
Thursday 15 November 2018

Another Sunburst Card & Tutorial

The YouTube Tutorial for this card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I have made another of my 'quick and easy' starburst cards, mostly to use up so odd bits of card, the flower petals were literally cut from scraps of card.  The pretty papers are from the Joyous Noel Suite (Stampin'Up)! The green card is called Tranquil Tide and works perfectly with the metallic I have used in the card. The sentiment is for the 'Merry Christmas To all'  bundle, where you mix stamped sentiments with Die cut ones, I quite like it.

This card measures 5 1/4  X 7 1/4 inches.  

You will need to cut your two pieces of card to exactly the same measurement, and cut them together, I cut my paper for the 'starburst' to 5 inch X 4 inch and then trimmed it down afterwards.

You will be pleased to know that I have filmed a short tutorial on the actual 'Starburst' part of the card, to show how simple it is.  You can add yours to a card and embellish it however you like.
The YouTube video is uploading as I am writing this blog and I will upload it today for you to follow.
Our internet is so painfully slow that it has taken 6 hours to upload 34% of a video that is about 7 minutes long!   I could honestly scream at times, it really puts me of doing tutorials. But I do like reading the lovely comments and knowing that it has helped somebody learn a new technique.

I didn't see Sue yesterday as she is having a rough week, I hope you are feeling better my lovely, make sure you rest up for the weekend xx

I did get to see Pat though, she managed to get away for a couple of hours, she showed me some lovely Groovi cards that she has made over the past couple of months.  It was so lovely to see you Pat after so many weeks, hopefully we can do it again in a couple of weeks time. xxx

Paul and I have been talking about our Trip to London but we just can't decide on a Show to see, we will go to the same hotel, maybe do the bus tour this time rather than a river cruise. There are just too many shows to choose, I'm not sure anything will come close to 42nd Street, that was a real extravaganza!  

I hope that I will get this video up in the next couple of hours, fingers crossed !!

Have a lovely day my lovely friends,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, I’m looking forward to watching your video.

    Last night was s great evening-didn’t get home until 11pm so I’m feeling quite tired this morning.
    Hopefully I can have a restful evening once I’ve done the Tesco shopping after work.

    A colleague recommended the Book of Mormon so you might want to look at that show Sandra .


    1. Snap! A friend recommended that one to me too

    2. Its good to hear you enjoyed last night. Hope work is better today x

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope you had a better day at work today.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely Seasonal card Sandra. It's surprising what we can do with bits of this and that isn't it.

    We had a lovely evening at the theatre but I'm certainly paying for it this morning. Well worth it though.

    Hoping to get my CC off today and then who knows what will happen.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in when you can.
    HUGE HUGS are on their way to all Dear Friends. Take care everyone xxxx

    1. Its good to hear you enjoyed yourselves last night but sorry that your body doesn't agree today! X

    2. Hi Janet
      I’m glad you enjoyed your trip to the theatre. Such a shame you have suffer afterwards though.

  3. Another lovely card and I look forward to seeing the video
    I hope to craft this afternoon and it’s craft club tonight This dancing mullarkey is really getting in the way of my crafting time But I enjoy the dancing too
    Just waiting for a taxi to go to work So I’d better get ready
    Take care xx

    1. Everything gets in the way of crafting doesn't it Karen. I bet we still wouldn't get around to doing all of the crafting we wanted even if we didn't have to do anything else 😊 I hope you get on well with yours this afternoon though x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
      I love this gorgeous sunburst card. The papers work beautifully with what looks like rose gold on my screen. I hope your video finishes loading soon so I can have a go. It is good to have such a choice of shows but doesn't help you decide which one to see though does it?
      We have never done a bus tour of London so may try that this time. Its a good way to see the sights when legs aren't up to all of the walking 😊 Just having time to yourselves to go where you want is the best bit though isn't it my lovely xx
      Thank you for the kind words. I am feeling much better today thank goodness.
      Pat, it's good to hear Sophie was able to sit with Pete so you could have a catch up with Sandra x

      Cheryl I'm looking forward to seeing my ATCs. I still haven't finished your second one but hope to get it finished tomorrow X
      Have a good day ladies. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi everyone,
    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the colours. Looking forward to the video.

    Had to take Harvey in to vets to have an exceptionally large lump on his leg removed. Sadly they think it's a tumour but we'll find out for sure when we pick him up later.

    Just waiting in for the man to come on hishsix monthly visit to change the water filter. After that Lynn and I really going shopping. She needs some sturdy warm boots as her and Paul are going to Poland in January and it's usually about -10 degrees. I'm giving the January holiday a miss this year as I hate the cold but would love to see Auschwitz etc.

    Sending hugs to Pat Pete Lynda Lilian and Sue and anyone I've missed out who's not so well at the moment.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I wrote a comment earlier say that I hope you and Lynn enjoy your shopping. Also I hoped she managed to get some boots for her trip. I pressed publish and it disappeared. Hopefully this will publish.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another lovely card using bits & pieces, look forward to seeing video. Good that you saw Pat yesterday, made a nice break for you
    Janet so pleased you enjoyed last night, shame we have to pay for it next day, this getting old is no joke is it?xxx
    Karen I don't know how you have the energy for all the dancing you do, enjoy it while you
    Sue pleased you are feeling better, take it easy today & tomorrow you will have a busy Sat. Love
    Maria hope you feel less tired today, I have done 1 of my ATC's struggling with 2nd, have embroidery this afternoon but hope to finish it
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Lilian hope you are ok missed you this week, love

  7. Hi All, lovely cards over the last few days Sandra.

    Am keeping this short as I’m not sure I’ll be able to post.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your feeling a bit better today.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today. I must say these cards look much better in the flesh.
    It was lovely spending a few hours with you. Thanks for making me a couple of envelopes. Won’t be able to make next week as we have a full week of hospital visits. The Macmillan nurse stayed for about an hour and a half this afternoon. It was really helpful to talk to her. She’s coming again in 3 weeks. She’s making arrangements put in place what drugs can help Pete when the drugs he’s taking at the moment no longer work. Plus if he’s unable to swallow pills he can have them by injection.
