
Tuesday 18 September 2018

My Beautiful Birthday card from Brenda

Beautiful Card 

Pretty Wrapping

Amazing Gift Box 

Good Morning Ladies,

We had an unexpected glorious afternoon yesterday, which meant I was able to continue with getting through the backlog of washing both from holiday and the laundry that had accumulated in the days while we were away but the girls were home.  I think that we are going to start a new rule, which will be that each of them can have a Bath sheet and towel to last them from Monday to Friday, because every time I ask them to collect their laundry I kid you not there will be over 12 towels from Sophie and Lucy's bathroom alone, because they don't hang them up when they are done with them, they will chuck them on their bedroom floor, then just get a fresh one the next day because theirs is still wet in a pile on the floor!  It's just ridiculous to be washing so many towels.  I will get some new ones I think as some of ours are quite old.  I will get each of them a different colour, that way they know which one is theirs.  

The other thing that I am 'toughening up' on is meals, over the past year or so mealtimes have turned into a nightmare, I have made the mistake of asking people what they fancy for tea, of course nobody ever agrees on the same thing and where I don't cook 5 different dinners there is always somebody wanting something different.  So from now on I am going to prepare a meal (with Paul's help) and if they want to eat it's there, if they don't want it they can either go without or go buy themselves an alternative, we have had way too much wasted food.  I am going to start meal planning I think, it's not something I have really been bothered about before because I am a bit impulsive and I can't guarantee that I will want chicken casserole on a Wednesday night!  But with Paul working so far from home and the nights starting to draw in I don't want to be going to the supermarket after he gets in from work.  
What do you all do?? Are you all Meal Planners?  or do you have a rotating weekly menu?
I could never be like my mum, she always had the same thing on the same night of the week, every week without fail! 

Today's stunning card is my Birthday card from Our Brenda, I literally gasped when I opened the box, it is just so pretty.  
Brenda has used the Stampin Up! 'Springtime Impressions' Thinlits to create the background to the card and the decorative element on the box too. The embossing folder that Brenda has used behind the die cuts is 'Petal Burst', (one of my favourites).
Brenda has them made some beautiful flowers with Fomiran (silk) I believe, they are so beautiful Brenda and look so real too. Some delicate foliage and pearls finish the card, Brenda's 'signature' piece is the Vellum Sentiment tag, which is a beautiful touch.

Brenda wrapped the card in the prettiest pink fabric, tied with a ribbon and decorated with another beautiful flower. 
The handmade box really adds that touch of luxury to the experience, I will be using your idea Brenda, I love how the thinlits look on the box lid.

I was absolutely thrilled with my card Brenda, thank you so very much for going to so much trouble to create such a beautiful gift. xxxx

I am slowly trying to tidy and organise my craft room, it's just a higgledy piggledy mess and it's driving me crazy.  So that's where I will be today.

Have a lovely day, however you are spending it,

Love and hugs


Ps.  I went over to 'A Crafty Place' website yesterday to place another order and if you are a new customer you get an extra 15% off !


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful birthday card from Brenda, it’s stunning.

    Good idea re towels & meals. I plan most meals for the week in my head & write down what we’ll need on my shopping list. Most of the time it works, I have to factor in not knowing what time Phil will be getting home or if it’s just me eating on quite a few days.


  2. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA- Ohhhhhhhhh what a stunning bday card. It's truly beautiful.

    I have NEVER asked anyone what they wanted or liked for their meals. I have always cooked a meal and that's what was eaten. I always have a grocery list and planned meals in my head for the week. It was more important when I was working than it is in retirement but I still follow my plan.
    I just cannot imagine cooking different meals at all.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all.
    HUGS are winging their way to you and should be arriving shortly. Take care everyone.xxxx

  3. Stunning card from BRENDA It is absolutely gorgeous
    I agree with you about the towels but I think I’d let them have two!
    I never plan meals BUT once CHARLOTTE was in full time work instead of her paying bed ‘n’ board she did ALL of the food shopping We’d take it in turns who did the cooking which gave her a valuable lesson in budgeting and managing a “household” task
    I have two requests for cards I must make this afternoon Other than that I am going to just slob in front of tele with my knitting
    Ooh eye test was OK but she wouldn’t finalise my prescription as she’s referring me to eye clinic for cateracts blepheritis and headaches!
    Have a good day all Let’s be careful out there

  4. Hi everyone.

    BRENDA, such a beautiful card and a pretty box as well. Love the idea of turning the corner dies around.x

    Usually sometime on Saturday and write down meals were having for the next week than I know what veg to be in the Sunday market. The only time I ever cooked different meals was when Barrie was a teenager and decided he was vegetarian. That lasted for about 2 years and was a real pain. I don't think I'd be picking wet towels up off the floor. If it's not in the washing basket it doesn't get washed and if it's on the floor it stays there.

