
Thursday 20 September 2018

Christmas Card 'Old Style'

Good Morning Ladies,

How many of you did a 'double take' when you saw today's card??!

I saw some of Sue's new dies at the show on Sunday and just couldn't resist them, I have mixed the dies with Stampin Up! Card...Whisper White & 'Coastal Cabana' which is a gorgeous blue. I also used Stampin'Up! Copper Foil and Copper Foil edged Ribbon (Coastal Cabana) and Spotted Tulle Ribbon & Glitter Gems.
The Sue Wilson dies I used for this card are Festive Collection:  Frosty Snowflake Corner, Festive Frames 'Eve'.  I used the 'Eve's Snowflakes' Embossing Folder for the Background.
I finished the card with some Stampin'Up! Snowflakes cut in Copper Foil, I also added some of the tiny dots that look like snow on the SU Blizzard Die.
What do you think?
That's 3 Christmas cards for me this week, so far!

Boy was it a windy day yesterday, I think I must have pegged same washing on the line about 3 times before 10am yesterday, I gave up trying to peg out my big 'comfy pants' for fear that they would break free and down a passing B52 Bomber!! It always makes me laugh when I compare the amount of fabric used to make my knickers compared to the girls, some of them are pointless!  How that can be comfortable is beyond comprehension to me, I also noticed on holiday this year that a good 60% of bikinis were that 'thong' style, I imagine there were a lot of burnt bum cheeks this year!  Luckily Sophie and Lucy are a little pit prudish when it comes to swimwear, they like to be covered

Sue came over late morning and we spent a couple of hours chatting and catching up, we had lots of interruptions too as all three girls were home and everyone of them needed help for something at somepoint! We did get to go into the Craft room, (I tidied enough room for Sue to craft).  Sue got started with her Challenge card and I was playing with some of my new dies.  Before either of us knew it, made announced that Chris (Sue's husband) had arrived to pick her up.  I finally got to meet little Christopher, OMG, such a gorgeous little boy, so intelligent, he was taking everything in, you could literally see him scanning the room with his eyes.  He loved the cats too, he made me chuckle though as Milo walked away from him he said "look he's got a sprayer'', Sue explained that he has a thing about Skunks at the moment, I am guessing that their bums must look similar.
(this has turned out to be a bit of a 'bum' blog)!!

Quiet house today as Sophie and Lucy had gone to Thorpe Park for two days with their boyfriends and some other friends, the house will be so peaceful!

I hope that you have a lovely day what ever you are doing.

Special hugs for you Pat if you look in, I really miss you ! xxxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Hi everyone,

    Very pretty card Sandra. Lovely to see the die cutting and it's in my favourite colour. Glad you and Sue had a good time yesterday.x

    Up and out early as I'm at the hospital this morning for the result of last week's asthma tests. Fingers crossed as I know it's gotten worse.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  2. Morning ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, I was surprised to see lots of Diecutting on your card! I love the colour you have used.

    Busy day yesterday at work, luckily the pain eased off duotge day from my Sciatica and I was able to meet my friend. Passed on 2 bags of craft stash for her daughter and we had a great catch up.

    Today I have a meeting at 8:30-10. It’s a formal monthly meeting that all Managers are expected to attend & present their report. I have another meeting at 3:30 with the manager of the Day Ward & one of the Specialist Nurses to come up with ways to improve our service to the patients and improve communication between the two areas.
    Then I’m doing the Tesco shopping after work-think I’ll be having a restful evening after that!


    1. Glad to see your sciatica eased off so you could meet with your friend and do the work. Hope the meetings goes well xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful card and it's also one of my favourite colours too. I have to admit that I still prefer die cut cards as they always look so much more luxurious.

    Not sure what's happening today but there's still a load of gloss painting to do. I also have to send off my CCs.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in when you can.
    Have a good day whatever you all get up to.
    Thank goodness the high winds have dropped so your HUGS should arrive safely.xxxx

    1. Found a hug sitting in the pegs outside in the cloth airier, thank you, as with the wind last night it is a surprise anything stayed on Lol Take care with all the work at home, you are amazing doing it all by yourselves. Many hugs back xx

  4. Morning Ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra, it reminds of the cards I used to make when I first ventured into paper crafting.

    Some exciting news for a change in our family...I am officially now a Great Great Aunty to a lovely little bundle called Kiera Rachel born last week.
    Mum a & Dad asked for few days to be alone with her before they went public. A great idea I thought as it gave them time to bond with her in private.

    Yesterday afternoon Jamie messaged me to say he had been offered the job he was after! Yay! Contracts are being drawn up as I type, and chats arranged to go over the minute things. It is a step down in salary (for a few months) as he will be in the first stage training to become a Civil Engineer. I'm so proud of him, he works very hard and has taken every course offered him to get his 'tickets' for further advancement.

