
Thursday 25 October 2018

Michele's Pretty Stepper Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am sharing Michele's beautiful Stepper card, this is one of the many projects that Michele had already cut out and planned for the classes that she was going to be running before she was let down by the shop owner, I can help but think that the lady should refund you for the expense you had preparing for the classes that were cancelled last minute, I know that you can eventually use all of the card bases and die cut pieces that you made for the different skill levels in different classes and no doubt printed instructions but that isn't the point, you wouldn't have cut that many stepper card size pieces of card of die cut that many flowers ordinarily.  Why she couldn't reschedule is beyond me, I hope she told the ladies that wanted to come that it was her that cancelled and not you.
Anyway lets admire your beautiful card, I would have been so proud if I had attended a class and came away with something as amazing as this, so great choice of project firstly.  I also love your pretty, yet simple design,  I am sure that by the time the ladies had worked out the actual cutting out of the card base they would have wanted a simple design. Your choice of colours works so well to, I think that this would make a perfect Get Well Soon card to take someone in hospital, as you aren't allowed to take flowers these days, this would make anyone smile.

This card would also work for this weeks challenge, using Categories:  Fancy Fold/Flowers/Celebrate

I would like to thank you all for your fantastic response to the ATC challenge yesterday, it's quite scary suggesting something new sometimes as you just can't guess peoples reactions, I am hoping that picking partners and the 4 weeks to complete makes it easier for most of us to take part.
I will wait a couple of days to make sure everyone has decided whether to join or not, I will then draw the partners and let you know.

Sue and I had an absolutely lovely day yesterday, most of you will find this very hard to believe but we managed to spend a good 4 1/2 hours in The Range, yes you heard right 4 1/2 hours!!  But as always the time just flew, we did start out having lunch in there, which was very tasty and very reasonably priced, it was actually better than the local Garden centre we went to where the food is double the price and not as tasty, Sue had a jacket potato that had about a pound of cheese grated onto it with salad, which looked delicious and I had a turkey, stuffing and cranberry Panini, with a huge salad that was also very nice.  We didn't have dessert then as we decided we would go back for the afternoon tea/cake offer when we had finished shopping as we were both full. So the first hour was probably having lunch, we had a browse upstairs and then went down and got distracted by the many aisles of Christmas Decorations, OMG they were beautiful, we could have spent an absolute fortune, we were very good though, I bought two cute robins and a santa and I don't think Sue bought any decorations, oh apart from a Snowglobe, I think she is planning to return with Margaret though!
We then went on to Home furnishing as I was looking for cushions to match my new curtains, we were very loaded up then so went and paid and unloaded, then returned to 'do' the craft area, which was probably another good hour or more, as we spent time discussing what we could do with everything.  We were very tired by now and decided to go for that tea and cake, so waited for the lift only to get up there to discover the chap had just closed up! We were gutted as we both had our eye on the Viennese Mince Pies!  Maybe next time 😜😜!!
Thank you so very much Sue I had a lovely afternoon, I hope you aren't too sore today, but I am guessing that you are like me and having a very slow day xxx

Thats all for today ladies,

Have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Thank you for sharing my card Sandra -it’s one of 3 designs I’d prepared for the Cardmaking classes so you might be seeing a few more!

    Your day with Sue sounds great-putt you missed out on the cake in the Cafe. There’s always next time.

    My de-cluttering didn’t really continue last night as I realised I needed to make a card to send to Florida-Max will be 6 on the 1st November. Then I got distracted printing out Christmas images then it was too late to start sorting.

    We’re having a new sink fitted at work today (in the change area of the Unit) so we not actually making any treatments due to the contamination risk-everything was made last thing yesterday for today. I’m planning on using the day to do some training with the junior staff-fingers crossed.


  2. A beautiful card MICHELE It is such a shame you have had the classes cancelled on you That’s something else I haven’t tried - a stepper card
    Your trip sounded like great fun I would have loved to have joined you
    Yesterday was a so So day Work was OK Managed to get the little bit of shopping I needed (means I didn’t forget something) and a quiet evening of crafting
    Nothing much planned for today except finish a cc
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen. Thank you. y look forward to hearing from you xx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Such a beautiful card Michele so bright and cheerful.
    Shame you classes were cancelled after all the hard work you had put into preparing for them. I hope the lady has apologised to you as well as all the ladies that were going to attend.

    Pleased to hear there are more to join in my ATC challenge. I can't wait to find out who I am paired with and getting started.

    I'm off this morning to a workshop in our YMCA centre with a young lady who is also a Stamping Up demonstrator. Hoping to get more tips on how to use the water brushes, my last attempt at Sam's class in Watchet turned out very heavy handed. My partridge ended up with a blob of red for his face lol

    Then coming home to attend a consultation in our Village Hall on mitigation funding for communities. I expect a lot of the suggestions will be on why haven't we got the traffic calming in place yet through our village. EDF was supposed to have put it all in place before they finished the new bypass which doesn't even bypass our village as all traffic from the villages along Hinkley Point road still travel through instead of around. One couple of Combwich OAP's even had the cheek to report they save petrol coming through! The bypass takes 2 seconds longer to drive so I imagine they only save a fraction of a penny WOW!