    Just about to iron then some time in the craft room working through Christmas cards.

    My comment from yesterday has disappeared. It went on after Karen and I know it was there as spell check had put a strange word in. Gremlins again.

    PAT hope you and PETE are Ok. You're really

    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow, what a fabulous gift you have from Brenda. You can't call it a card can you with all of the beautiful wrapping and matching box. Another keepsake for sure.
    I had a problem with wet bath towels being left on the floor by our eldest, after much asking then telling him to not do it I picked up a nice wet towel he had left on the bathroom floor and put it on his bed, under the quilt, and left it there. I had a very real "Sorry Mum" and funnily enough it never happened again! I hate people being disrespectful, no matter their age and will not stand for it so the short sharp shock worried a treat. IIagre with Val re washing if its not in the laundry basket. IfIit is needed then they have to wash and iron it themselves. The same goes for meals, you don't run a restaurant so you should stick to your plan of one meal or go without or buy your own. They are all adults now and should be respectful to you both. Meal planning is something we tried a few times but after just a few days something would happen that meant we didnt stick to it. Maybe you could plan the meals for the week but not decide on which day to have which meal, that would give you a bit more choice. These are all important lessons that should be learned before leaving home. Stick to your guns whatever you decide my lovely, you and,Paul are not their (unpaid) servants xx
    Karen, I think getting your daughter to buy the families food is a great idea, giving her some valuable life experience before leaving home. Its important that they learn just what it is like "out there in the real world" Enjoy your knitting after making the cards, and don't forget to share them with us please x
    Val, we had the same laundry rule as you. I hope your leg is healing well now x
    A quiet day for me today, still recovering from the weekend. I must send you a picture of my AP shopping, not that I bought much this time.
    Lynda, I hope your legs and feet are not as sore as they were yesterday x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful card from Brenda, so much thought went into it, lovely. xxx
    I agree with the others regarding mealtimes you cook one meal & that is it, regarding the washing the same applies if its not in the bin it doesn't get washed. Karen what a brilliant idea, I think they must pay for their keep we always did & Sue & Mark did, it teaches them the value of money.
    My mind has gone blank, nothing unusual there! so will send hugs to all who need them, hope all colds are clearing up love

  7. Hi Sandra and all.
    A gorgeous card Sandra from our Brenda. Love how she wrapped it and then made such a beautiful box for it. A lovely keepsake.
    Wet towels on the floor, oh no! have a stand in the bathroom, door frames and banister are being used for them to dry on. When Son was Vegan he had to cook his own meals and now when he working he buying in his own food. I wish I could know what to have for dinner every night but it always changes in this house what we fancy. Still working on it Lol would be nice not to have to ask every night what to make.
    Hope the colds, aches and pains is getting better. Sending you big hugs. Love Maria xoxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a surprise see the card I made for you on the block today. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. XX

    Granddaughter went home today to get on with packing for uni. They will be going up to Leeds on Friday evening. Ready for moving into student accommodation Saturday lunchtime. It has been lovely having her here for the last month, but I’m with you Sandra towel should not be left on the floor. In fact I left a cloths airer in her bedroom to put the towels on, frequently the bath towel was just screwed up and thrown on the top. When she first came here I was straightening her bed every day, it didn’t take long for the penny to drop - grandma likes beds looking tidy every day. I did remind her that she wouldn’t have room service when she goes away. She really is on a big learning curve, Time will tell, I’m sure she will survive anyway.
    I don’t plan menus but then most the time it’s only us and cook what we fancy. While granddaughter has been staying I’ve had to give menus more thought because she almost vegetarian the only meat she will eat is chicken. But she didn’t go hungry. Now it’s up to her!

    Have a lovely evening everyone, love and hugs Brenda XXX
