
Sunday 23 September 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Goodness me I hope that the weather is brighter where you are than it is here, since yesterday we have had continuous rain, very heavy at times, its just really dark and cold, I felt all day yesterday like I wanted to put the heating or light the fire, I ended up just getting a Hot water bottle and snuggling on the sofa in my dressing gown!
  The chilly weather had us craving comfort food too. we ended up having what we call 'Stuffed Jacket Potatoes', we cook the jackets in the microwave then scoop them out, mash the potatoes with lots of butter, salt and pepper, we then add in the toppings, this week it was gammon ham in chunks, cheese and spring onions, mix it all together and them put the potato and gammon mix back in the potato skins, then top with extra cheese, pop them into a hot oven to heat through and the cheese is golden and bubbling! 
We serve them with Baked Beans, sometimes the girls prefer tuna and sweetcorn in theirs and they have those with salad and coleslaw.  
On to the exciting part of the day, your amazing cards...….


Brenda has made two cards for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, Brenda has also taken up the extra challenge of creating cards for Christmas and everyday occasions.

Brenda made her first card using categories: Ribbon/Blue/Embossing

Brenda's second card uses categories: White/Sparkle or Shine/Ribbon

Thank you so much Brenda for two amazing challenge cards, I am so grateful that you made time to take part.


Janet has made three cards for this weeks challenge, they are all so beautiful too, I love the dies you have used for the third card, it would make a perfect anniversary card, especially with those little red roses.
Janet's card use the following categories:

1. Blue/White/Die Cut
2. Tree/Ribbon/Die Cut
3.  White/Die cut/Patterned Paper

All of your cards are gorgeous Janet, thank you so much for taking part and making so many lovely cards my lovely.


Karen has also had a super busy week with Card making, three amazing cards for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge.

1. White/Shine/Die Cut 
This card has a beautiful background made with Pixie Powders, Karen has used the same Die that Lynda has, the Shine comes from using the Pixie Powders on Glossy card.  Such a lovely card.
2. Blue/Shine/Die Cut
Karen used the same technique for the background as the last card.
3. White/Shine/Die Cut
The shine for this card comes from Karen using Distress Oxides on Glossy photo paper, after colouring the glossy card Karen has die cut all of the elements for the card from it, such a lovely technique Karen, thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks so much for 3 amazing challenge cards.


Lilian has made us another stunning Challenge card, WOW, this is such an expensive looking card, Lilian has embossed a piece of card and used that as a border then mounted the focal element of the card upon it. I love your combination of die cuts Lilian, the beautiful combination of foliage really enhances the Poinsettia.
A stunning card Lilian, using categories: Emboss/Sparkle/shine/Die cut.
Thank you so much Lilian, I love your card.


Lynda has made three gorgeous cards for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, all Christmas cards, meaning that Lynda has made a real dent in her Christmas card list this week.  I love all 3 of your cards Lynda, that new Sue Wilson die is stunning.

My 1st Cc: White/Snowflake/Patterned Paper

My 2nd Cc: Snowflake/Blue/ Embossing

My 3rd Cc:  snowflake /sparkle /diecut  made using the SW die I got last Sunday.

Thank you so much for taking part Lynda, I am so grateful for your support each week my lovely.



Margaret has used one of the Stampin'Up! 'Delightfully Detailed' Laser Cut panels for her challenge card this week, matting it onto Night of Navy card and then onto a lovely contrast colour. a 'Lovely Label' punched tag and pretty silver bow finish the card.
Margaret has used Categories: Blue/Ribbon/Punch 

Thank you so much Margaret for a lovely challenge card.


WOW Maria, your card for this weeks Challenge is absolutely stunning, one of your best cards I think.  
Maria used Categories: White/Sparkle/shine/Ribbon

You have to zoom in to see that beautiful detailed card that Maria has used in the background of her card, then beautiful bouquet of flowers adds the perfect amount of detail.  Maria has finished her card with pretty diamante gems and tiny little satin bows.

Thank you Maria for such a beautiful challenge card.


Michele has made two fantastic Christmas cards for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge,

Card 1 is Snowflake/Blue/Ribbon  
Card 2 is White/Embossing/Diecut.

Thank you so much Michele for supporting my challenge this week, I will have to get my thinking cap on for next weeks challenge if you have 6 cards to make!  It will take me forever to write the blog post with that many entries!  
Just kidding I am so grateful for however many cards you all make.


Val has used the Stampin'Up! 'Lovely as a Tree' stamp set for her challenge card this week, I just love the texture this tree stamp gives, it almost gives dimension, that linen effect paper you have used on the front is so lovely and works will with the tree stamp, as does the twine.

Val used Categories:  Tree/Die Cut/Ribbon

A truly lovely card Val, thank you so much for taking part, have a lovely trip!

Phew! I think that I got everyone's challenge cards, thank you all so very much for such an amazing response to this weeks challenge. xxx

I am off to my craft room to think about next week's challenge, If any of you have any ideas or if you would like a particular type of challenge please let me know.

Have a lovely Sunday ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Just lost a very long comment!!

    Morning Ladies

    Fantastic selection of challenge cards today.

