
Friday 17 August 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Morning Ladies 

Wow ladies, I cannot believe it is Friday already, it's been one of those weeks where you get the day wrong every day, I have been a day behind since Tuesday, I feel like I haven't stopped but It doesn't look like I achieved very much, never mind though, I'm sure it will all fall in to place by Sunday morning! (fingers crossed)

Today's floral card has be designed and made by our Sue, it's so lovely to see back into her comfort zone with cardmaking, your last few cards have been amazing, this one is no exception, it's gorgeous.
Sue has (believe it or not) used a magazine freebie to create this lovely card, I can picture this framed on a wall.   
I will add Sue's description below...………

"This card  uses embossing folder and stamps freebies  from September issue 181 Papercraft inspirations. I just inked the e f with Memento Potters clay ink then embossed Kraft card. Added the Thank you sentiment from the same freebie set and added ribbon from my stash. I must admit I am happy with the way it turned out. I will send you a pick of the freebies, I think Michele might have already reviewed it but it has pretty stamps that  stamp well"

Thank so much Sue for such a stunning card and detailed description. xxx

More packing for me today, I spent more time making cakes for Paul's birthday than I did crafting so I also made a huge white/milk chocolate cake for the girls to either Congratulate or cheer them up, at the time I had no idea, then the news came in that had got the necessary grades for all of the courses that they were interested in, so a huge sigh of relief here.  
We are both so very proud of all of our children but it's the girls turn to shine, they did amazingly well xxx

Well I must go, got a whole list to get through today, so wish me luck please!

Have a lovely day ladies.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-what a beautiful card, so pretty. I did review this magazine but I have used the free gift buy. I think you might have motivated me now!

    Sandra-glad to hear the girls both got the required grades for their University places. The cake sounds felt, hope you had a lovely meal last night for Paul’s Birthday.

    Brenda-I see you’re a winner on Sue Wilson’s latest giveaway. Well Done.

    Enjoyed my day at the Flower Show yesterday & amazingly it stayed fine!!
    I’ve got the dentist this morning (9am) for 2 fillings then I’m hoping to meet a friend at 11am for a coffee & a chat. Fingers crossed the anaesthetic will have worn off. I hope to continue crafting this afternoon as I’m enjoying playing at the moment.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SUE- what a lovely card and that colour suits it so well.
    I can never seem to get a good result from 'freebies' off mags. I really don't know why.

    I really cannot believe that it's that 'swear' word day again. This week has just been a wink. At least the sun is shining and it's dry this morning so the towels etc can go outside to dry.

    Everything is ready and waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good day.xxxx

  3. Well done to the girls They can go on holiday knowing their uni places are safe It sounds like PAUL had a lovely day
    Your card is lovely SUE I’m enjoying letter pressing at the moment now I’m getting better results with Oxides
    Congratulations to BRENDA for the win on SUE’s blog I haven’t looked yet to see who got what
    I enjoyed my crafting yesterday evening and managed a cc I can’t believe how easy it was to put together!
    I’m looking forward to going to STAMPERAMA on Sunday especially meeting up with MARIA and it looks like I might not be able to make ALLY PALLY this time because it’s my daughter’s birthday on the Saturday and we’v Been asked to babysit having him overnight but I’m working on it If the trains were more reliable it would be easier to fit both in We’ll see
    Have a good day everyone xx

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    We have sun this morning after a very dark & rainy day yesterday still a chilly wind though. It's been a funny week I kept loosing days. I managed three Challenge cards sent to Sandra yesterday. Started shorting my card out into colour piles gosh that took ages didn't realise I had so much card. But I still have it in a draw so still not easy to get at the colour I want as all piled on top of each other. I need to think of different solution. Any ideas please on How you store your card so it's easy to access the colour you want.
    SANDRA congratulations for the girls getting the grades they needed for their Uni places. You & Paul must be very proud parents. Glad Paul had a good birthday.
    BRENDA congratulations on winning a Die on Sue's blog.
    Tesco shopping today then later play in craft room & finish tidying up.
    Hug's for all have a good day.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. SUE sorry ment to say your card is gorgeous love the colour.
      Big Hug's on their way xx

    2. I have a set of drawers (cheap) from The range and keep one colour in each I. used have a folder thingy that had separate compartments and filed each colour in that

    3. I keep mine in some magazine stands I bought from Smith's (2 for £8) My bitty bits are put into some plastic folders in similar colours. Trying to use them up first but don't do a very good job with that hihi big hug x

  5. Hi all.
    Gorgeous card Sue, love the colour.
    Congrats to the girls for getting good results and also to your granddaughter Brenda and for winning on Sue's blog. Big celebrations !
    Made some cards this morning ,yey me Lol have some more things buzzing in my head but for some reason can't put it down for a card, it's very frustrating....
    I got the answer for you Karen, bring Oscar with you ! Many Aunties on the day to look after him :>)
    Have a nice day everyone and take care, many hugs xxx

  6. Hi KAREN thanks for your card idea. MARIA thank you as well for your idea for my card.
    Big Hug's for you both xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please congratulate Lucy & Sophie on their exam results, no wonder you are proud parents, & rightly so. xxx
    Sue lovely card from you today,well done. Thanks for your & Chris's help today & little Chris for entertaining us. Love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sue I love your card it really sings to me, Love it.

    Hope you haven’t exhausted yourself today Sandra with all your packing etc. You take care. Are the girls still on a high after getting there results? It such an exciting time for them. Give them my best wishes xxx

    Thank you everyone for your congratulations on my win on Sue W blog. I was really surprised to see my name as a winner on her blog.

    Take care everyone, sleep well, love Brenda xxx

  9. Sue, that is a beautiful card. The dandelion is certainly becoming a very popular image for cards but it can be used for so many different occasions it is not a wonder. TFS :O) xxx
