
Friday 21 September 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

It was another super windy day yesterday, we had some quite heavy rain too, which the garden needed, although I feel a little frustrated for Sophie and Lucy, this trip to Thorpe Park, which included an overnight stay, was the first 'hotel' holiday that they had booked and organised totally themselves, so I hope that the high winds and rain hasn't spoilt their enjoyment, I am guessing some rides would be closed in adverse weather conditions.  I had to chuckle to myself when Lucy and finished printing off her tickets and information she came to find me to ask for a 'poly pocket', at first I wondered what on earth she was on about but she waved her booking info at me and I knew straight away.
I like to be organised and since we first went on holiday I have always had either a plastic wallet or folder to collect all of our hotel bookings, travel documents etc in, although we have had a fabric zip one for a while now.  Anyway the first time Matt went away he printed his information and proudly produced his plastic wallet, that he had been and bought and had even made himself a little...'Tickets/money/Passports/EH1C card Checklist just like we have.  Then Becca started travelling abroad and bought herself a plastic wallet too.  The girls have obviously noticed all of this too so it seemed only right that they have one too, so Lucy happily trotted off with her documents all organised in her 'Poly Pocket' (as she called it, I thought that she was talking about a Tiny little handbag doll that was around when Becca was tiny)!
I think it's quite sweet that they feel that strongly about something to want to do the same for themselves, it's a shame that wasn't the case for all things.

Today's card is very special for two reasons...….

A) It's my Birthday card from my lovely friend Sue and I think it's amazing.

B) A year ago you would NOT have got Sue making an ALL STAMPED card, yes she might stamp elements of the card and assemble them, but never a completely stamped card that also has quite a lot of White space, which is so tempting to try and fill with more stamping.  But Sue has stuck to her design and created a stunning hand stamped, almost clean and simple card.

I believe Sue started by masking off the circle and Blending what looks like Peacock Feathers Distress ink into that circle.  She has then removed the mask/tape and used her Stampin'Up! Stamperatus to stamp the pattern of flowers across the bottom of the card, using taller stamps to fill the circle.
The super tricky part for a 'non confident' stamper is after finishing your card perfectly, leaving no finger prints in the white areas you have to stamp your Sentiment, in the middle of the white space, this is when my hands would shake and sweat and I would probably drop the block before getting my stamp positioned!!
Thank you so much Sue, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated how far you had come on your stamping journey, I love my card.  xxxx

What have you all got planned for the weekend?  Paul got a Rotavator for his birthday from Matt and Becca so I think he wants to go and use it at the allotment this weekend, it will depend on the weather, I think that the forecast looks a little unsettled and getting cooler.  If that's the case I will spend the weekend searching out my thick pyjamas!

Have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful birthday card from Sue, it’s gorgeous.

    Horrendous weather here this morning-gale force winds & torrential rain. In fact we had hailstones just now.
    I’m very glad it’s Friday. We’re off to see Phils Dad tomorrow afternoon , I really need to make quite a few cards as there’s a number of Birthdays coming up & some are while we’re away or just as we get home.

    Hope everyone stays safe, warm & dry today.


  2. It is a lovely card SUE I could never have attempted to do a stamped element let alone a full on completely stamped card without the invention of Faux Misti All thanks to you SANDRA
    It is quite sunny here but very windy
    I’m off to Bournemouth later today for a Salsa weekender and Yay I have next week off too
    Take care all xxx

    1. It sounds like an exciting weekend. Have a great time.x

  3. Good Morning Everyone
    from an extremely wet and windy Sheffield.
    It started raining yesterday morning and just got worse and worse throughout the day. By mid afternoon the road which runs down the side of the house was just like a river and it has continued throughout the night.
    What's worse is that I have to go out to do the week-end shopping this morning as we have our flu jabs tomorrow morning.

    Anyway enough of my rambling SUE a beautiful card you created. I love those colours you used.

    I forgot to mention the other day that I managed to get this year's Sloe Gin made. Christina brought them last week-end along with runner beans/greengages and pears from their garden. I just need a small bottle of gin to top up the bottles and then they go into storage for a while.
    The CAFE is OPEN as usual waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all and should arrive very soon hopefully not too wet lol.xxxx

    1. I've never tasted slow gin but I bet it's delicious.
      Hope the decorating is going well.x

  4. Hi everyone.

    Lovely card from Sue. It's beautiful, just love the stamping.x

    Off to craft club today. Wendy is back from UK and is bringing in a couple of dies I ordered to be sent to her mum so I'll be playing with them today.

    The asthma specialist has given me an extra inhaler to use. The original one I still have to use morning and night but this new one is to be used as well in the morning and I have to o back in 6 months.

