
Sunday 19 August 2018

Your Challenge cards


'Somewhere Ove the Rainbow'

We're all going on a Summer Holiday

Good Sunday morning ladies 

Well excitement alround today, it's Sunday which means that we get to see an amazing collection of cards, made for a very exciting and unusual Challenge that Karen came up with last weekend. 
It's also today that we leave to start the journey to Spain, the most exciting part for me is having Paul all to myself for 4 whole days!!
Anyway let's get on with the show...

My card 

My Challenge card and Paul's birthday card, made using Stampin'Up! Dandelion Wishes stamp set.
My song title: Dandelion, Rolling Stones 


Michele has used Sue Wilson's 'Thanks a Latte' Shadow Box collection to create this amazing challenge card.
Michele's song title: Cold Coffee Ed Sheeran


Bat Out Of Hell

White Wedding

Shake It Off

Karen absolutely loved this challenge, her cards just kept arriving in my inbox!
So apart from the two original challenge inspiration cards:  Somewhere Over The Rainbow  and  We're all going on a Summer Holiday, Karen has also made an amazing pop-up box with Song Title: Bat out Of Hell,
A Wedding card, with Song Title: White Wedding, Billy Idle .
An amazing Shaker Card, Song Title: Shake it Off by Taylor swift.
I will add Karen's description below:

"Here’s a couple of more cc It’s easier than you think isn’t putting a song of film as a theme to a card So,White Wedding - Billy Idol etc 
AND (fanfare please) when Sue said about Bat Out of Hell and Halloween cards I knew I’d seen a Blogger Do one BUT this is one of the new free projects on ScanNCut and I thoroughly enjoyed making it I watched the video and printed off the instructions It was easy to do once I’d got my head around deleting and cutting What was so brilliant is that backing for the house/pumpkin are a millimetre smaller So no risk of it showing from the sides"

Karen's next card, well can you guess the film???  Rocky
here is Karen's description:
'I printed out pieces of the Queensbury rules for the background and layered up the boxing gloves
Film - Rocky'

Karen's last four cards/gift wallets have all been made with the lovely Sue Wilson's caught in crystal technique.  The look amazing Karen, it makes such a detailed background, so you only need a simple, beautiful die cut and you have an stunning card.....
Karen's description:
"Here’s four Christmas card/gift cards
3 with CE Poinsettia Edger and one with SW snowflake background
All made with “caught in crystal” backgrounds
So take your pick
“We Wish You a Merry Christmas” “ I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day” To name but two"

Karen, what can I say?!, an absolutely amazing challenge, that everyone seems to have enjoyed immensely, thank you so much for the time and effort that you put in to make inspirational cards.


Janet has made three absolutely amazing challenge cards for Karen's Song Title Challenge.
Janet's cards represent the following songs:

1. the card is 'Cocktails for Two' by Spike Jones and the City Slickers.
2. the card is 'Roses are Red my Love' by Bobby Vinton/Jim Reeves
3. the card is 'Tea for Two' by Doris Day

Thank you so much Janet for putting so much work into making 3 stunning Challenge cards.


Lilian's card is just so lovely, what a darling little caravan! Lilian's card is one of Christine Emberson (Hope and Chances) Charity Kits, I think it so pretty but Christine's cards are always very delicate and very pretty.
Lilian's Song Title:  We're All going on a Summer Holiday.
Thank you for making such a lovely challenge card Lilian.

Margaret has used of the Brand New Stamp sets from Stampin Up! It's called 'Cambridge Carols'
it is such a stunning stamp, depicting a couple ice skating on a frozen river.
You have coloured the stamp beautifully Margaret.
Margaret's Song Title:  Carol's From Cambridge.
Thank you so much for Margaret for creating such a lovely challenge card.


Lorraine has made an absolutely adorable Challenge card, using the Stampin'Up! 'Bella &Friends' stamp set.  Lorraine has stamped a selection of the puppies and coloured around them beautifully.
Lorraine's Song Title:  'And they call it Puppy Love' The Osmonds
Thank you so much Lorraine for taking part in this weeks challenge, I love your card.


