
Wednesday 24 October 2018

Lovely Festive Card and Midweek Challenge

Good Morning ladies, 

Todays amazing card is one of Danielle's, it is the first card she has made in a while. 
Talk about come back with a bang! 
Danni has  created a watercolour wash style background by adding some ink to a clear block (or glass mat) adding a spritz of eater then to tranfer the ink to the paper Sanni takes a piece of acetate and presses onto ink then laying onto card, dry the first colour before repeating with second colour, so thatthe two colours don't mix and turn a muddy colour.  The two colours Danni used are Shaded Spruce and Merry Merlot, although the colours look more pink and turquoise in the photo. The Snowflakes and leaves are from Seasonal Layers Thinlits.
Such a lovely card Danni, it makes me think of a Windy Winter Day.  Thank you  so much for allowing me to share it today xxx

Midweek Challenge 

Cheryl gave me a suggestion for our weekly challenge that I think is a lovely idea but i didn't think it would work as our usual Monday Challenge.
The challenge is to make a pair of ATC's (Artist Trading cards).  I have shared a couple that Danni made, they are so pretty.
They are basically little card fronts or toppets, they measure 2 1/2  X 3 1/2 inches
They can be decorated with absolutely anything, you could do watercolour, use dies, embossing folder/paste etc. 
I think to make it work efficiently we can do it like a swap, so everyone that wants to take part will be partnered up, that way you only have to send one envelope. 
You have 4 weeks to make your ATC's and send them. 
Please let my know if you would like to take part, i think it will be a fun little project and so nice to receive Happy Mail !! 
Once we have names I will draw partners and let you know who you are swapping with.

Sue is coming over today, so lovely crafting with a friend xx

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a rather cold Marigny

    A lovely card Danni and an interesting technique.

    I like the idea of the ATC swap Sandra so please count me in.

    We are trying to get everything done so today is the last day for jobs around the house and packing my craft things so the car can be packed ready for off first thing on Friday morning.

    HUGE GENTLE HUGS to all Dear Friends not feeling too good. Take care of yourselves. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Danielle-what a lovely card & great colours.

    Cheryl-your ATC project is lovely, I’ll not be joining in as I barely have enough time to make the weekly challenge card.

    My crafty clear out started last night-what a lot of mess I made! Good job I have all this evening to continue.


  3. Morning ladies,

    Well as I suggested the ATC challenge, count me in Sandra.

    Lovely card Danni but what is the 'eater' used to spritz the ink?
    Could you mean water Sandra? LOL
    I'm not sure if you possibly saw it from where you live but Cannington and surrounding areas had the most fantastic sunset last night. The sky was completely bathed in bright red, deep orange and yellow streaks, with a full moon shining too it was stupendous. A most majestic sight to behold. Sights like that make you glad to be alive.

    More tests this morning, my doctor could not find the results of the other ECG's I've had in hospital which I find a bit odd as I thought all our medical records were held in a central hub? Or has idea been given the boot by this Jermey Hunt?

    My flu jab was yesterday, they had manged to find me one with the lowest possible trace of egg culture in it. It's the same as the one I had last year despite my being told I would have to attend the children's flu session for the nasal spray. Apparently medical guidelines say you have to have 3-4 anaphylactic shocks over the year to qualify for the egg free injections. I cannot understand the reasoning behind this. NOBODY with an allergy, and my doctor totally agrees, would put themselves at risk of a shock just to be eligible. There's some queer minded folk running the NHS these days.
    We should be like the Canadian Government. Their heads of departments are all run by people with the skills needed to know their job inside out. I.E. The health minister is a surgeon, their finances are run by a former CEO of a business etc. Would that ever happen here? Not in my lifetime I should think. We have so many MP's coming from students studying politics at Uni with no commonsense or knowledge of work skills or ethics. They all stab each other in the back or have bully boys described as whips to force you into following their grandiose ideas that waste time and our taxes.
    Soapbox back in the corner.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hear hear CHERYL And work in the NHS So see it from both sides - patioand worker

  4. Morning ladies,

    Lovely card Danni, I love the background.

    Meeting old friends for lunch today. It's over a year since I saw them as the lady hasn't been and still isn't well. I've arranged to meet them at a garden center which just happens to have a lovely craft section!!!

    Sorry Sandra, I won't be taking part in this challenge. I don't really have the time especially at this time of year when I'm trying to get cards ready for the shop for Christmas. Sorry.

    Have a lovely day everyone.

    Special hugs to Pat Pete Lilian and Maria.

    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Danni, it's good to see you making cards again and what beautiful colours and dies you have used. Your ATC's are so pretty too x
    Sandra, please add my name to this challenge. And it will be just that for me as I found it really difficult last time I had a go didn't I, but that is the whole point isn't it. There is no doubt you will all come up with beautiful inspirational ATC's 😊 See you in a while my lovely xx
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for sharing Danni's card & ATC's. Please include me in challenge. Have a good day with
    Danni your card & ATC's are beautiful, good to see you card
    Cheryl thank you for your suggestion, I have never made one so will be a first for me. Shame I didn't see your sunset sounded
    Café open hot drinks ready for you to call in & join me.
    Janet good luck with the packing of the
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card and ATC's. Never made one but count me in Sandra. Just a question tho, it might be silly, but do you give us a theme or is it free hand sort of ?
    Cheryl - it was photos of the sky in one of the papers, it looked magical. When you see things like it, it is nice to be alive.
    Val- have a nice lunch meeting your friends.
    Mojo still hiding but hope to make a cc this afternoon. If I at least could get something cut out would help some.
    See you later. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  8. Thank you for sharing my projects Sandra, count me in 😊 hope you all have a lovely day. xx

  9. Lovely card DANNII and yes count me in I have never made an ATC and would like to try
    I must have a go at doing cc tonight I have two first birthday cards to make by Friday so hopefully I can use the challenge for one of them
    I love my new cleaner SUE I will email you with pros and cons
    I am in my local JL having a free cuppa and cake I will then donate the knitted poppies I have made (not many) for their window display next month to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One I will send photo to SANDRA
    Take care all xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely lovely ATC Danni. I’m not into making cards at the moment. I’m still wading through hospital appointments but I’m hoping to get back to normalish the week after next. Just waiting for scans to be arranged. Although Julie from oncology rang and said ones been arranged for this Saturday. Although she’s not sure that’s correct and we’ve had not letter. So I’ve to ring them tomorrow to check as she’s away on holiday.
    Not to sure when Pete needs to start chemo. We go back in 4 weeks.

  11. Hi All my Cotswold Crafter Pals, I love Dannii's card and will try and get my CC in on time. I would like also to have a go at an ATC - haven't done one before but I am certain it will be fun. xx

  12. Good earning Sandra & ladies
    Just popped back to find my comment this morning has disappeared Grrr
    Dannii love your card & ATC very pretty. I would like to join in Sandra thank you.
    I went round Margaret's & cut some of her new Dies she has bought well actually she cut them as she said there was too much craft stuff on her table to move.
    She wasn't kidding either. Keeping this short in case it goes who knows where.
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat Pete Lilian Maria & Sandraxx
    Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi All, been trying to comment all day, hoping it works now.

    Danni love your card, nice way of colouring.

    Sandra would love to join in with ATC, BUT not sure if I would get them done, so I’d better say no at the moment, used to do them when I started crafting many years ago.

    I’ll say goodnight now and hope this works.