    Electrician coming soon to mend a fizzing switch so I'll pop in later to read your news.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Congratulations to becoming a Great great Auntie Cheryl, how lovely. Also Congrats to Jamie for his new job, well done. Have a nice day xx

  5. A lovely card I love die cut cards even over my ScanNCut because they give a lovely professional finish with an elegant bevelled edge BUT I am trying to step away from the laptop In fact my two cc this week have not been done using Serif!
    WI was a disappointment last night My neighbour agreed too I thought it was expensive at £4.50 which wasn’t mentioned on their flyer for a cup of tea, a piece of cake and a very boring speaker (sorry to the ladies if they go to a WI meeting) It felt very money orientated too Ooh it costs this much for this and that much for that I can safely say we won’t be going again
    Anyway we had a laugh It’s my craft club night tonight Must go taxi is here I’ll be back to comment properly xx

    1. Sorry you found WI boring. Have only seen it on Tv,The Calendar Girls. Have fun at Craft club tonight.hugs xx

    2. Are what a shame WI didn't live up to expectations but at least you tried.x

  6. Morning ladies.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, so nice to see a die cut one from you again and in such a lovely colour.
    Have a nice quiet time at home. Shame it seem like it's going to rain but sure the girls will have a great time anyway.
    Hope colds and pains are getting better for you my friends. Lets meet up soon for a happy day. Like to have something to look forward to after back from holiday.
    Taken some extra pain killers this morning so waiting for them to kick in so I can do some cards today.
    Have a good day everyone. Love and hugs , Maria xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA beautiful card from you today. Glad you had a good day with Sue & had a visit from her little grandson they do come out with some funny sayings don't they.
    Still quite windy but nothing like yesterday the birds didn't have to use theire wings they got blown along.
    One wash finised so must put that on the line soon & another one put in machine
    So hopping it's not going to rain.
    Got Tesco sometime today as CU is home.but after some housework first.
    Then must get cc done & finish Terry's birthday card the inside.
    Congratulations CHERYL on becoming a Great Great auntie,& for Jamie getting his new job.
    KAREN sorry you & your neighbor didn't enjoy the WI yesterday x
    Well must put washing out Have a good day everyone.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Great card today Sandra.
    Thank you ladies for all the hugs they’re really appreciated and needed at the moment. We’re waiting for hospital appointments at the moments. Plus Pete needs another blood transfusion starting Mon and Tues.

    1. Thinking of you both, hugs.

    2. Sending love to you and Pete. Xxx

    3. Many thanks for the hugs ladies. Appointment booked for pre radiotherapy on Thursday.

  9. Just noticed C&C doing a show with Distress Oxides! Very expensive

  10. Hi All, very wet and windy here, so no washing out today.

    Sandra another beautiful card today, love those soft colours.

    Lovely news from you today, congratulations.

    Hope all are keeping well and not succumbing to this awful cold that we both have gone down with.

    Might venture into craft into my craft room this afternoon, hugs to alll.

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Such a lovely card, love the dies you have used and the aqua colour is gorgeous.

    So pleased Sue managed to get over yesterday, it must have been a real treat for both of you. BUT WHAT A SPECIAL TREAT to have little Christopher drop in to collect Sue, I’m sure he will remember you and want to see the cats again.xx

    CHERYL Congratulations to Jamie, he deserves to get on, he has more than proved he is capable of achieving his goal of becoming a Civil Engineer. You should be so proud of him. xx

    KAREN what a disappointment the WI was. I have friends who belong to different groups. Both groups do so many different things. They seem to be different in each area. Some good. Some not so. At least you tried xx

    PAT thinking of you xxx

    Time to think about dinner. Enjoy your evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  12. Very pretty card Sandra. Was it your birthday on Tuesday 18th? It is my son's on that day too. I am sorry that I missed it, but I have put it into my birthday book now. Hi, ladies thank you so much for your kindness in thinking about me and asking Sandra if I was ok. I had a three week break from chemo and have been signed back onto it again. It is weekly and I have just had two weeks worth so far, third tomorrow. It has knocked me for six, I have been exhausted and feeling so lethargic. I also have been suffering from neuropathy in my finger tips and swollen ankles and feet. All part of the chemo side effects - lovely! My hair has grown back on my head but no where else. I lost my eyebrows and they are debating whether to come back or not and are really really sore at the moment. SO, in a nut shell I have not been crafting as much as I like to do. I haven't been blogging or on YouTube as much either. I have a lot to catch up on but I will do it gradually. Thank you again for your kind thoughts. xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a beautiful card, and such pretty dies. Its so good that you can use both stamps and die cuts (when Chris jnr sees me going to my craft table he asks "Are you dying today Granny? 😂) I hope Sophie and Lucy and boyfriends managed to get on all of the rides they wanted today, rather than me, feet should stay firmly on the ground as far as I am concerned!
    I hope all with aches and pains wake up feeling much better in the morning. Its good to hear from you Pat. I hope Pete is feeling a little better.
    I did some paperwork that has been calling to me so at least it had been a productive day even though it wasn't crafting 😖j
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Michele and Pat. I'm sorry if I have missed anyone out. Take care xx

  14. Hi all. For you who asked on Sunday I looked up what we used as the background for the aeroplane card and it was actually only blue/ greenish coloured Pixie powders that was used. I bought some yellow ones from AP so hope to play with them soon.
    Pat- thinking of you and Pete always. We are here when you want to talk. Take care x
    Lorraine- nice to see you back but sorry to hear you need more chemo treatments. Everything crossed that it all goes well and you feeling better soon.
    Wishing you all a good night and I'll see you tomorrow xxx
