenge again today because while I was at Onstage at the weekend I received the news that I had WON !!! I actually can't believe it to be honest, there is no prize, you just get to show the I'm a #GDP Winner badge on your blog.  But I am totally happy with that recognition!

Now onto today's 'Bit Box' Card, I had a few bits of card that were in short strips, offcuts that were about an inch or so thick, so I looked on Pinterest to see if there was a pattern that I could build with them, and I came across the 'Herringbone' pattern. 
So pretty much like the starburst technique I covered a piece of card with adhesive and laid the first 3 strips of card (dark red) down to create the basic starting point for the pattern, you then just work round, butting each piece of paper up to the next, until you reach the edges of your card, then you stop and turn over and trim off any over hanging pieces.
I am happy to do another quick tutorial if you would like me too.  
Now because the pattern is so busy I didn't want to make the front of the card look overcrowded, I also wanted to show off the design.
I have shared just the background so that you can see the whole design.

I am really looking forward to seeing all of your 'Bit Box' cards this week, it doesn't matter if you have only used one piece from your Bit Box, just as long as there is something.

I had a very quiet day yesterday, uploading YouTube Videos, which wasn't helped by the internet, it kept cutting out, which is so annoying as you don't know if it has stopped the 'Upload'.  Fingers crossed the next one will be up on Saturday.
I will leave another link to yesterdays in case any of you missed it...….

Tutorial for Starburst Cards.

I hope that you all have a lovely day and a lovely weekend, can you believe we are mid way through November!?!

Sending Love and Huge Hugs to all of You,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Well Done Sandra-that’s fantastic news!!!!
    I love today’s card-it’s stunning.

    I had a restful evening yesterday once I’d done the Tesco shopping & put it all away. Watched Law & Order (new series) then read my book.
    Might be more reading tonight as it’s been a tiring week!


  2. Morning Everyone
    Congratulations SANDRA on your achievement. Really good news to start the day.

    I didn't manage to get my CC off yesterday so as soon as I've finished here I really must do so before starting anything or it will never get sent this week.

    It's that 'swear' word day again. How do they come round so quickly and especially as it's not my favourite job of the

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in for a chat and a sit down. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care everyone xxxx

  3. Morning Sandra,

    So thrilled for you to win the GDP challenge. Your card is beautiful.

    Yes Janet, that dreaded swear word is upon us again, good job there is only one in a week (apart from a few essential tasks).

    But mine will have to wait til tomorrow. I am super busy today with sorting all the craft item boxes in my little Swiss chalet so that I have enough prizes for my Cannington Christmas Tombola stall. It's the very last one I have this year. Fingers crossed I will see a lot of items go to new homes.

    However you are spending your weekend, ENJOY
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope your sorting out gets finished ready for your last stall of the year.

  4. Congratulations SANDRA on your win
    I will watch the video later I really like the herring bone one I would like to see a quick tutorial It looks like you have to be exceptionally accurate in cutting the strips Which unless I use ScanNCut I don’t seem to be able to do I even have the small cutter pillar thingy which I am going to return as it’s feathering the card Anyway must dash got a visitor

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Congratulations on winning a badge to put on your blog.
    Another great design for using up your small bits of papers. I must look at the video to see if it’s as hard to do as Karen and i think. Knowing you, you’ve probably found an easy way to do it.
    Had a really good chat to the Macmillan nurse who came to see us yesterday. She’s coming back in 3 weeks.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS SANDRA 😊 Your winning card is gorgeous and it's great to hear that others think the same. What a fantastic surprise for you. I love the herring bone effect card too. It's a great way to use up those corner off cuts, another style that I will be trying out and a good one for male cards too I think xx
    Have a good day as possible ladies. I have a big basket of ironing to do before anything else but I have just been called to help make a play dough excavator by a certain little grandson so must help him first 😊 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Just had to pop back in and say a big THANK YOU CHERYL. The post lady has just delivered my beautiful ATCs. Both are beautifully decorated. Thank you again xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra well done on your GDP award a well deserved win, I bet your face was a picture. I love the herringbone effect card, I still have not managed a CC yet perhaps this
    Val sorry to hear Harvey has a lump on his leg hope he is alright, hugs on the
    Pat good the McMillian nurse was helpful, they do a marvellous job, you need to take all the help you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Cthanks Margaret. She had all Pete’s details on her computer. She said his hemoglobins were 55 last Friday. She probably knows more about Pete’s condition than we do.