    I had a play in my craft room yesterday morning then we went to see F in L. He was ok-coughing again and was clearly tired as he was talking gibberish but pleased to see us.

    Housework this morning then hopefully I’ll get in my craft room again this afternoon.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic array of art this week. The extra boards are fast becoming normal for the number of cards.

    I had the heating on all day yesterday and it's already on this morning. I really cannot cope being cold and my fingers etc really will not work. So winter has arrived in our house and this week's menu will definitely be winter ones.
    I switched my wardrobe round on Friday too so all summer garments have been put away until next year.

    I'm popping to The Range this morning to return two rolls of wallpaper which we didn't need and of course I'll be having a look round their craft section.

    The CAFE is ready for you all and it's Roast chicken for lunch today. HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    WOW! what a cornucopia of gorgeous cards this Sunday.

    Didn't see mine though, boo hoo. I've already had a mini play with my SU products and produced quite a few stamped Christmas cards finished off with Glamour of my all time favourite products suggested by my late SIL. Its a lot finer than some glitters and a small bottle lasts for simply ages.
    My first one took a year before I saw the bottom of the bottle.

    Although it is raining (my heating went on yesterday too Janet)myself, Fiona & Milly-May are taking a little jaunt up to Cadbury Garden Centre in Conglesbury near Bristol. The day was arranged for a visit to Mum & Dad but my father has gone down with an infection so Mum warned us all to stay away for now.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi everyone,

    Well ladies, youve done it again. A Sunday morning full of amazing cards. So much talent in one small group.x
    It would be our 51st Wedding Anniversary today and I'm spending my morning cleaning ha ha. A bit different from what I was doing this tie all those years ago. Lynn and I are off to the Horse Sanctuary later. This is the worthwhile Charity to which we've decided to donate the Christmas card money and also the proceeds of the hamper Lynn raffles in the shop. They take in abused and unwanted horses and donkeys from all over Spain. It's run by an older couple and a lot of volunteers. They do a wonderful job.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.

    PAT hope PETES treatment goes well. Sending hugs.x

    Love Valx

  5. Good morning all
    All of the cards are super It’s lovely to see them all on a Sunday morning I love the reminders of stuff I may have in my stash and not used in a while eg BRENDA’s Striplet
    It’s only day two of the weekender but already I am missing my craft room At least I have a bit of crochet with me! Lots of very very good dancers here which I am finding overwhelming Lots of Bachata and they’re all supple 20 year olds! Weather seems dry at mo perhaps we’ll explore a bit of Bournemouth today
    Take care all xx

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    WOW some fantastic cc today I love the Sunday displays of all your cards. I always feel like all your cards are better than mine silly I know.
    We are going over Lisa's for Terry's Birthday dinner Darren Sam & Harry will be going too so that will be nice. It poring down with rain☔️💦⛈💨 Very cold too.
    Just finished tidying up so I had better get in the shower & get ready.
    Have a good Sunday everyone will pop in later to see what you have all been upto.
    Hug's all round extra for Pat & Pete xx
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Ladies
    A great array of cards today. It’s also wet here today. Off to see Doreen later as she’s been moved to the Renal Unit at the Churchill. Needs biopsy’s of her kidneys to find out what’s wrong but she doesn’t seem to want them done. Pete will have blood samples taken tomorrow to see if they have any antibodies in it before having another blood transfusion on Tuesday. He had his last one a month ago.
    Churchill again on Thursday, getting ready for his treatment to start.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely lot of cards again, thank you for a lovely open challenge. It is wet & cold again here, I have a 70th birthday tea at Cricklade Country House this afternoon, hope it is warmer
    Pat good to see you hope all goes well for Pete, shame Doreen is not
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Afternoon ladies.
    Wow look at all the cards, well done everyone. Thank you Sandra for you nice comment. I do love Sunday's when we got all the boards up to see what everyone have made.
    I hope you all can have a nice relaxing Sunday and have time for some happy crafting in between what else you are up to. We have spent the morning in town, our shopping centre is under roof so a good place to go to if it's raining outside and didn't we have some rain last night. Had liked to look into the Works but as hubby was with me I left it for another day as we thinking to pop over to Wayvale soon and they have one in there.
    Pat- sending you big hugs xx
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    WOW What an amazing selection of challenge cards. If anyone wants inspiration they only have to look in on Sandra’s blog on Sunday. Ladies you have excelled yourselves. xx

    The day here started of wet and miserable, but into the afternoon the sun came out and the rest of the day has been very pleasant, although I have felt cold even put an extra layer on.

    Sandra your jacket potatoes reminded me of my first cookery lesson. We made jacket potatoes, when cooked they were split in half, the potato was scooped out then mashed adding milk and butter and grated cheese, the potato mix is then put back into the potato skins adding a topping of grated cheese, then put back into the oven to crisp . They are yummy.

    PAT lovely to see you managed to drop in today, sending you BIG hugs xx

    Wonder what challenge you have planned for us tomorrow Sandra.

    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi again we got home from Lisa's about 10.30
    I will let you know what happened tomorrow as off to bed now I've got a head ache.
    Pat nice to see you sorry Doreen isn't well. Sending you & Pete some big Hug's.
    Love Lynda xx
