
Sunday 16 September 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow what an amazing response to Michele's Man card Challenge, so many fantastic cards, you have absolutely smashed this challenge.

So here we go...….

 My Card

You have already seen my Anniversary card for Paul, which is my card for Michele's 'Man' Card challenge this week. 


Brenda what an absolutely stunning background, it looks like you made it specifically for this card, it  is a perfect combination of colours and textures for a sea/sky background.
Brenda made the background some time ago and wasn't sure what to do with it, so put it on a 'pending' pile, almost heading for the bin!
Brenda then cut out Sue Wilson's 'Stained Glass Window' die and tried placing it on different shimmery cards for backgrounds, she then spotted this background out of the corner of her eye!
It couldn't be more perfect!
Such an amazing card Brenda, thank you so much for taking part.


Cheryl has used a fantastic Train paper for her 'Man' Card, Embellishing with some die cut cogs and 
a lovely sentiment tag.
Thank you so much Cheryl for taking part in Michele's Challenge.


Janet has made three 'Man' cards for this weeks Challenge.
The first card is a Christmas card that features and Magnificent Stag, in the foreground with a snow covered cottage in the background. The stamps were free with 'Crafts Beautiful' magazine, Janet embellished the card with CE Iced Snow.

Janet's second card has a cute Background from a pad called 'Its A Boy', and the letters are Leanne Creative Dies.

The third card from Janet this week is a brilliant 'Superhero' card, what boy wouldn't love that!
Janet used part of a page from an old book from the works, just adding the peel off number.

Janet, thankyou so much for 3 brilliant cards.


Karen has made 5 cards for Michele's challenge too, the first 3 are cards made using the 'Caught In Crystal' Technique, Karen was making them for a colleague that has Brothers and Brother in Law all having birthdays.  Both Sue Wilson and Phill Martin dies used to finish the cards.
Karen's second card was made using Sue Wilson's 'Pressed Shirt' die, what a great tool to have in your stash for man cards! Karen modelled the shirt on one worn by a man in her office! (Great thinking Karen)!

Karen's 3rd card was made using the same die, although Karen used a white collar on this shirt and has backed the shirt onto a mat of embossed blue card.  The sentiment was a magazine freebie!

Karen's 4th card was inspired by our Val, Karen remembered Val saying how she always ran out of 'Y's,. This card would be perfect for all of your 'Card Playing' friends at 'Crib Club', the tiles were made on the Scan and Cut and the wording was printed on the background.

Absolutely amazing cards Karen, your imagination in Incredible!! Thank you for taking part.



Lilian has blended her own background and foreground for this card and then used an amazing background die to create that fantastic background.  Two die cut leaf sprigs to embellish and then that lovely topper, featuring some stamped birds and sentiment and the Die cut wheat grasses.
Everything about your cards works as usual Lilian. 
Thank you so much for taking part.



Lynda has made three amazing 'Man cards' for this weeks Challenge, all very different too, I am going to leave it up to Lynda to do the description...…..

"First one
Embossed a piece of card with the Brick wall folder I stamped the train on small pice of card cut a square in the my embossed card to fit over train
I used some gold guiding wax. But didn't like the square so cut two circle frames the smaller one glued onto larger one glued onto a black matt glued onto base card and cut out the happy birthday put onto the left side.
Second card embossed the brick wall Embossing Folder onto my base card cut the shirt die ( Margaret's die) then added to the my base card
Last card
Cut the background die in silver card & mounted it onto black card placed onto base card cut head phones in black twice glued them together cut happy birthday in silver."

Thanks so much Lynda for three stunning cards.


Margaret has used the longest running stamp in the Stampin' Up! Catalogue for her 'Man' card for this weeks challenge.
Stamping the image in the centre and then blending the green ink below the trees and them using Watercolour pencils for the sky.
A fantastic man card Margaret, thank you so much for taking part my lovely.


Maria had entered an incredible 4 cards into Michele's Man card Challenge this week.

The Sail Boat card Maria has used Crackle Paint in the background, such a fantastic Idea Maria it works so well with the 'Nautical' style of the card.

Maria's second card features some lovely textured foil papers and the centre piece has black thread weaved around the die cut which is finished with the black button. I love this effect Maria, I think I will borrow it and use it with bakers twine!

Maria's third card features that adorable teddy bear, although I am little bit worried about him being old enough to drink Beer Maria?!  I love the wood effect background and the button detail on the side panel.

I'm not sure how Maria created the background for the last card that features the Airoplane, I love that background though, so much colour and texture. Maria made this card at one of Julia Watt's classes.

Maria thank you so very much for 4 incredible cards, Michele will be so pleased with the effort that everyone has gone to for this challenge.