Two amazing cards from Maria for Karen's song title challenge, the first is a lovely Stampin Up 'Beautiful You' Lady, in the centre of that beautiful Sue Wilson Frame, 
Maria's second card has a 'grungy' touch, I love that distressed brick wall effect Maria, those pretty Butterflies look almost like a 'Banksy' painting!  I love the little Origami frame.
Maria's Song Titles:  Lady In Red by Chris De Burgh
                                    Love is like a Butterfly  (theme from Butterflies Tv Show)

Maria you have made two amazing cards, thank you for saying how much you enjoyed Karen's challenge and for taking part.  XXX


Lynda has made three amazing cards for Karen's challenge, I just can't keep my eyes off of those stunning stamped and coloured flowers.
Lynda's first card features an image of a beautiful Robin, such a lovely topper.
The song title for this card is:  'When The Red Red Robbin goes Bob Bob Bobbin a long' 

Lynda's second card is a pretty Christmas card made using the 'Star Of Light' stamp set from Stampin'Up!, I love how you have composed the card Lynda.
The song title for this card is :  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Lynda's third card is absolutely stunning,  I believe that this stamp was a magazine freebie, I think its a beautiful stamp and you have coloured  them perfectly, the colours are so vibrant.
The song title for Lynda's last card is : Ring a Ring Of Roses.

Thank you so much Lynda for 3 beautiful challenge cards, Karen will be so thrilled to see how much people have enjoyed this challenge. 

I will confess that I thought that some of you would struggle with this challenge as it is so different to our usual challenges, but I see I may have to up my game and really 'CHALLENGE' you!!
It has been so lovely to see such an overwhelming response to Karen's challenge, I know Karen will be over the moon!
Michele has the next couple of challenges already set out for you, they are brilliant challenges too, you will love them.

We leave this afternoon for Canterbury, then on to Paris on Monday, Millau Tuesday and all being well Spain on Wednesday.  I will schedule the next few posts but we should have wifi in all hotels so I will be popping in to make sure you are all ok.

Please keep all your cards and projects coming as I will be needing projects to schedule, I may resort to re-sharing some older cards if necessary.

Have a lovely Sunday ladies, 

Sending huge hugs and love to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    What an absolutely amazing selection of challenge cards today. Thank You Karen for setting this challenge-I have to admit I struggled but I think I’m the exception,looking at all the wonderful cards on display today.

    Sandra-hopeyou have a lovely, uneventful journey over the next few days. We promise to keep the Cafe clean & tidy in your absence.

    Had a productive day yesterday-quick visit to a few shops first thing, Home & a session in my craft room then once hubby was home from golf, we went out & cut some very overgrown trees + shrubs back to fill the Garden waste bins.
    Housework this morning then hopefully more crafting time this afternoon.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Wow what a bumper bundle of creativity this morning so much so that the extra boards had to come out

    Once again given the same theme we only have one song
    I have to say that I really loved the Challenge KAREN but I see I have really shown my age choosing the songs lol.

    SANDRA and family - have a lovely holiday and come back refreshed. I hope the journey is a smooth one and you don't have any holdups.

    i think it's going to be a quiet day here but the CAFE doors are open and inviting you all in. Road Pork is on the lunch menu so place your orders please.

    HUGS on their way to you all.xxxx

  3. Me again- Congrats to Maria. You’re a winner on Sue Wilson’s blog, comments from Wednesday. Well Done.


  4. Wow! Thank you ladies for joining in I am gobsmacked, thrilled, excited, happy that you enjoyed this different challenge (well I hope you enjoyed it) Your cards are amazing and I'm getting a little emotional at the love and pride I feel at belonging to this blog
    Thank you again for taking part Off to get ready for Stamerama and meeting up with MARIA
    Enjoy your holiday SANDRA AND rellax
    Do we still send our cards to you or to MICHELE over the next couple of weeks?

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love love love all the cards on show today. Such a fantastic display. Not to sure if I mentioned it but Doreen broke her Femer on Friday, so spent most of Friday in A & E. She was picking Lavender out her front, came over dizzy and fell onto the concrete step. She had her op yesterday. Was pretty woozy yesterday, so as I’d left Pete at home I came back earlier than I intended. Will ring the hospital re Pete in the morning, and I’ve left him in bed. I’ll be cooking lunch today and might even make a lemon meringue pie to see if that tempts Pete to eat something.
    It wasn’t my snowmen I couldn’t find Sandra, it’s my plate with the robins on.