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    CONGRATULATIONS SANDRA on your win GDP card it was beautiful.
    Love your herringbone card today & yes please a little video would be appreciated
    Thank you.xx
    Well I have just finished my Challenge cards & have sent to Sandra mind you two went in the bin I found using scraps quite difficult.
    PAT glad the Macmillan nurse was helpful. Big Hug's for you both.
    I have a appointment at 4.45pm at the options just to see if the black strings or cobwebs are anything to worry about. I don't like this getting old lark waking upto another ache or pain that hasn't been there the day before😡
    Terry fell over on Wednesday loading the car for a rubbish run for a lady he dose jobs for he slipped carrying a bag of rubbish on the steps by the front door.
    He fell on his hand which was quite swollen but he wouldn't go &get it ex rayed
    He can move all his fingers so that's good. He said he aches a bit down the left side & can see some bruises now.
    SANDRA sorr is been missing but I haven't been able to publish so fingers crossed this one will.
    Hug's for everyone & extra for PAT PETE LILIAN MARIA & anyone who needs one.
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Hope Terry starts to feel better soon after his fall. Hope your feeling better soon as well. I don’t like this getting old malarkey either.

  10. Hello All, my iPad seems to be OK so I am hoping this will post.
    Sandra what lovely cards, will have a look at your Utube channel if I can get it to play.
    I also bought one of the smaller cutter pillars, but don’t find it at all useful, lot of wasted money.
    I have made my card for this week will send it in the morning.

    Going to listen to the tennis now, on the radio. Hugs Lilian

  11. I seem to be having a problem with google not publishing at the moment.

  12. Hopefully I can now comment as my pat s witney has come back. Fingers crossed.

  13. Evening ladies.
    Thank you Sandra for the tutorials. You made it so easy to understand. Another one for the Herringbone, yes please.
    Congratulations for getting the Badge, Gorgeous card.
    I have been staring at my bit box for ever but nothing have been made because of dizziness and feeling rather low and achy. Sorry to moan but hate feeling like this.
    Lynda- hope you get help reg the black in your eyes. Think Terry should have his hand looked at, even if he can move his fingers he could have a hairline fracture. Wish you both better.
    Pat- glad you got the McMillan nurse to talk to and she can help. Take care.
    Sue- hope you feeling brighter. Dark mornings and grey days are here again. Have fun with grandson.
    Lilian- enjoy the Tennis.
    Janet- hope your body is not too achy today. We are going to the theater next week. Something about a Bank robbery.
    Sending warm hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your dizziness improves and your feeling a bit better tomorrow, I see my reply is again saying reply asgoogle account. Which means it won’t publish. What a bummer that it. My iPad somehow updated itself, so I’m not sure what’s going on.

  14. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    CONGRATULATIONS Sandra, your GDP card is gorgeous and your win is more than deserved......... so proud of you. xxx Your herringbone design card is really clever. Just add a sentiment and it would be perfect for any occasion, it so inspirational.
    Life might calm down now 🤞(fingers crossed) SIL, daughter and eldest grandson went up to Loughborough today, moving most of my sisters belongings, she has kept enough back to exist for the next two weeks when she will be moving permanently to Leicestershire. At least she can now focus on leaving her flat in order for the owner (you remember Sandra when you left the RAF property)

    Have a lovely weekend Ladies, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
