
Saturday 17 November 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Danni's Gorgeous Pocket letter

Danielle Pocket Letter YouTube Video

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to another 'Mixed Craft Saturday' we have some lovely crafts to look at today.

I have started off with the beautiful Pocket Letter that Danielle made for me for our Swap, the Pocket Letter was only a part of the lovely gifts that Dannii and I swapped, she had made me a lovely Christmas Gift Bag, gifted me some gorgeous paper pads including an absolutely stunning A3 from Crafters Companion in really pretty Peaches and Pinks, I managed to get some flowers in matching colours to swap back with Danielle. I was left absolutely blown away both with Danielle's generosity and creativity.  
To show Danielle's Pocket Letter off probably I filmed a short video, I have left the link under the photograph. 

Now onto Janet's 'ATC's..……

Janet was paired with Lynda in our recent ATC swap, these are the incredible Artist Trading cards that Janet designed and created for Lynda, they are amazing Janet.  The first one features die cuts, the background is a pretty die cut with a intricate pattern, small enough to work perfectly on the ATC size, the Butterflies are a feature of the background, Janet has coloured them and bought them to the foreground where they make the perfect embellishment. I love the finishing touch around the edge too.  
Janet's second ATC is complete contrast to her first, this ATC is a made up of a lovely arrangement of Resin embellishments, those corners have what looks like Art Deco style roses on them, the centre piece is a pretty cameo with a darling little show beneath, Janet has added some Hydrangea petals is beautiful colours and finished with a heart and pearl Trim.  
Janet you would never believe that these are your first ATC's they are both incredible and I know Lynda loved them.  Thank you so much for sharing them. 

Karen goes to a Craft Club and has shared some absolutely incredible crafts that some of the ladies have made....

I will add Karen's description below:

"I thought you might like to show these on Saturday I have their permission
The first is a miniature made by one of the ladies at craft club She had a stroke about 18 months ago and couldn’t do her miniatures Admittedly she bought the little cabinet but has created all of the little birds and flowers etc from Fimo
The second is by another lady from craft club who does a bit of everything and has got into beading recently."

Both items are absolutely incredible, that Miniature cabinet with the flowers, Birds and Butterflies, all made out of Fimo, you don't realise the tiny scale until you see the £1 coin.  I can't imagine the skill and patience it takes to create something so detailed.  It is absolutely exquisite, the lady that created this is so talented, it's impossible to think that she had a stroke 18 months before. 

The second picture is 3 beautifully beaded bracelets, made using tiny beads, sewn together to create these beautiful patterns, so intricate and pretty.  Thank you so much for allowing Karen to share your work with us. xxx

Thanks Karen for sharing your friends work, it's so inspiring to see other crafts, especially when they are as amazing as these ones. 

Thank you to everyone that took part in today's blog post, please send me any photo's of any mixed crafts that you would like to share.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What lovely craft creations on display today.
    I haven’t felt like crafting (or even purchasing anything crafty) recently. I recently had a little health scare and finally got the all clear results yesterday so I can relax.
    My Father in Law was rushed into hospital on Monday (pneumonia & very high blood pressure) but seems to be recovering ok.

    Hairdressers this morning then my brother + wife are visiting my Dad this weekend so they’re all coming here this evening for a meal.


    1. Ooh MICHELE Sorry to hear about the health scare Thank goodness it’s all clear Knocks the stuffing out of you waiting etc doesn’t it

    2. Amazing news Michele, so glad you got the all clear.
      Take care and enjoy the weekend xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful Pocket Letter. I have to say I've never seen one before but I must try to do one.

    KAREN- those creations are just gorgeous. It must be a very inspiring craft club.

    We're off shopping this morning our usual shopping centre. I'm hoping I can get some Seasonal shopping done well that's the plan anyway lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN and there will be cream scones and muffins later for your all to help yourselves. Remember all calorie free lol.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good at the moment. Take care xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow, what a fabulous pocket letter you received from Danni. I have never seen one before either but this one is gorgeous, I love all of the beautiful papers and embellishments, and lace Danni has used. I know you will treasure it. I'm looking forward to seeing the one you made for Danni too. I will looking at it later on. The bag, notebook and pencil cases are all perfectly made, lovely pretty gifts/swaps Danni x
    I hope you have a good weekend my lovely xx
    Janet, your ATCs are gorgeous, so pretty in those lovely colours x
    Karen, wow! What amazing flowers etc. Your friend is so clever to make such beautiful miniatures. The coin shows just how small they are. The beaded bracelets are also lovely. Another clever lady for sure. I imagine they must be quite fiddly to make, not something that I would find easy with my my fat little fingers 😊 Thank you for sharing them with us as it's always good to see different crafts X
    Lynda, I hope you got some answers about your eyes and give Terry a gentle hug from me and tell him I hope his hand heals quickly ( and tell him to take more water with it next time 😁) xx
    Maria, sorry you are feeling low. These dark days do not help do they. I completely understand why some people go to sunnier climates for the winter months! Sending gentle hugs X
    Brenda, I hope you do get some quieter days now. At least your sister won't have so much to move this time compared to last time! Gentle restful hugs are on their way to you as I type X
    Pat it's good to hear that the McMillan nurse was helpful. They are wonderful aren't they. Hope Pete doesn't have any more falls X
    We have the Scout Jumble sale today so an early start for me. Have a good day whatever you all do. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Good morning ladies
    I have never seen a pocket letter Very pretty DANNII I will watch your video with great interest
    Your ATC’s JANET are lovely I finished mine yesterday So I will post them to my partner on Monday
    The ladies at my craft club are amazing Some of the things they do are eye poppingly gorgeous The miniature is truly stunning in the flesh
    The jewellery equally so She got us all to have a go one week and yes SUE I found it too fiddly for my big fat fingers
    I must do some swear word today
    Take care all I hope you’re feeling brighter MARIA I hope you got on OK at the opticians LYNDA and hope TERRY is OK after his fall
    I’m glad you found the McMillan nurse helpful PAT It’s always reassuring to have a named person to be able to contact for any reason at all
    LILIAN- are you ok and feel better