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    WOW WOW WOW KAREN thank you for a challenging challenge this week all the cards are amazing. Wondering What MICHELE comes up with for us tomorrow.
    I played in my craft room yesterday doing some caught in crystal backgrounds I have the same Dies you have used Karen so hope you don't mind me using them as you have done.
    I did my ironing at 6.30 this morning. I needed the loo so thought as I was awake I would get it out the way. Now just a little house work then spend a bit of time crafting CU is doing the garden.
    Later we are going to Canterbury & meeting up with Sandra & Paul at the Travel Lodge for a couple of hours or looking forward to that.
    KAREN & MARIA have a lovely day together at stamperama.
    PAT sorry to read Doreen has broken her femer Ouch hope she is ok will they keep her in hospital for a few day's . Hope Pete enjoys your dinner & lemon meringue pie mmm yummy.
    Have a good Sunday & Hug's for you all
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I read Sandra’s comment as we’re going to Cambridge first. I though why on Earth is she going to Cambridge. Must look back as you’ve said your meeting them in Canterbury.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are all ready for your holiday & have a lovely 4 days together, have a good meet up with Lynda & Terry, safe
    Karen thank you so much for suggesting the challenge, every one has done realky well & cards are lovely. Enjoy uour meet up with
    Janet please could I order roast pork & all the
    Pat sorry to hear Pete still not good & about Doreen's accident, take
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. I had a lovely time with MARIA Spent far too much money and could have quite easily spent more!
    The show is a lot smaller than Ally Pally and on my doorstep So it would have been rude not to to go
    Some very nice stalls Some familiar and some I hadn’t seen before
    Yes LYNDA please make what you like

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow, what a fantastic sight on the Café display boards today
    So many wonderful cards. I didn't get mine sent in time sorry.
    Lorraine, I'm so sorry that I didn't metion your beautiful book yesterday, I love all if the papers you have used. Will you be using it yourself or will it be a gift? Whatever it is lovely, as is your great challenge card. Love the cute stamps X
    Mum, I'm sorry I didn't mention your lovely cross stitch card for Terri yesterday either. I know she will treasure this card as she told me last year that although she can't see enough to stitch herself now she gets great pleasure from looking at other people's work. She really is a wonderful lady x
    Love you xxxxxx
    Sandra, I hope you and Paul are safely on your way now, enjoy a lovely start to your holiday spending time with Lynda and CU. Wishing you both a safe and trouble free journey and a lovely relaxing time once you get to Spain my lovely. You know we will all be more than happy to see whatever you put on the blog while you are away, whether that means just a few lines or previously shown cards. They often cause a flashback of inspiration, or in my case it's like seeing them for the first time anyway 😙 love you loads xxxx
    Pat, I hope Doreen's op went well and Pete has managed to enjoy some lunch X
    Karen and Maria, I hope you had a good time at the show. Please share your new goodies with us xx
    We have the 3 oldest grands here until tomorrow evening, lots of experiments and a replica Rubik cube had been made so far,they are playing with water in the garden at the moment so Chris and I are grabbing a few minutes rest 😍 Wouldn't want it any other way bless them . Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi Everyone.
    OH WoW, just look at the board today. I love it and Thank you Karen for coming up with this Challenge, it was great fun !
    Sandra- hope the first step of your journey has been good and that you and Paul enjoying yourselves........
    pat- so sorry to hear that Doreen had a accident, bless her. Hope she be fine after the op and I also wish that Pete soon feel better. hugs
    Val- you are missed, hope the computer soon is fixed.
    Sue- hope you surviving having three grandchildren staying over, I probably would be exhausted if I only had one hihihi
    Had a good day at Stamperama and a lovely sit down with Karen for a catch up and met a few other ladies. Didn't buy that much but will show you later. Hope to make some cards tomorrow and looking forward to what Michele have for us.
    We are watching Spectre when being on the lappis at the same time and soon will give Sue W my address,thanks Michele for telling me. Have not been on her blog yet. wonder what it will be ?
    Have a good night everyone, big hug xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely selection of challenge cards. Sorry I didn’t complete mine in time, maybe I will finish it off this week. I’m curious to see what Michele has lined up for this week.
    Sandra I hope your journey to Canterbury was smooth and comfortable. What a lovely way to break your journey - spending the evening with Lynda and Terry. Sending hugs to you all. I hope the next stage will be equally enjoyable and relaxing.

    Take care, sleep well, Love Brenda xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRAhope you had a good sleep last night in the Travel lodge. It was so lovely meeting up with you & Paul yesterday evening at Canterbury wish it could have been longer.Safe & trouble free journey too Spain enjoy every minute my lovely xx
    This morning we have our 🐾🐾lodger Hendrix for three days. Then we are meeting up with my cousin in Broadstairs at 12mmiday she is getting the train down from London so looking forward to that as haven't seen her for a few years.
    I have been really struggling with my feet lately so will try & make appointment with the doctor this week.not that they will probably do anything. The first doctor I saw about 2 or 3 months ago for my back pain he thinks it's diabetic neuropathy so not sure if anything can be done. Oh well such is life.
    Thank you MICHELE for a interesting challenge this week your sample are lovely.
    Well better get a move on Have a good day & Hug's for you all.
    Love Lynda xx
