
Thursday 27 September 2018

A Texture Paste Background For Today's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

We were treated to another glorious day yesterday, beautiful sunshine, not too chilly either, so much so that I think that we have managed to dry about 4 loads of washing! (Becca sorted her bedroom out)!!  I did chuckle to myself as the last bag she bought down, she called me in to the utility room and requested that their (her and Adam) washing was done on its own and when it was finished and dried could it be placed back in the bag that she bought it down in!!  My reply 'loads get made up according to colour, not ownership and Service Wash costs £15 per bag, maybe she would be better off at launderette''  Her face was a picture, cheeky mare! 

Now onto today's card....I had a play with something quite new to me for this card, Texture Paste, I have a Dreamweaver one and a Stampin'Up! one, they are all pretty much identical.  For this card I took the  Stampin'Up!  'Blizzard' Die (see pic below) 
I placed it onto a piece of Coastal Cabana card (I know I just can't resist) and taped it down with low tack tape that we use for holding dies in place.  I then took some Texture paste and mixed it with some white Mica powder and then slowly ran it over the back of the die, making sure that the paste went through all of the snowflakes and little holes evenly, I changed directions a few times just to be sure! I then scraped off the excess and slowly and carefully peeled back the low tack tape, then very gently lifted off the Blizzard die to reveal a perfect raised image.  I will add that the Mica powder did nothing in this case, maybe because it isn't really wet, I'm not sure but it wasn't visible.  I put my piece to one side to air dry for a good hour, but I went and washed my die straight away, as it is super detailed and I didn't want to have the paste dry in any of those tiny holes.  I just used an old toothbrush under running water.
This was what my piece looked like after it had dried.

I decided that I didn't want to over complicate this busy background, so I simply made a card base from a piece of Coastal Cabana card, add a matt of Copper Mirror Card and add a piece of foil edged coastal cabana ribbon to the front of my card and then mount the three pieces together. I added a small bow and added a few Copper Foil Snowflakes that I had die cut from the centre of my mirror card mat.
I love the dimension that the texture paste gives, it also makes a very 'Tactile' card, which would be perfect for someone that had poor vision for example.  I will definitely be using this technique again.
What do you think?

Yesterday seemed a busy day in our house, parcel delivery got me up at 7.45am, phone calls, then Freya came to cut my hair and the three girls, she is a dear friend so there was lots of chatter and laughter, Sue arrived in the midst of it all, then Freya left closely followed by the girls all of out on a shopping trip, Matt left for work, peace at last for Sue and I.  So we had a quiet lunch, (beans on toast), followed much later on by a delicious fresh Cream Cake that Sue treated us to, very naughty, but VERY nice!  We were both quite productive in the craft room too!

Pat, I hope Pete's appointments go ok today, you will be in my thoughts. xxx

Val I hope you enjoy your break my lovely xxx

Warm hugs to any of you feeling under the weather too. xxx

Have an enjoyable day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, I love it I spent most of yesterday evening in my craft room creating backgrounds & there’s only 1 I actually like! I’ll have another play tomorrow morning. I finish work tonight for 17 days! I’m meeting a friend for coffee tomorrow morning then at the hairdressers tomorrow afternoon ready for us to set off extremely early on Saturday to travel to my cousins wedding. It’s 1pm in Reading which is over 4 hours from here but I’ll get to see my Uncle (my Mums brother) which is the real reason I’m going-he’s not well but never complains.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SANDRA- I love the colour of that paste and the stencil is lovely.

    Yesterday was taken up with the smell of gloss paint but the end is in sight YEHHHHHHHHH

    I have to get my CC off today and then who knows.

    PAT- both of you are in my thoughts and prayer today. I hope all goes well for PETE.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with winter woollies on.xxxx

  3. Great card Great idea SANDRA I had a quick go at a card yesterday but don’t like it - I tried to create a card with just the sentiment, making a background stamping it in great and one in the centre stamped in black and coloured in I hope to play again later with something different
    It’s lovely being off work BUT as OH off too I feel awkward disappearing to craft room Knitting or crocheting whilst we’re watching television is a different matter
    I have a question What sandwich do you use for the 3D EF’s some of you bought - I have a Platinum
    I hope PETE gets along OK Sending a big hug
    Did your dad go home yesterday MARIA
    Take care all and let’s be careful out there xxx

  4. Hello Everyone, looks like another lovely day here. Lost my comment yesterday, not sure where they go!!!

    Sandra love your card, I am very partial to texture paste, my favourite is the ranger one, I tend to brush my mica powders on the top.

    Pat and Pete my thoughts are with you both today, hope it goes well.

    Have had to succumb to antibiotics. As my cold has developed into a chest infection, was surprised how easy I managed to see a nurse practitioner yesterday. Usually you have the third degree before you get an appointment.

    I’ll pop in later to see what everyone else is up to today, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. I know exactly what you mean regarding third degree at Doctor surgery, I swear the receptionist think they are qualified to t diagnose your problems! I just make symptoms up to get past them and on the appointment list!
      I do hope the Antibiotics kick in fast and you start to feel brighter for the weekend. xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love texture paste backgrounds, have often added Micro beads on top, the effect is lovely and they add an extra dimension. Now you have really got me thinking - I am supposed to be concentrating on the shopping list !!! (But much more interesting) Your card is really beautiful, I would hazard a guess Sandra that you quite like Costal Cabana card !!! It is a beautiful colour. xx
    Pleased you managed to get loads of washing out of the way, as a suggestion - you could suggest to Becca that she does their own washing when she is at home, then the onus is on her how it’s sorted out. You are not doing room service. Ha Ha.
    You had such a busy day yesterday I’m sure by the time Sue arrived you were ready to chill out. xx

    VAL enjoy your holiday. xx
    MARIA Hope Dad was allowed home, xx
    PAT sending love and prayers xx
    LYNDA sending caring hugs, hope EVERYTHING gets sorted out soon xx
    MICHAEL Enjoy your cousins wedding, it will be lovely to see your Uncle again. xx
    LILLIAN Hope the antibiotics help sort out your chest infection, take care xx
    KAREN I understand about not crafting when the OH is around, I have it all the time. xx
    JANET Pleased the end is neigh!! I bet it all looks lovely and smells really fresh and clean.

    Right ladies OH is ready - WE are off to do the shopping + go to the cemetery and I hope to get into Hobby craft. OH! I heard the other day that Homebase Croydon is to become The Range ....... GREAT
    Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.
    A lovely card with texture paste snowflakes Sandra. I'm not very good with that, seem to get it everywhere but will give it a go again.
    Have a nice day everyone. Many hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hi Ladies
    Well Pete’s had his mask done and I’m sat waiting while he has his CT scans done. One for his head and then a separate one for his spine. They’ve given me a list of dates and times but have taken it away again to adjust the times.
    Great card Sandra. Don’t you just love snowflakes. Spent the morning in Abingdon with Carole my Groovi tutor. Had to leave early ready to take Pete to the hospital. I’ve brought the cards home that I wasn’t able to do in the afternoon session.
    Home your Dad was able to come home Maria.
    Thanks for the good wishes and hugs ladies.
    I must say I liked Brenda’s idea of getting Becca to do there own washing. Perhaps the girls could do there’s as well.

  8. I love the snowflake project Sandra and the technique you used to create this and the colour combo too. Glad you had a great crafting session with Sue and you were both very productive. It is great crafting with another like-minded crafter. I am look forward to seeing what you have put together xxx
