
Tuesday 25 September 2018

Another Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card couldn't be more different than yesterday's card, this one actually took longer believe it or not!
I decided that I wanted to Create my background using the Baby Wipe Technique, SO I took a babywipe and added spots of Blackberry Bliss, Flirty Flamingo, Mossy Meadow and So Saffron.
I then took some of the foliage stamps from the 'Rooted In Nature' and pushed them into the baby wipe and then stamped on to the paper, around the edges to create a border frame. 
I used the same method to ink up my Sentiment and stamped it in the centre.
I took three colours of Twine that match my stamped images perfectly and wrapped them around the card, finishing with a knot.  
When I had first made the Baby Wipe ink pad I stamped out some of the skeleton leaves from the Rooted in Nature set, I then die cut them and embossed them with them, I think they look quite good.
I placed three of the stamped leaves around my knot and finished it with a copper leaf embellishment.
What do you think??

Have you all decided what you are doing for your challenge cards this week? I am looking forward to seeing them.
Pat I hope Pete's transfusion goes well today and that he feels benefit soon after, I think that anyone going through what he has would be apprehensive.  Sending you both huge hugs. xxxx

Maria I think you would enjoy driving around France, there so many beautiful places to visit, I think that you would love it xxx

I am hoping for a Sunnier day to day as I have another 3 loads sat waiting to go in the machine.  I wish I could wave a magic want and have the clothes all washed,dried and folded ready to put away.

I hope you have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful card, I just love the colours on it.

    I had considered crafting last night but once we’d eaten I was shattered so I sat & read until 9pm then we way others programme about Paddington Station which I find fascinating. Saw the big Hedgehog at the food fish at10pm & he’d eaten everything, we also get a smaller Hog visiting, possibly one of last years babies.

    I have a Rep coming to see me at 9am today then a meeting at 14:30 but the rest of the day is for me to complete paperwork (same on Thursday) so quite a nice week!


  2. Hi everyone,

    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the stamping.

    PAT hope PETE gets on ok today with his transfusion. Sending hugs.x

    I did to the hairdresser's now to get my hair and nails done then a few more bits to pack and I'm all set for tomorrow.
    The internet where my friend lives in Javea is pretty bad so I may be missing for a week.
    Hope everyone stays well.

    Bye for now.

  3. A great card SANDRA I’m thinking of doing stamped backgrounds I’ll see or shall I do DO? or embossing folders or....
    I hope PETE. gets on OK Big hugs to both of you
    What a shame LYNDA A big “ouch” in the pocket it at least you and CU are ok xx
    I hope the bruising and your cold has cleared up LILIAN
    Not sure what we’re up to today I do need to go to Pathology and have a blood test for diabetic clinic next week That’ll probably take up most of the day!
    Take care all xxx

  4. And a very good sunny morning to you all,

    Off for my new daily walk around the village shortly, Rosie and I had a beautiful walk yesterday, there are certain points in our village where you can look out onto the Quantock Hills. At this time of the year the view is spectacular.

    Might get chance to do the card challenge plus one male card needed for today later on and a roast gammon for this evening's meal. Get my thinking hat on for the cc whilst walking methinks.

    I'll catch up with all your comments this afternoon.
    Whatever you are doing, I hope the sun is shining for you too.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, like the skeleton leaves.
    Might get around to make some cards later. Do I dare to take the gilding flakes out or ....Lol
    Pat- hope it all goes well today and Pete will feel better afterwards. Many hugs to you both.
    Anyone with a cold I hope it feel easier for each day. Have you all got your flu jab ? Think I will have mine in Tesco next time going shopping.
    OH Lynda, so sorry to hear about the car. Hope you be alright with the bus until it is fixed. Big hugs to you both. OH cousin is in hospital in France after their tyre blow driving back to the euro tunnel. Thankfully they are alright.
    Washing on the line in the sunshine. Spoke to my dad ,if all is alright he might come home tomorrow, yay.
    Have a nice day all, hugs xoxx

    1. Good to hear your Dad might go home tomorrow, not to sure if the Tesco’s flu jab is free but as Lynda says you can get it at the Drs. You don’t usually have to wait for your dr either. Ours have designated days to do it. Or you can have it done if you have an appointment coming up.

    2. I don't get it free but have got it from the chemist in the supermarket for some years now. Quick and easy. Sending you hugs and hoping everything went well today. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you for another beautiful sample for this weeks challenge Sandra, very different from yesterday’s card but equally gorgeous. xx

    I’m still thinking about this weeks challenge, have looked at some background papers I have created over a period of time, but so far not inspired! Maybe I should try to create another background to add to the ever growing heap!!!

    Another sunny day down here, although yesterday evening was very cold, we had the heating on for a short while, fortunately the house warms up very quickly.

    PAT and PETE Thinking about you, hope all is going well. xx

    Have a good day everyone, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA your card is beautiful love everything about it.
    I had appointment at the R A clinic this morning so we had to go on the bus not too bad as the bus goes into the hospital but the RA clinic is over the other side of the hospital where we normally park. 🚙😫.well the new head nursewas shocked & said it's well over a year & half since you've been to clinic she asked why I said Caroline stopped my Methotrexate tablet because it was effecting my liver then they cancelled my appointment with her as she left then never heard anything. So i had to have blood test & she will see Dr D-lord to discuss treatment as just my luck she wasn't in today.she also said my hands looked very painful suggested compression gloves as they don't supply them free any more. So I've bought some in the chemist.
    It was quite an adventure for CU on a bus but he said he was getting motion sickness on the bus 🤣🤣🤣
    PAT hope Pete got on ok at the hospital & is feeling better.Sending you both Hug's
    MARIA pleased to hear your dad might be coming out of hospital sending big Hug's. Glad OH cousin is ok after their tyre blow out. Take care can't you get your Flu jab free ? from Doctors we had ours last week.
    Well I'm going to chill out in craft room for hour
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello All, lovely day here, washing all dry. Cold seems to be getting worse, more than two weeks, the cough is driving me nuts.

    Sandra beautiful card, love your wet wipe technique.

    Pat hope Pete gets on ok today.

    Lynda hope you get your car fixed soon, I am hopeless on the bus.

    Not doing much again today, thank goodness for my cleaners save me doing the house work. Hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another lovely card, I will have to come for a play to watch you do this it's
    Lynda sorry to hear about your car, it never rains but pours does it. I hope some good comes out of your visit to hospital this morning, hugs on
    Maria sorry to hear about OH cousin, could have been much
    Val enjoy your
    Lilian I think you should see Dr about your cough, it has gone on enough, sending
    Pat hope Pete got on ok
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What challenge cards from last week and I love your inspirational ones for this week's challenge too, so pretty but both so different. I must have a go at the baby wipe technique as it is lovely. And wiping the pen around the poinsettia leaves really makes them pop, really worth doing.
    I'm sorry to see some of you have had a bad weekend one way or another. I'm thinking of you all.
    I'm not sure when I last commented, looking back I know I came in on Saturday before we took Chris jnr and Paige fishing. Paige caught one within a couple of mins of putting her rod in so she was very happy. It was Chris jnr first time and after about 10 mins of holding his rod he said "Granny my fishing rod is broken" I asked him why and he said "Because it hasn't caught any didn't like Paige's did" I just had to laugh, bless him 😂
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
