
Saturday 18 August 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

 Goody Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying a nice relaxed weekend, mine has been a little manic but that is only to be expected the day before we leave for holiday.
We are also off to Warner Bros Studios (Harry Potter world) today, this was a birthday treat for both the girls, Becca and Matt, our time slot isn't until 6:30pm but that gives us time to get some packing and organising done. I think that everyone is quite excited and looking forward to going, we have all been Harry Potter fans for years.

I have some lovely things to share with you today so here we go...…

First up today was Lilian, with that absolutely amazing Fairy Bag that she made for her Granddaughter.  The Fairies are removable, which makes the bag even more special.  I don't think I have ever seen anything that has been as beautifully made as this Lilian, the fairies wings look so realistic. I can't believe how much detail you have added, each fairy has its own differently decorated pocket. It must have taken you hours and hours.  I tell you these would sell like 'hotcakes', at craft fairs and those little Boutique gift shops.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us. XXX


Lorraine made this gorgeous Mini Album for a Challenge on Facebook, Lorraine has used some lovely decorative papers for this album and the little journalling tags are from Memories & More kits, this album would be perfect for Christmas photos or I thought it would be really useful for Christmas shopping, you could make your lists on the cards and keep all receipts in the little pockets, having everything organised.
Thank you so much for sharing your mini album Lorraine xxx


Margaret has made this absolutely beautiful Cross Stitched Card for her friend that is partially sighted. I am sure that both the raised texture of a Cross Stitched card and the vibrant colours that you have used will make the card very visible to her.  I am sure that she will appreciate the time and effort that you put into making her card so special.
Thank you so much for sharing the card with us. xxx


Karen has shared a spritz bottle tip with us, I think that many of us have bought cheap ones that can be a little unpredictable, here is Karen's tip...…

"It’s not very exciting and might seem a little bit of an extravagance at £5 but I have bought many cheap misters in the past that clog up, break, don’t mist just a spurt ( not sure how to describe what I mean - me and language just lately!)
This is supposed to do a fine mist and droplets I like the idea of the trigger spray too Others in the past have been so difficult to press down
I’m enjoying using Distress Oxides and doing caught in crystal (the Christmas cards I sent) So I’m hoping that by investing in this it’ll be cheaper in the long run" xx

Thank you so much Karen for sharing you findings with all of us xxx


Pat has shared all of the Groovi plates that she has been purchasing over the past couple of months,
You have some lovely Christmas ones Pat, I'm glad you found your Snowman plate.
I absolutely love that last plate, that delicate lace pattern is stunning.
I can't wait to see these all made up into cards Pat.
Thank you so much for sharing them with us. xxx

That is all I am going to share for this week, I have a lovely project from Cheryl to share with you next week, it is being judged in the village show this weekend, good luck Cheryl, although having seen it I don't think that you need luck.

Val is doing her best to look in every day but her lap top has broken so she is unable to comment, she will be back with us all as soon as she can.  Hurry up Val we will be missing you. XXX

I must go and do some more packing, It's never ending, even though we aren't camping we seem to be taking loads of stuff!

The girls asked me to thank you for your lovely congratulations messages yesterday, it will make such a difference being able to go on holiday being able to relax and not worry about exam results.

I hope that you all have a lovely Saturday ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning ladies

    What a great selection of projects & purchases.
    Lilian-your Fairy bag is absolutely amazing, it’s just beautiful.

    Not much to do this morning-few bits of shopping including a visit to Dobbies to purchase a flowering plant for us to take when we see F in L as his birthday present. After that I’ll be in my craft room, playing again.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely selection of goodies on view today but I have to say that LILIAN's Fairy Bag takes first prize.
    It's absolutely beautiful and I'm sure every little girl would cherish such a gift.

    Off on my usual Saturday morning shopping trip and then put my Tesco order in when I return. After that I'm hoping for a relaxed afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN and there's scones and cakes in the fridge for later this afternoon. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day everyone.xxxx

  3. OMG! Your fairy bag is absolutely amazing LILIAN As SANDRA has sai it must have taken forever to do
    Your mini album is special LORRAINE It is gorgeous
    What a lovely idea to make a cross stitch card for someone who is partially sighted MARGARET She’ll adore stroking it and feeling the texture
    My Spritzer? I love it mainly because of the trigger action My fingers struggle to depress the button ones and I have bought many different kinds of them in the past including the slim CE ones
    Distress Oxides and caught in crystal here I come!
    Enjoy Harry Potter SANDRA-so near yet so far from me
    We’re all off to Newmarket races this afternoon So I hope the weather stays dry
    Take care all See you tomorrow MARIA

    1. Meant to say too what a gorgeous stash of Groovi plates you have PAT They’ll keep you busy Are you able to groove whilst waiting at the appointments for PETE

    2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
      Once again I have missed leaving a comment yesterday so want to say a big thank you for all if your kind words about my dandelion card. It was very easy to make and I actually quite liked it which makes a change, like most of us I am so critical of my own work.
      Janet, i think the quality of "freebie" stamps has improved an awful lot over the last few years. They used to be so soft and squiggy that you could never got a good clean image could you. Now they are usually really good, especially when used with our stamping frames. Thank you again ladies.
      Sandra please give Sophie and Lucy a big hug and my congratulations. All if their hard work has been rewarded and now you can all relax and enjoy your holiday. You will all love the HP experience from what I have heard about it. I will be thinking of you trying to get all of the packing etc sorted my lovely xx
      WOW, Lilian, what fantastic fairy bag. I'm sure your granddaughter will treasure it and it will be carefully stored away in years to come ready to be given to the next generation as it is so beautiful. I agree with Sandra about selling these bags, if you wanted to.make more X
      Karen, sometimes we have to go for more expensive versions of tools etc. don't we as it works out cheaper and far easier to use. Please share your "caught in Chrystal" cards, a technique that must try. I hope you can juggle babysitting with Ally Pally. Typical that these things all happen on the same weekend isn't it! Good luck at the races X
      Pat, you have some great Groovi plates, looking forward to seeing some more of your lovely parchment cards. I hope Pete is starting to feel a bit better after his transfusion X
      I have just remembered that I haven't sent you my challenge card photo so will do that now, before I forget again!
      Wishing you all a good weekend and hope you don't get wet. It is quite windy and grey here with light showers on and off 😖 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Sandra thank you for sharing all these wonderful craft makes today. Now you need to switch off and start thinking holiday mode not crafting mode! I really hope that you take this opportunity to take a break and relax without thinking of what needs to be done next. Speak to after your hols xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I hope you all enjoy Harry Potter World & you have managed to do the last minute packing. Thank you for showing my cross stitch card, Terri is a superb needle craft lady, she has done lots of brilliant work but unfortunately cannot see enough to do it
    Lilian your bag for your Grand-daughter is beautiful, all the detail you have included, it must have taken you for ever, you are so
    Lorraine your Mini Notebook is great, well
    Karen yes you do need to pay more sometimes, looking forward to seeing what you produce, never heard of "Caught in crystal"?xxx
    Pat you have a lovely lot of plates to work from, look forward to seeing results. Hope Pete is starting to feel
    Maria & Karen enjoy your meet up tomorrow.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Wow Lillian your fairy bag is amazing I just love it so will your granddaughter.
    PAT you have some lovely groovi plates you will make some gorgeous cards with them. I really like the last one. Hope Pete is feeling better after his transfusion.
    LORRAINE i love your mini album it's beautiful. Great idea.
    KAREN I will look for one of those spritzer bottles at AP as I have same trouble Pressing down with my fingers.
    MARGARET your cross stitch is beautiful your friend will love it.
    just got back from a walk in the park 4🐾Bailey loves it as soon as his lead comes he runs off like a rocket we sat & had a cupper in the café & 4🐾Rea just stays by us bless her.
    SANDRA hope you all enjoy HP experience have a good time. Looking forward to seeing you & Paul tomorrow. Xx
    Hug's for everyone xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. It cost about £5.25 on Amazon There are cheaper prices on Amazon but longer delivery times

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely mixed up Saturday ladies.
    I wasn’t able to get in yesterday as I spent most of the day at the John Radcliffe A & E with Doreen. She went out to the front of her next door neighbours to pick some Lavender. Fell and broke her thigh bone. She was in a state. She was operated on today. I went up this afternoon as she went down for her op at 9.30. However at 2.10 she wasn’t back. I left Pete at home as he’s still not well. He won’t be seeing the consultant this Tuesday. But hopefully he’ll be on the list for the week after. I’ll be ringing the hospital on Monday to speak to the Cancer Specialist Nurse.

    1. Poor Doreen I hope she’s OK
      I hope you get an appointment and soon as PETE is so unwell still

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra hope you all had a great day at Harry Potter World.
    Give our Lynda and Terry some big hugs for real from me when you see them tomorrow. Have a good journey down to the camping place in Spain.
    WOW LIlian, when you said you were making fairies I never imaging they would look like these, it must have taken you a long time to put together. I Love them and the bag ! Your granddaughter will love it too and have so much fun for a long time.
    Lorraine- a wonderful Notebook ,well done x
    Pat- so many Groovi plates, that will keep you busy for years to come. Hope Pete feeling a bit better, hugs
    Margaret- such a sweet cross stitch. I made one for my BIL mum who is blind, just something simple so she can feel what it is.
    Karen -see you tomorrow. Will have to remember to put my phone on Lol
    Had a lazy morning, OH gone to Wembley and Son is working on doing some Websites for some people. Did some tiding up in the garden this afternoon.
    Have a nice evening everyone and many hugs to all xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry to be so late again, we have been out today and didn’t get home until late afternoon. Sorry Sandra I didn’t get to finish my challenge card which is a shame. But life once again got in the way.

    LILLIAN The bag for your granddaughter is gorgeous, I couldn’t begin to Imagine the cost of this if you bought it in a boutique - I know it would be very expensive. She is really going to love this beautiful gift.
    KAREN I like your spray. All the ones I’ve tried have been disappointing, so be interesting to see how you get on with this.
    MARGARET What a lovely card. I’m sure your friend really loves it.
    PAT What a collection you certainly have plenty to keep you busy. Hope Doreen is feeling comfortable.
    LORRAINE Your album is lovely it must have taken you ages, this is going to be a real keepsake for the luck recipient.
    SANDRA I hope everyone has enjoyed the Harry Potter experience.

    Take care Everyone, love and hugs Brenda XXX
