
Friday 28 September 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

I made today's card in some what of a hurry yesterday afternoon, Becca suddenly remembered that she needed a card for one of Adam's family and then remembered that she needed to take away with her this morning.  The hardest part for me is coming up with an idea for the 'brief' that I am given.
The brief for this particular card was 'something flowery, girlie and pink'.

I have a pad of paper that I bought from The Works, it's a 12 X 12 and I am pretty sure if cost £3. It has the pretties background papers in, real tiny delicate floral patterns on either pale pink or pale blue background.
This particular sheet had flowers that match exactly to the Stampin'Up!  colour 'Sweet Sugarplum', luckily I had the card, ink and ribbon, which meant creating this card so much easier.
The hardest part of creating a card that looks right is finding card stock and accessories to match your decorative paper, even though this wasn't a SU paper I still had the perfect match!!
I used a Grand Floral Oval and 'Floral Oval' Spellbinder dies layered up, I printed the sentiment directly onto the card that I then die cut and inked through the die before removing it.  I then added ribbon to my base card and popped on my ovals, I added the bow with hot glue and then arranged some roses that matched the colour of the card and paper and added some foliage to soften the edges of the clusters.  I then just added a few pearls and a little pearl flower to the bow.
I wish it took the same time to create as it does to describe!  The longest part of the process was finding everything I needed, after that it was just an assembly job.

I can hardly believe it's Friday again, what have you all got planned for the weekend?
We haven't decided yet, we need to go visit my Mum before we go to London, so that will be either this weekend or next depending on what shifts the girls are working.  Paul also wants to get the allotment tidied up ready for winter, our garden needs some TLC too!
So plenty on the 'TO DO' list!!

I hope you all have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, I can’t believe you made such a gorgeous card with do little notice.

    Today I’m meeting a friend for coffee this morning then off to the hairdressers this afternoon then onto Tesco to do the shopping. It looks like we’re going to have a sunny day-for once the forecast might be correct!


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful card and I'm sure it will be received with delight and treasured.

    Well it's that 'swear' word day again. Don't they come round quickly. Jim is on duty today and all next week so my afternoon's are going to be peaceful. I might just get some crafting done. I have an order for a tissue box which will keep me busy.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in when you can. Hot drinks and muffins is the order of the

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Beautiful card SANDRA You’re right - the longest part sometimes in making a card is deciding on the design and finding the papers!
    It’s my boss’s leaving do tonight and I’m going to go to with the colleague that introduced me to card making (Kat) She’s staying over and so we’ll be having a mammoth crafting session tomorrow I think she’ll want to play with the ScanNCut as she’s thinking about getting one
    Take care all
    I do hope PETE got on Ok
    Have the antibiotics kicked in LILIAN and hope you’re feeling better
    I had flu jab yesterday at chemist It was offered and still free (for me) They even let gp know So in future that’s what I’ll do instead of faffing around trying to get an appt at gp etc I didn’t know about this

  4. Morning ladies,

    Love the colours on the card Sandra, I expect the young lady who received it was very thrilled.

    To finish off my birthday celebrations I drove into Bridgwater to pick up a very dear friend of mine (Pete) who I worked with at Safeway's many moons ago. We had the most glorious of sunshine days in Weston-super-Mare, enjoyed a long walk along the promenade right down to the RNLI slipway then a stop for lunch in Nick's Bar. Run by a Greek family they specialise in beautifully home cooked meals with plenty of Greek dishes to choose from as normal. Then another short stroll down to PJ's Ice Cream bar. It is tucked away down a short ramp (if you plan on paying a visit, they are situated just past the Whippy kiosk near to the Traffic lights crossing opposite the Pier) and I have never had such a creamy whipped cornet so tasty before and can thoroughly recommend you try one. They use a mixture of British & Jersey milk which makes all the difference. Another long stroll down the promenade to where we had parked up and then home.

    Today will be spent relaxing and crafting now that I have some time to myself. My poor legs need some respite from all the walking although it has been very beneficial it that I have had some fantastic sleeps this week.

    For all our poorly or under the weather friends, I hope your day becomes kinder to you.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hello All, another lovely day here again, hope it lasts.