    Off to get ready, I'll pop in later to read your news.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    MICHELE love your card it's so pretty. Sorry your classes were cancelled.
    Very chilly this morning but lovely sunshine.
    My new glue gun turned up yesterday brilliant service as only ordered it Tuesday morning from Hobby craft. So hopefully I will finish my mix media project.
    & try ATC cards A good response Sandra well done ladies.
    Wow your trip to the Range with Sue was a marathon visit. The craft section sounds a lot bigger than my branch of the Range.
    I'm going for my shower now so will pop back later to see if this stays put as yesterday's comment vanished
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete Maria Lilian & Sandra xx
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Your card is very pretty Michele. Its a shame you can't find another venue to hold your class. A couple around here and several that I have read about in magazines etc. have started in their local pub as the landlord is happy to get the extra regular custom and with an added bonus of being free of hire charges usually. Would that be a possibility for you? X
    Sandra, I had a wonderful time too yesterday. It was so good just to have a relaxed mooch around after our delicious lunch. I think we will making it a regular visit won't we. The only downside was missing our afternoon tea and mince pie but at least we know what time the cafe closes now. Thank you again my lovely. And yes it will be a very quiet day for me too but worth it though 😊 Xx
    I have two more cards to get finished for tomorrow so will be doing that later on then I will be searching on Pinterest etc. to get ideas for decorating the baubles that I bought yesterday.
    I hope all you have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi All, think I’ve cracked my comment problem, have to reboot iPad first, seems to work , keep your fingers crossed.

    Love your stepper card Michele, shame about the classes, bet the people who signed up were disappointed as well.

    Sandra glad you had a lovely time at the range, does yours have a sewing part in the craft section, ours used to but seems as though they have got rid of it.

    Lovely day again although it’s a bit cloudy at the moment, hope you all have a good day, will pop in later, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sounds as if you had a great time yesterday, I don't go in there very often it is too tempting, although it is only 5mins from home. Shame you missed out on your tea, but good to know good place for lunch. Hope you get some rest
    Michele what a lovely stepper card, it is such a shame about your classes, the owner is very short sighted as she could well have benefitted by extra sales as
    Sue hope you can have a quiet day & get your cards
    Maria hope your back is
    Pat hope you get Pete's scans
    Café open ready for you to call in, leek & potato soup on menu today. I have an appointment with Physio tomorrow at 9.30 to have an assessment to see if I am suitable for Hip exercise classes, so café will be late opening.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Afternoon everyone.
    Car all packed just the last minute things tomorrow morning. Having a very quiet and relaxed afternoon ready for our two day travel.

    Michele a very pretty card. What a shame re your classes. Hope you can find somewhere soon.

    Take care everyone. Hugs to you all with extras for dear friends in need. Xxxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Michelle a lovely card today. Such a shame that the lady let you down re the venue for your class. Hopefully you’ll be able to find another one. Like everyone else I hope the ladies who were due to go know it wasn’t your fault.
    I did manage to get Pete’s scans sorted this morning at they are on Saturday afternoon.
    I had to go this morning to the Dermatology dept at the Churchill re my hand again. So I apparently had various levels of cancer and the deeper ones didn’t take my previous treatment. So I’ve to go back and have some more radical treatment ASAP. It sounds like it’s going to be painful. Although they’ll do it under anaesthetic. Pete has obviously forgotten I had to go to the hospital as he hasn’t asked me how I’ve got on since I’ve been home. Although I did ring him from the hospital to say I was on my way home.
    Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday. Wish I was able to come with you. I’m hoping once these scans have been sorted I can start back with our weekly meetings.
    Thanks for all the good wishes and hugs we’ve had over the last few weeks and hugs to everyone who needs one at the moment.

  10. I’ve just lost a long message hadn’t checked the comment box before I started, you think I would have learnt by now wouldn’t you! Anyway because my name wasn’t in the comment box my messages gone somewhere but not where it should be !!!
    Hello Sandra and ladies,
    This message is going to be anonymous.!!
    Michele I love your stepper card, it’s the a shame the ladies you prepared these for will not get to make them. I hope they realise it’s not your fault these classes were cancelled.
    Sandra it sounds as if you and Sue had a lovely girls day out yesterday, great tonic for both of you, shame about the mince pies but maybe next time. XX
    Janet have a safe and uneventful return journey home. XX
    Pat hope the Churchill can start your treatment ASAP. Sending hugs for you and Pete. XX
    Sorry I haven’t been in for a couple of days, I have neuralgia, it’s very painful, I have got medicine from the doctor, between doses I seem to be sleeping and awful lot, think I’ve turned the corner now and hopefully in a day so will be back to my normal self - whatever that is!
    Sandra sorry to say please don’t count me in on the ACTs I’ve never made one and also my sister is moving yet again and has asked for our help. This time she will be going back to the Midlands. She’s had a good innings in London as she says and now will be returning to the mother house in Loughborough.

    Sending love and best wishes to everyone, Brenda XXX

  11. Hi Ladies
    Nice card Michele, some time ago now since I made a stepper card.Shame on this lady who let you down, hopefully you soon find a new place. Hope work went fine today.
    Pat- so sorry to hear you need more surgery. Wish I could take your troubles away. Many hugs sent for you and Pete.
    Brenda- sad to see you are poorly. Wishing you better and hoping the meds are working quickly.
    Lilian- are you ok home alone ? Take care with whatever you do.
    Sue- marathon session at the Range or what. As long you had fun and the cake be there for next time if you are quick Lol
    Been busy having SIL and her man here all day. Planned to go for Toby's Carvery for lunch and got a big surprise because it was gone and now turned into a Steakhouse buhuu.
    Have a good night all, hugs xxx
