
Friday 26 October 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

This has seemed a very long week for some reason, I am so glad that it is Friday!  I'm not sure if it is just me or it's the weather but I just could not get warm yesterday, I kept my thick pj's on with a warm zipped fleece and sheepskin slippers but I was cold to the bones.  It may well have been the after effects of our fab shopping day yesterday that has contributed but I am certain that we will be lighting the fire this weekend.  The heating has been on for a few weeks now, this will be our first full winter in this house, lets hope it's not too costly!! I think I am going to light the Aga and leave it on, I am guessing that when it is up to temperature it shouldn't take too much gas to maintain its heat, the kitchen is quite large with high ceiling and the Aga is the only form of heat in there.

We have an unwanted tenant!!  Milo has been freaking me out for days as he sits and stares at on of the drawers in the kitchen, it is the drawer where their treats are kept but that hasn't bothered him before, now when we moved in there was mouse droppings in that draw, I cleaned them out and bleached the draw but I noticed today that they are back, so I am guessing that there is a mouse visiting, so far its trail is only in that draw and the cupboard beneath.  I went into the kitchen this afternoon and Milo had got onto the work top and opened the drawer and was all but sitting in it!
I keep opening the cupboard and encouraging him to go in and get the flippin thing, but no luck so far!  I don't want to have to set a trap but that's the next step, I can't have mice running round the kitchen, I'd end up having a heart attack! 

Today's card was made with the Petal Promenade Designer Papers from Stampin'up! the beautiful floral design was the inspiration for the rest of the card, I used Blackberry Bliss card for the base and mat and Champagne Foil card for the accent pieces, the dies I used are Stitched Label Framelits for that lovely frame, Delicate Lace Edgelits for that lacy edge die cut.
The Stamped frame is from Floral Frames Stamp set. 
I used Ruffled edge ribbon in Powder Pink and the narrow Ribbon is Fresh Fig.  
The paper is so busy that I don't think the card needed aby more embellishments, I hope you like it.

Have a lovely weekend Ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-What a beautiful card, such lovely colours. Certainly sounds like you have a mouse-good luck getting rid of it.

    Yesterday was busy-the sink eventually got replaced, ended up leaving work late then went to Tesco to do the shopping.
    Today we’re telling everyone who got their Christmas leave-there’s going to be done unhappy staff sad we’ve denied a number of people some days. Difficult decisions but we still have a service to run. All I can say is Thank goodness it’s Friday!!!


  2. Morning everyone

    just setting off for Calais. Hoping for a peaceful journey.
    Have a good day everyone.
    HUGS on their way to you all xxxx

  3. A pretty card SANDRA I rarely use patterned paper and have quite a bit in my stash that just stares back at me! I hope you get rid of the unwanted tenant (in the nicest possible way) soon
    Yesterday was a weird day for me I am using a piece of kit to send me alarms if my blood sugars are dropping It wouldn’t stop bleeping yesterday I struggled to get them stable Which is very unusual Mind you since the advent of the sugar tax in May Lucozade has halved its sugar content which doesn’t help I came home in the end feeling rough and then paid for it in the afternoon as my sugars went sky high- ho hum
    Big Halloween Salsa party tonight and must get cracking See you later xx

    1. Don't forget to take a photo of your outfits. Would love to see it Have a fun night and hope you feeling better xx

    2. Hope your blood sugars are settling down now Karen. Like Maria says can we see a photo of your costumes from your Halloween dance,

  4. Morning everyone,

    A very Floral Friday card Sandra, I'm liking this deep Blackberry Bliss the more I see it.
    I usually use my heavy patterned papers on boxes and have been toying with the idea of using some as envelope inserts to match whatever colours I have chosen for the cards.

