
Wednesday 26 September 2018

Adding Metallic Embossing Powder To Background

Happy Birthday 

Good Morning Ladies,

First up today I would like you to join me in wishing our lovely Cheryl a very Happy Birthday.  XXX

Now I don't usually like to share similar cards on consecutive days but there is a point to on this occasion.
I made the top (new) card in exactly the same way as I made yesterdays card, except that I used a couple of different stamps on today's card giving a fuller border. I also stamped randomly around the border with Versamark and added Copper Embossing Powder, just subtle touched here and there, I think it really lifts the background, adding a touch of luxury.  I have shared the photo of yesterdays card as a comparison, I think just adding those little touches of copper makes the border look richer and adds more shades of pink.  I also added my sentiment on a topper, the bottom layer of which I also stamped with Versamark and added copper embossing powder.
You could add embossing powder to any Decorative Background paper, just add Versamark here ad there and heat set, you will be surprised at what a difference it makes.
They new Tree stamps are good for so much more than just their trees, lots of leaves and foliage in these sets too, dies to match too which is a huge bonus.

Well I was very surprised to hear Paul scraping Ice off of the windscreen of the card yesterday morning, quite thick Ice too, I really didn't think it would be dipping that low over night, the good thing is that it justifies having the heating on in the evenings!
The first thing that gets requested in our house as it turns cooler is Apple Crumble, luckily I bought some Bramleys at the weekend so were prepared.  The next request will be Paul's sticky toffee pudding, they all love that, although If I ask them to eat dates they would sneer their noses up, they love them in that though.
Everyone was back home last night so we had the roast I had planned for Sunday, but refused to cook it for just three of us.

I could do with some nice Slow Cooker Recipes ladies, so If you have any good ones please let me know.

Exciting News:  The lovely Anne at 'A crafty place' has given me a discount code for you lovely ladies, for your second and subsequent orders (as you get a discount on your first order)
If you are interested please let me know and I will gladly pass it on.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day.

    Sandra-what a beautiful co, the metallic Embossing powder really adds a lovely detail to it.

    I was out for a meal last night-there we’re 7 of us and it was a real laugh. We went to an Argentinian restaurant-the early evening menu should have finished at 6:30pm but he’d not altered that in his website so he kindly honoured it. Mind you-the restaurant was empty do I think we seriously boosted his takings!

    Hopefully today won’t be too busy as I’m hoping to get into my craft room tonight.


    1. Thank you Michele, you are the first to wish it x
      Many thanks for all the gorgeous cards I received and opened this morning. You have certainly spoiled me.
      I woke this morning to get my first cuppa and there was a beautiful hand bouquet of flowers from Jamie propped up(in a vase) against the kettle with equally beautifully worded sentiments, and in front of them were packets of Squashies, Giant Chocolate Buttons and Double Deckers.
      I can enjoy a choc fest when I return home this afternoon.

      Today is also Bridgwater's St Matthews Fair. It has been held the week of the last Wednesday-Saturday in September ever since Henry V111? decreed it.
      I have never been to the opening of the Fair by our Mayor in all the years I have lived here due to work committments so this morning Fiona and myself are having breakfast in the Wild Rocket then making our way down past all the stalls lining west Street to the Grand Opening. Our Fair used to have a market with all the farm animals up for auction at the very back end of the field with the 'Romanies' bringing their ponies down from the Quantocks to be sold too. That element has now gone to be replaced with a car boot sale. Progress or Political Correctness? I don't think I need to buy one this morning, my car boot is perfect as it is.

      Although annoyingly I will have to get in touch with my insurers as someone has driven into my front bumper and broken it. There is a white paint scuff mark too but that won't identify the owner of the other car.

      Whatever you are doing today, enjoy it.

