
Sunday 28 October 2018

Your Challenge cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Well, it's my favourite day of the week, where we have inspiration in abundance, you have all made some incredible cards this week, you'd never know that you were all working from the same Tictactoe grid either!

So here we go...….


Brenda has made a stunning Scalloped Circle Birthday card, I love the shape, it's just lovely to see something different.  Brenda has used texture paste with glitter to create that wreath, it's so pretty.
Brenda used categories Circle/Flora/Texture to create this beautiful card.
Thank you so much Brenda for making time to take part and making this gorgeous card.


Three fantastic cards from Karen this week, two beautiful birthday cards made using some beautiful, intricate dies and one of the 'fold flat' aperture cards, I love how you have got the animals peeking through the aperture, so much fun, perfect first birthday card.
Here is Karen's description:

"Here’s three cc The first two were inspired by John Lockwood and based on Sue W’s description of an aperture card she showed on her blog They’re for friends who are celebrating their birthdays tomorrow and Saturday So I’ve gone for Aperture/Floral/Celebrate
The third is for a friend’s little boy who celebrated his birthday yesterday but Charlotte is going to his party on Sunday and it’s based on Jenny McGuire’s shadow box card I have to say it looked better in my head and on my first attempt I managed to put the red liner tape on the wrong edges So it’s aperture/celebrate/Fancy fold
I’ve sent a few photos of it so will let you decide which ones to use It’s all Serif apart from the SW stitched animals.

Thank you so much for 3 amazing Challenge cards, I really appreciate you making the time to take part each week 


Oh Lilian, I absolutely love the poinsettia stamp that you have used on your Christmas card, stamping and embossing it in gold was an inspired idea, the shade of red you have used looks almost illuminated, which maybe the reflection from the embossing, the embossing folder you have used is amazing, I like the fact that using that folder you could create a fantastic card base with one folder.
The postage stamp style card base is lovely, unusual too.

Lilian used categories:  Floral/Gold/Sequins

Thank you so much for taking part Lilian, I really do appreciate it.


Lorraine has designed a gorgeous foiled card for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, using some stunning Stampin' Up! Foiled card, I have this collection but never used it, frustrating now that it's retired! Lorraine has teamed this beautiful card with Kraft card which works brilliantly.

Lorraine used categories:  Gold/Circle/Sequins

Thank you so much Lorraine for a fantastic challenge card.


Lynda has made two amazing cards for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, the first card used the Oak Tree from 'Lovely as a Tree' stamp set, it looks like you are viewing it through a window on this card.
Lynda's second card uses her favourite stamp set (at the moment) 'Dandelion Wishes' from Stampin'Up! 
Lynda's Cards used Categories:  Circle/Texture/sequins

Thank you so much Lynda for two gorgeous challenge cards, I really appreciate your support in these challenges.


Oh Maria it's so lovely having you  back from Holiday and taking part in the challenge, I love your cards! This challenge card is a fantastic Christmas challenge card, that wreath is so lovely, those little gingerbread men are so cute!
Maria used categories: Gold/Circle/Celebration for this lovely Christmas card.

Welcome back my lovely, I look forward to seeing you very soon, Paul has suggested a Friday, we just need to sort it with Karen, Brenda, Margaret, Sue and hopefully Pat. 
Thank you for taking part.


Michele has made a fantastic 'Fancy Fold' card for this challenge, I'm not sure what this fold is called, it looks like steps/stairs, that shade of Blue is so lovely, mixing the silver with the different shades of blue gives a real 'frosty' winter feel to your card.
Michele has used categories: Fancy Fold/Silver/Celebrate

Thank you so much Michele for another amazing challenge card.


Sue has made a lovely aperture style card using a Sue Wilson leaf die, Sue has used the die to cut through the top layer of card, then matted the white layer onto the pink using foam tape to raise it up, Sue then placed the die cut piece through the sentiment adding a little dries clear glue so that it sticks to that second pink layer, giving the effect of looking through the window to see the decorative die.
Love your technique Sue!

Thank you so much for taking part this week, I know you were busy!

Well, what did you think?? another amazing display of cards, all using different techniques and products to create cards from the same grid.

We lit the coal fire last night as it was so chilly, it was so warm and cosy, the problem comes when you have to get up and leave the fire to go to another room, thats when you realise how much heat it gives out.  Last night was definitely a 'hot water bottle' night.  I do have an electric blanket (although I haven't seen it since we moved) but I am a little wary about using it, it says that this particular one can be left on all night but I was too afraid of getting electrocuted!  The other thing is that I am like the 'Princess and the Pea' story, I cannot bare the slightest crease in the sheets so having those wires under the sheet was a definite No!  You can't beat a hot water bottle!!

Stay warm and dry today my lovelies, enjoy your Sunday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Ohhh what a load of beautiful craftiness to start the day with. I do love Sundays when we get to see everyone's goodies from the CC.

    I have really missed not being able to take part in the CCs etc for the last three weeks but we arrived back last evening very tired and to an extremely cold house but hopefully after unpacking and sorting today back to NORMAL well as normal as we can get in his

    I'll definitely be back crafting and so I cannot wait for tomorrow morning to see this week's CC and hopefully find out who my partner is for the ATC Challenges.

    LILIAN- I noticed last night when I had a look in that you have finished your first book. I have been working on mine while I was away (a smaller one as a first try) and managed to complete one too. As you say I have made one or two mistakes but for a first try I'm quite pleased and of course the more you make the better we get. What say you. I'd love 6to see some pics please.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extra winter woollies on too.