    Antibiotics taking their time to kick in, still I suppose I must be patient.

    Sandra beautiful card, love how it it all coordinates, did you make the little flowers ?

    Cheryl your day sounds really lovely, can’t wait to get well enough to go on walks again.

    Not much going on here, have a huge load of ironing to catch up on, so I’d better get started. Will see you all later, Lilian

  6. Good morning from a sunny but slightly nippy MK.
    Beautiful card Sandra and to have to think up something so quickly you are amazing at getting one together.
    Cheryl- your walk sound lovely. Not a place I been to so it nice to know where to go if we drive out one day.
    Janet- hope you are now finished and it all look fresh and new. Think what a lick of paint can do.
    Lilian- wish you better and hopefully the antibiotics will help you soon.
    Lynda- have you got a car now or what happening ? Take care and give CU a hug from me.
    Michele- have a nice day and just think, you soon on holiday away from home = no cooking !
    Karen- have a great evening at the leaving do. Enjoy the weekend.
    Margaret- hope you feeling better and will have a nice day.
    Sue- sweet to hear little Chris comment why he didn't get any fishes. How their little brains working.
    Louis, my SIL grandson is speaking more and more and trying more different types of food.
    My dad came home and I will facetime them this afternoon. He still have to take things slowly and that is a challenge :>)
    Coffee morning at Dobbies with the ladies from pain clinic this morning, only me who turned up, came home with a coat for winter Lol Have some e-mails to look through and then hope to get a CC together.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry I didn't comment yesterday, I wrote comments twice & they both disappeared so as I was tired gave up. Your card yesterday was beautiful, cannot believe it is that easy to do. I also love todays card, I agree it often takes more time to plan rather than do. Must try & do another card
    Maria pleased to hear Dad is home, hope he does as he is told, enjoy your facetime. Sorry nobody turned up this morning but you got a new coat so not all bad. I went & watched them playing Petanque yesterday afternoon, it was lovely to see them & the sun was
    Lilian hope your antibiotics kick in soon, hugs on
    I have mammogram booked for this afternoon, should have had it done 1st June, so that will be fun, I don't think.
    Cheryl it is years since I have been to Weston Super Mare, when we were children we used to go every year for Sunday School outing, I bet it has changed a lot, thank you for good
    Pat hope Pete doesn't feel too bad after his treatment
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    MARIA CU said thank you for his Hug. Sorry the ladies from the pain clinic didn't turn up. But a bonus getting a coat. Horrible thought having to ware coats again. Hope you had a good chat with your dad & he does as he's told.
    Big Hug's from CU & Me xx
    CHERYL your walk sounded lovely glad you had a nice day.
    JANET have you finished your decorating now . Enjoy your crafting.
    KAREN enjoy you evening & week end.
    MICHELE hope you had a good meet up with your friend & your hair feels better after hairdresser. Have a good weekend .
    SANDRA your card is stunning so nice having everything matching it makes all the difference. It's so pretty.
    MARGARET hope the mammogram went ok I hate having them.
    well just having dinner now so see you later.
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra what a lovely card you made for Becca at such short notice, I’m sure Katie really loved it. Your children should make you a big badge saying ‘Supermum’ xx
    We have had a busy day John went into the attic to to go through the boxes stored up there, he asked if I could be on hand to check anything he was not sure of. I ended up sorting our wardrobes in second bedroom and reorganising them. FeeI I/we have achieved a lot. So although I didn’t get to do anything I had planned it has been quite a rewarding day.
    Have had several text from granddaughter this week, she sounds fine. Her student accommodation is a flat for six. One of her flat mates is the cousin of one of our Essex grandsons girlfriends......small world!
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  10. Margaret- hope the mammogram went fine. No fun but so so important. yes,dad is home alright driving mum bonkers already hihihi It was lovely to see him but he has lost so much weight and he looked "grey". It was nice to speak to them tho.
    Lynda- didn't need a coat yet, it was nice around here and the sun was shining. A nice little walk back home normally but today got OH to pick me up.
    Brenda- glad your granddaughter settling in at Uni. Small world indeed. Good feeling when you achieved something, do take it easy over the weekend if you can.
    Sleep well everyone xx