Not one but THREE cards from Sue for this weeks challenge, I love them all Sue !!
Sue's first card was inspired by a similar idea on Pinterest, using Pacman characters, that Sue has fussy cut herself, such a great card idea, who doesn't remember Pacman man machines from the 80's, I remember we had one at the Youth Club we used to go to, I was never any good at it though, not past the first round anyway.

The second card Sue made for Pop's Birthday, using magazine freebie dies, I think Val has used the same set in one of her cards too.  I just love the tree scene in the background, it looks so realistic, such a great idea to used the grasses as a border around the card, it looks as if we were peering in from behind a bush!

Karen's third card is one that she made for her son 'RJ', I just love the layout of this card Sue, I really love how you have personalised the card for RJ with that cute little tag, I bet her loved this card.

Thank you so much my lovely for 3 incredible cards.


Val has also entered 3 cards into this weeks challenge, you have used some super cute images Val !

Val's first card features the most adorable Dog topper I have ever seen, you can't help but say 'awww' when you look at him. I love his red specs too!
Val has used a Paw Print Lattice embossing folder in the background, which works perfectly with the topper.

Val's second card was made using the same Magazine free stamps that Sue used in hers, its such an incredible stamp set and makes a change to football cards for sure!

Val's third card is features adorable 'Minion' characters, everyone loves Minion's!  Brilliant idea for a card Val, I bet these just fly off the shelves!

Thank you for making 3 amazing man cards for this weeks challenge Val.

Well ladies, what can I say??  You are bloody amazing, I can't believe the quantity or quality of all the cards that have been made this week, hey if we had a joint card shop we could make a fortune, think of the fun we would have making them behind the scenes!!!

Seriously though, Michele thank you so very much for all the hard work that you put into deciding on the challenges and making cards to inspire everyone too!  You are officially 'stood down' !! You can relax and just take part next week, I am very grateful for your help my lovely. xxxx

I bet that you were blown away by the response every week Michele, it's such an incredible buzz when everyone like the topic you have chosen.  The ladies have really 'aced' every challenge you have set them.  We have seem so stunning cards this passed few weeks.

I hope that Maria and Brenda enjoyed Ally Pally yesterday, what did you buy ladies, come on I am excited to see, as we usually compare shopping over lunch!

Sue Margaret and I are going today and meeting up with Lynda and CU, I haven't even made a list yet!! 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Wowser! What an amazing array of cards Some of us may have used the same products (SW’s pressed shirt die and the freebie stamps) but every card is different and there isn’t a sport one in sight There’s a few ideas that have spurred me on
    Thank you again MICHELE for some fabulous challenges
    I will miss seeing you all at AP I expect you’ll have a fantastic day Try not to fall over today LYNDA xxx I’m looking forward to seeing your bargains
    Shame on you MICHELE (only kidding) I went and bought one of the word bundles from Craftstash yesterday and will be getting a free penguin die set too! But what a bargain!
    Just so you know the scrabble tiles are from Hobbycraft I cut the hearts diamonds etc from built in shapes on ScanNCut
    Have a great day everyone whatever you’re up to We’re taking MIL out for lunch today

  2. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what am absolutely amazing selection of challenge cards!!! Thank you all so much for joining in the challenges I have set you while Sandra has been on holiday. You’re all an amazing bunch of crafty friends.

    Sandra-glad you’re back to take over the challenges again.

    Karen-did you watch the video that Christina Griffiths made using the Penguin Die? It’s great, definitely worth watching.

    Whoever is going to Ally Pally (those who went yesterday)-have fun & don’t forget to show us your crafty purchases.

    Today will be a lazy day for me as I now have a raging sore throat-definitely feeling sorry for myself!! As it’s wet & windy, I think it might be a craft room day!


    1. Sending you a well wishes cuddle xx

    2. Ooh I will do!
      You take care and hope the raging sore throat soon passes

  3. Morning Everyone
    WOW WOW WOW what a fantastic selection of CCs this week. It's so lovely to see so many cards for men/boys as I for one find it difficult to create these much needed cards.
    It's also great not to see just sport.

    If we carry on like this I shall be having to put in a request for another display board and perhaps a bigger room to accommodate the boards hehehe.

    MICHELE - take care with that cold and stay warm inside today.