    Just off upstairs to finish a couple of birthday cards to post today. I'm in Javea next week visiting my friend so might not get the chance to get to a post office.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. So was it better news than expected?
      Your ScanNCut bits should have arrived at your friends house today

    2. Hi Karen, my asthma has gone quick a bit worse but I'm sure the new inhaler will help.
      Thanks for sending the die cuts. I'll check with my friend later.x

  5. My OH is the same as you SANDRA in that it is all filed in a poly pocket Even the AA routefinder instructions although we have a Tom Tom AND now that I can charge phone in car we use Maps!
    I am looking forward to being off next week but it may mean I don’t card craft as much because I don’t like to disappear into craft room whilst he’s around
    Looking forward to the Salsa I won’t be doing Sensual Bachata or Kizomba though At 61 I feel too old and inflexible to do up close and personal dances!

  6. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies.
    SUE a stunning card you've made for Sandra's birthday. Love the corner circle in the lovely green colour & the flower's look lovely too such a clean & fresh card.
    KAREN enjoy your week off work next week. Also enjoy your Salsa tonight.
    JANET we also have our flu injections tomorrow at 9am.So that's Terry's birthday present sorted haha🤡.
    OH has gone to his naughty boy driving thingy he left at 10am so hopefully he will be there by now it starts at 1pm.That's funny he's just called me he has just arrived
    So 3hour run. He said it finishes at 5pmso he won't be home till 8ish.
    Just got to put some washing on line we have some sun but very windy so hopefully they will dry.
    Craft room is calling me as well got to finish cc & hubby's card for tomorrow
    HUG'S all round
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a surprise to see my card today.
    Thank you for all of your kind comments.
    Sandra you are so right about me and stamping. Like you I would never have tried to stamp a whole card and definatley would have had to stamp the sentiment on to a separate piece of card, or 5 or 6!!! Its all thanks to you my lovely. Just think if you hadn't found that Faux Misti we would still be missing out on the huge stamping side of our crafting. Thank you my lovely xx
    I'm at Mums and just about to have lunch so will just say that I hope you are all safe and sound indoors out of this awful wind.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Pat and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Love the card our Sue made for you. Lovely colour.
    Hope it's ok to take the idea and use for a card I making ?
    OH also keeping all tickets and information's in plastic folders and we writing lists on things we need to take. I like traveling by car and looking in maps to find the route we are taking. Fancy France or Spain as a touring trip, not sure OH will :>)
    Karen- have a great time in Bournemoth. Where do you stay ?
    Val- have a fun day crafting and have a lovely trip next week visiting your friend.
    Michele- have a nice weekend. Where are you off to on holiday ? I too have some cards need doing before going, Sept/Oct is very busy months for Birthday cards so i best get a wiggle on.
    Brenda- hope you feeling alright and last weekend didn't take out on you too much.
    Lilian and anyone else with a cold and sore throat, wish you better.
    Had a outing to Ikea this morning but other then that I think it will be a weekend indoors if these winds and rain continues. Take care if going out.
    Love and many hugs to you all. xxx

  9. Hello All, very windy, but mostly dry.

    We haven’t jot our flu jabs until the 2nd October, she wanted us to wait until 20th November, said they did not have so many slot for the over 70s, thought that a bit odd and said so, luckily had a slot in the next village.

    Sue lovely card, love stamping, always been my favourite for card making, must admit I bought the original Misty when it came out , wouldn’t be without it.

    Been trying to make a mini album, using up some of my papers, harder than it looks on Pinterest.

    Next going to do my card for tomorrow, have found my Christmas dies so just a case of deciding what to do, I say just it takes far longer deciding what to do than the doing.

    Cold seems to be a bit worse today, yesterday I thought it was on the wain , but no such luck.

    I’m away to my craft room to see it I can find my table, hugs to all ,Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra firstly I loved your card yesterday, sorry as I was finishing comment Alan asked me something, when I returned
    it had disappeared & as it was in the evening & I had had a busy day I couldn't face writing it all again. Your card from Sue is brilliant, unusual colours as well, well done Sue. Hope the girls enjoyed their trip. Hope Paul gets a chance to try rotavator out, we have had a lot of rain & wind the last couple of
    Karen enjoy your weekend in Bournemouth, that is where I spent all my childhood holidays as my Dad came from there & Mum had a sister living there, many happy
    Congratulations to Cheryl on becoming a great great Aunty & Jamie on his new
    Pat good to see you in café yesterday hugs to you
    Sending hugs to all who need them, keep safe in this weather, love

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sue love the card you made for Sandra, you certainly have mastered the art of stamping, I am in awe of your talent. đź‘Ź I really am. xx

    Sandra I always keep my papers in ‘Plastic wallets ‘ in fact when we popped in today to say all the best to Ternary, her mum said pointing to a plastic file (wallet) is this your doing? no it wasn’t, all I said to her was keep all of your important documents i.e Uni. docs. In a file together in. And she went out and bought a wallet file.
    Sorry it’s time for bed. Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
