
Friday 14 September 2018

My 'Special' Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is my 'Man' Challenge card for Michele's challenge this week.

The card is My Anniversary card for Paul, it is our 27th Anniversary today, hopefully he will finish at lunchtime and we can spend some quality time together.  We are going out for dinner tonight and then going to the cinema to see a film that we were hoping to see before we went on holiday but ran out of time, luckily it was still on.

I used a card 4 1/8  X 5 1/2 inch card base that I made out of Cherry Cobbler card, I then stamped a band of random background stamps using a new Stampin'Up! Stamp set called 'Artisan Textures' onto a mat of 'Crumb Cake' card that is very close to Kraft card in colour.
It doesn't look a very exciting stamp set but those stamps can make such a lovely background, the small wavy lines would look great on water too. 
I then die cut a selection of different sized hearts, I cut them in both Cherry Cobbler and Crumb Cake, I used the same background stamps to add detail to some of the hearts, I also added '27' for the  number of years we have been married and '1991' was the year we were married.  I thought it would make it a bit more personal and right for the occasion.  I then added a piece of stitched Cherry Cobbler ribbon to finish the decorative part of the card. 
To finish the card I added 'Happy Anniversary' at the top of the card and more importantly 'I love You' at the bottom. 
I hope Paul likes it, making cards for men for Special Occasions is so much harder because we don't really add flowers and bows and pearls. But I like how this one turned out I think.  What do you all think?

I hope that you are all ready for a lovely weekend, we are busy on Saturday running the girls around and then on Sunday we have Ally Pally, this one won't feel the same though as so many of you my very dear friends can't make it on the Sunday, I will miss you all very much. xxx

That's all for today, I am looking forward to the rest of the day, where birthdays get less exciting as you get older Wedding Anniversaries are special every year, I have to say 27 years have absolutely whizzed by.  For me the day is all about remembering how lucky I am to have met my Soul mate and very best friend whilst shopping in Sainsbury's on  miserable day in March 1988.  Who knew that the love you feel for someone could continue to grow year after year, my heart is definitely full.  I feel VERY BLESSED.

Have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-beautiful Card today, I’m sure Paul will love it. Dinner & a film sounds good.

    Thank goodness it’s Friday! I need to call at my Dads on the way home as he needs his Garden Loppers back-we borrowed them a few weeks ago.
    Tomorrow will be a busy day-quick trip into Southport then off to see my crafty friend to collect more stash from her then we’re off to see Phils Dad after lunch which will mean we’ll be home late.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Paul will love his card SANDRA. These cards are always treasured.

    Busy day ahead as it's decorating of course and the 'swear' word is taking a back seat at the

    The CAFE is OPEN for business so pop in as everyone is welcome. HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care.xxxx

  3. Congratulations SANDRA and PAUL He will love his card It is beautiful
    Feeling in the doldrums a bit today but Hey Ho
    Will be back later xx

    1. Sorry you're feeling down today Karen. It's such a horrible feeling. Hope you feel brighter as the day wears on.x

  4. Morning ladies,

    Congratulations on your 27th Anniversary Paul & Sandra.
    It's a lovely card. Love your happenstance story of the day you met.

    I might venture into town to do some food shopping later on, I've laid low with horrible flu/cold like symptoms.

    Card making this morning, the ones I didn't get done yesterday.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Morning everyone,

    Happy Anniversary SANDRA and PAUL. Have a lovely day and enjoy your meal tonight. I'm sure he'll love his card Sandra.x

    Craft Club today. Don't these Fridays fly by? Wendy is in UK at the moment so the card for the weekly challenge she gives us isn't needed until next week. I'm taking in my stamp press for a lady to try. She's never stamped before so it will open up a whole new world for her.

    Have a good Friday everyone .
    Hugs to all with special ones for PAT and PETE.x

    Love Valxxx

    1. Thanks Val Feeling a bit better Work is finished for the week That helps!

  6. Morning All, wet this morning.

    Sandra, what a lovely card you have made for Paul, congratulations on your anniversary hope you have a lovely evening.
    It’s our 53rd anniversary this year, don’t know where the years have gone.

    Karen hope you feel a bit more “up” soon.

    Cheryl hope you feel better soon. Anyone had their flu jab yet ? Must ring and get booked in.

    Going to try to do my c card today, it will be third time lucky.

    Have a lovely day all, Lilian

    1. Feeling better now Lilian - thanks
      I am waiting to get a letter from GP to say when our flu jabs will be done

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra congratulations to you & Paul on your anniversary, may you have many more. Enjoy your meal this evening. That is a lovely card today I am sure Paul will love
    Karen hope you feel better now, I seem to have a lot of those days at the moment, surgeon said that it is normal after major surgery, but I am getting impatient. Soap box away. Sorry we will miss you on Sunday, but you have a much more important job to do, enjoy your time with
    Maria will miss you on Sunday as well hope you have a lovely time tomorrow, leave some for
    Brenda I do not know how you do it, AP on Saturday & then catering for all family on Sunday, you must be well organised. Will miss seeing
    Cheryl hope you feel better
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Pat love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra and Paul CONGRATULATIONS on you 27th wedding anniversary, I am sure Paul loved his card, I love the background stamps you used, must look closer at them, feel a shopping spree coming on. Ha ha

    We also have an anniversary today not our wedding anniversary That’s in June, it’s 60 years ago today - my dearly beloveds reminded me is the day we met, he even went to a card shop and explain to the girl he wanted an anniversary card for 60yrs but not a wedding anniversary, she was so impressed she even went through all the cards with him.

    KAREN I hope you are alright, this last week or so must have been a strain, reliving so many memories. I realise they are there all the time but you have been meeting lots of old friends, chatting and reliving a very difficult time. Sending you very caring hugs. xx

    PAT sending special hugs to you and Pete xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Hugs Brenda, xxx

  9. Afternoon ladies.
    Happy anniversary to you and Paul, nice heart card.
    Brenda- how lovely of John. Happy day's. See you tomorrow x
    Cheryl- wish you better. Take care.
    Karen- hope you get better and have a fun weekend.
    Janet- don't overdo but understand you want it finished.
    Margaret- will miss you too and you lemon drizzle cake, oh dear ,your lemon drizzle cake hihihi
    Lynda- have a good day ,hugs for you and CU.
    Lilian- do you think it is your meds ? had a 6 month catch up today with pain clinic and we talked a lot how some meds can make you feel and how they make you forget etc. Take care.
    Sue- enjoy Sunday. Hope you migraine is non existence.
    Pat- thinking of you every day.
    Time to start dinner, got some Schnitzels from Lidl and making some Mash to that and the Apple strudel and Ice cream for dessert.
    Many and big hugs to you all, Maria xxxx