    PAT I hope Pete's treatment went OK Dear Friend.
    Take care everyone xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Pete’s treatment went ok as far as we know. He’s slowly loosing his hair although I don’t think he’s noticed as he keeps it short anyway. He had scans yesterday but we won’t know what’s what until the 20th Nov.
      He’s still very confused, sometimes doesn’t remember where things are in the house and outside. But whether this is because of his brain tumour pressing on whatever, or his seizure tablets we won’t know until then.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another fantastic selection of challenge cards today. Looking forward to seeing what the next challenge will be.

    I had a lovely morning yesterday-went to visit our old neighbours, stayed for a coffee-was there for over 3 hours! I’d been to the charity shop on my way to theirs to drop off a few bags-old towels which will go to the rescue centre plus clothes & surplus craft stash.

    We have a bright sunny day here so I’m sure we’ll be out in the garden this afternoon as we only have one more garden waste collection. Our local council stops the garden waste collection from November to February, our next one will be in March.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad you had a nice visit with your old neighbours. Our council also stop collecting garden rubbish the same months as yours. Although we never had one as all ours used to go for compost. As Pete can no longer do the garden we have 3 compost bins full that need to go to a new home. Plus we might get rid of the hedge as our next door neighbour put up a fence. As it’s about 150 ft I’m not about to start cutting it.

  3. It’s my favourite day of the week too
    All the cards are gorgeous and all so different I’ve had quite a few “Now why didn’t I think of that” moments
    I love that embossing folder you used LILIAN Can I ask where it’s from please
    We were going to try and go to London today to do a Rueda workshop but cannot find anywhere on his website or FB to say what time it starts! Ho hum
    I need to get som ironing done first whatever we do I need to check that all of the clock:timers have corrected themselves too
    Take care xx

  4. Good morning ladies.
    oh, I do like to see all our CC's on a Sunday morning. Scrolling slowly down and then back up quickly to scroll down slowly again Lol
    Not doing much today, went to bed 2.30am and with the clock changed it doesn't seem like I had a very long sleep but enough so with a nice strong coffee it will be some cards made later for the last B-day's this year.
    Have a nice Sunday everyone and many hugs ,Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra a lovely lot of CC's today, sorry I didn't make one this week, just haven't felt up to it, couldn't think of what to do & then when I did had my sister visit yesterday afternoon. Look forward to seeing what you have for us this
    Janet pleased to see you back home safely, I have opened café today to give you a chance to sort yourself out. There is roast beef with Yorkshires & roast potatoes so orders please. Look forward to seeing you for a
    Maria how lovely to find another sister, hope you see her soon. Looks as if we will meet up
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a gorgeous display of challenge cards Sandra, li just love them all.

    LILLIAN are your poinsettias stamped onto acetate? That red is so vibrant.xx

    JANET Think you missed entering the weekly challenge, I have a vision of you at the starting line ready to get into next weeks. 😉 xx

    I had hoped to get out into the garden for a while today, we had beautiful sunshine earlier on, now when I’m ready to venture out we have big clouds heading our way.
    Might just push my luck and see if I can get a few jobs done.

    MARGARET yes please, I would love some of your roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. xx

    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Love your different shaped card today Brenda, very nice. Hope you had a good day and managed to go in the garden for a bit xx

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    WOW a stunning array of cc today as always I love to see what everyone makes with the challenges we get every Sunday. Looking forward to next week's challange. We have a horrible day with heavy rain ☔️💦💨 it's so dark 🌘 & have put lights on already.
    MARGARET sorry you haven't felt upto much sending you some special Healing Hug's & hope you feel better soon.
    JANET lovely to have you home safe & sound take care after your long journey home.
    We aren't upto much today so having a very lazy day. I had a shower & just put clean PJ's on not much point in getting dressed. I will go in craft room after lunch which I will make now before CU fades away 🤣🤣.I must Email Sue Wilson too as I was lucky to win a sentiment Die .
    PAT PETE & LILIAN sending extra Hug's. Hug's for everyone.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. I too had a PJ day for didn't go anywhere so....
      Lovely cards, I love the tree one Lynda. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies. What a fantastic array of cards on display today. As per usual not one the same. We’ve had some sun today ladies. Sorry your weathers not been to good Lynda. Thanks for the hugs as well Lynda. Congratulations on winning one of Sues Dies.
    Lovely to have you back Janet. As I haven’t read anyone’s comments yet I don’t know if you had an eventful crossing.

  9. Hello Everyone, it’s beensunny here, but bitterly cold.

    What a lovely array of cards today, all so different. My embossing folder is a very old one which I found the other day. It’s called timeless by couture creations, when I first bought it I used it all the time. The flower is from honey do stamps, not really a poinsettia, red water colour pen painted out with a glitter pen, which ran out so I refilled it with water, so gives a delicate finish.

    Hope you all had a good day, I most go and clear away remnants of dinner. See you tomorrow, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Beautiful card Lilian and a lovely EF. Hope you feeling better, hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Third time of trying to comment!!! My phone seems to be on its last legs so who knows if it will publish so I will simply say that there are some gorgeous cards today.
    Lilian, the red that you used for the Poinsettia type flowers gives a fantastic effect under the gold embossing X
    Janet, I hope you are all sorted and relaxing by now x
    Maria, I hope your back is improving daily. How lovely to find another sibling X
    Brenda, I hope your neuralgia is easing, please don't try and do too much x
    Pat, good luck with the treatment on your hand and Pete's results X
    Sorry if I have missed anyone in need of extra hugs. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
