
Monday 24 September 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Well, where did that weekend go???, No sooner was I wishing you a lovely weekend than I am here welcoming in the start of another new week!
How many of you had to relent like us and put the heating on, the weather man said it was going to get down to 2 degrees last night, so the heating went on!
Paul didn't get to try out his new Rotovator, the weather was just rubbish, so much rain I thought we were going to have floods. It will have softened the ground ready for turning over though.

This weeks Challenge is a little different, I would like you to make a card with a 'Background that you have created or 'enhanced' yourself'.
So you can use a piece of decorative paper that you have embossed or added some kind of sparkle to. it can be an 'Blended Ink' background, you could use Gilding Flakes, Gilding Wax, Glitter, Embossing Paste, Micro Beads, (I know that most of you will have a jar of those somewhere)!
Or you could simply stamp your background, creating your own background paper.
I know that you will all create some amazing cards, I can't wait to see them.
So to summarise:
Your Challenge is to make a card using a Background that you have Created or Enhanced yourself by using :
Embossing Folders
Gilding Wax
Gilding Flakes
Ink by either Blending or stamping your own design
Enhancing decorative papers by adding :
double sided adhesive and using glitter, Iced Snow, Micro Beads,
You could highlight areas with Glitter Pens, or pick out detail with a Glue Pen and add glitter etc.

My card is another card using some of the dies I bought from Anne at 'A Crafty Place'
I used the 'Netted Star' background die to cut my background piece, I placed this die cut on a Double sided Adhesive sheet, I then added Frantage Glitter to the exposed areas. I added foam tape to the back of this and mounted onto  a piece of 'Coastal Cabana' Stampin'Up! card, I then made a card base and set about deciding on the decoration.
I knew I wanted to use the new 'Angelina' die as it was so pretty, but it has that lovely detailed pattern around the outside which meant it got lost of that Netted Star Background, so I searched through my dies and found that one of Grand Floral Oval dies made a perfect mat, I then used a mat of Coastal Cabana cut with a plain Grand Oval and built up my layers,
I used Sue Wilson's Classic Poinsettia dies to create the flowers, I cut them in both Coastal Cabana and Whisper white, I then kind of scrunched the up  and carefully opened and mounted together, I went around all edges with a Metallic Gold Pen, I then pumped the pen a couple of times on a piece of scrap paper and held it over my flowers and tapped it with a Bone Folder to get spots of Metallic Gold all over the flowers.  I arranged them around that central oval and then added two bows, one made from the Dotted Tulle and the other Foil Edged Coastal Cabana (both Stampin Up!) That dotted Tulle is perfect for tying pretty bows and makes a great base for a smaller ribbon too.
I hope you like my card and it inspires you a little.

I hope that you enjoy the challenge and most of all have fun making your cards.

Have a lovely start to the week,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a stunning card Sandra & a great challenge for us this week.

    Tonight’s job is to start rummaging through my stash & decide what to use.

    The weekend went so quickly-got lots done yesterday, mostly housework but did have a quick visit to my craft room.

    I baked yesterday afternoon-Belgian Cake which uses mincemeat and is really easy & yummy. We bake for an entire week to raise money for Macmillan rather than just on Friday and I’m not in work Friday as I’m going to the hairdressers ready for us going to my Cousins wedding on Saturday. It’s in Reading so it’ll be an early start for us.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful card in every way for our inspiration this week. It will certainly be a Challenge for me but I'm sure something will happen along the way.

    It was another cold day here yesterday and so another day with heating on. I cannot be cold in the house so it doesn't matter what time of year as I just seize up.

    It's Mr Tesco man this morning and then who knows lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual just waiting for you all to pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras today for PAT and PETE.xxxx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Janet.
      A whole week of hospitals. Pete can go out on his own starting today as long as he takes it easy. He hated having to be baby sat for 3 weeks. Can no longer drive obviously.

