
Wednesday 19 September 2018

Another Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

This week's challenge is good one for getting those Christmas cards made, so that's what I am intending to do.  The more I can get done each week the less stressful the final card making session will be is my thinking.

There are 14 Weeks to Christmas so that means a maximum of 12 weeks to get all of your cards made, written and ready for posting.  Although I do find that we seem to get less each year, when all four of the Children were at school we had 100's, they filled every door of the house I think. I used to enjoy making their special Christmas cards with them. In fact before I had the girls (up until about 2 weeks before I had them ) I used to go into school three days a week to help Children with reading, take little groups for maths, English etc.  The best sessions were the Craft / messy play ones, I love how children are so free thinking, their minds aren't over complicated by the fact that grass is green or sky is blue, I wish I could use the same method for my own crafting!

Today's card was inspired by the paper collection, it has Tranquil Tide (green), Sahara Sand and hints of Copper foil.
I die cut the 'Christmas' die with both Copper foil and Tranquil tide and layered them up, I stamped the 'Merry' onto Tranquil Tide' in Versamark and covered with White embossing powder and heat set.
I die cut this with a tiny label die and mounted onto a piece of copper foil.
My card base was cut from a sheet of Traquil Tide card, I cut it to 10 X 7 inches and scored at 5, so my card base was 5 x 7 inch. I die cut a mat of copper foil and then a piece of 'Joyous Noel'  Dsp.
I wrapped a piece of tranquil tide ribbon around the card and topped it with a piece of  'Tea Room' ribbon (coastal cabana with copper foil edge).
I tied a bow in the same ribbon and wrapped the foil edged ribbon around the centre and dangled my Copper snowflake from it.
I mounted my sentiment onto my card and used some tiny die cut snowflakes and dots to embellish my card.
A totally different card from Mondays, thats the beauty of the TicTacToe challenges, no two cards need be the same.

I hope I have inspired you to get started with your Christmas cards, I am hoping Sue is coming over today, if she isn't too tired from Ally Pally, mind you they were much more organised than I was, I did too much chatting, plus I forgot that the show closed at 4pm on Sunday, the time just disappears. Lynda must have done a 'supermarket sweep' because her and Terry didn't get there until 1pm, we had lunch and chatted until about 2.30, so I was really surprised to see how much she had bought in an hour and a half.  You will get to see on Saturday.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, I love the colours you have used.

    My sciatica is started yesterday evening & I’m struggling this morning. I’m meant to going out this evening to meet a friend for a pub meal, hopefully the pain will have eased off by then especially if I keep taking the painkillers.


    1. Oh Michele such a painful condition. So hope it eases soon.x

  2. Great card SANDRA I loved going into the children’s junior school and like you helped with reading My favourite times were Friday afternoons where I had 3 children do some cooking It taught them maths reading simple recipes and we used to sing something silly at times too
    I managed to finish the two cards I needed for today
    I hope to get the shapes cut today VAL and in the post
    This evening I am going (with a friend) to WI We had leaflets through the door advertising it So we thought we’d give it a try Do any of you go to WI meetings? I can remember my Nan going to Mothers Union meetings
    Take care all xx

    1. Many years ago we moved into a brand new house on a brand new urbanisation. Most of us were young women with young families and thought we were too young to join WI so we started our own group called young wives.Its a great way to meet new people, socialise and we had guest speakers talking on all manner of interesting things. I'm sure you'll enjoy it Karen.x

    2. When we were first married we lived in a small village, they had an afternoon WI but as I had small children could not go but a group of us started an evening WI & I enjoyed it very much. I am tempted to join again here but the group meet in the evening & I do not like going out then. Hope you enjoy

  3. Hi everyone,
    Lovely card Sandra. I do like blue on Christmas cards.

    I'm off to see Gill shortly.She came out yesterday afternoon but is very sore and very tired but ok. I've bought her some chocolate biscuits which I know will cheer her up. Anyway there's no crib today as they're my lift so I'm spending some time crafting. First though I have to tidy my desk as there's so much stuff on it I'm working in a 6inch square.

    Have a lovely day all.
    Hugs to everyone and special ones to Lilian Pat and Pete and anyone else not feeling so good today.
    Love Valx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another lovely card from you, I do love all Christmas papers they are all lovely. Hope Sue gets to spend the day with you
    I hope you are all safe in the high winds we have today, I think I will give my walk a miss it would blow me over.
    Michele hope your sciatica improves so you can meet up with your friend for a meal.xx
    Val I hope your friend is more comfortable
    Cheryl & Lilian hope your colds are
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hello All, very windy and wet here, hope everyone is safe.

    Sandra, lovely traditional card, must start to think about mine, still full of cold, missed my hospital app yesterday as they don’t like anyone with a cold coming to the cardiac department.

    Does anyone know how long wills take to administer, I’m due a small amount, the person died almost a year ago, but have heard nothing, thought they would have at least let me know if I am a beneficiary, don’t like to say anything. Will just have to wait. Sorry realise not topic for the blog.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hello Lillian, this really depends if solicitors are involved ( sometimes they drag heels!) also if there is a property to sell that could all take time.
      I was executor after my mother died and as they had no property to sell it only took a few months to sort out. You should chase this up, especially if you were told you would be a beneficiary. Best of luck XX

    2. Thank you Brenda, I understand the property was sold in June, and a relative has told me I am included in the will. There are no solicitors involved as I understand relatives are dealing with the detail. I don’t want to appear greedy but I know that there is quite a lot of money involved, not that I expect much, just sentimental.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I love today’s card, these Christmas papers are gorgeous.
    Hope Sue managed to get to you today and wasn’t to tired after your busy weekend, I think I’m still suffering the effects of Ally Pally and family visiting on Sunday.
    I started the above comment about 4pm then granddaughter turned up. Bless her she was dropping off a ‘thank you for having me’ gift. She stayed chatting until about 7.15. We then had our dinner, that just finished and I’ve had two long phone call - both lovely, but I get the feeling I should call it a day.!
    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Sorry late not sure where the day has gone. Did two hours iron this morning it takes me longer these days as I have to sit down now to do it.
    Margaret came round for lunch mainly to pick her parcels up.CU was out doing some gardening & rubbish dumps. Margaret didn't leave till 4.30pm. So thought I would go in craft room to get CC done. Just cut some bits out then Terry came home.made him coffee & Sandwich I know he wanted lunch at 5pm so said why not just have dinner no he said I haven't had lunch I'm fading away 😩 😤 😤. I give up.
    SANDRA I love your card today very pretty paper.
    MICHELE hope your sciatica was better this evening & you managed to meet your friend.
    LILIAN& CHERYL hope you both feel better very soon tack care both of you.
    MARIA hope your feeling better my friend take care Big Hug's xx
    Hope you had a nice day with SUE SANDRA.
    Hug's for everyone xx
    Love Lynda xx