    MY day in the garden has been reassigned to a day in my craftroom.
    It is raining, I don't usually cuss the rain but there were a couple of jobs that really need dry weather. It is time for Jamie to put the hot tub back in it's box til next spring, a roof panel and one side of the greenhouse was blown down in the high winds a fortnight ago and leaves are already collecting on the decking. I will have to use Pete's favourite phrase...'I will do it eventually' lol

    I have Sam coming to my house tomorrow for a play with her new Stampin'Up stamps. She is the daughter of my friend who lived across the road and I went to her workshop in Watchet on the 7th Oct. As I can't get to her next one in November she has very kindly said she would come to me. A chance for a good natter too that we didn't get to have earlier.

    I've finished my Christmas cards Yay!.... when I tidied up after Tracy & Molly's visit, I found a box of Christmas cards that I had made in January! I'd forgotten all about them...I only have 10 close family cards to make maybe this afternoon as I really need to get the challenge card finished and find some ideas for the ATC challenge.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I hope you’ve had a nice play with your neighbour.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Café is now open rather late I'm afraid, tea & coffee being nicely, I have tea cakes for later.
    Sandra very pretty card today, I am using the pretty papers more & more, they make such a quick card. Hope you or I should say Milo catches the intruder soon. Have a lovely
    Karen hope you get your sugar levels
    Janet safe journey
    Maria shame that Toby Carvery has gone, if the Steakhouse is the same as we have here it is
    Pat sorry to hear you have to have more treatment on your hand with Pete you have enough problems without any more, hugs on
    Physio assessment went well, now will go to some classes just for hips to build my muscles & strength up.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Maria
      Such a shame your Toby Carvery has disappeared. I love a Toby Carvery
      Hope the physio goes well.

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Horrible wet & windy day & very chilly. Not sure where the morning went well in fact I do I stayed in my chair with 8🐾On my lap keeping me warm & didn't get motivated untill 11.30am then had my shower while CU tidied up down stairs.
    Went in craft room to put inserts in Lisa's card & another one.& now it's 2oclock. Going Tesco as soon as Terry is ready
    Just sending Sandra my mixed media MDF for mixed up Saturday
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete Maria Lilian & anyone else not 100% xx
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra. I would like to have the border die you have used. It's that one you selling ?
    Oh Milo, isn't he clever Lol. Well we just have to wait and see if he take the mouse or not.
    Cheryl- have a nice time with your friend. Already finished your x-mas cards, wow.
    Margaret- glad to hear your physio is going well. We ended up at Harvester instead yesterday, it was ok. hugs for you and Pop.
    Brenda- hope you starting to feel better, many warm hugs.
    Lilian, Pat and Pete and to anyone else needing a hug I send you plenty.
    Janet- have a safe journey home.
    Finding it hard to do much at all at the moment, can just about sit so got a book to read.
    Take care all, warm hugs Maria xxx

  8. Hello All, had a lot of rain over night and this morning but dry and sunny now.

    Sandra love your card, as you know I love patterned papers.

    Finished my first album today, made a few cutting mistakes, but with a bit of patching turned out ok. Took more than a week to finish.
    Have a good day everyone, Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Sandra, love the colours you have used. I have to confess I’m not very good with background papers, mind you if you saw my stash you wouldn’t believe me, I think I buy them just to stroke! I have had a sortout recently, granddaughter took some home and I have some for our other daughter to take into school, I sure her staff can find a use for them! When I had my sort out I found several items that had never been removed from there packages.
    JANET I’m sure by now you will be this side of the Chanel, hope the roads are not to busy, it is Friday also half term - not a good travel combination. Take care. xx
    KAREN I hope you have sorted out your blood sugar. Take care, enjoy your Salsa evening xx
    MARIA Hope your energy returns soon, don’t go pushing yourself, please listen to your body. xx

    SANDRA I hope Milo finds your little visitor soon, It would freak me out as well. xx

    I’m feeling sleepy again, my body is saying time for a nap ..... again!!!

    Sending hugs to everyone, love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I hope your visitor is despatched asap. When we had them Pete was always flashing our sides down. We put some poison down which got rid off them. Then I bought an electrical gadget which plugs in and sends an electrical circuit around the house. That keeps them away. Well at least we haven’t had any since.
    Hospital tomorrow for Pete’s scans,