      Love 7 hugs
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Hello Cheryl, many Happy Returns of the Day, hope you have a lovely one. Happy Birthday

    3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY young lady !! Have a lovely day xx

    4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL have a lovely day enjoy 🎁🍾🎉🎂🍨
      ❤️ & 🤗🤗 Lynda xxx

    5. Happy birthday Cheryl. I hope you had a lovely day and are still enjoying this evening xc

    6. Happy birthday Cheryl. I hope you had a lovely day and are still enjoying this evening xc

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very windy and cold morning here in Sheffield.

    First of all A VERY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL. I hope you have a very happy day with lots of cafty pressies coming your way.

    I had a lovely afternoon of K&N yesterday especially as a longtime friend came back after an absence of a year having had an accident last summer.

    The gloss painting is coming along slowly but surely so fingers crossed decorating equipment will be put away very soon.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the heating is on so pop in for a drink and a chat.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

  3. I think your card is lovely I keep changing my mind as to what to use I hope to craft later as the football is on
    I hope your dad is able to come home today MARIA and that your OH’s cousin is OK - what a scare
    It sounded like a right old mix up at the clinic LYNDA I hope they sort it all out soon
    You did make me smile SUE talking about little CHRIS and the fishing rod
    I must must do some housework today and tidy up my craft room ready for friend to stay Friday and craft Saturday
    Take care all xx
    PS Tried to book my under 65 flu jab yesterday and the GP has run out of slots at mo I’ve got to ring Friday and hope or ring next week So get in there quick ladies

    1. Thank you Karen.
      I know you are Diabetic so hope never get Diabetic Neuropathy which apparently is what I have in my feet/legs. So must make appointment at doctors.

  4. Good morning ladies,

    Well, I don't know what happened there. I had replied to Michele and pressed publish. Then started my longer posting and Google must have decided to string them all together Cei la vie xxx

    1. Happy Happy Birthday CHERYL I hope you have a lovely day at the St Michael’s Fair

  5. Happy Birthday Cheryl. I hope you enjoy your day and have a nice day at your St Michaels day fair.
    Pete had his blood transfusion yesterday and seems a bit brighter today. Hope everyone enjoys your Apple Crumble. Karen made us a blackberry and Apple crumble which was lovely.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    First I would like to wish Cheryl a very happy birthday & hope you have a lovely time at the fair, you couldn't have asked for a better
    Sandra what a difference the copper embossing powder makes it looks lovely. I really must remember to use my embossing powders
    Lilian hope your cough/cold is
    Pat hope Pete finds benefit of blood transfusion
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret. He’s still very slow and is still forgetful but feeling better today.

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    What a stunning card SANDRA love it.
    We have lovely sunshine today so I'm putting some washing out in a moment.
    I did quite a few backgrounds yesterday so must make them into cards today with some luck. They are mostly using maskes.& blending with Oxide inks.
    PAT glad Pete is feeling a little bett after his transfusion big Hugs xx
    Well I'm off to hang washing out pop back later.
    Big Hugs for everyone xx
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Thanks for the hugs Lynda. Hope your car gets fixed soon. Liked the one being taken away on the trailer you put on Facebook.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I love how you have shown what a difference some embossing powder can make to a card, and in the gorgeous cooper colour which is one of my favourites. Having seen both cards "in the flesh" today they are both beautiful and I think your way of "filling out" the borders shows again what a different look you get. Using the tops of the trees as part of the filling was a genius idea. Thank you for a great day my lovely xxxx
    I have decided on what background I am going to do for this week's challenge after playing at Sandra's today so tomorrow will be spent getting it done and dusted.
    After another beautiful sunny day it is quite chilly here already. Summer has certainly gone hasn't it😞
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL I hope you have had a lovely day, Jamie gave your day a very special start, I hope that has continued throughout the day - and will for the rest of this special year. xx

    Sandra your card is lovely and the colours are blend together so beautifully. xx

    Hope everyone has had a good day, I’ve had a lovely day and been making the most of beautiful sunshine we have had, just know it’s only temporary.

    Love Brenda xxx
