
Saturday 15 September 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

We had an absolutely lovely Wedding Anniversary yesterday, thank you all so much for your lovely comments.  
We went to a restaurant that we haven't tried before, it is a Brazilian Restaurant called Rios, it was both unusual and delicious.  You arrive and get seated and after you have decided on drinks you can go to the salad / vegetable buffet, they had brazillian style salads and vegetable dishes and delicious rice dishes too.  You take that back to your table and a few minutes later waiters arrive at your table with different cuts of meat on skewers, if you like and fancy trying it they cut you a small slice, they continue to bring different meats around for as long as you have your little wooden block 'green' side up. When you need a rest you turn it over.  I have to say we didn't last that long before we were full, we did leave room for the lightest chocolate fudge cake I have ever tasted, it came with Ice cream and a delicious chocolate sauce, we shared one! Paul had a coffee, I stuck with my glass of water.  All in all a lovely experience.
We then went to the cinema to watch The Equalizer 2, my goodness what a brilliant film, Denzel Washington at his very best, although at one point my heart was racing so fast I thought I was going to have to go lie down! 

Janet has made an amazing box was made using Tonic's Nordic Christmas Triangular Box die, she cut three and attached them together, adding a pearl button on each one to make opening them easier.
Each box has a bar of Thorntons chocolate inside!! (not if it was on my craft desk)!!

I just love the detail in the intricate panel of the box Janet, your colours work perfectly too, thank you so much for sharing.


Margaret received this amazing gift box as an Invitation, what an amazing idea, its a gift box in the shape of a cupcake, the written invitation was inside the lid, the Cupcake box was inside the gift bag.  I was absolutely blown away by the design, I love how the top is made simply with both Scalloped and plain edged circles, finished with a floral arrangement and a bow.
I wonder if the idea is on Pinterest?!  
Thank you so much for sharing Margaret, your friend is very talented! xxx


Karen had produced her own labels for her Crocheted Animals, It still shows the Designers name but Karen is able to add her little bit of personalisation too, I agree with you Karen, the animals do look cuter sat down.  

Here is Karen's description

I have just made this The other tags have the specific animal on it I rang Toft and they said it was ok to give to a charity I explained that I wanted to add a tag with a photo to show how lovely they look sitting down When they’re held up they look a bit gangly!

Absolutely amazing Label design Karen, thank you so much for sharing your idea with us.


These fantastic collections of dies were on course on Sale, that's the only time our 'Crafty Bargain Hunter' shops.  
Such a wide selection of Sentiments in all of the sets Michele, the clearly all Mix and Match which gives you even more versatility.
I bet you can't wait to start using all of them, I think word dies have become the natural replacement for Peel-offs these days, more versatile as you can cut them in any colour to match every project you make. I am sure we will see these featured on Michele's cards in no time.

Thank you so much for sharing your shopping Michele. xxx

I hope all of our ladies going to Ally Pally today have an amazing day, I will be thinking of you all day, particularly at lunch time!  I will be missing all of you too. Huge hugs on route to Ally Pally, can't wait to see your shopping! xxx

Thats all from me today, just a quickie as I was home late last night and I couldn't get the post done earlier in the day.

Sending warm hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone

    A varied selection for this morning.
    I particularly love MARGARET's invitation. What a fantastic idea and definitely my sort of invitation with cake inside.

    KAREN- I really like your personal tags for your animals. It's so cute.

    My photography let me down on my box. I cut the panels out of Silver mirror card and then again out of Green. I then used the little bits of green to paper piece a pattern on the silver panels. Very time consuming but worth the effort I think.