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful pocket letter you received from Danni, there are so many bits to it, the more you look the more you see. I managed a CC yesterday will send in a
    Well done Danni, will have a look at video
    Janet your ATC's are lovely, I am still struggling with my 2nd
    Karen your friends are so talented, the miniature is beautiful is the jewellery is delicate. Thank your friends for allowing you to show
    Maria hope you feel brighter today, the sun is out here hope that helps, hugs on
    Lynda I hope you had some answers at your appointment & give Terry a hug from me, hugs on way for
    Michele I am glad you had good news, hope FIL is
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello All, dry but dull, got rid of yesterday’s fog.

    What a lot of beautiful crafts today, love your pocket letter, just watched your video, do you just keep the jewels or are they for using ? Never heard of them before.
    Loved your note book also, I used to make these for every one for Christmas, not done any for a while, thanks for the reminder.

    Karen yourcraft ladies are amazing, such patients.
    Love all of the ATCs very pretty, very girly.

    Had flu jab yesterday, feeling a bit achy today, hope it soon goes, still better than the flu. Have a good day, hugs Lilian

  7. Grrr. Blogger won’t let me publish as me on Sandra’s blog. I seem to be ok on other blogs. I have to go through a rigmarole of ticking pictures to prove I’m not a robot.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely pocket letter from Danielle. Will watch the you tube later.
    Oh Karen, the miniature garden is absolutely wonderful and the bracelets are gorgeous.
    Janet- love your ATC's, very pretty.
    Michele- hope you FIL get well soon and once again so glad you are ok.
    Brenda- hope the move have gone alright for you sister. Where did she move to this time ? Take care
    Lilian- good you got the flu jab, hope the soreness goes over quickly, gentle hug
    Sue- you know how it is sometimes. Yes, today have been a lovely day and I have lost it totally by sleeping a lot but somehow managed to make some cc's so feel better for that. Don't want to let you ladies down.
    Chinese and movie time for us here tonight.
    Have a nice evening everyone. Many hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, Thank you, yes the move went well yesterday, My Sister is going back to the Mother House in Loughborough. She will be in London for the next two weeks, John and I will be lending a hand to get the apartment in order before she leaves!!!

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry to be so late, It’s just been one of those days.
    JANET Love your ACT’s they are beautiful. xx
    DANIELLE Your pocket is amazing xx
    KAREN I’m so pleased your craft club friends said you could share there gorgeous makes with us, please tell them they are beautiful. xx
    SANDRA I’m sorry I haven’t managed to make a CC I was really looking forward to using some of my ‘bits’ I am really looking forward to seeing what everyone has created .

    Good night everyone, sleep well, love Brenda xxx

  10. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Wow some beautiful mixed crafts today. DANNII'S pocket letter is gorgeous Sandra
    & the gift bag book & pencils.
    JANET I loved your ATC'S they are even more gorgeous in the flesh & Janet wrapped them beautifully I love them thank you my friend.
    KAREN love your craft club ladies beautiful miniture cabinet & bracelets
    MICHELE so pleased your results were good now you can relax.Hug's on the way
    MARIA sorry your feeling low hope you enjoyed your meal & film. Sending Hug's.
    I have just started doing a pocket letter well I have made the pockets I've just got to embellish them so if I finish it I will send Sandra a picture.
    MARGARET thank you for asking I went to the opticians yesterday had all the tests & now he has made me appointment to go & see a eye specialist but not at my local hospital as but the William Harvey at Ashford which is a couple of hours away said couldn't do it at our hospital although I go to the eye clinic there for my right eye.I have a appointment for Wednesday at 10.30am so early start.
    HUG'S for everyone extra for PAT PETE LILIAN MARIA & anyone who needs extra hug's.
    Love Lynda xx
