
Saturday 27 October 2018

Michele Magazine Review, Lynda's Mixed Media Project & Karen's Poppies

Karen's Knitted Poppies

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well on this chilly Saturday morning, it really has started to feel like Winter.
We went out last night so didn't light the fire, it would have been lovely to have had it on when we got in though as it was freezing.
I surprised Paul with Tickets to see the Bohemian Rhapsody Film on the Imax screen at the cinema, Wow it was fantastic, if any of you are Queen or Freddie Mercury fans I thoroughly recommend it, that chap that played Freddie was brilliant. 

Anyway enough of that nonsense lets talk about todays crafts.....

Karen has knitted these gorgeous poppies for a shop display, I will let Karen tell you...…

"Here’s a photo of the poppies I have made for our local John Lewis They are decorating a window (I think or it may be within the haberdashery dept!) to commemorate the end of the First World War and asked for donations
The pattern was easy once I changed one of the rows to fit
I couldn’t understand their crochet patterns but then I am self taught in crochet! They asked for fabric and felt ones too I hope to take a photo of the finished piece xxx"

I hope that you get a photo of the display as I would love to see it, John Lewis usually have amazing window displays.
Thank you for sharing your poppies with us xxx


Lynda has shared a picture of this amazing 'Mixed Media Tag' that she has been working on for the past couple of weeks, (on and off), not helped by the fact that her Glue Gun blew up!  
Lynda has used a variety of stencils and different mediums to create that incredible background, the vibrant blues and yellows work beautifully together. 
Then there is that fabulous combination of paper flowers and metal charms, those deep purple flowers are really complimented with the brassy/coppery shades of the metal embellishments.
Lynda, I love seeing your Mixed Media projects, I can see how much work goes into placing each and every element. thank you so much for allowing me to share your work on my blog xxx

Next up we have the main event of the day...……

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies, Here is this month's magazine review.....

Simply Cards & Papercraft has a really lovely stamp & die set this month which is an unusual shape.

Look at some of the beautiful cards featured in the magazine, there's 2 more articles inside the magazine using the free gift, so lot's of inspiration.

 Making Cards

Making Cards Magazine has a really cute set of stamps.... Nick the Gnome plus some great papers.

Look at these great cards, lots of ideas to inspire you.

 Papercraft Inspirations

Papercraft Inspiration has an Embossing Folder & Stamp set free this month, some of these stamps would make a lovely winter birthday card & the two cute bunnies would be perfect for an anniversary or valentines card. A very versatile set of stamps this month.

Papercraft Essentials

Papercraft Essentials has an Embossing Folder & 2 Dies free this month.

This is one of the features using the free gifts, theses another article showing some quite different cards all made using the same gifts.
These also a great feature elsewhere in the magazine on 3D Diecut gifts tags-these would make your gifts look really special.

 Diecutting Essentials

Diecutting Essentials has a brilliant Die-Pretty Quick Christmas tree. 

This is one article using the Christmas tree die, there’s another one which is all decorated gifts eg a box, a sweet jar & a wine bottle cover.

 Cardmaking & Papercraft

Cardmaking & Papercraft has a set of Dies free this month plus some great papers.

This article shows some lovely cards made in no traditional colours. 

There’s a great article on Cards for men plus one on Bendi Cards which look amazing.

That’s it for this months roundup of magazines. As always if there’s any questions, I’ll try to answer them.

Thank you so much Michele for another amazing Magazine review, I love how you have shared some of the inspiration pages this time too.
I really appreciate the time you make to do this for us every month, huge thanks once again xxx

That's all for this Mixed Saturday post, enjoy the rest of your Saturday.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your poppies look amazing, I love to see the hand crafted poppies available now.

    Lynda-WOW, what a fantastic work of art-great project.

    There should be another picture under the Simply Cards & Papercraft magazine showing the cards made using the free gifts but it’s missing. I had a lot of problems sending this entire feature to Sandra.

    I’m off to drop some bags at the charity shop this morning then I’m going to visit our old neighbours-I’ll stay for a coffee then I hope to get into my craft room this afternoon a) to continue the sorting and b) I need to make a couple of cards.


    1. Hi Michele
      Thanks for the reviews of the magazines. Always get to have your input re stamps and dies.
      I’m intrigued to know what bendi cards are,

  2. Thank you for showing my poppies I haven’t made as many as I’d like but the lady needed them by the end of the month to have enough time to see them on to ribbons So I’m very intrigued to see the final display
    Lovely mixed media piece LYNDA I would love to have a try I think I may put a hot glue gun on my letter to Santa
    Thank you MICHELE for your magazine review It’s interesting to see some of the feature pages too
    I hope the hip exercises go well MARGARET
    I would love to see your album LILIAN I keep promising myself to do projects like albums etc
    I hope PETE’s scan went ok and was sorry to see you have to have further treatment on your hand PAT
    Will send a couple of photos re Halloween My costume did look better than I expected- not brilliant but OK There were some great costumes There will be photos on his website at some point
    After a very late night I am going to relax with some knitting today I think
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Your poppies look lovely. I look forward to seeing the finished article. In Witney ladies are making what looks like a long blanket of poppies. I’m not sure where it’s going to go though. I look forward to seeing your Halloween costume.
      Pete’s scabs are today Karen. It might mean a call to the Drs after we get the results as Pete’s memory is still quite bad. His walking isn’t to good either. So until we get the results of the scans I don’t know if it’s his Keppra tablets for his seizures that’s causing it or pressure on his brain. His sleeping is really bad as well. He was up at 1.30 and again at 3.40. He stayed up then. Enjoy your knitting.