  3. What a great challenge Funnily enough I have an idea already! Only because as OH is away next weekend a friend is coming over to craft (for a marathon session) and was wondering what techniques to show her If the second friend comes I can “create” something with the stamp set she treated me to from Stamperama Terrific card SANDRA showing a beautiful background
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone lovely challenge this week Sandra. I'm enjoying uses pixie powders at the moment so I'll try and make my card today as I'm away from Wednesday. All the washing is done just the ironing which I'm doing after my window cleaner has left.

    PAT hope PETE yes on ok this week. Sending hugs to you both.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Thanks Val.
      I must say Pete’s quite apprehensive at having a mask made for his head on Thursday.

  5. Hi and good morning ladies.
    Lovely card and a good Challenge for this week Sandra.
    I wish you all a nice day and warm hugs are winging it's way to you all.
    Going down to London to see SIL today so must get going. So tired ,had preferred to stayed at home but hope going out in the sunshine will help.
    Love Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Another great card Sandra. This Die looks lovely. Great that you can use it all year round.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another beautiful card & great challenge. I have ideas already which makes a
    Pat hope Pete gets on ok with hospital this week, thinking of you
    Maria sorry you feel tired, hope day in sunshine
    It is a beautiful although cold morning such a contrast to weekend.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thanks Margaret
      Blood transfusion tomorrow for Pete. Then hospital on Thursday.

  8. Hell All, supposed to be dry but clouds are rolling in fast, quite chilly, no heating on yet.

    Sorry didn’t get in yesterday, cold seems getting worse day by day.

    Yesterday’s cards were all lovely, so many different styles.

    Sandra your card today is lovely, looking forward to using this weeks challenge .

    Hope you are all well and not getting this terrible cold.

    Well wishes for Pat and Pete, will be thinking of you both.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  9. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Well we left about 1.30pm yesterday for Lisa's we got as far as just before Dartford turn off Terry said there's something wrong with the car luckily we were on the inside lane of the motorway it started slowing down also luckily we got in a lay-by & there was a emergancy phone. I phoned Lisa to tell her she said to ring Darren as they were about half a hour away from us so we did AA wasn't getting to get to us till 4.30pm it was freezing standing away from the car any way Darren turned up. Sam took me onto Lisa's & Darren stayed with Terry. Our AAmembership didn't cover taking the car home so had to take out new policy & We had to pay for AA man to drop the car back home witch cost £59 plus extra money on the monthly DD. The Ian went to pick Terry & Darren
    Up. Darren & Sam brought us home left Lisa at in 8.45pm then they had drive home. It was a bit tight in the back of Sam's little car with Harry in car seat & Darren & Terry not little people 😩All in the back I was ok in the front.
    Terry just got two quote for a clutch first was £259 second £350 Darren said ring others & get cheapest & he will put it in at weekend. Everything happends to us.
    We are both down in the dumps today.sorry soap box put away.
    We have some sun to cheer us up but it's still cold
    SANDRA your card is lovely really like it.
    We better get some housework done & put some washing on so catch up later
    Hug's for everyone & Extra for Pat &
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Linda what a nightmare yesterday must have been, And until he can fix it Terry is without his car, does he rely on it for his jobs? Sorry you are both feeling down in the dumps. Hopefully things can only get better. Sending (((((hugs))))) to both of you xx

    2. Thank you Brenda for the Hug's most welcome. Yes Terry gets a few gardening jobs & decorating now & again it helps out a little but I don't think he charges enough.
      I have RA hospital appointment tomorrow so it's on the bus we go

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a beautiful card you have made for this weeks challenge Sandra I love the Netted Star background die it really gives a beautiful touch to this stunning card.
    Sorry Paul didn’t manage to get a lot with his rotavated I’m sure he would’ve had a great time but as you say the rain will have soften the soil so it should be easier for him when he does get the opportunity to get to the allotment.
    After such a cold evening yesterday the weather here is beautiful the Sun is shining and I have two machine loads of washing hung out to dry. Hope the weather is similar wherever you are.
    PAT Lovely to see you pop in, wishing Pete all the best, don’t think I would like the idea of a mask either, but if it helps to make life a bit more bearable for him tell him to be brave and just trust the hospital staff XX
    I’m going up the garden to check the washing now, will keep an eye on what’s happening with everyone.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX
