
Monday 20 August 2018

Michele's Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Michele has set your Challenge for this week, it's a nice simple sketch, the usual rules apply, just use the sketch as a guide for your card layout, it doesn't have to be exact.
Michele has made two sample cards to give you a little inspiration, she has carried on our little extra challenge of doing one everyday card and one festive card.
I believe that Michele's birthday card is made completely from Free magazine papers, as usual Michele makes them look fab, I never use them, probably because I just can't imagine making them into a card that would look fantastic, but Michele manages every time.

Michele's second card is a Christmas card and I believe that she has used the die that goes with the Apple Blossom Embossing folders from Craft Stash, the (freebie magazine one) to create that pretty border. Snowflakes on a die cut circle for the embellishment.

Two lovely inspiration cards Michele thank you so much for setting the challenge for me today my lovely. xxx

We should be boarding the Channel Tunnel at lunchtime today for the first part of our Journey, we hope to get through Paris before the rush hour hits (fingers crossed),  we were so grateful that our Toll Tag arrived at the last minute on Saturday afternoon, it makes going through all of the tolls so much easier and faster too as you don't have to queue up to pay the fee to get through, they can be absolute chaos when it is busy as it goes from Motorway 2/3 lanes into 10+ lanes for the toll booths and cars are cutting in front of each other all over the place to get to the front of the queue, you need eyes up your backside.
It's similar nightmare when you are sat in traffic queues in Paris, you are sat in three or four lanes, completely at a stand still or moving very slowly and you may put your window down and have a look around then all of a sudden out of nowhere a motorcyclist will whizz past your car window at silly speeds.  I'm sure our Janet will have witnessed it too,

I will hopefully get chance to catch up later and give you an update but if not I will chat to you all again tomorrow.

Have a lovely Monday ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. A lovely challenge MICHELE I love layout challenges because that is something I am really bad at thinking of and trying
    It was lovely having a catch up with MARIA yesterday It is a lovely show
    Safe trip SANDRA
    I hope you manage to get an appointment sorted for PETE and I hope DOREEN is comfortable after her fall
    Off to work in a mo and then I’m hoping to make some scrabble cards a la VAL I need 3!
    I’ll pop in later Take care xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thanks for the update on your journey. The toll tag sounds like a great gizmo, it arrived just in time.

    Hopefully the sketch & my 2 ideas will get everyone thinking. The circles could be Flowers, snowflakes or just embossed circles of card.

    Had a lovely day yesterday-very productive time in my craft room in the afternoon. It’s jyst a pit I have to go back to work today!


    1. Lovely sketches for the challenge card Michele x

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a rather dull start to the day here but at least it's dry and the wind we had yesterday has dropped.

    MICHELE- thank you for the CC. It looks a good one so thinking cap on.

    The 'Toll Tag' is the best piece of equipment to have when travelling motorways across the channel. We have had one for the last 20yrs and wouldn't be without it. It's attached to the top middle of the windscreen so that the camera can read it. There are special lanes at the tolls which have a red 'T' above them reserved for the tag. I hope Sandra and Paul remember this as the other lanes don't accept the tag. The charge is then taken straight out of our French bank account. Yes we have experienced motorbike users in heavy traffic. They really are very dangerous but seem not to have any worries. I suppose they think 'nothing will happen to me'.

    It's Mr Tesco this morning and then whatever happens after that though it's cooking for lunch time as Jim is on duty this week. I know it will be a quiet afternoon.

    The CAFE is open as usual so pop in and help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    PAT- I'm thinking of both of you and hoping that PETE gets something sorted asap.xxxx

  4. OMG for some reason my comment published on the end of yesterday's post
    I haven't got time at the moment to re write it so pop in later
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Good morning ladies,

    Well I finally have some 'me' time.
    Saturday's flower show was a great success with plenty of exhibits and entries and it's all due to the wonderful committee we have and their brilliant organizational minds.
    Plenty of colourful stalls with so many talented ladies and gentlemen showcasing their wares. I was very enamoured of a bug hotel but forgot to go back to purchase it as we were very busy. I had a lovely comment from one young mum who purchased two lucky dip bags for her boys..."they were well worth the £2.50 each".
    Cardiomyopathy will be receiving another £50.50 for their funds. Total funds raised so far this year is £267.17.

    I have about a week of your comments and posts to through, see you all later.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      A lovely sum raised for your charity. Isnt it a shame that the pantomime committee aren’t as well organised.

    2. Well done Cheryl, your hard work was well worth it, enjoy your me time. Love

    3. Well done Cheryl. Glad you had a good day xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased you were able to meet up with Lynda & Terry, hope your journey is
    Michele thank you for the good challenge this week, I hope to have a go later.
    Karen & Maria good to see you enjoyed your meet up, look forward to seeing your
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi everyone.
    Very good Challenge cards Michele, thank you. I have some cards for men to do asap so hope to make some tomorrow as today have been a day in the garden and I am absolutely drained after cutting down bushes, done three washings and so pleased I could hang it out before the rain and tidied around the kitchen to try to fit in the bits I bought yesterday, it wasn't much but still need it's space somewhere. Oops dinner ready ,I'll be back soon as xx

  8. Hi , just me again.
    How lucky were you Sandra to get the toll tag, better late then never or what. Hope Paris is not too bad to drive for Paul, crazy traffic system in that town all right.
    Pat- hope Doreen is doing alright.Sending extra hugs to you.
    Lynda- I saw you comment before I freshened the tab and smiled for myself and though, only you hihihi. Glad you had a meet up with Sandra but it's true, the time goes so quickly when we do meet up. I wish it was something they could do for your feet, not nice for you. Extra hugs for you and one for CU, best not leave him out.
    Lilian- hope you ok and your back not give you too much problems today and how are you hands after you stopped making the hoods ? Take care
    Karen- my new friend "Cheeta" is sitting watching us from it's very special place on top of the fireplace,thank you so much !
    I hope you all have had a nice day as possible, see you tomorrow. Many hugs to you all xxx

  9. Hi everyone I think I'm on the right page well I hope I am haha Really not sure what happened to my comment this morning seemed to jump onto the end of yesterday's. Well Hendrix 4🐾 Came this morning & settled him in for a hour then went down to Broadstairs to meet my cousin she got a train down from London for the day it was lovely seeing her as it's been about four years since. The weather was lovely & warm had a walk round the town then we went onto Ramsgate & had fish n chips in our favourite shop it's delouse. Then went back to Broadstairs & had ice cream & just sat people watching & a good catch up. Sadly it was time for her to get her train at 5 o'clock & her 3hour journey home.
    SANDRA hope your journey through Paris was trouble free & your settled in your next over night stop to charge your batteries have a good evening Xx
    MICHELE. Good challenge for us this week thank you. Will be having a play tomorrow as I'm home alone.
    CHERYL good amount raised for your charity well done.
    MARIA Glad I made you smile. Pleased you had a good day with Karen at craft show take pic's of your buys.
    I'm off to mak a cupper so have a good evening Hug's all round.
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Late again, I have been working on the computer all afternoon, when I thought I had finished the printer started to play up. Eventually I sorted it out, it was so frustrating because it takes so long. Anyway I mustn’t harp on it - it’s sorted now.

    So pleased you have arrived at your first French hotel, I’m sure you both will be ready for some relaxation after your adventures on the French roads. Sleep well xx
    Must go back to yesterday and see what Lynda had to say. I sure you all had a great time chatting. xx

    MICHELE very interesting challenge, it could work for any occasion. My thinking cap is working away.

    Good night everyone, sleep well. Brenda xxx

    1. Oops sorry when I logged on to leave a message part of you blog for tomorrow was there. That’s why I commented about your arrival at the first French hotel. Honest ladies I’m not psychic !!!
      Really am off to bed now. Sweet dreams xxx