    To all going to AP today please remember you're representing the CAFE so best behaviour please hehehe. Have a good day and take care.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

  2. I love the makes on display Your box looks great JANET My OH is a Toblerone fan and it’s nice that they can be wrapped Not disguised I realise but great to put a little bit of effort in
    What a fantastic way to send an invite MARGARET-so clever
    The hospital were thrilled with the animals and they looked extra special with the tags I think they’re going into the Christmas raffle or something I give them to the volunteers in the Tea Room because it became a bit of a haven to catch our breaths when Gary was a patient They were so kind and understanding It’s my way of saying a personal thank you to them We obviously support the hospital too
    Your bargains look great MICHELE I’m off to investigate the company now Unless you can tell us where you shopped
    Have a great day at AP ladies I will be with you in spirit xxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    JANET your box is beautiful. So detailed and chocolate as well. Couldn't be better. Hope the decorating is coming on well.x

    MARGARET what a lovely idea for an invitation. Bet you were thrilled to receive it.x

    KAREN love your personalized tag. Such a great idea and yes the little zebra looks so cute sitting down. Hope you're feeling brighter today.x

    MICHELE. Great word dies. Bet they will all be so handy and used a lot.x

    All the ladies off to Ally Pally, have a wonderful day and meet up for lunch. Can't wait to see all your lovely buys. Don't forget the photo.x

    Crafting this morning. We've run out of Golden Wedding and New Home in the shop so thinking cap on. Then meeting my chatty friend for coffee later.

    Have a lovely day ladies.
    Love Valx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Great cratt projects.

    My word dies came from Craftstash-the bundles are in the Bargain section as they are reduced from £64:99 to £19:99 or you can buy the sentiments individually.

    Quick visit as I’m feeling rough-full if cold.


    1. Hi Michele, hope you can spend some relaxing time to try and get rid of those nasty germs. I'm sure you don't want to go to the home to see hubby's dad. You be better off in bed.x

    2. Take care MICHELE Thanks for the heads up because when I looked at them I thought as individual sets the were quite expensive That is such a good reduction

  5. I meant to say earlier that your anniversary and meal out SANDRA sounded lovely
    I think you’re right about word dies have replaced peel offs I bet we all have a few of those lurking in our stash

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased to hear you had a lovely anniversary. Thank you for showing my invitation, I thought it was great. Doreen who sent it is another card maker & often looks in café but never comments, I will text her to look today so she can see your
    Janet your box in great you have mastered these
    Karen what a good idea, well done. Enjoy your time with
    Michele great buy from Craft Stash, they have some good bargains, hope you feel better
    Looking forward to AP & seeing Sandra, Paul, Lynda & CU, will make a nice change to go out for day.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, especially Pat & Pete, love

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Hope BRENDA & MARIA had a good day at AP & left us a few bargains for tomorrow.
    SANDRA so pleased you & Paul had a lovely Anniversary evening out last looking forward to meeting up with you both & MARGARET & SUE.
    JANET love your box your so good at making them. Hope decorating is well on the way to be finishing.
    KAREN love your tag it makes all the differants to the animals & they look good sitting down.
    MICHELE wow love all your Dies your defiantly the queen of bargains. Hope you feel better soon Hug's ..
    MARGARET your invitation is beautiful Doreen gave you. She is very talented.
    It's CU,s Birthday next Saturday I said I would treat him to something at AP tomorrow he wasn't impressed haven't got a clue why 😂😂🤣🤣.
    Was home alone today so went in craft room I'm trying to alter a perfume box not sure if I like it but will take picture & send to Sandra for next week's mixed Saturday.
    Hug's for everyone extra for PAT will miss seeing you tomorrow xx
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Sorry I'm so late but had a busy day
    Just want to say that your cards and Janet's boxes are all wonderful.
    I'm off to bed now s have a very early start....well worth it though, so looking forward see you, Paul Mum, Lynda and CU 😊
    I hope all that went today enjoyed it, I hope you're not going to be too tired tomorrow though Brenda.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. A very early morning to you all.
    Love the boxes Janet and the cupcake invitation Margaret what a brilliant idea.
    Karen- well done, Cheetah sitting proud on my fireplace :<)
    Super bargain shopping Michele. Wish you better so you soon feel up to play with all the new dies.
    Had a great day yesterday but did miss some of you at lunch time so it was lovely to meet up with our Brenda and Helen B, also saw many famous ladies :>) Did some make and take and will make them into cards. It's not the same tho when you made it and then be told to pay £3....
    For you who are going today, have a fabulous time ! Drive safe Paul and CU.
    I'll be back later to see the CC's. Love Sunday's in the cafe'. Big hug xxx