    To all who are venturing to AP today as yesterday remember you're all representing the CAFE so best behaviour please but also have a good time and good hunting for bargains.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual but there isn't a lunch menu today as we're off to our Great Grandson's 5th birthday party. Thomas is 5 so it's a family get together.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

  4. Morning again , well I left a little comment on yesterday's blog as I have been up since 3am and been sitting outside the cafe' and just waited for the doors to open so I could come in and look at all the Challenge cards. Let me go and get a mug of tea and I'm ready to walk around once more and see the fantastic cards for men. I hope everyone who are coming through the doors will leave a comment and give us ladies a boost and to let our Mojo stay for a long while.
    2 minutes later and WOW so many cards to look at. I just LOVE them all and so many ideas ladies for making cards for the Men !!
    Brenda- I love your background for the stained glass window. So glad you didn't put it in the bin :>) Have a lovely day with all your family today. It was so nice to see you yesterday, hope you got home alright ?
    Michele- A Huge thank you for making us get the grey cells working extra hard.Your cards are great. It helped me anyway to have a theme I think. Hope you feeling a bit better today.
    Janet- Beautiful Christmas card, love the stag. Thomas will love his card and what a good idea to use pages from old books. Have a nice day.
    Cheryl- hope you alright and got lots of money for your charity. You have made a great card for a man.
    Karen- wow ,love you caught in the crystal backgrounds ! Very nice shirt cards and what a good idea to use scrabble squares ( thanks Val for showing us this idea)
    Lilian- a gorgeous card from you, as always your cards are fab.
    Lynda- more lovely cards for the pesky men :<) Your criss cross die is that one from Wish ? I bought one similar but turned out to be tiny LOL. Big hugs to you both. Had loved to give you a real one, next time x
    Margaret- Beautiful card. Think I have to put an order in to get these trees before they sell out. So useful for so many different cards. Hope you get around alright today. Yesterday was rather empty so you should be fine even in a wheelchair.
    Sue- where did you get that amazing stamp with the Elephants from ? I love the card for Pop ! Pac man card ,great card and RJ will love his card. Have a fun day !
    Val- aaaaw love the doggie with his red gasses :<) Not keen on the Minions, sorry but as i said I Love the stamp with the Elephants. I Want that One! Lol
    Sandra - will look up how the background was made for the plane, we get to keep the instructions, just me who need to find it in my mess and the Bear has had a facelift so he is older then he looks ,so I'm sure he can have a beer or two Lol Have a great day at Ally Pally. Much less people then other years we thought and less stalls. Still love going twice a year to look,see and feel so hope they continue the Craft show for many years more.
    Paul- drive safe. Many idiots on the roads, we saw some horrendous driving going back yesterday.
    time for a bagel, tummy rumbling and lappi need a recharge so I see you later. Love and many hugs to you all xxxx

  5. Hello All, like Michele am full of cold, and sore throat.

    Lovely lot of cards today, all so different and inspiring.

    Hope all that went to A/P have had a lovely day, we have a show at Exeter later this month, would love to go, but will have to wait and see how my aches and pains are.

    Must go and see how the dinner is doing, roast pork tonight.hugs to all.

  6. Hi everyone.

    Wow ladies you've excelled yourselves again. Beautiful array of gorgeous cards. SUE we obviously had the same idea. I think that free die set is really lovely. X

    KAREN great to see and read about your Scrabble card. Never thought to use the word 'cribbage' on mine.x

    Hope all you Ally Pally ladies have had a lovely day today. Looking forward to see what you've bought.

    I've spent the afternoon with my friend who slipped on a wet floor in her kitchen and as well as having stitches in her head and a lovely black eye, she's also broken her humerous.
    She's having to go into hospital tomorrow for an op to put a plate in. She was feeling really sorry for herself and in need of some company today.

    Well have a good evening everyone.
    Michele and Lilian hope those nasty colds soon clear up

    Love Valx

    1. I do hope your friend gets on OK tomorrow
      If you’d like me to cut some hearts spades etc just let me know and I’ll pop some in the post for you

  7. Good evening everyone
    WOW WOW STUNNING CC today thank you so much Michele for all your good challenges well done. Sorry your under the weather you take care take tomorrow off if you still feel ill. Hug's .xx
    SANDRA SUE & MARGARET it was lovely seeing you all today today . Shame BRENDA MARIA & KAREN couldn't do Sunday MARIA CU said he missed his cuddle from you xx Glad you both enjoyed yesterday.
    Just got a cupper so I'm off to drink it. Looking forward to new CC tomorrow .
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I did leave a comment yesterday, but it seems to have disappeared into cider space. I used my mobile to send it while on the train home (I really am rubbish using my mobile on the internet ) when I checked late last night it wasn’t there!!!

    I hope you had a good day at Ally Pally. Yesterday I met up with Maria. We were joined by Hellen (Bell) which was lovely, she had traveled down from York for the day. Not sure how long lunch lasted but it was lovely - thank you Maria and Helen you made my day, I really enjoyed the time we spent together.

    WOW what an amazing response to this weeks challenge.......ladies love all of your cards, each and everyone is really inspiring. Thank you for giving me a brilliant reference site for male cards. xx

    Today has been lovely, I made the quiches and scotch eggs requested by grandsons. Guess what ... no left overs! It really has been a lovely day, my Sister managed to join us during the afternoon, she loves to spend time with her nieces and there families. Now I’m very tired but in a happy way.
    Sleep well dear friends, Love Brenda xxx