    2. Should read Pete’s scans not scabs. Where did that come from. Predictive text has a lot to answer.

    3. Hope everything goes ok today Pat. Big hugs for you both. Take care xx

  3. Hello All, winter has arrived here, huge hail showers during the night, we have velux windows and the noise kept waking me up.

    Love your poppies Karen.

    Michele very good to see all of the magazines, so useful to see the projects as well as the front covers. Thanks for all the time it must take.

    Pat hope that Pete’s scan goes OK, and sorry to hear you have to have more treatment on your hand.

    Well I must go and have some breakfast, after that my card for today.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra the film sounded great, I think that you really need he fire on today, there is a thick frost out. Enjoy your
    Karen your poppies look brilliant, look forward to seeing the display. I have been doing exercises since I came home but this will be once a week at the hospital in a gym, so will have to wait &
    Lynda your mixed media is lovely, you make it look
    Michele thank you for your great review again, as I am not doing the shopping at the moment I am not tempted when I see them, hope that makes
    Café open vegetable soup ready to warm you & scones,jam & fresh cream will be available this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hi Ladies. Hope you wrapped up warm if going out today, it is a real chill today. Popped over to Lidl this morning for some croissant to warm our self up with Lol
    KAREN- love your poppies. You making crochet look so easy. Have a nice day.
    LYNDA- Congrats for winning on Sue's blog. Love you mixed media tag, it's wonderful ! hugs for you and CU x
    MICHELE- great magazine review. I got one of them but can see that Smith will get a visit pretty soon Lol
    LILIAN- sending you and BRENDA healing hugs. Take care ladies x
    Margaret- see you later for a scone and jam. We need to have a meet up soon, starting to forget how you look Lol
    I have got a new sister ! I didn't look but she found me through facebook and she is coming to London with work on the 8th of Nov. so we are meeting up at the hotel they are staying at on the 11th.eeek! I know my real dad had some children after my big brother and me but not sure how many we are. So far we are 5 or 6 siblings and growing. Think I have to start a new family tree Lol
    Wish you all a nice day. Love Maria xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Maria
      Must be great to find out you have a new set of relatives somewhere in the country. Hope you meet up goes well.

    3. Oh WOW Maria What a huge surprise Hope the planned meeting goes well

    4. How exciting Maria. I have delved into my family tree after both of my parents had died. I had been looking into it for some time when a cousins husband rang me ( he was also looking into the family tree) and asked was I aware of a certain female relation. I said yes and had asked my mum some years ago who she was, she replied she is a relative of your gran (her mother) He replied that’s sort of right - she is your half sister!!!

    5. Thanks ladies, yes it is very exciting and it is a bit surreal (it's that the word?) hope to find some more of them. Brenda, that must have been a surprise. Did you ever meet up ? xx

    6. Yes Maria we have met but it was when I was about 8 yrs old. She lived in Ireland with our grandmother. After gran died she came to UK and lived with my cousins family until she married, They then moved to Australia. We write and have exchanged lots of stories. Sadly I can’t see myself getting to Australia. xx

    7. With the technology today it is easy to keep in contact so that's nice but it is a far way to Australia so understand.
      Lynda, she lives in the South of Sweden so not too far. Shame the ferry over have stopped going.
      Have a good night xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great reviews of the magazines as usual Michele, I look forward to hearing or seeing a bendi card as I’ve never heard of them.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love today’s mixed crafts.
    KAREN Your puppies are absolutely beautiful I would love to see how John Lewis use them. XX
    LYNDA Your mixed media tag is lovely. And congratulations on being a winner on Sue’s blog XX
    MICHELE thank you for your brilliant magazine review, it is always very much appreciated XX
    Sandra so pleased you enjoyed the film, it has had really great reviews.xx
    Time for me to get a wiggle on catch up with everybody later,
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    KAREN I love your poppies they are gorgeous.
    MICHELE great mag review very informative thank you. I have the first one the stamps are lovely.
    MARIA Wow how exciting finding out you have a new sister & your going to meet her soon. Where dose she live ?
    PAT How did Pete's scans go. Sorry you have got to have more treatment on your hand.
    SANDRA hope you & Paul enjoyed the film last night.
    THANK you all for your lovely comments on my mixed media tag really enjoy making them something differant . Thank you all for letting me know I was a winner on Sues blog.
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      We won’t know if the Radiotherapy has helped until we see the consultant on the 20th Nov. They don’t tell you anything after it’s been done. I do know that keep was bleeding profusely when he came out. He hadn’t noticed but he made one hell of a mess of his trousers and on the waiting room floor.

    2. Lynda, sorry forgot to how lovely your mixed media piece, it’s really special, so admire your skill.
